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第六章 词语的翻译.ppt

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1、第六章 词语的翻译,Dr. ZENG 13533828101 W,1.词汇的感情色彩 注意词义的广狭 注意词义的轻重 注意词义的褒贬 注意词义的强弱 2.词汇的文体色彩intimate casualconsultativeformal Frozen 3.词语的搭配 多义词、反义词、同义词,多义词,(1) 发货 deliver goods (2) 发传单 distribute leaflets (3) 发言 speak at a meeting (4)发光发热 emit light and heat (5)发电 generate electricity,多义词,1. 我们找个安静点的地方好好聊聊

2、。Lets find a quiet place where we can have a good talk. Lets find somewhere quiet so we can have a good talk. 2. 箱子里已经没有地方了。 There is no more space in the chest. There is no room left in the chest.,3. 你希望留在部队还是到地方上去?Do you wish to stay in the army or to transfer to a civilian unit? Would you like to

3、 stay in the army or leave for a non-military unit?,4. 我国的一项基本国策是发展乡镇企业。Its part and parcel of our national policy to develop enterprises in villages and towns. It is an integral part of our national policy to promote the growth of township and village enterprises.,5. 我们要根据形势的发展来调整政策。We must make ad

4、justment in our policy in response to changes in the situation. We have to adjust our policy to the changing situation.,6. 请大家积极参与单位的体制改革。 Everyone is called on to take an active part in the systematic reform of ones work unit.You are all encouraged to play an active role in the systematic reform of

5、 our unit.,7. 他总是以积极态度处理各种问题。He takes a positive attitude in dealing with all kinds of problems. He approaches various problems with a positive frame of mind.,8. 请别客气.Please dont stand on ceremony. Please dont be so polite. Please make yourself at home. Please dont bother. Please, we dont want to pu

6、t you to trouble.,9. 他客气而冷淡地接待了我们.He received us politely but coolly. He received us with civility but no warmth. He received us with cool politeness. He received us with polite indifference.,10. 对他这种人就是不能客气.You cannot afford to go soft on a man like him. You must not be too soft when dealing with s

7、omeone like him. You must be tough with people like him. Dont give in easily when dealing with someone like him.,11.他说自己才疏学浅,这只不过是中国人的客气罢了。,He says that he is a man of little learning and talent. That is merely self-depreciation, considered as politeness by the Chinese. When he says he has little le

8、arning or talent, he is only being modest in accordance with the Chinese rules of politeness. By describing himself as lacking in talent and learning, eh is only being modest like a typical Chinese. He describes himself as incompetent and unlearned. That is merely typical Chinese modesty.,褒贬义,(1) 他热

9、衷于个人名利。 He is always hankering after personal fame and gains (2) 她热衷于花样滑冰。 She is fond of figure skating 前者为贬义,后者为褒义,译时自然不能一视同仁。,(3)金钱,美女,城市的繁华生活,都没有使他动心,他仍旧埋头科学研究。 Neither money nor pretty womenStill less the pleasures of city life, lured him away from immerging himself in scientific studies,(1) 学生

10、很羡慕她的博学。 Students admire her for her wide range of knowledge. (2) 你不该忌妒人,说人家的坏话。 It is unwise of you to be jealous of others and to speak evil of others (3) 不少女人忌妒张小姐的美貌。 Miss Zhangs beauty is the envy of a lot of women,搭配,(1) 那位贪污受贿的官员被撤销了职务。 The official who is guilty of corruption and taking brib

11、es has been dismissed from his post.(2) 取消中国的最惠国待遇,最大的受害者将是美国。 The USwill suffer most if it discontinues Chinas most-favored-nation status.,(3) 政府授权工商部门严厉取缔投机倒把活动。Departments in charge of industry and commerce are authorized by the government t0 ban speculation and profiteering (4) 他因违章开车被永远吊销了驾驶执照。

