1、翻译技巧与实践,第三讲:句法与翻译,英汉句法对比,意合与形合 形合hypotaxis,指语言中的词与词,句与句的结合主要凭借词形变化,关系词、连接词等显性手段。 意合 parataxis,指语言中的词与词,句与句的结合主要依靠语义上的关系和联想达成,这种结合在外部形态上没有明显的标志,交际双方根据语境和语感对语句作出正确的解码。,我常见许多青年的朋友,聪明用功,成绩优异,而语文程度不足以表达,甚至写一封信亦难得通顺,问其故则曰其兴趣不在语文方面。(梁实秋学问与趣味) I have come across a great many young friends,bright and diligen
2、t, do exceedingly well in studies, but they are rather weak in Chinese, even cant write a smooth Chinese letter. When asked why, theyll say they are not interested in Chinese. I have come across a great many bright and diligent young friends who have done exceedingly well in heir studies, but are ra
3、ther weak in Chinese. They cannot even write a letter in corret Chinese. When I asked them why, they said they were not interested in the Chinese language.,意合与形合在汉英翻译中的操作 1译成带从句的英语句子 她们妯娌吵嘴,不巧被我撞见了。 I chanced to be present when the sisters-in-law were having a quarrel. 2,译成带介词短语的英语句子 好不容易才说服她,照我的想法办
4、. With some difficulty I brought her round to my way of thinking. 3,译成带分词或不定式的英语句子 只见那个理发师俯下身,听那小姑娘说,她要什么发式。 Leaning down to hear the little girl, the barber listened to her about the style she wanted.,4,译成复合结构的英语句子 冬天,在四周围都是山地的这里,看见太阳的日子真是太少了。今天,难得雾这么稀薄,空中融融地混合着金黄的阳光,把地上的一切,好像也照上一层欢笑的颜色。 In winter,
5、 sunny days were scarce here, as it was surrounded by hills all around. Today, however, the fog was wonderfully thin and the air was filtered through with golden sunlight that tinted everything on the ground with a joyful hue.,话题结构与主谓结构,主语本质上是语法化了的话题 相比之下,在语法方面,英语选择了主语,汉语选了话题,以及“把”字结构和“被”字结构。 “典型的主语
6、既是主题也是施事。”(Comrie 1981) 英语是主谓结构(subject-predicate structure)的语言。中国语言学家赵元任(Chao,1968:69)指出:“汉语句子中主语和谓语的语法意义是主题(topic)和述题(comment),而不是动作者(actor)和动作(action)。”Li和Thompson (1975)在其Subject and Topic一书中提出:“语言有四种基本类型:1)注重主语(Subject-prominent)的语言;2)注重主题(Topic-prominent)的语言;3)主语和主题都注重的语言;4)主语与主题都不注重的语言。”他提出英语
7、属于注重主语(简称SP)的语言,而汉语则属于注重主题(简称TP)的语言。话题(topic),又称主题。,例1.经过大修的十公里长的离宫墙,依山就势,蜿蜒曲 折,犹如万里长城的缩影,游客看后赞叹不已。 The mountain resort is enclosed by a recently renovated wall about 10 kilometers long, which rises and falls, twists and turns with mountain ridges like the miniature of the Great Wall. It is widely a
8、cclaimed by the tourists.(齐乃政,2003:276) 原文中的话题是整个语段“旅游避暑胜地承德”中的“离宫墙”,而句段最后分句的主位是“游客”,但是这并不妨碍我们理解整个语段的话题,但是,如果按照其次序译出来的话就不行。而译文的主位It与前面句子主位一致。这一手段是英语写作中通常遵循的一项篇章结构组织原则。(Mic-Crimmon,1976:378-380),例2.快乐的死亡却很快乐,不仅他自己感到快乐,别人看来也很快乐。 Happy death is a joyful thing, bringing happiness to both the writer hims
9、elf and other people. 原文中有三个分句,有三个主语,主语(也是主位)的转换是比较频繁的,但都是围绕话题“快乐的死亡”展开的。而译文中用bring(带来)表达原文的动词“感到”和“看来”,使得原文的三个分句在译文中共用一个主语,成为一个比较符合英语表达方式的句子,一气呵成,自然流畅。,例3. (1)The Prime Minister stepped off the plane. (2)Journalists immediately surrounded her. (3)She was immediately surrounded by journalists. 讲英语国家
10、的人会选择(1)与(3)连接,因为(3)中的She与上句的The PrimeMinister是同一主位,在(3)中是已知的信息。如果与(2)连接,两个句子的出发点转换就不自然,当读者头脑里建立起Prime Minister是谈话的中心时候,突然第二个分句的话题变成了journalists.,拟人法(英语中,视为修辞上的一种毛病),我们的事业从胜利走向胜利。 Our cause has won victory one after another. .(X) We have won one victory after another for our cause 汉字在历史上有过不可磨灭的功绩。 C
11、hinese characters have made indelible contributions in history. .(X) The system of Chinese characters has played an invaluabe role in our history 宗教不得干预政治。 Religion must not interfere with politics. .(X) It is impermissible to interfere with politics in the name of religion.,中国社会主义建设的航船将乘风破浪地驶向现代化的光
