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1、2014-12-16,1,大学英语四级考试 写作知识与技巧,2018/10/18,2,(一) 四级作文的考试要求,1. 考生应在30分钟内,根据题目要求及写作提纲或规定情节,图表等写出120字以上,语言比较规范的短文。2. 要求“内容切题,包括提纲的全部要点,表达清楚,文字连贯。句式有变化,句子结构和用词正确。”,2018/10/18,3,(二) 四级作文的评分标准,作文满分为15分,阅卷标准共分为五等:2分,5分,8分,11分及14分。阅卷人员根据阅卷标准,对照样卷评分,若认为与某一分数(8分)相似,即定为该分(8分);若认为稍优或稍劣于该分,则可以加一分,即为9分,或减一分,即为7分,但不

2、得加或减半分。具体标准如下:2分条理不清,思路混乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多为严重错误。5分基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差,有较多严重的语言错误。,2018/10/18,4,8分基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯,语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。11分切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。14分切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错,文字运用较好。,2018/10/18,5,注: 白卷、作文与题目毫不相干,或只有几个孤立 的词而无法表达思想,则给零分。 字数不够应酌情扣分。如题目中给出主题句、起始句、结束句均不得

3、计入所写字数。 只写一段者,0-4分;两段者,0-9分(指规定三段的作文)。,2018/10/18,6,(三)四级作文通病分析,通过对历年英语短文写作考生答卷的分析,考生写作时已具有较大的主动性和创造性。绝大多数考生都有一定的英语基础,也已经基本上掌握了表达自己观点和想法的词汇和语法知识。但从整体得分来看,多数考生短文写作成绩却不尽人意。分数主要集中在5-9分。,2018/10/18,7,考生普遍存在着普遍的问题是思维单调,例证堆切,简单罗例数据,片面描绘画面,缺乏主题提升等方面的通病。学生缺乏适量的作文训练;还有些考生对英语短文写作的考试要求不十分明确。,2018/10/18,8,(四)四级

4、作文常见的十大症结,1. 大小写,标点符号,拼写错误; 2. 卷面不洁,字迹潦草,用铅笔写作; 3. 语法和结构错误,造成文章结构松散,脱节; 4. 代词,连接词或逻辑顺序词错用,而造成文章的逻辑混乱; 5. 用中文思维加英文翻译所造成的语句生硬,错误;,2018/10/18,9,5. 文不对题,部分跑题或主题不突出所造成 的文章不切题现象。 6. 词汇量匮乏,文章中难见高分词汇; 7. 语法不通,复合句使用错误多且表达不清; 8. 句型单一、句子无变化,表达方式单调; 9. 不会正确使用常用套语,文章缺少层次感; 10. 作文普遍缺乏文采,打动人的杰作奇缺。,2018/10/18,10,(五

5、)考试作文类型及命题,1. 短文写作大致分为五种类型:A. 记叙文 (Narration) B. 描写文(Description) C. 说明文(Exposition) D. 论说文(Argumentation) E. 应用文(Practical Writing),2018/10/18,11,2. 命题形式(主要有三种形式)A. 命题类作文: 包括命题提纲式,命题提纲式附首段起始句,命题式附各段主题句等分支。 B. 规定情景类:包括情景式给定标题的论说文和情景式给定标题的记叙文等。 C. 图表,图画类作文:包括无题提纲式图表类作文,无题提纲式漫画或图片类作文;命题提纲式图表类作文和命题提纲式漫


7、装句更多,因为它们是受教育程度高低的主要衡量指标。它们的语法规则严格而复杂,受教育少的人是无法正确驾驭这种句子的构建。同时它们也是正式语体和书面语体的集中表现。,2018/10/18,14,外语习得者要消灭写句子时的错误通常是不可能的,但是朝少犯错误、不犯严重错误的方向而努力奋斗,这应该是受到鼓励和劳有所报的过程。正确无误的句子的标准如下:,2018/10/18,15,正确无误的句子标准,1. 保持句子结构完整。2. 首字母要大写。3. 结尾要有句号或问号或感叹号或省略号。4. 句子应表达一个完整的意思。5. 句子前后要符合逻辑推理。6. 主语为代词时要指代明晰。7.句子时态要正确,主要指前后

8、一致或符合 上下文场景。,2018/10/18,16,1. In the month of May people of different professions from all circles in each city hold voting meeting to elect their representatives, and these representatives will go to Beijing, the Chinese capital, in the month of October to attend a national congress of model worker

