1、,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Macro-teaching Objectives:,Through the teaching of basic Linguistics knowledge, basic theory, as well as some research methodologies to enable students to have a preliminary understanding of modern linguistics. The course is designed to improve their language cu
2、ltivation, and verbal communication with the initial results of scientific research capacity.,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Micro-teaching Objectives:,I. Know something about phoneticsII. Know something about transcription,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Li
3、nguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Teaching Materials,I. Sounds 1. Brief reviewing2. Vowel glides3. The vowels of Received pronunciation II. Supra-segmental features1. Syllables and its structure2. Sonority scale3. Stress4. Intonation5. Tone,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Linguistics: A Course bo
4、ok Lecture 7,Teaching time allotment,The 2nd Period: Phonetic transcription,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,The 1st Period: Speech organs,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,1) The speech sound is articulated by speaker A, then transmitted to and received by speaker B. So, a speech sound goes thr
5、ough a three-step process:,Phonetics,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,production-transmission-perception (p.24),Reviewing,2) Basic difference between Phonetics and Phonology:,Phonetics mainly concerns the study of sounds Phonology mainly concerns the study of sound Patterns.,Linguistics: A Course b
6、ook Lecture 7,3) The study of sounds is divided into three main areas, each dealing with one part of the process. They are:,Phonetics,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Reviewing,Study the speech sounds produced by speech organs. -articulatory phonetics.,b) Study the properties of the sound waves.-ac
7、oustic phonetics.,c) Study the way in which a listener analyses or processes a sound wave.-auditory phonetics.,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,4) The Vocal tract consists of three cavities:,Phonetics,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,the pharynx-the oral cavity-the nasal cavity,5) While one is
8、articulating a sound, his or her vocal folds are either,apart-close together- totally closed,6) What are they? Voiceless sound or voiced sound?,/p d l n w t k m s , / / v z f j h b g r t d /,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Phonetics,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,How to describe consonants P
9、rinciples of describing a consonant soundIn order to make a relatively precise description of a Consonant, we should observe it from three different angles :,a) whether the sound is voiceless or voiced,c) the manner of articulation of the sound,b) the place of articulation of the sound,Linguistics:
10、A Course book Lecture 7,Phonetics,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,How to describe consonants,a) whether the sound is voiceless of voiced,b) the manner of articulation of the sound,Stop or plosive: Nasal: Fricative: (Median) approximant: Lateral: Africate:,/p, b, t, d, k, g /,/m, n, /,/f, v, , , s,
11、 z, , , h/,/w, r, j/,/ l /,/t, d /,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Phonetics,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,How to describe consonants,c) the place of articulation of the sound,/p, b, m, w/,/f, v/,/, , /,/t, d, n, s, z, l /,/, , t, d /,/ j /,Bilabial: Labiodental: Dental: Alveolar: Postalveo
12、lar: Retroflex: Palatal: Velar: Glottal:,/k, g, /,/h/,/ r/,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Phonetics,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Note: Sound /ts, dz, tr, dr/ have been usually excluded from English of their legitimate position because /ts/ and /dz/ are used only for suffixes and foreign w
13、ords: e.g. students, friends 错误 工作 and /tr/ and /dr /are often realized as two sounds in many peoples speech.e.g. Never trouble troubles, untill trouble troubles you.dramatize, dry,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Phonetics,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,How to describe consonants (doing exer
14、cises) 1) The consonants of English (see p. 35)Now the consonants of English can be described in the following way: p voiceless bilabial stop b voiced bilabial stop s voiceless alveolar fricative z voiced alveolar fricative m voiced bilabial nasal j voiced palatal approximant h voiceless glottal fri
15、cative l voiced alveolar lateral,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Phonetics,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,4. Vowels 1) Cardinal vowels (see p.33) Primary cardinal vowels:CV1i, CV2e, CV3 CV4 CV5CV6 CV7o CV8u Secondary cardinal vowels (English) Schwa (p.34),Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7
