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1、骨盆髋臼骨折,入路选择纪 方 上海第二军医大学 长海医院创伤骨科,目 的,骨盆髋臼的解剖特点及影像学评估骨盆髋臼骨折损伤机制及分类髋臼骨折处理策略髋臼骨折的手术入路髋臼骨折的复位固定技术典型病例介绍,部分资料图片源于AO及OTC讲师和网络教育,关于髋臼骨折至今有三个重要观点,Pennal:疗效与复位满意度密切相关; Judet:复位满意度与手术暴露密切相关; Letournel:没有一个切口能暴露全部骨折。,髋臼骨折常用手术入路,Korcher-Langenbeck Ilioinguinal(髂腹股沟入路) Extended iliofemoral(扩大髂股入路) 改良Stoppa入路 Sur

2、gical hip dislocation(GANZ) 联合入路,髂腹股沟入路,由Letournel提出 针对前柱和前关节面的入路,1960s,Letournel: Ilioinguinal approach,髂腹股沟入路:显露,无法直接显露关节,髂腹股沟入路:适应症,前壁骨折前柱骨折横行骨折并前方移位后方移位前柱后半横行骨折双柱骨折,髂腹股沟入路:体位和切口,仰卧(0-30) 能穿透射线的骨折床切口: 耻骨联合上12横指 顺延向髂前上棘 平行于髂嵴 至髂嵴前2/3,手术步骤,切开腹外斜肌腱膜 从髂前上棘到中线 腹股沟韧带近端1cm 打开腹股沟管的上顶 暴露腹股沟管的底 分辨精索或圆韧带 沿髂

3、嵴剥离腹部肌肉及髂骨 沿内侧髂窝剥离髂骨,手术步骤,从耻骨到髂前上棘沿腹股沟韧带切开腹内斜肌筋膜 在髂前上棘远端找到股外侧皮神经 用橡皮条保护好股外侧皮神经 在腰大肌鞘中找到股神经 确认股动静脉 寻找“死亡之冠”,手术步骤,切开髂耻筋膜: - 将血管腔隙与肌腔隙分离开,切开髂耻筋膜,窗口操作,1st wind,3rd window,2nd window,ow 三窗口 1st window,窗口操作,优 点:,(1)与Langer氏皮纹平行,手术疤痕小美观 (2)臀肌未剥离,术后功能恢复快 (3)几乎无HO,关节活动满意 (4)不切开关节囊,手术创伤小 (5)易于显露和固定作为髋臼延伸段的髂骨骨

4、折,有利于髋臼 的解剖复位,缺 点,入路不熟悉 不能直接显露关节 - 尤其在骨折复位时 达不到后壁 无法直接达到后柱,关于死亡之冠,游离并切开髂耻梳筋膜,暴露出 第二个窗口,显露前壁在暴露过程中一定要注意髂外与 闭孔之间的血管吻合支 Corona Mortis通过第二个窗口可进入真 骨盆检查后柱的复位情况,如何避免损伤?,熟悉解剖特点,术中能够分辨,了解处理原则 骨膜下剥离,不必刻意寻找 如有损伤,立即压住,结扎,并发症,50% 1%,股外侧皮神经损伤 其他 损伤髂/股动静脉 髂/股静脉血栓形成,股神经损伤 感染 异位骨化 疝气形成,Kocher-Langenbeck入路,针对后柱及后关节面

5、由两人提出 - Kocher (1874) - Langenbeck (1904),1958s,Judet and Lagrange:Kocher-Langenbeck Approaches,Kocher Langenbeck入路:显露,整个后柱 坐骨大切迹、坐骨小切迹 坐骨棘 反髋臼面 坐骨结节,适应症,后壁骨折- 合并股骨头后脱位,后柱骨折 横行骨折 横行+后壁骨折 T形骨折,体位与切口,俯卧或侧卧位 骨科床 类似髋关节后入路 切口: 平行于股骨干 过大转子尖 弧形转向髂后上嵴,手术步骤,切开髂胫束 钝性分离臀大肌纤维 -上1/3:臀上动脉 -下2/3:臀下动脉 分离至臀下神经分支,手术步