9、s from all corners of China.,2018/10/18,17,Note: There are too many repetitions and unnecessary words in the sentence, such as “in the month of May”, “in the month of October”, “different professions from all circles”, “voting meeting to elect”, “their representatives, and these representatives”, “B

10、eijing, the Chinese capital”, “nationalfrom all corners of China”. So this is a wordy sentence.,2018/10/18,18,1. Xiao Li was born in a small village. The village was not printed on any map. His father was a teacher in the village school. He never left the village. Later he graduated from that school

11、 and entered a junior middle school in a town. On weekdays he had to live at school. Without parents there, he learned to look after himselfbuying food and washing clothes.Note: This is a childish composition, just as a diary from a pupil. As an adult, we are advised upon more sophisticated writing

12、at least not that monotonic. So to be various in style is to be encouraged if a good essay tends to turn up.,2018/10/18,19,表示原因的常用句型,1)There are three reasons for this. 2)The reasons for this are as follows. 3)The reason for this is obvious. 4)The reason for this is not far to seek. 5)The reason for

13、 this is that. 6)We have good reason to believe that.,2018/10/18,20,例如: There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life. Firstly,peoples living standard has been greatly improved. Secondly,most people are well paid, and they can afford what they need or like. Last but not l

14、east,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life.,2018/10/18,21,表示好处的常用句型,1) It has the following advantages. 2) It does us a lot of good. 3) It benefits us quite a lot. 4) It is beneficial to us. 5) It is of great benefit to us.,2018/10/18,22,例如:Books are like friends. They can help us know th

15、e world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons. Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us.,2018/10/18,23,表示坏处的常用句型,1) It has more disadvantages than advantages. 2) It does us much harm. 3) It is harmful to us.,2018/10/18,24,例如:However,everything divides into two. Tel

16、evision can also be harmful to us. It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television.,2018/10/18,25,表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能,1)It is important(necessary,difficult, convenient, possible)for sb. to do sth.2)We think it necessary to do sth.3)It plays an important role

17、in our life.,2018/10/18,26,表示措施的常用句型,1)We should take some effective measures.2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties.3)We should do our utmost in doing sth.4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with.,2018/10/18,27,表示变化的常用句型,1)Some changes have taken place

18、 in the past five years.2)A great change will certainly be produced in the worlds communications.3)The computer has brought about many changes in education.,2018/10/18,28,表示事实、现状的常用句型,1)We cannot ignore the fact that. 2)No one can deny the fact that. 3)There is no denying the fact that. 4)This is a

19、phenomenon that many people are interested in. 5)However,thats not the case.,2018/10/18,29,表示比较的常用句型,1)Compared with A,B. 2) A and B has several points in common. 3)It is true that A . , but the chief fault B (obvious defects )are . 4)A and B differ in several ways. 5)The advantages of A are much gr

20、eater than those of B. 6)I prefer to read rather than watch TV. 7)There is a striking contrast between them.,2018/10/18,30,表示例举的常用句型,1) A good case in point is . 2) As an illustration, we may take . 3) Such examples might be given easily. 4) .is often cited as an example.,2018/10/18,31,表示数量的常用句型,1)I

21、t has increased(decreased)from.to.2)The population in this city has now increased (decreased)to 800,000.3)The output of July in this factory increased by 15 compared with that of January.,2018/10/18,32,表示看法的常用句型,1)People have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towards sth. 2)People have different

22、 opinions on this problem. 3)People take different views of(on)the question. 4)Some people believe that.Others argue that.,2018/10/18,33,表示结论的常用句型,1)In short,it can be said that .2)It may be briefly summed up as follows.3)From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that .,2018/1

23、0/18,34,部分常用套语,1)Its well known to us that . 2)As is known to us,. 3)This is a topic that is being widely talked about. 4)From the graph(table,chart)listed above,it can be seen that . 5)As a proverb says,“Where there is a will,there is a way.,2018/10/18,35,文章总体构建,1.合理布局篇章结构,2018/10/18,36,2. 写好引言,主体部