16、,Phonetics,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,4. 2) Vowel description (doing exercises) The criteria of vowel description (see P.37)Vowels are normally described with reference to four criteria: The height of tongue raising :high, mid (mid-high, mid-low), low b) The position of the highest part of th
17、e tongue: front, center, back c) The length or tenseness of the voweltense vs. lax or long vs. short d) The kind of opening made at the lips:rounded vs. unrounded,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Phonetics,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,4. Vowels 3)Vowel glides (see P. 34)When the quality of
18、a vowel remains constant through out the articulation , it is called a pure or monophthong Vowels:i:, I, , , , :,u, u:, , :, ,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Phonetics,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,4. Vowels 3)Vowel glides (see P. 34)When the quality of a vowel has an audible change through
19、out the articulation, it is calledan vowel glide. If a single movement of the tongue is involved, the glides are called Diphthongs: ei, ai, i ou, au A double movement produces Triphthongs:ai, au,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,4. Vowels 4) The vowels of Receive
20、d pronunciation (RP) (p. 34-35) beat i:, bit I, bet , bat , box , bought :, boot u:, put u, far , but , birth :, letter fate ei, bike ai, coat ou, toy i, how au,Linguistics: A Course Book Lecture 7,II. Supra-segmental features (p.49)The aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments
21、are called supra-segmental features. The principal supra-segmental features are syllable, stress, tone, and intonation.,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Syllable. Different languages permit different kinds of syllables. In Chine
22、se Putonghua, for example, syllables typically consist of a consonant followed by a vowel. Only nasals /n, / can occur after the vowel and there are no consonant clusters such as /scr-, gl-, spr-, etc./ This is why the English monosyllabic word please is often pronounced as /pulis / by Chinese who a
23、re beginning to learn English.,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,1. Syllable Words like bed, dead, led, red, said, bread thyme, for the sounds after the first consonant or consonant cluster are identical. Then we can divide a syllable into tow parts, the Onset (shortened for O ) and the Rhyme (short
24、ened for R). e.g. dead d (O)+ead (R), bread br(O)+ead (R)As the vowel within the rhyme is the nucleus, the consonant(s) after it will be termed the Coda. e.g. dead d (O) + ea (N) + d (Co), bread br(O)+ ea + (N) + d (Co),Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,1. Syllab
25、leWe can thus represent the Syllabic Structure of the word clasp (device for fastening things together) like this:clasp |O(nset) R(hyme) | | / | N(ucleus) Co(da)/ | / k l a s p,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Linguistics: A Course Book Lecture 7,II. Supra-segmental features Syllable: The Syllab
26、le consists of three parts: the Onset, the Peak and the Coda. Take net net for example, /n/ is the onset, /e/ is the peak, and /t/ is the coda. The peak is the essential part, which a syllable must contain, the onset and coda are margins, which may be absent from it. The peak is usually formed by a
27、vowel, hence the symbol “V”, onset and coda are usually formed by consonant (s), so the symbol “C”. Therefore , the syllable of “net” may be represented as CVC. (see P.50),Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,We have already known t
28、hat peak is usually the task of vowels. However, sometimes it is also possible for a consonant to play the part of a nucleus, as in the word table, Which consists of a syllable tei and a syllable bl. In the second syllable there is only the syllabic consonant l to function as the nucleus. Consonant
29、m, n also have such function in English, as in bottom btm and cotton ktn.,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,In English, a word may be Monosyllabic ( with one syllable, like cat and dog) or Polysyllabic (with more than one syllable, like transplant or festival). A
30、 syllable must have a Nucleus or Peak, which is often the task of a vowel. e.g. 1) monosyllabic: can, book, desk, 2) polysyllabic: window, telephone , ,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,All syllables must have a nucleus but not all syllables contain an onset and a coda. A syllable that has no coda i
31、s called an Open syllable while a syllable with coda is known as Closed syllable. e.g. Open syllable: so, do, car, chair, Closed syllale: all, must, have, contain, In English, there are both closed and open syllables but only tense vowels (long vowels and diphthongs as well as triphthongs) can occur
