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1、The Cerebellum 小脑,Department of Human Anatomy, College of Basic Medicine, Zhengzhou University,雷留根,Position,Lies above and behind the medullar and pons and occupies posterior cranial fossa,Cerebellum,External features,Consists of two cerebellar hemisphere united in the midline by the vermis,External

2、 features,Three peduncles Inferior cerebellar peduncle 小脑下脚 connect with medulla and with spinal cord, contain both afferent and efferent fibers Middle cerebellar peduncle 小脑中脚connect with pons, contain afferent fibers Superior cerebellar peduncle 小脑上脚connect with midbrain, contain mostly efferent f

3、ibers,External features,Tonsil of cerebellum 小脑扁桃体 two elevated masses on inferior surface of hemispheral portion just nearby foramen magnum,Lobs,Two deep fissures Primary fissure 原裂 Posterolateral fissure 后外侧裂 Three lobs Flocculonodular lobe 绒球小结叶 flocculus and nodule Anterior lobe Posterior lobe,C

4、orpus of cerebellar 小脑体,Lobs,Primary fissure,Posterolateral fissure,Flocculonodular lobe,Anterior lobe,Posterior lobe,corpus of cerebellar,Internal structures,Gray matter Cerebellar cortex Cerebellar nuclei Dentate nucleus 齿状核 Fastigial nucleus 顶核 Interposed nucleus 中间核 Emboliform nucleus 栓状核 Globos

5、e nucleus球状核 White mattermedullary center 髓体,Internal structures,Cerebellar cortex,Dentate nucleus,Fastigial nucleus,Globose nucleus,Emboliform nucleus,medullary center,Three functional divisions,Vestibulocerebellum 前庭小脑 Archicerebellum 原小脑 Flocculonodular lobe Spinocerebellum 脊髓小脑 Paleocerebellum旧小

6、脑 Vermis and intermediate zone Cerebrocerebellum 大脑小脑 Neocerebellum 新小脑 Lateral zone,Flocculonodular lobe,Vermis,Intermediate zone,Lateral zone,Connections and function of cerebellum,Vestibulocerebellum Connections Afferents: receive input from vestibular nuclei and primary vestibular Efferents: pro

7、jects to the vestibular nucleus vestibulospinal tract and medial longitudinal fasciculus motor neurons of anterior horn Function: involved in eye movements and maintain balance,Connections and function of cerebellum,Spinocerebellum Connnection Afferents: receive somatic sensory information via spino

8、cerebellar tracts,Efferents: Vermis projects to the fastigial nucleus vestibular nuclei and reticular formation vestibulospinal tract and reticulospinal tract motor neurons of anterior horn Intermediate zone projects to the interposed nuclei Contralateral red nucleus rubrospinal tract motor neurons

9、of anterior hornContralateral VI cerebral cortex coticospinal tractmotor neurons of anterior hornFunction: play an important role in control of muscle tone and coordination of muscle movement on the same side of the body,Connections and function of cerebellum,Cerebrocerebellum Connection Afferents:

10、receives input from the cerebral cortex via a relay in pontine nuclei Efferents: projects to dentate nucleus VI primary motor cortex corticospinal tract motor neurons of anterior horn Function: participates in planning movements,The Diencephalon 间脑,Position,Position: Lies between midbrian and cerebr

11、um, almost entirely surrounded by cerebral hemisphere,Subdivision,Doral thalamus 背侧丘脑 Metathalamus 后丘脑 Epithalamus 上丘脑 Subthalamus 底丘脑 Hypothalamus 下丘脑,Dorsal thalamus 背侧丘脑,External features A large egg-shaped nucleus mass, Anterior end called anterior thalamic tubercle, Posterior end called pulvina

12、r Right and left portion of thalamus are joined by interthalamic adhesion Floorhypothalamic sulcus,Classification of nuclei of dorsal thalamus,Three nuclear groupdivided by internal medullary lamina (内髓板) Anterior nuclear group 前核群 Medial nuclear group 内侧核群 Lateral nuclear group 外侧核群,Med. nuclear gr

13、oup,Ant. nuclear group,Dorsal tier,internal medullary lamina,Ventral anterior,Ventral intermediate,Ventral posterolateral (VPL),Ventral posteromedial (VPM ),Pulvinar,Medial geniculate body (MGN),Lateral geniculate body (LGN),Ventral posterior nucleus (VP),Functional subdivision,Nonspecific relay nuc