24、分和结尾段落3.遵循科学的写作步骤A. 审题 B. 组织素材 C. 撰写提纲 D. 行文 E. 修改与修订,2018/10/18,37,段落的基本结构,段落可以概括地定义为围绕一个主题而展开的一组相关的句子。这组句子是密切关联的信息组合,也是文字表达的一个基本单位。段落的中心思想通常有主题句概括,而主题句中提出的问题和论点要在段落中通过扩展句进行讨论与回答。 段落常常有三部分构成: 1. 主题句(topic sentence) 2. 扩展句(supporting sentences) 3. 结尾句(concluding sentence),2018/10/18,38,段落种类,1. 开头段:概

25、括陈述主题,提出观点或论点,点明写作目的。吸引读者的兴趣与好奇心。 2. 中间段:是一篇文章的正文,其作用是对文章主题进行解释和证明。 3. 结尾段:是简要地呼应前面段落的内容进行总结,点明主题,使文章的意思更明确,从而得出合乎逻辑的结论。,2018/10/18,39,句子的安排,英语短文写作既然是一种语言创作,就不可能像数学有严格的公式可套用,但却可以找出一定的思路来遵循。 第一段:引言句扩展句限制主题句 第二段:主题句扩展句扩展句扩展句扩展句段落小结; 第三段:连接词+全文概括总结句扩展句。 当然这只是构成短文的基本思路,其中各段扩展句的数量在不同的文章可适当增减,以达到内容清晰,主题突出

26、的目的。,2018/10/18,40,段落的扩展,(1)主题句I find academic life endlessly fascinating. (2) 扩展句 I find the class stimulating, most of the professors interesting, the reading and studying satisfying, and the student delightful. (3)扩展句 I consider a big assignment a lively challenge. (4) 扩展句 But I like the leisure

27、activities best of all. Every student may have his or her choice of activity: athletics, music, theater, lectures, discussions and student politics. (5) 结尾句 I believe the variety unequaled anywhere else and I may go to school for a long time.,2018/10/18,41,主题句写法示例,1. Science and technology constitut

28、e the primary productive force. 2. Money is a good servant but a bad master. 3. Without Internet it is difficult to image modern life. 4. Nowadays college graduates have many job options. 5. A successful interview depends on three factors: job requirements, the qualification and manners of the appli

29、cant.,2018/10/18,42,首尾段的写作方式 首段开篇的方式常见的有: 1) 谚语法 由于谚语一般已经被大家所接受,用谚语提出自己的观点也容易被读者所接受。 As the saying goes, “Money makes the mare go“, but there are many things we cant buy with money, such as time and true love. ,2018/10/18,43,2) 定义法 定义法是通过对文章中的关键词做一些简单或正面或反面的解释,限定其范围,这样比较有利于引出主题。 “Practice makes perf

30、ect“ is an old saying. It tells us that it does not matter if we are clumsy at doing something. As long as we keep on trying and practicing, we will do a good job in the end.,2018/10/18,44,3) 提问法 通过提问一个或一连串的问题,可以激发读者的兴趣,从而引出主题。 a. Do you have many friends? Are they similar to you or different from y

31、ou? Which kind of friends do you prefer? b. What is a good student? Different people may have different answers to this question.,2018/10/18,45,4) 概括法 概括法指先总结文章内容所涉及的现状,然后引出主题。 In recent years, with the development of science and technology, the Internet has come into more and more homes and is play

32、ing a more and more important role in our work and daily life. It has become a must to us, but at the same time, Internet has also brought with it a lot of problems.,2018/10/18,46,5) 故事法 故事法指用简单有趣的故事激发读者的兴趣,从而提出自己的观点。 6) 引语法 “Just as eating without liking harms the health, learning without interest

33、harms the memory and cant be retained.“ From Vincis words we can see how important it is to motivate the students in language learning.,2018/10/18,47,7) 调查法 为了得到读者的认可,文章的开始可以引出调查数据等,借以提出主题。 8) 假设法 假设法是指通过假设提出一种选择,交代文章要涉及的问题,从而提出文章的主题。 Suppose you were offered two jobs, one is highly-paid but rather

34、demanding, the other is less demanding, but poorly-paid, which would you prefer? 9) 综合法 具体写作时,同学们没有必要拘泥于一种方式,可以将上述方法总和起来。,2018/10/18,48,常用与开头的短语、句式,(1) With the(rapidly)growing popularity of(computers,/private cars/,our lives has been considerably changed ) in China,the quality of (2)With the(rapid)