32、 in open syllables. e.g. so , do, car, chair, .,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,In English, the onset position may be empty or filled by a cluster of as many as three consonants, (e.g. art, ask; play, stream) while the coda position may be empty or filled by as
33、 many as four consonants (as in sixths sikss). For this matter, the English syllable may be represented as (C)C)C)V(C)C)C)C)The Chinese syllable, however, allows at most one consonant in the onset position and only nasals n, in the coda for the Putonghua. Thus the Chinese syllable is represented as
34、(C)V(C),Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Phonetics,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,2. Sonority scaleIn English there are some consonant clusters, but the number is limited, and their combination are relatively stable, such as str-, pr-, sph-; -mp , -ck, etc
35、. That is to say, consonant cluster is not randomly combined. e.g. we can have words like help, lump, quick, pray , but not hepl, lupm rpay, or wqick. Why? It is found that a SONORITY SCALE is at work. The degree of Sonority of different classes of sound affects their possible positions in the sylla
36、ble.,Linguistics: A Course book Lecture 7,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Sonority scale:Most sonorous: 5. Vowels4. Approximants3. Nasals2. FricativesLeast sonorous: 1. StopIn word clasp, the sonority of each sound gradually rises to a peak at the nucleus and then falls at the coda, as shown in th
37、e following: 5 * 5 * 4 * 4 * 3 3 2 * 2 * 1 * * 1 * *k l a s p # l k a p s,Linguistics: A Course Book Lecture 7,II. Supra-segmental features3. Stress: Stress refers to the degree of force used in producing a syllable. Word stressAt the word level, stress only applies to words with at least two syllab
38、les and usually the stressed syllable is louder, longer and higher in pitch than the unstressed one. e.g. STUdent , TEAcher, proDUCE, perFORM,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Linguistics: A Course Book Lecture 7,II. Supra-segmental features 3. Stress: Stress refers to the degree of force used in pr
39、oducing a syllable. Stresses are sub-typed into two kinds: word stress and sentence stress. Word stressFor long words, there are often two stressed syllables, one being more stressed than the other. The more stressed syllable is the primary stress while the less stressed syllable is known as the sec
40、ondary stress. e.g. personifiCAtion, possiBIlity, individuAlity,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Linguistics: A Course Book Lecture 7,II. Supra-segmental features2) Stress is sometimes placed on a different syllable for the different grammatical function a word plays: e.g. interVIEW (v.), INTERview
41、 (n.); inCREASE (v.), Increase (n.)imPORT (V.), IMport (n.),Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Linguistics: A Course Book Lecture 7,II. Supra-segmental features 3) The alternations of stress often occur between compounds and phrases: e.g. a GREENhouse: a building with glass roof and sides, used for g
42、rowing plantsa green HOUSE: a house which is green in colora HOTdog : a kind of fast food with a bread roll and a sausagea hot DOG: a dog which is hota BLACKboard:a black BOARD:,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Linguistics: A Course Book Lecture 7,II. Supra-segmental features4) Sentence stressIn ge
43、neral situations, notional words are normally stressed while structural words are unstressed. e.g. She LOVES to GO SHOPPING on WEEKEND.The BOOK on the DESK IS of GREAT VALUE. Sentence stress is often used to express emphasis, surprise etc. so that in principle stress may fall on any word or any syll
44、able. e.g. (see text P. 52),Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Linguistics: A Course Book Lecture 7,II. Supra-segmental features 4. Tone (see Text book (III) P. 52)Tones are pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords. Pitch variations can distinguish mea
45、ning just like Chinese, we call this kind of language tone language. In Chinese, the first tone is level(阴平), the second rise (阳平), the third fall-rise(上声), and the forth fall (去 声)。 The role of the tone can be well illustrated by pronouncing the same sound combination such as “ma” in the four diffe
46、rent tones:妈、 麻、 马 、 骂,Hubei University of Economics-L.X,Linguistics: A Course Book Lecture 7,II. Supra-segmental features 4. Intonation (see Text book (III) P. 52)When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word itself, they are collectively known as intonation. Int
47、onation plays an important role in the conveyance of meaning in almost every language, especially in a language like English. There are four types of them:1) the falling tone, 2) the rising tone, 3) the fall-rise tone,4) the rise-fall tone. The most frequently used are the first three. When spoken in different tones, the same sequence of words may have different meanings. Please try “You are tired” in the first three tones.),