12、辉彼岸。 The ship of Chinas socialist construction will brave the wind and waves and sail to the glorious destination of modernization.(X) China will stride forward in building socialism, like a ship braving the wind and the waves, towards the glorious destination of modernization. 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。 At the
13、 turn of the century, Chinas diplomacy is more active. .(X) The turn of the cntury finds Cina most active on the diplomatic area.,有灵,无灵动词,按照动作的执行者是有生命的还是无生命的这一标准,英语和汉语的动词均可分为有灵动词和无灵动词。前者用在表示有生命的名词后,后者用在表示无生命的名词后。含有灵动词的句子称作有生命主语句,含无灵动词的句子称作无生命主语句。英语和汉语差别是:有灵动词与无灵动词在英语中无有明确的区别,即一个动词常常是既可用作有灵动词、又可用作无灵动
14、词;而在汉语中这两类动词之间却有明确的区别,即一个用作有灵动词的动词不能同时用作无灵动词。例如: (1) One reliable source said that major tax changes were being considered by the Treasury. 据可靠消息,财政部正在考虑对税收办法作重大改革。(2) John said that he would come this evening.约翰说他今晚来。上述两例中的said 分别与表示无生命的事物的 one reliable source 和表示有生命的John搭配。前句是无生命主语句,后者是有生命主语句。动词 s
15、ay在前一例中用作无灵动词,在后一例中用作有灵动词。而汉语中与say相对应的动词是“说“,它只能作有灵动词。如改作无灵动词,则很不符合汉语的表达习惯。英译汉时一是要弄清英语无生命主语句特点,二是对原句的结构和搭配必须作出相应的调整。,人类历史上只有两种战争;正义战争和非正义战争。 译1:There are two kinds of ward in human history just and unjust. 译2: Human History knows only two types of warswars of justice and wars of injustie. 霸权主义日趋衰落。
16、译1: Hegemony is becoming weaker every day. 译2: Every day sees hegemony getting weaker. 中国改革开放的先行者广东省,今年经济增长率预计将比去年要高。 译1: There will have a higher economic growth rate this year than it had last year in Chinas forerunners province Guangdong in reform and opening-up. 译2:Guangdong Province, Chinas for
17、erunner of reform and opening-up, expects to have a higher eonomi growth rate this year than it had last year.,一、英语无生命主语句特点 从充当句子主语的词语来看,英语无生命主语句大致有下列几种类型: A. 以时间、地点等名词做主语的句子: 1) 1949 saw the founding of the Peoples Republic of China.1949年中华人民共和国成立了。 2) Rome witnessed many great historic events.在罗马城
18、发生过许多伟大历史性事件。 B. 表示生理、心理状态的名词和表示某种遭遇的名词做主语: 1)His illness prevented him from attending the conference.他因病未能参加会议。 2)Astonishment, apprehension, and even horror oppressed her.她感到心情抑郁,甚至惊恐不安。,C. 具有行为和动作意义的名词作主语: 1)The very sight of it makes me feel nervous.一见到它, 我就感到紧张。 2)The shortest cut would take us
19、 five hours to get there.抄近路也要5 小时才能到那里。 3)The fresh sunlit January morning filled the young teacher with happy thought. 一月的早晨清新晴朗,令年轻教师心中充满了愉快的感想。 D. 其他类型: 1)The matter asks immediate attention.这件事需要立即予以注意。 2)Her heart did whisper that he had done it for her.她的心里的确嘀咕:为了我,他才这么做的。,二、 无生命主语句的译法,翻译英语的无
20、生命主语句时首先要考虑到其特点,吃透原文, 然后用符合汉语表达习惯的主谓搭配形式把原文的意思传达出来。下面就是常用的几种方法: A. 改变原句中的主语,即找出合适的动作执行者作为汉语句子的主语,把无生命主语转换为有生命主语,重组句子。例如: 1) The sight of a tailor-shop gave me a sharp longing to shed my rags, and to clothe myself decently once more.我一看到一家服装店, 心里就起了一阵强烈的愿望, 很想扔掉这身褴褛的衣服,重新穿得象个样子。 2) Anger choked his w
21、ords. 他气得话也说不出来。 3) His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade. 他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热。 他于是下了决心, 一碰到舒适的阴凉处,就坐下休息。,B. 把无生命主语转化成汉语复句 英语中含无生命主语句,从语法上看常常是简单句,但却因含着一定的逻辑关系,有时还含有并列句和复合句的内容。翻译这类句子时,不能照搬原文表达形式,而要把无生命主语转换成有生命主语或是其他类型的主语,有时还要采用拆分等手段,以便把逻辑关系和时间顺序逐层表达出
22、来。拆译前可增加一些连词(如“因为“、“所以“、“如果“、“虽然“、等),例如: 1) The bitter weather had driven everyone indoors.由于天气寒冷刺骨,人人都已躲进了室内。 2) The sight of the girl always reminds me of her parents.我一见到这个女孩,就想起她的父母。,C. 把无生命主语转化成汉语的状语这种情况下,一般把主语译成时间、地点状语。某些句子的宾语如是表示某种行为和动作的名词,可译为谓语,其定语译为主语。原谓语不翻译,因实质性内容是由宾语及定语表示的。例如: 1) As he pu
