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1、Engelbreits the Name, Cute Is My Game,恩格尔布赖特是我的名字,可爱是我的招牌,Unit 4 Section B,1. cute a. 1. charming and attractive 娇小可爱的 a cute little baby 逗人喜爱的小宝宝 2. clever 聪明的,伶俐的 She has a really cute idea. 她有一个精明绝顶的主意。 cuteness n. U being cute可爱 cutie n. 漂亮女孩,悄人儿,大好人,3. crush v. 1.upset or shock sb. badly 压倒,压垮

2、Wine is made by crushing grapes. 葡萄酒是压榨葡萄制成的. 2. defeat sb./sth. completely 打败 她一拒绝, 我的希望就全都破灭了. Her refusal crushed all our hopes.,3. press sth. very hard so that it is broken 压碎 压坏 Dont crush the box, there are eggs inside. 别压坏箱子,里面有鸡蛋。,comedown n. C a fall in importance, rank, status, etc. 落泊;失势

3、She used to have servants: Now she finds it a comedown to have to do the work herself. 她过去雇有佣人,而现在她得自己干活,觉得很委屈。,4. astonish vt. surprise sb. greatly 使震惊,使惊骇 They were astonished at the extraordinary beauty of the picture. 这幅画异乎寻常的美使他们感到十分惊讶.,5. calendar n. C a list that shows the days, weeks and mon

4、ths of a particular year 日历,月历,年历 school calendar 校历,6. retail n. U the activity of selling goods to the public, usu. in small quantities 零售 retail sales 零售额 v. sell goods to the public in shops or by post 零售 This model of computer is retailing at $650. 这种型号的计算机零售价是650美元。 retailer n. C 零售商,7. annual

5、 a. a.1. for the period of one year 一年的 an annual income, production, rainfall, subscription年收入 产量 雨量 (预订)费. 2. happening or done once a year or every year 一年一次的;每年的 annual event, meeting, report, show, 一年一次的大事 会议 报告 演出,n. C a book or magazine published once a year 年刊,年鉴 the Football Annual for 1987

6、 1987年的足球年刊 anniversary n.周年纪念(日),8. bold a. 1. (of peoples behavior) brave and confident; not afraid 勇敢的,无畏的 bold warrior 无畏的战士 bold plans, tactics, etc 大胆的计划 战术等,2. not shy, esp. in a way that shows a lack of respect 冒失的,唐突的,鲁莽的 He is a bold but sweet boy. 他是一个冒失但又不失可爱的男孩子。 3. (of printed letters)

7、 in thick, dark type 粗(字)体的,黑(字)体的,10. bare a. 1. not covered by clothing 裸露的 Dont walk around outside in your bare feet. 不要光着脚在屋外到处走。 2. empty; without its usual covering 空的;光秃的,无遮盖的 Swept by the wind, the land was bare. 那片土地被风吹得光秃秃的。,11. distinct a. 1. different in kind; separate 种类不同的,有区别的,分开的 虽然

8、这些植物看上去相似,但实际上它们是完全不同的。 Although they look similar, these plants are actually quite distinct.,distinctive a. that distinguishes sth. by making it different from others 有特色的,与众不同的 Shes got a very distinctive way of dressing. 她穿衣服很有特点。,12. elaborate a. complicated; carefully prepared and finished 精细复杂

9、的,精心制作的 Theyre making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding. 他们在为婚礼做极为周详的准备。 v. 详细叙述 The boss said he was leaving but refused to elaborate. 老板说他将离职,但拒绝细说。,border n. 1. C a band or pattern around the edge of sth., esp. for decoration |边;边饰 a white handkerchief with a blue border 一块带蓝色花边的白手帕

10、 2. C the official dividing line between two countries 国界;边境 The refugees escaped over the border. 难民越境逃亡。,13. comprise vt.1. have as parts or members 由. . 组成,包括,包含 The class is comprised mainly of Italian and French students. 这个班级主要由来自意大利和法国的学生组成。 2.be the parts or members of 组成,构成,Two small boys a

11、nd a dog comprised the street entertainers only audience. 两个小男孩和一条狗成了街头艺人仅有的观众. 注意comprise can mean consist of or be composed of 即由.形成 组成或构成:,The British Parliament comprises/consists of/is composed of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. 英国国会是由下议院和上议院组成的. 14. peach n.C a soft round fruit wi