14、lei非特异性中继核团receive afferents from rhinencephalon and reticular formation of brain stem, project mainly to hypothalamus and corpus striatum Midline nucleus group Intralaminar nuclear group Thalamic reticular nucleus Association nuclei 联络核团receive input from many converging sours and in turn project w

15、idely to the association areas of cerebral cortex Anterior nuclear group Medial nuclear group Dorsal tier of lateral nuclear group,Special relay nuclei 特异性中继核团 Vent. anterior nucleus (VA) 腹前核 Vent. intermediate nucleus (VI) 腹中间核 Receiving dentate nucleus, globus pallidus and substantia nigra to moto

16、r cortex Vent. posteromedial nucleus (VPM) 腹后内侧核receives trigeminal lemniscus and taste fibers Vent. posterolateral nucleus (VPL) 腹后外侧核receives medial lemniscus and spinal lemniscusProjects to first somatic sensory area via central thalamic radiation,Metathalamus 后丘脑,Lateral geniculate body (LGN),Me

17、dial geniculate body (MGN),Metathalamus,Metathalamus 后丘脑,Medial geniculate body (MGN) 内侧膝状体 Relay station of audition Receive fibers from inferior colliculus Projects to auditory area via acoustic radiation 听辐射 Lateral geniculate body (LGN)外侧膝状体 Relay station of vision Receive fibers from optic trac

18、t Projects to visual area via optic radiation 视辐射,Epithalamus 上丘脑,Includes Thalamic medullary stria 丘脑髓纹 Habenular trigone 缰三角 Habenular commissure 缰连合 Pineal body 松果体 posterior commissure 后连合,Hypothalamus 下丘脑,Positionlies ventral to thalamus Boundaries Superiorly: hypothalamic sulcus Inferiorly: op

19、tic chiasma 视交叉 tuber cinereum 灰结节 Infundibulum 漏斗 mamillary body 乳头体 Anterior: lamina terminalis 终板 Posterior: continues with midbrain tegmentum,Subthalamus底丘脑,Transition zone between diencephalons and tegmentum of midbrain Contain subthalamic nucleus(底丘脑核), parts of red nucleus and substantia nigr

20、a,Subdivisions Preoptic region 视前区 Supraoptic region 视上区 Tuberal region 结节区 Mamillary region 乳头体区,Important nuclei Supraoptic region 视上区 Supraoptic nucleus 视上核produce antidiuretic hormone 抗利尿激素(ADH, vasopressin 加压素) Paraventricular nucleus 室旁核produce oxytocin 催产素 Tuberal region 结节区 Infundibular nucl

21、eus 漏斗核 Ventromedial nucleus 腹内侧核 Dorsomedial nucleus 背内侧核Mamillary region 乳头体区 Mamillary nucleus 乳头体核 Posterior hypothalamic nucleus 下丘脑后核,Paraventricular nucleus,Supraoptic nucleus,Mamillary nucleus,arcuate nucleus,Paraventriculohypophyealtract,Supraopticohypophysealtract,infundibulum,posterior lo

22、be of hypophysis,anterior lobe of hypophsis,tuberoinfundibular tract,Hypothalamus -connection,Connects with limbic system Connects with brainstem and spinal cord Connects with dorsal thalamus Connects with hypophysis,Hypothalamus -connection,Supraoptic nucleus supraoptic nucleus (ADH) supraopticohyp

23、ophyseal tract posterior lobe of hypophysis Paraventricular nucleus paraventicular nucleus (oxytocin) paraventriculohypophyseal tractposterior lobe of hypophysis,Paraventricular nucleus,Paraventriculohypophyseal tract,Supraoptic nucleus,Supraopticohypophyseal trac,posterior lobe of hypophysis,Inferi

24、or hypophyseal a.,Hypophyseal v.,Tuberoinfundibular tract,Median eminence,Portal v.,Superior hypophyseal a.,Hypophyseal v.,anterior lobe,Parvicellular neurons in the arcuate nucleus and nearby region of the walls of the third ventricle secrete releasing and inhibiting hormones tuberoinfundibular tra

