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甲状腺机能亢进症 .ppt

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1、甲状腺机能亢进症 Hyperthyroidism,中山大学附属第一医院内分泌科肖 海 鹏,Regulation of Thyroid Hormones,Figure 4-3. Basic elements in the regulation of thyroid function. TRH is a necessary tonic stimulus to TSH synthesis and release. TRH synthesis is regulated directly by thyroid hormones. T4 is the predominant secretory produ

2、ct of the thyroid gland, with peripheral deiodination of T4 to T3 in the liver and kidney supplying roughly 80% of the circulating T3. Both circulating T3 and T4 directly inhibit TSH synthesis and release independently; T4 via its rapid conversion to T3. SRIH = somatostatin.,甲状腺毒症(thyrotoxicosis)的常见

3、原因甲状腺功能亢进症: 弥漫性毒性甲状腺肿(Graves病 diffuse toxic goiter) 桥本甲状腺毒症(Hashitoxicosis) 新生儿甲状腺功能亢进症 多结节性毒性甲状腺肿(Toxic multiple nodular goiter) 甲状腺自主高功能腺瘤(Plummer disease) 滤泡状甲状腺癌 碘致甲状腺功能亢进症(IHH) HCG相关性甲状腺功能亢进症(绒毛膜癌、葡萄胎等) 垂体TSH瘤或增生致甲状腺功能亢进症,非甲状腺功能亢进类型 亚急性肉芽肿性甲状腺炎(亚急性甲状腺炎) 亚急性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎(无痛性甲状腺炎) 慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎(桥本甲状腺炎、

4、萎缩性甲状腺炎) 产后甲状腺炎(PPT) 外源甲状腺激素替代 异位甲状腺激素产生(卵巢甲状腺肿等),Graves 病,病因与发病机制免疫功能异常体液免疫 TRAb: TSAb TSBAb TGITPOAb TgAb NIS眶后成纤维细胞抗体眼外肌自身抗体细胞免疫,病因与发病机制,遗传因素 家族史 HLA 相关感染因素精神因素,Figure 7-15 Possible sequence and clinical outcome in AITD, indicating the interrelation of envirenmental and genetic factors, and depen

5、dence of the clinical picture on the type of immune response.,临床表现,甲状腺毒症 高代谢综合征 疲乏无力 怕热多汗多食善饥 体重下降 精神神经系统 多言好动 紧张焦虑焦躁易怒 失眠不安记忆减退 思想不集中手和眼脸震颤,甲状腺毒症,心血管系统 消化系统 肌肉骨骼系统 甲亢性周期性麻痹甲亢性肌病伴重症肌无力 皮肤 造血系统 生殖系统,Figure 10-7. Plummers nail changes, showing thinning of the nail and marked posterior erosion of the h

6、yponychium.,Thyroid acropachy,甲状腺肿大,弥漫性 对称性 质地不等 触及震颤 闻及血管杂音,眼征,单纯性突眼轻度突眼(18mm)Stellwag 征 瞬目减少 凝视上睑挛缩 眼裂增宽(Darymple征)Von Graefe 征Joffroy征Mobius征 浸润性突眼,Palpebral edema,Widening of palpepral Fissures,Lid retraction,Paralysis of right Rectus muscle,Conjuntival injection and chemosis,Failure to close li

7、d,Paralysis of upward Gaze on the right,Figure 12-3. End stage in severe involvement of extraocular muscles in ophthalmopathy,a. Extraocular muscle from a patient with Graves disease and infiltrative ophthalmopathy. The lymphocytic infiltration and fibrosis are characteristic findings.,b. Edematous

8、orbital fat and cellular infiltrate.,Graves病眼征的分级标准( 美国甲状腺学会ATA )级别 眼部表现 0 无症状和体征无症状,体征有上睑挛缩、Stellwag征、von Graefe征等 2 有症状和体征,软组织受累 3 突眼(18mm)眼外肌受累角膜受累视力丧失(视神经受累),甲状腺危象,诱因: 感染 手术 放射碘治疗 创伤 严重药 物反应 心梗 临床表现高热(39以上)心率 140次/分以上 房颤 或房扑 大汗淋漓 厌食 恶心 呕吐 腹泻烦躁不安、休克、谵妄、昏迷,甲亢性心脏病,有甲亢症状有心脏病变排除其他器质性心脏病甲亢控制后心脏病变消失,Fi

9、gure 10-9. Congestive heart failure induced in an otherwise healthy young woman (a), which receded (b), and returned to normal (c), during and after therapy.,淡漠型甲亢 T3 或T4型甲亢 亚临床型甲亢 妊娠期甲亢 胫前黏液性水肿 甲状腺功能正常型Graves眼病,胫前粘液性水肿,Figure 12-6. A case of severe pretibial myxedema showing the coarsened, nodular,

10、 infiltrated, pigmented lesions on the lower extremities.,Figure 12-7. (a) Massive infiltrative , localized myxedema in a female patient with Graves disease and progressive exophthalmos. The lesions have become confluent over the lower extremities. (b) In the same patient, localized myxedema, involv

11、ing the phalanges, is evident.,实验室及其他检查,甲状腺功能检查TT3、 TT4 Reverse T3FT3、FT4 TSH123I或131 I 摄取率TRH兴奋试验T3或T4抑制试验,影响TBG的因素,TBG增加 TBG降低妊娠 雄激素 雌激素 糖皮质激素 急性肝炎或慢活肝 低蛋白血症 药物 先天因素 先天因素,Figure 3c-1. Pathways of thyroid hormone metabolism.,Figure 6-8. The effect of serum TSH assay sensitivity on the discriminatio