12、th orange-red skin, or a tree on which this grows 桃;桃树,15. acid a. 1. severe and sharp 尖酸刻薄的,讽刺的 When she spoke her tone was acid. 她讲话时的语调很尖刻。 2. 酸味的,酸的 A lemon is an acid fruit. 柠檬是带酸味的水果。 n.U, C 酸,酸性物质,16. imaginary a. existing only in the mind; not real 想像中的,虚构的 The child was frightened by her im

13、aginary fears. 这孩子被想像中的恐惧吓坏了。 imagine v. imagination n.,down-to-earth a. practical and honest实际的;切实的 The ideas seem to be far more down-to-earth and sensible. 这些想法似乎更切合实际、合乎情理。,17. humorous a. amusing or funny 幽默的,诙谐的 humor hju:m n. 幽默, 诙谐, 心情,18. trademark n. 1. C a distinctive characteristic 明显的特征

14、,标记 She gave one of her trademark smiles. 她给了一个她特有的微笑。 2. C商标;牌号 Nike is a registered trademark. 耐克是一个注册商标。,19. feature vt. have as a prominent characteristic 以. . 为特征, 给. .以显著地位 The town maintains many buildings featuring the architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties. 该镇保留着许多具有明清两代特色的建筑 n.1. C a

15、typical quality or important part 特点,特征,特色,an interesting feature of city life 城市生活的一个有趣特点 2. C any of the noticeable parts of the face, body, structure, etc. 面貌,相貌 original features of the building. 该建筑物的原始面貌 3. C a special article in a newspaper or magazine about a particular subject 特写,专题报道,20. c

16、igar n. C dried tobacco leaves rolled into a short stick, which people smoke 雪茄烟,21. illustration n.1. C 图解,插图 2. C, U 说明,例证 Illustration is often more useful than definition for showing what words mean. 用图解或示例解释词义往往比用定义解释更清楚. illustrate v.为(某物)作插图或图表; (用示例 图表等)说明, 阐明(某事物),22. literary a. connected

17、with literature 文学上的 literary criticism/ theory文学批评/理论 a literary journal 文学杂志 literature n. 文学, 文艺, 著作,23. classic n. C a famous book, play, etc. which has a lasting value 经典作品,文学名著,杰作 A Tale of Two Cities is my favorite English classic. 双城记是我最喜爱的英国文学名著。 a.1. (of a book, play, etc.) 经典的,一流的 a class

18、ic novel, work of scholarship, game of football,最佳的小说 学术着作 足球赛. 2. having a simple, traditional style which is always fashionable 古典的,传统样式的 a classic dress 传统的连衣裙,classical adj esp attrib 尤作定语 of, relating to or influenced by the art and literature of ancient Greece and Rome 古希腊与古罗马文学艺术的; 受古希腊与古罗马文学

19、艺术影响的:classical architecture 古希腊与古罗马式的建筑风格.(a) (指音乐)古典的(风格严谨而传统的): the classical music of India 印度的古典音乐.,24. influential a. having power or influence有影响力的,有说服力的 an influential speech 有说服力的演说 a committee of influential businessmen, union leaders, etc 由有权势的商界人士 工会领袖等组成的委员会. influence v. n.,25. venture

20、 n. C a project which is new and often risky, because one cannot be sure that it will succeed 投机活动,商业冒险 v. risk going somewhere or doing sth. that might be dangerous 冒险,敢于 The mouse never ventured far from its hole. 老鼠从来不敢离开窝太远.,26. commerce n. U the activities that are involved in buying and sellin

21、g goods 商业,贸易 the world of commerce and industry 工商界 commercial a. 商业的; 贸易的,27. plunge v.1. go, jump, dive, fall, etc. suddenly and with force into sth.纵身投入,一头进入 We ran down to the beach and plunged into the sea. 我们跑下海滩,跳入海中。 2. (cause to) enter a certain state or condition (使)陷入 He plunged deep int

22、o thought. 他陷入沉思。,29. sample n.C a small amount of sth. which can be tested to show what the rest is or should be like 样品,式样 sample pack 馈赠的小包样品. vt.try out or examine sth. by taking a sample 抽样检查;试用 sample the delights of Chinese food 品尝中国美食,31. dragon n. C a large imaginary animal, usu. with wings

23、, a long tail and fire coming out of its mouth 龙(想像中有翅有尾、能吐火的动物) The Chinese understanding of dragon is different from that of Westerners. 中国人对龙的理解与西方人不一样。,32. myth n. C, U 神话 Greek myth 希腊神话 mythical a. 1. existing only in myths 神话的,只存在于神话中的 Robin Hood is a mythical hero. 罗宾汉是传说中的英雄。 2. imaginary a