23、ffed, an abrupt sound startled him.他正吸烟时,猛然听到一种意料不到的声音,不由得吃了一惊。 2) Investigation led us to the foregoing conclusion.经过调查, 我们得出了上述结论 3) The forty years, 1840-80, brought almost ten million migrants to America. 从1840至1880年这四十年中, 近一千万移民移居美国。 4) Down met him well along the way. It was a pleasant unevent
24、ful ride.东方欲晓的时候, 他已走了一大段路了,这次骑马旅行是很愉快的,没有碰到意外事件。,D. 把无生命主语转化成汉语的外位成分把无生命主语从原句拆出来,作为外位成分,必要时译成无主语句。有时,汉语句子的主语可用一个代词如“这“来替代。这种拆译和转换可以避免汉语的主语太长,又能使主谓靠拢,使整句结构紧凑、逻辑关系清晰。例如: 1) Zaire defies easy classification.很难把扎伊尔列入哪个类型中。 2) The heat makes me sweat like a pig. 热得我满头大汗。 3) The noise made everybody upse
25、t. 闹得大家不得安宁。 4) The small table overturning as he fell to the carpet helped bring her out of the shock. 他倒在地毯上,把小桌子撞翻,这才令她惊醒过来。,E. 引申英语谓语动词的词义,加以适当变通。例如: 1) The courage escaped from me at the moment.那一刻我突然失去了勇气。 2) From his windows which overlooked the Bay of Naples, he saw a hundred places that rec
26、alled the Romans and the Greeks. The past began to haunt him. 他站在窗前就能俯视那不勒斯湾。此时,他凭窗远望,看到上百处残踪遗迹,因而联想到罗马和希腊的胜衰。他开始不停地思考起古代社会来。 (3) Her name escaped me. 我记不起她的名字了。 4) A smile warmed her face. 她的脸上洋溢着微笑。 5) Warning plates with a red skull and crossbones said in three languages: Danger! 画着红色骷髅和交叉股骨的警告牌上
27、用三种文字标出“危险“的字样。 6)A lot of troubles visited the poor family. 这个贫困的家庭遇到不少麻烦。,课堂练习,1,对每一个晴天丽日,对鸟语花香,我们的感触倍加强烈。平日呼吸轻松,吞食自如,走路毫不费劲,一夜安寝到天明,我们几曾回味过其中的乐趣。(选自 李运兴,2001) 2,我们最近从查找了卷宗,发现本局并无此信。可以肯定的是,我们于两月前收到此信,经研究后,已寄还贵处。鉴于以上情况,贵处仍无收信的记录,我们感到遗憾。如果你们找到此信,请即通知本局,不胜感激。(选自 连淑能,1993),参考译文 1,There was a heightene
28、d awareness of each sunny day, the beauty of flowers, the song of bird. How often do we reflect on the joy of breathing easily, of swallowing without effort and discomfort, of walking without pain, of a complete and peaceful nights sleep? 2,A current search of the files indicates that the letter is
29、no longer in this Bureaus possession. It is noted that the letter was received two months ago, and after study, returned to your office. In view of the foregoing, it is regretted that your office has no record of its receipt. If the letter is found, it would be appreciated if this Bureau was notifie
30、d,S君有妻,丑,为此颇感自豪,常于有靓妻之友面前夸口:丑妻是宝,见了恶心,不见省心,出门放心,免得有第三者插足。友听毕,掩口笑道:君言差矣,常言道:以为最安全的却是最危险,岂不闻情人眼里出西施吗?s君听毕,顿悟,叹道:听君一席话,胜读十年书,差一点大意失荆州! Mr. S had an unprepossessing wife, of whom he was very proud so much so that to his friend who had a beatiful wife,he often rave about his spouse like this, “A plain wi
31、fe is an absolute treasure, unpleasant to look at, but out of mind out of sight and free from suspicion when the husband is away from home. And there is no fear of another man.” On hearing this, his friend couldnt help a smile and the following comment, “Forgive me, sir, for pointing out that youre
32、wrong there. As the saying goes, the greatest danger resides in the false sense of security. Havent you heard of love being blind? ” Suddenly and thoroughly enlightened by his friends kind warning, Mr. S sighed with feeling, “How true it is that one can learn more from the talk of a wise person than
33、 from ten years reading! Otherwise I may lose her through oversight.”,Commissary in charge of studies 学习委员 Commissary in charge of entertainment 文艺委员 Commissary in charge of sports 体育委员 Commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员 Commissary in charge of organization 组织委员 Commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员 League branch secretary团支部书记,