12、His driving license has been revoked once and for all because of his violation of traffic regulations.,与(英语)对比的例子,like fish in water; ones desire is gratified 如鱼得水 Like fish let into the water-happy in each others company or in ones natural element. 如鱼得水 Charles breathed more freely in Paris when he

13、 saw that there was a part he could play there. 查理眼看自己可以成个角色,在巴黎更觉得如鱼得水了。,同义词的区分,General/SpecificDegree (Deep/Shallow)Coverage (wide/narrow)Abstract/Concrete,出入下车。 No cycling at the gate 或Cyclists please dismount,(1) 我看出了他的心事。I could read his mind(2) 他看出了她的破绽。He spotted her weak point,古今差异,鳏寡孤独废疾者皆有

14、所养。译文I:Helpless widows and widowers,the lonely,as well as the sick and disabled,are well cared for 译文II:Widowers,widows,orphans,childless old people, the physically handicapped and the sick should all be properly taken care of,(贾雨村)偶遇两个旧友,认得新盐政,知他正要请一西席教训女儿,遂将贾雨村荐进衙门去。(红楼梦) Fortunatelyhe had two old

15、 friends here who knew that the salt Commissioner was looking for a tutorUpon their recommendation Yu-tsun was given the post,which provided the security he needed(TrYang Xianyi & Gladys Yang),若得一人到颍州取得小弟家眷上山,实拜成全之福。(水浒传) 译文I:If there are those who go into the soldiers camp to find my brothers house

16、hold and bring them here,the whole city will know of it(TrPearl Buck) 译文II:If some one could go to Yingzhou to fetch my family members to the mountain,I should be very grateful for our reunion,修辞的翻译,你是萍凭什么打我的儿子!(曹禺雷雨) Why,you are mymighty with your fist?,同义词与反义词,(1)让我们把译文和原文做一番比较,看看有无出入。Lets compare

17、 the translation with the original so as to see if there is any discrepancy(2)他的行为和他的诺言很不相符,很少有人相信他。 His conduct contrasts so sharply with his promises that very few people believe him,同义词,农业是国民经济的基础.(广义) 这些年来,我国的农业林业畜牧业和渔业都得到了相应的发展.(侠义) 我们要破除迷信,解放思想. 当前我们应努力克服个人主义和享乐主义各种错误思想. 他那八十高龄的母亲已于上月去世. (褒义)


19、柳家大院的一间北房。,First, a few words about myself. Im a fortune-teller. Once I was a vender of sour dates, ground-nuts and what not. But that was ages ago. Now I keep a fortune-tellers stall on the side-walk and can scrape up three or five dimes a day at best. My old gal had long kicked up her heels. My so

20、ns a rickshaw-boy.Thats who he is. We two, father and son, hang our hats at a south-facing room in the Lius compound.,反义词,(1)那个湖方圆八百里。 The lake has a circumference of 800 li (2)屋里静悄悄的,一点儿动静没有。 It was quiet in the house, nothing stirring.,(1)不管怎样,反正工作不能停。 Come what may,the work must go on (2)反正得去个人,就

21、让我去吧。 Since someone has to go anyway,let me go,两种办法各有得失。 Each of the two methods has its advantages and disadvantages.,太平门 emergency exit (太平急) 自学 self-taught (学教) 肤浅 skin-deep (浅深) 九五折 a five percent discount (九五五) 寒衣 warm clothes (寒暖),1. 人的生命是有限的,而为人民服务是无限的。Ones life is limited but serving the peo

22、ple is limitless2. 这家药膳店里的菜贵的、贱的都有。The restaurant specializing in medicated food cooks dishes both expensive and inexpensive,抽象与具体,1. 他善于做信访工作。He is experienced in handling letters and visits from the masses2. 会谈中,双方集中讨论了保护知识产权方面的问题。During the talks,their discussion has been centered around protecti

23、on of intellectual property rights,1近期内,迅速城市化与落后的基础设施之间的不协调状态不会有很大改观。 The incongruity between rapid urbanization and a backward infrastructure will not lessen substantially in the near future. 2这几年,取消订货的现象已不再发生。 In recent years, there has been no cancellation of orders.,3他们的乐观主义精神令我们大为感动。 Their opti

