1、Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema,Introduction,学习目标: 1、掌握新单词和短语. 2、了解一些关于冒险故事的书籍. 3、了解哈克贝里费恩历险记的故事内容,为阅读课做好词汇准备。,Do you like adventure stories? (冒险故事) How many books about adventure do you know?,卡拉之狼Wolves of the Calla,卡拉之狼讲述了罗兰、埃蒂、杰克和苏珊娜致力于保卫边远地区的小山村卡拉。这个山村很奇特,盛产双胞胎。某一时期,装扮成狼人的强盗经常蜂拥而
2、至,从暗处袭击该村,每一户人家都会被掠走一个孩子。几个星期之后,孩子会被送回来,但他们已经变成痴呆,而且不久就会夭折。,Stephen Edwin King,Stephen Edwin King,Stephen Edwin King 斯蒂芬金:当代惊悚小说之王,美国通俗小说大师,被纽约时报誉为“现代惊悚小说大师”。金的很多作品都成为好莱坞制片商的抢手货。有超过七十部电影和电视节目取材自他的作品,包括闪灵(The Shining)、绿里(The Green Mile)、肖申克的救赎(Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption)等等。他在三十二岁时成为全世界作家中
3、首屈一指的亿万富翁。,1421中国发现世界,1421中国发现世界公元1421年1月30日(明成祖永乐十九年正月三十日),在总兵太监郑和的带领下,中国船队远航的历史。这次旅行历经两年,并环游地球一周。早于哥伦布70年,中国人发现了美洲大陆,并且在麦哲伦的100年前便已环球地球。,The singular Mark Twain,了不起的马克.吐温一书描写了美国 文学巨人马克吐温的一生。从他在密苏里 度过的少年时代、在一条河上当领航员, 再到做记者、成为作家。既描写了他作品 里所表现的社会批判主义和进步思想, 又描述了他生意上的失败和困顿的一生。,biography,history,thriller
4、,fantasy,adventure,crime,冒险,幻想 , 想象,传记,历史,犯罪,惊险小说,Match the types of book with their meanings.,Which kind of book do you like reading?,history,a true account of the past,romantic,a love story between a man and a woman.,crime,a story in which a detective tries to solve a problem, such as who kill the
5、 man?,adventure,a story in which the heroes (主人公) often experience a lot of dangers.,biography,fantasy,the story of somebodys life,a story which has no connection with reality,crime,猜一猜这些书的类型,history,romantic,adventure,Mark Twain,Mark Twain (l8351910) 马克吐温 美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,世界著名的短篇小说大师。,The Adventures
6、of Huckleberry Finn (1884) 哈克贝里费恩历险记 Running for Governor (1870) 竞选州长 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) 汤姆索亚历险记 The Prince and the Pauper (1882) 王子与贫儿,Works,哈克贝里费恩历险记通过白人小孩哈克跟逃亡黑奴吉姆结伴在密西西比河流浪的故事,不仅批判封建家庭结仇械斗的野蛮,揭露私刑的毫无理性,而且讽刺宗教的虚伪愚昧,谴责蓄奴制的罪恶,并歌颂黑奴的优秀品质,宣传不分种族地位人人都享有自由权利的进步主张。作品文字清新有力,审视角度自然而独特,被视为
7、美国文学史上具划时代意义的现实主义著作。,Speaking Read the story in part 4, page 21.Guess, What will happen next?,raft,shelter,to rain heavily _ 2. something which protects you from bad weather _ 3. a sort of flat boat usually made from tree trunks _,pour down,a shelter,a raft,完成教材23页练习4、练习5的词汇题。,4. to lose control bec
8、ause you are frightened _ 5. the feeling of being interested in something and wanting to know more _ 6. to tell someone you are going to cause them harm _,panic,curious,threaten,The stream is only two metres wide. I can _ across it. 2. Youre out of breath. Why have you been _? 3. Ive never _ in my l
9、ife. Im afraid of aeroplanes.,jump,running,Complete the sentence with the correct form of the words in the box.,flown,clime crawl fly jump paddle run sail walk,4. Youve got plenty of time to get to the lesson. You can _. 5. I _ onto the rock so that I could see better. 6. The two boys _ slowly upstream in their canoe. 7. It took Columbus two months to _ across the Atlantic in 1492. 8. Jimmys 10 months old. He cant walk yet, but he can _.,walk,climbed,paddled,sail,crawl,Homework: 1、完成导学案第一课时(阅读)的预习任务。 2、完成周报第6期的完型填空。,