6、骤,在股方肌上找出坐骨神经 注意:不要用橡皮条固定,保持肌肉覆盖 松弛梨状肌和联合腱离大转子1cm以上(保护旋股 内侧动脉,并固定) 无需切除方肌(保护旋股内侧动脉),手术步骤,探查外旋肌群与关节囊之间的间隙 骨膜下剥离: 坐骨大切迹 四边形 臀小肌,以暴露关节囊和反髋臼面 保护关节囊在骨折块上的附着防止周围血管离断 清理骨折缘,Kocher-Langenbeck入路:并发症,8-25% 3-5%,异位骨化 坐骨神经麻痹(神经失用) 感染,改良Stoppa入路,Cole JD,Bolhofner BR.Acetabular fracture fixation via a modified st

7、oppa limited intrapelvic approach:description of operative technique and preliminary treatment results.Clin Orthop 1994;305:2030.,体位:仰卧位/ 漂浮体位 皮肤切口: 下腹正中 耻骨联合上2厘米处 横切口,历史回顾,1968-1989年法国Stoppa 使用该入路修补复杂的腹 股沟疝、切口疝。,Rives J,Stoppa R.Dacron patches and their place in Surgery of groin hernia: 65 cases co

8、llected from a completeseries of 274 Hernia operations in French. Ann Chir. 1968;22:159171. Stoppa RE. The treatment of complicated groin and incisional hernias.World J Surg. 1989Sep-Oct;13(5):545-54.,历史回顾,1993年芬兰Hirvensalo采用下腹正中切口固 定骨盆骨折,Hirvensalo E, Lindahl J, Bostman O. A new approach to the int

9、ernal fixation of unstable pelvic fractures. Clin Orthop Rel Res. 1993; 297. 2832.,历史回顾,1994年美国南佛罗里达大学的Cole利用改 良Stoppa复位固定髋臼骨折,Cole JD, Bolhofner BR. Acetabular fracture fixation via modified Stoppa limited intrapelvic approach. Clin Orthop 1994;305:11223.,Stoppa Approach,2006年荷兰Kees-Jan使用下腹正中切口Stop

10、pa治疗骨盆 髋臼骨折。,Pieter Joosse, MD, Internal Fracture Fixation Using the Stoppa cetabular Fractures: Technical Aspectsand Operative Results. The Journal of TRAUMA.2006:662-667,2007年芬兰Hirvensalo采用下腹正中切口固 定骨盆骨折,Eero Hirvensalo . Modied and new approaches for pelvic and Acetabular surgery. Injury,Int.J.Car

11、e Injured(2007) 38,431441,Stoppa Approach,显露范围,体位 大腿垫枕,患侧屈曲,术者位于患髋对侧,1、皮肤-腹直肌前鞘、腹白线,2、切开腹白线、腹直肌,2、切开腹白线、腹直肌,钝性分离,电刀切口韧带、骨膜、复位、固定,电刀切口韧带、骨膜,复位、固定,缝合,手术显露-简便、快捷,www.themegall,ery.c,Iliac fossa Stoppa Approach,髂窝入路:暴露范围,,Stoppa Approach,,四边体的复位,H. Claude Sagi,J Orthop Trauma Volume 24, Number 5, May 20

12、10,Safe Zone,Pierre Guy,J Orthop Trauma Volume 24, Number 5, May 2010,Comparison of Acetabular Fracture Reduction Quality by the Ilioinguinal or the Anterior Intrapelvic (Modified RivesStoppa) Surgical ApproachesConclusions: The AIP approach is a safe alternative that offers better exposure and poss

13、ibly improved reduction quality of acetabular fractures compared with the ilioinguinal approach. We believe that the major advantage of the AIP approach is that it enables reduction of the posterior column and the uadrilateral plate from the contralateral side and enables application of a buttress p

14、late below the pelvic brim.J Orthop Trauma 2014;28:313319,Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Modified Stoppa Versus the Ilioinguinal Approach for Acetabular Fractures,ORTHOPEDICS | H 2013 | Volume 36 Number 10,The study showed no significant differences in all measured preoperative variables betwee

15、n the 2 groups (all P05). In addition, no significant differences were found in the intraoperative complication rate, early operative complication rate, late operative complication rate, quality of reduction, radiological results, and clinical outcomes (all P05). However, compared with the ilioingui

16、nal approach, the modified Stoppa approach reduced intraoperative blood lossand in doing so decreased wound drainage and the need for blood transfusionand shortened operative time (all P,.05).,截骨自大粗隆后上缘至股外侧肌后缘 厚度不超过1.5cm 在外 旋肌群外侧,不影响肌群止点 二附肌截骨European Journal of Trauma 2002 No. 4 . Urban & Vogel,改良K

