1、易栓症,Normal hemostasis(止血),adhesion粘附,aggregation聚集,coagulation pathway 凝血途径,Coagulation balance,anticoagulant mechanisms,procoagulant mechanisms,fibrin formation,Fibrin monomer,Endothelial cell surface,coagulation factors anticoagulant proteins gain-of-function mutations fibrinolysisantiphospholipid
2、 Ab,fibrin formation,anticoagulant mechanisms,procoagulant mechanisms,易栓症(Thrombophlilia),指由于抗凝蛋白、凝血因子、纤溶蛋白等的遗传性或获得性缺陷,或存在获得性危险因素,而容易发生血栓栓塞的疾病状态。 不是单一的疾病。 血栓栓塞类型:静脉血栓栓塞,Annual incidence of DVT,Whites 0.8-1.2 x 1000 Hong Kong Chinese 0.16 x 1000Liu et al, Hong Kong Med J 2002,rate ratio (vs white)Afr
3、ican Americans 1.27 (1.07-1.51) Hispanic 0.60 (0.54-0.67) Asians/Pacific Islanders 0.26 (0.22-0.30)*White et al, Ann Intern Med 1998,*idiopathic or secondary,VTE: a multifactorial disease,acquired,genetic,mixed,transient,VTE,risk factors, the old story.,deficiency of anticoagulant proteins year of d
4、iscoveryantithrombin 1965protein C 1981protein S 1984,ANTITHROMBIN, PROTEIN C, PROTEIN S: type of deficiency,Type I: Quantitative deficiency,Type II: Qualitative deficiency, antigenic test, functional test, functional test,= antigenic test,Prevalence of deficiencies,general unselected population VTE
5、 patients antithrombin 0.02 - 0.2 % 1 %protein C 0.1 - 0.5 % 3 %protein S ? 1 - 2 %,Risk of VTE associated with deficiencies,increaserelative risk antithrombin 5 - 50 protein C 7 - 15 protein S 6 - 10,year of discoveryresistance to activated protein C 1993/94and factor V Leiden (G1691A) prothrombin
6、mutation (G20210A) 1996, the old story.,older age cancer antiphospholipid antibodies previous venous thromboembolism,Age and VTE,0-9,10-19,20-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60-69,70-79,79,600,500,400,300,200,100,0,Anderson et al, 1991,Incidence Rate per 100,000,Females,Males,Cancer and VTE,Tissue factor, cons
7、titutive of malignant cells, promotes angiogenesis and increases plasmin production (metastases)Prothrombotic cancer substances (cancer procoagulant, IL1, TNF, etc.)The risk of VTE is higher if chemotherapy (tamoxifen, thalidomide, L-asparaginase)VTE and occult cancer,year of discovery hyperhomocyst
8、einemia 1994 high factor VIII 1995, the old story.,surgery and major trauma prolonged immobilization pregnancy/puerperium (6 weeks postpartum) oral contraceptives/hormone replacement therapy,year of discovery Activated protein C resistance 1993 Air travel 1999,F:family history(尤其是强家族史,即家族中有至少两例同类型血栓
9、患者) U:unusual locations of thrombosis(腹腔、颅内等部位) R:recurrent episodes of thrombosis Y:year(45y)符合上述任1条均建议筛查易栓症指标,FURY,易栓症初筛项目PT、aPTT、Fib、(TT?) 抗磷脂抗体(LA、ACA)空腹同型半胱氨酸F VIII:C蛋白C活性蛋白S活性抗凝血酶活性APC-R F V Leiden凝血酶原G20210A,国内大多 三级医院 可以检测,国内部分三级医院 开展检测,国外部分医院开展,不应在血栓急性期筛查易栓症的理由1. 检测结果不影响急性期的初始治疗(除非APTT延长,考虑存
10、在狼疮抗凝物);2. 急性期可因轻度消耗或急性炎症,引起几种凝血成分的一过性降低或升高,包括PC、PS、AT和多种凝血因子。,分析易栓症筛查结果时需防范以下误区: 检测结果 / 报告有误; 接受维生素K拮抗剂的患者或者维生素K缺乏症患者诊断PC或PS缺乏时; 接受维生素K拮抗剂 (可增加AT浓度) 的患者排除AT缺乏时; 仅凭一次检测结果诊断PC、PS或AT缺乏; 急性VT或其他疾病时取血诊断或排除任何一种易栓症; 仅凭一次检测结果诊断抗磷脂抗体综合征; 检测项目选用不当。,易栓症延长疗程抗凝的指征一种以上危险因素(不包括同型半胱氨酸升高)抗凝蛋白缺乏,尤其是AT缺乏抗磷脂抗体综合征获得性危险因素持续存在反复发作的VTED-二聚体居高不下少见部位VTE较强血栓形成家族史,易栓症延长疗程抗凝的指征一种以上危险因素(不包括同型半胱氨酸升高)抗凝蛋白缺乏,尤其是AT缺乏抗磷脂抗体综合征获得性危险因素持续存在 反复发作的VTED-二聚体居高不下 少见部位VTE较强血栓形成家族史,建议该患者 终生抗凝!,谢 谢,