1、GREEK MYTHOLOGY,Week 11,WEEK 3 MYTHOLOGY QUIZ NAME (汉字): _闷墩儿_STUDENT NUMBER (学生号): _2006101240157_Olive tree Trident Ceres Pomegranate Pluto_The olive tree was _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,QUIZ,Relate the follow
2、ing in the following order:PYRRHA DEUCALION PANDORA ARTEMIS ORIONFor example: Bow and Arrows Venus The bow are arrows are the tools of Cupid, who is the son of Venus,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01,00,QUIZ ANSWERS,PYRRHA DEUCALION PANDORA ART
3、EMIS ORIONPyrrha is married to Deucalion Pandora is the mother of Pyrrha and aunt of Deucalion, so she is both his aunt and his mother-in-law Artemis, along with all the other gods, gave Pandora a gift to make her more enticing Orion tried to rape Artemis and was killed for doing it, Artemis then pu
4、t Orion up in the stars to serve as a reminder and a warning,RELAX!,WHY MIGHT THIS BE CALLED A FIRE HYDRANT?,OLYMPICS,After cleaning the Augean Stables, Hercules stopped by Olympia Here he founded the Olympic Games in honor of his father Zeus,STYMPHALIAN BIRDS,For his next task Hercules was ordered
5、to take care of the Stymphalian Birds These birds lived in a swamp and had metallic feathers They would fly above people and the deadly feathers would fall Hercules shot them with his arrows and was protected by his lion skin,MARES OF DIOMEDES,His cousin then ordered Hercules to tame the mares of Di
6、omedes These mares had been trained by Diomedes to eat human flesh Hercules killed Diomedes and fed him to his own horses Then the horses were made tame,HERCULES METHOD OF DEALING WITH DIOMEDES IS SIMILAR TO THE WAY THESEUS KILLED THE STRETCHER. SO WE CAN SAY HERCULES GAVE DIOMEDES WHAT?,AMAZONS,Nex
7、t, Hercules was ordered to reclaim a girdle (like a belt) from the queen of the Amazons The amazons were a fierce tribe of women warriors Each woman warrior had only one breast,WHY DID THE AMAZON WOMEN HAVE ONLY ONE BREAST?,GIRDLE OF HIPPOLYTE,Expecting a fight, Hercules entered the Amazons land But
8、 the Queen saw him and fell in love, giving him her girdle Hera didnt want it to be so easy, so she disguised herself like an Amazon and told them that Hercules had stolen the girdle from their queen A fight ensued and Hippolyte was killed, but Hercules escaped,CRETAN BULL,For his ninth labor Hercul
9、es was commanded to capture and bring back the Cretan Bull He did so and set the Bull free on the mainland of Greece,What is the name of this constellation?,CASSANDRA,A daughter of Priam She was beautiful and loved by Apollo To please her, Apollo gave her the gift of prophecy, or the knowledge of th
10、e future But Cassandra did not love him back So he cursed her, so no one would believe her even if she spoke the truth,WHAT DEEPER MEANING DOES THE STORY OF DAEDALUS AND ICARUS HAVE?,DANAE,The only child of a king An oracle said her child would kill her father The king locked her in a room undergrou
11、nd Zeus came to her in the form of a golden shower She had a boy and kept him secret for four years He was named Perseus,CHEST,One day the king heard the childs laughter He was afraid to kill his daughter because Zeus had loved her So he locked her and the child in a chest and set the chest in the s
12、ea It floated to an island where a fisherman rescued them,DANAE AND PERSEUS FLOATED IN THEIR CHEST. LAST WEEK WE LEARNED ABOUT A MAN AND A WOMAN WHO SURVIVED THE FLOOD IN A BOAT. WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES?,KING,The fishermans brother was a king For many years he courted Danae But she refused to marry him
13、 Once the boy grew up, the king ordered him to bring back the head of Medusa,MEDUSA,One of three sisters called the Gorgons They had snakes for hair and they were so ugly their gaze would turn a man into stone They lived far from Greece Hermes and Athena told Perseus to talk to the gray sisters,GRAY
14、 SISTERS,They were born old They had one eye that they passed around and took turns using Perseus grabbed the eye and refused to give it back to them until they told him what he wanted They told him where some sea goddesses lived who would help him,EQUIPMENT,Perseus came to these goddesses who were
15、called nymphs They gave him 3 items Cap of invisibility A pair of winged sandals A bag that could hold anything Hermes then gave Perseus a sharp sword,PROGERIA,Children appear old Wrinkled skin Small bodies Heart problems Usually dont live past the age of 13 Very rare Less than 50 people currently a
16、live are known to have this disease,BENJAMIN BUTTON,EUROPA,A princess in Phoenicia One day in the fields A gentle bull came up to her She got on the bulls back The bull took her out to sea,CRETE,The bull swam all the way to Crete with Europa on its back There it changed its form and Zeus stood in it
17、s place Zeus told Europa not to worry and that he loved her Later Europa gave birth to three sons, one of these sons was Minos,HERE ZEUS CHANGES HIS SHAPE IN ORDER TO BE WITH THE BEAUTIFUL EUROPA. THIS IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT OTHER STORY WE HAVE LEARNED?,CADMUS,Europas father sent her brothers to fi
18、nd her Two of them came back empty handed But Cadmus refused to give up He went to the Oracle of Delphi to ask for help,DELPHI,He was told to stop searching for Europa, for she was safe And he was ordered to stay in Greece, he should leave the temple and follow a beautiful white cow When the cow lai
19、d down, he was told to sacrifice the animal and then build a city in that spot,SNAKE,He followed the cow and when it laid down he sent men to fetch water for the sacrifice But no men returned He went himself and found his men dead beside a snake guarding the water Cadmus killed the snake,SACRIFICE,T
20、hen he took the water and sacrificed the cow to Athena Athena told him to take the snakes teeth and sow them in the ground like seeds Some armed men grew from the teeth and fought each other until there were only 5 men left,THEBES,Together with these men and his wife, Cadmus founded a city in that s
21、pot and it was called Thebes He taught the people many things, including the alphabet, and was a good king,ALPHABET,Phoenician Alphabet comes from Phoenicia, where Cadmus and Europa were fromTheir alphabet was among the first to represent sounds rather than ideas,WHO IS THE MAN IN THE CHARIOT? WHOSE
22、 BODY IS BEING DRAGGED BEHIND THE CHARIOT?,DEATH OF ACHILLES,Not long after Hectors funeral, Achilles himself was killed Ironically, Paris, the coward, was the one who killed mighty Achilles Paris shot him in the heel with a poison arrow,RETREAT,The war continued and Paris was killed in turn some da
23、ys later However, after 10 years of fighting the Greeks have had little success So they change tactics Odysseus comes up with a plan for entering the city But first the Greeks must retreat,TROJAN HORSE,Odysseus idea was to build a huge, hollow horse, large enough to hold 30 men After the horse was f
24、inished and 30 men hid inside, the rest of the Greeks sailed away Leaving one man outside to talk to the Trojans,PRIZE,When the Trojans came this man explained that the Greeks had built the horse as a present for Athena The Trojans wheeled the horse into their great city Cassandra warned the Trojans
25、 of the danger Of course no one listened to Cassandra,THE SACKING OF TROY,That night all the soldiers crept out of the horse and Troy was captured,HOME,Finally the Greeks had defeated Troy They gathered the gold, silver and women (including Hectors wife) and set sail, happy to finally be able to go home Agamemnon took Cassandra as his prize,