25、ct portal vein of hypophsis anterior lobe of hypophsis,Hypothalamus,Function Regulates functions of neuroendocrine system Autonomic nervous system,Third ventricle,Position: a narrow ventricle cleft lies within diencephalons Boundaries Roof: choroids plexus Floor: optic chiasma, tuber cinereum, infun

26、dibulum and mamillary body Anterior: lamina terminalis Posterior: continuous with mesencephalic aqueduct Lateral wall: dorsal thalamus and hypothalamus CommunicationThird ventricle mesencephalic aqueduct fourth ventricle,The Telencephalon 端脑,External feature,The telencephalon consists of right and l

27、eft cerebral hemisphere, partially separated by cerebral longitudinal fissure. The cerebral transverse fissure intervenes between the hemispheres and the cerebellum Each hemisphere has three surfaces: superolateral, medial and inferior,Three principal sulci Central sulcus 中央沟 Lateral sulcus 外侧沟 Pari

28、etooccipital sulcus 顶枕沟,Central sulcus,Lateral sulcus,Parietooccipital sulcus,Five lobes Frontal lobe 额叶 Parietal lobe 顶叶 Temporal lobe 颞叶 Occipital lobe 枕叶 Insular lobe 岛叶,Frontal lobe,Parietal lobe,Occipital lobe,Temporal lobe,Insular lobe,Sulci and gyri of Superolateral surface,Frontal lobe: Prec

29、entral sulcus 中央前沟 Superior frontal sulcus 额上沟 Inferior frontal sulcus 额下沟 Precentral gyrus 中央前回 Superior frontal gyrus 额上回 Middle frontal gyrus 额中回 Inferior frontal gyrus 额下回,Sulci and gyri of Superolateral surface,Precentral sulcus,Precentral gyrus,Superior frontal sulcus,Inferior frontal sulcus,S

30、uperior, middle and inferioe frontal gyri,Parietal lobe: Postcentral sulcus 中央后沟 Postcentral gyrus中央后回 Intraparietal sulcus 顶内沟 Superior parietal lobule 顶上小叶 Inferior parietal lobule 顶下小叶 Supramarginal gyrus 缘上回 Angular gyrus 角回,Sulci and gyri of Superolateral surface,Postcentral sulcus,Postcentral

31、gyrus,Superior parietal lobule,Supramarginalgyrus,Angular gyrus,Intraparietal sulcus,Temporal lobe: Superior temporal sulcus 颞上沟 Inferior temporal sulcus 颞下沟 Superior temporal gyrus 颞上回 Middle temporal gyrus 颞中回 Inferior temporal gyrus 颞下回 Transverse temporal gyri 颞横回,Sulci and gyri of Superolateral

32、 surface,Superior temporal sulcus,Inferior temporal sulcus,Superior temporal gyrus,Middle temporal gyrus,Inferior temporal gyrus,Transverse temporal gyri,Sulci and gyri of Superolateral surface,Precentral sulcus,Precentral gyrus,Superior frontal sulcus,Inferior frontal sulcus,Superior, middle and in

33、ferioe frontal gyri,Postcentral sulcus,Postcentral gyrus,Superior parietal lobule,Supramarginalgyrus,Angular gyrus,Superior temporal sulcus,Inferior temporal sulcus,Superior temporal gyrus,Middle temporal gyrus,Inferior temporal gyrus,Sulci and gyri of medial surface,Corpus callosum 胼胝体 Callosal sul

34、cus 胼胝体沟 Cingulate gyrus 扣带沟 Cingulate sulcus 扣带回 Marginal ramus 缘支 Paracentral lobule 中央旁小叶 Calcarine sulcus 距状沟 Cuneus 楔叶 Lingual gyrus 舌回,Sulci and gyri of medial surface,Corpus callosum,Callosal sulcus,cingulate gyrus,Cingulate sulcus,Marginal ramus,Paracentral lobule,Calcarine sulcus,Cuneus,Par

35、ietooccipital sulcus,Lingual gyrus,Sulci and gyri of inferior surface,Olfactory bulb 嗅球 Olfactory tract 嗅束 Olfactory trigone 嗅三角 Anterior perforated substance 前穿质 Collateral sulcus 侧副沟 Occipitotemporal sulcus 枕颞沟 Medial occipitotemporal gyrus 枕颞内侧回 Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus 枕颞外侧回 Hippocampal su