35、growth of(our economy/ population),many problems such as (water shortages / waste of energy/lack of professionals and chaotic management)are begging to surface,2018/10/18,49,(3) With the development of (science and technology/market economy),more and more/ an increasing number of people come to real

36、ize that (4) Currently there is a widespread/serious concern over (illegal publication/drug abuse /negative influence of western cultures).(5) Nowadays ,a heated debated/discussion aboutis under way in China .some people believe that ,whereas others argue that,2018/10/18,50,(6) There are some reason

37、s for owning (private cars/ personal computers). To begin with, Next, Last, There are, on the other hand, many reasons against it, First,Second,Finally,(7)There are many advantages and dis- advantages in (owning a car).(8) There are various /at least three ways/ possible techniques/problems/methods

38、to do something,2018/10/18,51,(9) Smoking/Alcoholic beverage should be banned from college campuses for toe reasons. The first reason is that The second reason is that /On the one hand , On the other hand,(10) The possible solutions of (the energy crisis/ water shortages/these social problems) depen

39、d on three factors(11) The two major reasons responsible for(the rapid economic growth /the widespread of fake products )are,2018/10/18,52,用于开“起”文章,常置于主题句前后的:,At present; currently; first(ly); First of all; generally speaking; In general; lately; now; Recently; to begin with; For one thingfor anothe

40、r; On the one handon the other hand,2018/10/18,53,When asked about When it comes to Faced with , Some people claim/think/argue/believe that , but/while others (differently) Nowadays there is much/general discussion as to . With the development/improvement/growth of ,2018/10/18,54,Now, it is commonly

41、/widely/increasingly believed/thought/held/acknowledge that , According to a recent survey/investigation/poll, Have you ever thought/wondered ? Suppose As the saying goes, ,2018/10/18,55,结尾,写好结尾就是要使文章作到善始善终,使主题更加突出,使文章前后呼应,结尾要遵循简洁的原则,点到为止,不得拖拉,应避免节外生枝。在结尾部分不可出现与全文不一致的新话题。常用的结尾方式有:,2018/10/18,56,1.概括

42、总结全文,提出解决方法(summary & solution),To solve the problem, the Re-employment Project is well under way. The government, most important of all, needs to draw up an economic policy that will create more job opportunities to ease the mounting unemployment created by the restructuring of the state sector. Th

43、e laid-off workers, too, should adjust themselves to the new situation by arming themselves with newer knowledge and skills to get the advantage in new positions.,2018/10/18,57,2. 回答前面问题(answer to the question),Personally, I believe that parents should pay more attention to the cultivation of such q

44、ualities as independence, confidence and courage in their children. Only in this way can the children grow up, fully equipped to meet whatever challenges that life may present.,2018/10/18,58,3.提出建议(recommendation & suggestion),In brief, by repeating this simple step-by-step process, you can put asid

45、e your fears and write a clear, coherent, and convincing essay. All you need is eagerness, perseverance and courage and a pencil and paper.,2018/10/18,59,4.给出预见(prediction),If people stopped to think before acquiring pets, there would be fewer of cruelty to animals. Many times, it is the people who

46、adopt pets without considering the expense and responsibility involved who mistreat and neglect their animals. Pets are living creatures. They do not deserve to be acquired as carelessly as one would acquire a stuffed toy.,2018/10/18,60,5.发人深省的问题(thought-provoking question),What, then, will happen i

47、n the twenty-first century when most of the population will be over sixty years old? Retirement polices could change dramatically.,2018/10/18,61,6.发出号召(call for action),Therefore, to make our world a better place in which to live, we must make the best use of every drop of water and work hand in han

48、d to protect water resources.,2018/10/18,62,常用于结尾的短语、句式,(1) It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on/pay more attention to (2) To conclude,we can see that (the best way/the possible solution)is(3) In short,(shortages of water,decrease of fertile fields and environmental pollution)are the ma

49、jor problems to be solved to(increase rain production),2018/10/18,63,(4) In order to make our world a better place in which to live we should make great efforts to(5) In a word ,there are three suggestions we must follow ,only in this way can we(achieve a great success)(6) It is time for us to take an active part in(7) Let us work hand in hand in hand to(solve these social problems),2018/10/18,64,结尾段常用的词语,Therefore; In short; Finally; In summary; In a word; On the whole; In all; To conclude; In brief; All this suggests that In conclusion; It can be concluded that,


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