17、-L/Gibson(Berne apprach / GANZ入路),直视髋臼,Surgical hip dislocation,其他:扩展的髂股入路,extensile Iliofemoral approach 优点: 同时显露双柱 缺点: 入路相关的合并症: 延长手术时间 增加失血 增加感染率 神经麻痹 外展减弱 关节僵硬 异位骨化 1974s,Letournel: extensile Iliofemoral approach,显露:沿髂翼的 外侧面剥离肌肉 直到坐骨大切迹 的上缘和髋关节 囊的前上部分。,扩展髂股入路,扩展髂股入路 extensile Iliofemoral approac

18、h,显露:髂骨内外板、后柱、坐骨和髋关节 优点:消毒一次铺单,术中无需更换体位 缺点:肌肉剥离范围大,易产生异位骨化 注意:保护股外侧皮神经、臀部血管神经束,后柱、髂骨、前柱 骨折、骶髂关节,前后联合入路,侧卧悬浮体位 Kocher-Langenbeck + 髂腹股沟入路 适应于: 前方伴后方半横形骨折 双柱骨折 T形骨折 横断骨折,前后联合入路,前后同时消毒铺单,术 中自由变换体位,一般 先争取利用一个切口解 决问题,实在复位困难 再决定做第二切口,Stoppa联合髂窝入路,显露:整个真骨盆缘全程,能得到骨盆前环及四边体的完整信息 优点:操作简单,显露充分,复位方便,固定满意,软组织修复容易

19、 缺点:不能显露髋臼关节面、有时需联合其他入路,髂外血管损伤风 险 注意:既往有下腹部手术史,腹膜外粘连可能非常严重,前壁,前柱,前柱伴后半横 双柱,T型, 骶髂关节和耻骨联合骨折脱位,改良Stoppa入路,手术入路选择,骨折类型 局部软组织条件 相关系统损伤 年龄及相关功能 手术时机满足关节面解剖复位和固定要求!,关节面压缩的处理,典型病例,后壁撞击压缩骨折,Kocher-Langenbeck approach,A2-3后柱后壁:预后完全不同,典型病例,Kocher-Langenbeck approach,A3前柱前,A3前柱前,A3前柱前,A3前柱前壁,Ilioinguinal appro

20、ach,典型病例,.,A3前柱前壁,典型病例,经stoppa入路,. 经stoppa入路,.,经stoppa联合髂窝入路,B1横行骨折AP and Judet films,前方移位大,典型病例,前方重灾区:,后方移位大伴后壁,典型病例 B1 AP and Judet films,B1,AP and Judet films,后方移位大,Kocher-Langenbeck approach,男患,30岁,多发伤,典型病例,经stoppa入路,5mons Fu,CT scan and 3D reconstruction images.,B2 T型骨折,典型病例,浮动体位,两手准备 Kocher-La

21、ngenbeck approach.,T-type with associated posterior wall,典型病例,CT images of the acetabulum demonstrating the transverse aspect of the fracture and the posterior lesion.,B2 T型后壁骨折,ORIF through Kocher-Langenbeck approach.,Anteroposterior and Judet films demonstrating a T-type posterior wall acetabular

22、fracture,典型病例,B2 T型后壁骨折:高位,Through an extensile approach,3D reconstruction images T-type fracture with associated comminution of the anterior wall.,B2 T型前壁骨折,Kocher-Langenbeck + ilioinguinal a pproach sequential approach,T-型骨折,典型病例,改良K-L:Surgical hip dislocation,T-型骨折伴臼顶压缩,改良Stoppa,改良Stoppa+改良Gibson

23、入路,Oper Orthop Traumatol 2009;21:25169 DOI 10.1007/s00064-009-1803-7,Operative Treatment of T-Type Fractures of the Acetabulum via Surgical Hip Dislocation or Stoppa Approach .Moritz Tannast, Klaus-Arno,Siebenrock1,A-P and Judet anterior column posterior hemitransverse acetabular fracture.,典型病例,CT a

24、nd 3D films,B3 前柱后半横,ORIF :an ilioinguinal approach,Anteroposterior and Judet films,Type C2,典型病例,CT and 3D,an extensile approach.,spur sign,AP and Judet both column acetabular fractureType C3,典型病例,CT scan demonstrates extensive comminution of the left Iliac wing and displacement of the columns.,ORIF through an ilioinguinal approach.,spur sign,Type C,典型病例,Type C,小联合入路:短IlioinguinalK-L approach 钢板+螺钉+Cabel Type C,谢谢!,


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