24、nd not real 虚构的,不真实的,34. license vt.give official permission for sth. 给. . 发放许可证,准许 Have you licensed your car? 你给汽车办执照了吗?,n.1. C an official document showing that permission has been given to own, use or do sth. 许可证,执照 We had a license to sell beer. 我们过去有出售啤酒的许可证。 2. U permission 许可,准许 Why give the

25、se people license to enter the place? 为什么准许这些人进入这个地方?,35. copyright n. C, U the right in law to be the only producer or seller of a book, play, movie, record, etc. for a fixed period of time 版权 The writer has the copyright for the play. 作者拥有该剧本的版权。,36. sunrise n. C, U the time in the morning when th

26、e sun first comes into the sky, or the appearance of the sky at that time 日出(时分) sunset n.日落,37. distribution n.1. U the transport and supply of goods, etc. to various people or places (物资等的)运送 2. U giving or being given to each of several people 分发,分配 The meeting discussed the fair distribution of

27、income and wealth. 会议讨论了公平分配收入和财富的问题。,3. C, U arrangement of sth. within an area 分布,分布状态 The pine tree has a very wide distribution. 松树的分布很广。 distribute v. distribju:t vt. 分配, 散布, 分发,38. decorate vt. add sth. to (an object or a place), esp. in order to make it more attractive 装饰,装潢 他们用鲜花装饰教室。 They d

28、ecorated the classroom with fresh flowers. decoration ,dekrein n. 装饰, 装饰品,39. studio n. 1.C a room where an artist or photographer works 工作室,画室,摄影室 2. C a specially equipped room where television or radio programs or music recording are made 演播室,播音室,录音室,4. with an eye to showing an interest in or co

29、ncern for 关注 The greeting cards are finely made, with an eye to colour and style. 这些贺卡做得很精致,色彩和风格很讲究。,6. dress up wear ones best clothes 穿着盛装 Dont bother to dress up come as you are. 不必为着装费心,你就穿平常的衣服来吧。,11. show up appear 出现 The dust on the shelf shows up in the sunlight. 在阳光照射下能看见架子上有灰尘.,12. have/k

30、eep/with ones feet (planted/set) on the ground (be) realistic and practical 实事求是(的),脚踏实地(的) Other people dream of things they will never have, but she has her feet firmly on the ground. 别人梦想他们得不到的东西,而她则实事求是。,Mrs. Smith was a dreamer, but her husband was a man with his feet on the ground. 史密斯太太是个空想家,

31、而她丈夫则是个脚踏实地的人。,14. date back to have existed since 始于(某时期) The custom dates back to the time when men wore swords. 这个风俗还在人们佩剑时就已经有了。,15. take off (of an idea, a product, etc.) suddenly become successful or popular (指思想、产品等)突然受欢迎,流行 After a slow start, the plan soon took off and was accepted by all t

32、he directors. 这项计划开始施行得很慢,但很快就见成效了,并为所有的董事所接受。,turn down refuse to accept 拒绝,驳回 Their demand has been turned down. 他们的要求遭到了拒绝。,overall n. (pl.) 工作服,工装裤 a. including everything 全面的,综合的,全体的 The overall situation is good, despite a few small problems. 局势总的来说是好的,虽然有一些小问题。,bother with worry about; bother

33、 about 为 . . 操心,为. . 费心 Dont bother with the letters;theyre not urgent. 别为这些信件操心,都不是急件。,2. be suited to be suitable for 适合于 The climate there was more suited to his health. 那儿的气候对他的健康更适宜。,3. appear on be able to be seen (somewhere) 在. . 上出现 The writers full name appears on the title page of the book

34、. 书的扉页上印有作者的全名。,5. be comprised of be made up of 由 . . 组成 A football team is comprised of eleven players. 足球队由11名队员组成。,7. go out leave ones house to go to social events (离家)去参加社交活动 Lets go out tonight; theres a good film showing at the local cinema. 咱们今晚一起出去;附近电影院在上映一部好片子。,8. be influential in have influence on 对. .有影响 John was influential in persuading the producers to put money into the film. 约翰在说服制片人投资于这部电影方面起了很大作用。,10. make a living make money to live 谋生,营生 He makes a living by playing the piano. 他靠弹钢琴谋生。,


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