36、lcus 海马沟 Parahippocampal gyrus 海马旁回 Uncus 钩 Hippocampus 海马 Dentate gyrus 齿状回,Hippocampal formation 海马结构,Inferior surface,Olfactory bulb,Olfactory tract,Olfactory trigone,Anterior perforatedsubstance,Collateral sulcus,Occipitotemporal sulcus,Medial and lateral occipitotemporal gyri,Parahippocampalgyr

37、us,Uncus,Hippocampus,Dentate gyrus,Hippocampalformation,Histology of the cerebral cortex,Archicortex 原皮质 (hippocampal formation 海马结构) Paleocortex 古皮质 (rhinencephalon 嗅脑) Neocortex 新皮质 (most of cerebral cortex),3 cell layers,6 cell layers,Functional location of cerebral cortex,First somatic motor are

38、a 第一躯体运动区,Position: located in precentral gyrus and anterior portion of paracentral lobule,First somatic motor area第一躯体运动区,Characters Representation is inverted, but head and face are upright A body part is represented by a cortical area proportional to its use rather than its size Receiving fibers

39、from postcentral gyrus, VA, VL and VPL, sending out fibers to form pyramidal tract, controlling voluntary movements,First somatic sensory area第一躯体感觉区,Positionlies in postcentral gyrus and posterior portion of paracentral lobule,First somatic sensory area第一躯体感觉区,Characters Sensory representation, lik

40、e motor area, is crossed and inverted Receiving and interpret sensation from opposite side of body,Auditory area 听区,Located in transverse temporal gyri Receive auditory information from both ears,Visual area 视区,Lie on either side of calcarine sulcus in medial surface of occipital lobe Visual cortex

41、of one hemisphere receives impression from temporal part of retina of same side and nasal part of opposite side Lesions of visual cortex produce contralateral homonymous visual field defections,Vestibular area平衡觉区: located in front of superior temporal gyrus Olfactory area 嗅觉区: located near the uncu

42、s Taste area 味觉区: located at frontal operculum,Language area 语言中枢,It is dominant in left hemisphere in right-handed person Motor speech area 运动性语言中枢 Located in posterior portion of inferior frontal gyrus Damage: motor aphasia Writing area 书写中枢 Located in posterior portion of middle frontal gyrus Dam

43、age: agraphia Auditory speech area 听觉性语言中枢 Located in posterior portion of superior temporal gyrus Lesion: sensory aphasia Visual speech area 视觉性语言中枢 Located in angular gyrus Lesion: alexia,Lateral ventricle 侧脑室 Position: located in cerebral hemispheres Four partsCentral part: lies in parietal lobeA

44、nterior horn: extends into frontal lobePosterior horn extend into occipital lobeInferior horn: extend into temporal lobe,Internal structures,Communication lateral ventricle interventricular foramen third ventricle,Basal nuclei 基底核,Corpus striatum 纹状体 Lentiform nucleus 豆状核 Caudate nucleus 尾状核 Claustr

45、um 屏状核 Amygdaloid body 杏仁体,Globus pallidus 苍白球,putamen 壳,Neostriatum 新纹状体,paleostriatum 旧纹状体,White matter,Association fibers 联络纤维Run between gyri within the same hemisphere Cerebral arcuate fibers 大脑弓状纤维 Superior longitudinal fasciculi 上纵束 Inferior longitudinal fasciculi 下纵束 Uncinate fasciculus 钩束 C

46、ingulum 扣带,Commissural fibers 连合纤维 run between left and right hemisphere Corpus callosum胼胝体: rostrum, genu, trunk, splenium Anterior commissure 前连合 Fornix and commissure of fornix 穹隆和穹隆连合,Projection fibers投射纤维: connect cortex with lower part of brain and spinal cord and they include both ascending a

47、nd descending fibersInternal capsule Position: a thick lamina of white matter lying between caudate nucleus, thalamus and lentiform nucleus,Three parts Anterior limb of internal capsule 内囊前肢 Lies between caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus Containing frontopontine tract and anterior thalamic radia

48、tion Genu of internal capsule 内囊膝 Is angle at which anterior and posterior limbs meet Containing corticonuclear tract Posterior limb of internal capsule 内囊后肢 Lies between thalamus and lentiform nucleus Contain corticospinal tract, corticorubral tract, central thalamic radiation, parieto-occipito-temporo-pontine tract, acoustic radiation and optic radiation,Anterior thalamic radiation,


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