12、n of euthyroid subject (Euth) from those with thyrotoxicosis (Toxic). (From C. Spencer, Clinical Diagnostics, Eastman Kodak Co., 1992).,明确病因的检查,TSI或TRAbTPOAb Thyroid Scan,Figure 13-1. Hot nodule in right lobe of thyroid. Note that uptake of radioactivity in the contralateral lobe issuppressed.,Figur

13、e 18-3. Scintiscans of thyroid. The scan on the left is normal. A typical scan of a “cold“ thyroid nodule failing to accumulate iodide isotope is shown on the right. Incidentally, a pyramidal lobe is also seen on this scan, which might suggest the presence of Hashimotos Thyroiditis.,Figure 6-6. Thyr

14、oid Scans. Normal thyroid imaged with 123I. Cold nodule in the right lobe imaged by 99mTc. Elderly woman with obvious multinodular goiter and the corresponding radioiodide scan on the right.,Figure 17-5. (A) Cross section of multinodular goiter. (B) Gross radioautograph of the thyroid in part a. Obs

15、erve the variation in 131I uptake in different areas.,影像学检查,B超CTMRI,(b) In this transverse view the enlarged muscles are seen (appearing dark against the light fat signal) and the exophthalmos is apparrent.,Figure 10-5. (a) This MRI image from a patient with Graves ophthalmopathy provides a coronal

16、view of the eyes. In this depiction the muscles appear white, and are enormously enlarged, especially in the left eye.,诊 断,高代谢症状和体征甲状腺肿大伴或不伴血管杂音FT4 增高、TSH降低浸润性突眼 胫前粘液性水肿 TRAb (TSI),鉴 别 诊 断,甲亢病因鉴别 131I Uptake and scanB超 单纯性甲状腺肿 嗜铬细胞瘤 神经官能症 更年期综合征 抑郁症 其他:结核、肿瘤、糖尿病、慢性结肠炎、心脏病、眶内肿瘤,甲亢的治疗,一般治疗甲亢的治疗抗甲状腺药物放

17、射碘(RAI)治疗手术治疗,药 物 治 疗 (ATD),种类与机理硫脲类: 甲硫氧嘧啶 (methylthiouracil, MTU) 丙硫氧嘧啶 (propylthiouracil, PTU)咪唑类: 甲硫咪唑 (methimazole, MM 他巴唑) 卡比马唑 (carbimazole, CMZ 甲亢平)机理: 抑制甲状腺激素的合成 免疫抑制外周T4向T3转化,适应证,病情轻 甲状腺轻中度肿大 青少年 (20岁以下),孕妇,年迈体弱 有严重肝肾疾病不能手术 术前准备,术后复发 131I治疗前后辅助治疗,剂量与疗程,初治期: MTU / PTU 300 mg - 450 mg /dMM I

18、/ CMZ 30 mg 40 mg / d 甲亢症状缓解,T3、T4恢复正常减量期: 每2 4 周减一次, 每次MTU / PTU 50 mg - 100 mgMMI / CMZ 5 mg 10 mg 甲亢症状完全消失,体征明显好转 维持期: MTU / PTU 50 mg - 100 mg /dMMI / CMZ 5 mg 10 mg /d (18个月),不良反应 粒细胞减少或缺乏药疹胆汁淤积性黄疸、血管神经性水肿、中毒性肝炎,停药指征,症状消失、甲状腺肿减轻或消失 疗程18个月T3、 T4 、FT3、 FT4 、TSH均正常TSI 转阴T3抑制试验恢复正常,其他药物治疗碘剂 术前准备 甲亢

19、危象B-阻断剂,131I 适应证,中度甲亢 年龄25岁以上 甲亢药物过敏、长期无效、或治疗后复发 心、肝、肾疾病不宜手术、术后复发、或 不愿手术,131I禁忌证,妊娠、哺乳妇 年龄25岁以下 严重心、肝、肾疾病或活动性结核 白细胞低于3 109/L, 或中性粒细胞低于 1.5 109/L 重症浸润性突眼 甲状腺危象 甲状腺不能吸碘者,131I,剂量与疗程:ATD停药3-5天, 戒碘24W80 Ci / g甲状腺组织半年后仍未缓解,进行第二次治疗,131I,并发症:甲减(一过性和永久性)甲状腺炎(131I 治疗后710d)诱发甲亢危象突眼加重,手术适应证,中重度甲亢长期服药无效, 不愿服药, 或

20、停药复发巨大甲状腺,有压迫症状胸骨后甲状腺肿并甲亢结节性甲状腺肿并甲亢,手术禁忌证,严重的浸润性突眼合并较重心、肝、肾疾病妊娠前13月和6个月后,手 术,术前准备:药物治疗使症状消失,心率小于80次/分,T3 T4恢复正常复方碘液 滴 tid 天,手 术,并发症:出血呼吸道梗阻感染甲状腺危象喉上和喉返神经损伤甲状旁腺功能减退甲减突眼恶化,甲状腺危象,抑制甲状腺素合成:PTU 600 mg ,250mg q6h抑制甲状腺素分泌: 复方碘液5滴, q8h减慢心率: 心得安 20-40 mg q6-8h糖皮质激素: 氢化可的松 50100mg iv drip q6-8h降低血甲状腺素浓度:透析支持对症处理,妊娠期甲亢的治疗 (1)ATD首选PTU,剂量不宜过大 (2)FT3 FT4观测,维持正常高值或略高 (3)不宜哺乳 (4)不宜用普萘洛尔 (5)禁用131I (6)计划手术者,宜于妊娠中期(4-6个月),胫前粘液性水肿防治轻者无需治疗重者用倍他米松软膏局部应用,浸润性突眼的防治 一、局部治疗与眼睛保护 二、早期选用免疫抑制剂 三、眼眶减压手术或术后放射治疗视神经受累严重突眼 暴露性角膜炎,


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