24、mism moved us greatly. 4目前,公司的经营情况已有所好转。 At present, the business in our company is turning for the better.,形容性词语,1相公可怜,抬举你做个提辖,比得芥菜子大小的官职,直得恁地逞能!(水浒传)Our lord pitied you and raised you to be a captain,but as an officer you are no larger than a mustard seed and yet you are mightily arrogant as this,

25、2天色向晚,东山月上,皎皎如同白日。长江一带,如横素练。(TrZhang Yiwen) When dusk fell,the moon rose over the eastern hills making all as bright as dayThe Yangtze under the moonlight seemed a length of white silk,况锦衣玉食者未必能安于荆钗布裙也。(沈复浮生六记)Besides, one who is used to beautiful dresses and nice food like her will hardly be satisf

26、ied with the lot of a poor housewife(TrLin Yutang),“行动比言语更响亮”可能老掉牙了,但它仍不失为一条真理。 译文 “Actions speak louder than words” may be an over-worn phrase,but its still true,这个车间既做来料加工,又做来样加工。 译文This workshop processes raw materials on clients demand and processes according to investors samples as well 分析“来料加工

27、”、“来样加工”都是浓缩的意合句,应译出完整的含义。,我银行里为你挂个名,你白天去走走,晚上教教我儿子,一面找机会,好不好? 译文 Ill put you on the payroll at the bankYou can drop in during the day and in the evening tutor my son while looking for a jobHows that?,她在中国留学服务中心工作。 译文 She works at the Chinese Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange,“一次性”,一次性付款” lump-s

28、um payment”; “一次性筷子” “disposable chopsticks”; “一次性处理品” “goods sold at bargain prices without admissible returned purchase”; “一次性注射器” “one-shot injectors”。,最新时政及网络语英译,人才交流 Cultural and people-to-people exchange 农家乐 Rural inn, farm stay, agritainment 教育公平 Equal access to education 大型实景歌舞演出 Real-scene

29、musical extravaganza; musical on the site,法人 Legal person 法人代表 Regal representative 国民性 National character 新生代农民工 New generation of migrant workers 忧患意识 Adversity consciousness,反三俗(低俗、庸俗和媚俗) Fight against three forms of vulgarity 房奴 Mortgage slave 社会底层 Low social strata 第一桶金 First pot of gold 包容性增长

30、Inclusive growth,民心工程 Projects in the public interest; pro-people projects 量化货币 Quantitative easing monetary policy 被就业 Be alleged to have found jobs,住房空置率 Vacancy rate 地王 Top bidder 阶梯计价 Differential pricing 三网融合 Three network convergence; TCL convergence 火车票实名制 Real name tichet booking system,高雅艺术

31、 High art 团购 Team-buying 团购优惠券 Guoup coupon 秒杀 seckill 酒后代驾 Designated driver 裸婚 Simplistic marriage; bare-handed marriage,地沟油 Hogwash oil 蜗居 Snail dwelling; snail ouse 蚁族 City ants; antizen 雷人 Shocking; weird, wacky 宅女/宅男 Stay-in girls,打酱油 See no evil; none of my business 两餐半人 Meal skipper 伪娘 Drag

32、queen 零帕族 Stress-free type 火星文 leetspeak,考碗族 Gold-rice-bowl seeker 代排族 Hired queuer 恶搞 Parody joke 山寨 copycat 隐婚族 Pseudo-singles 潜规则 Unspoken rule,例:他摸索着把门打开。 译文 He fumbled the door open 例:暴风雨狂袭了一阵后停了。 译文 The storm raved itself out,例:我的姐姐又因为我不爱整洁而向我唠叨地劝诫了。 译文My sister has been preaching at me again

33、about my lack of neatness 分析“唠叨”不再译出,它已包含于“preach at”之中。,例:这个案子很难办,但那个受审的人已事先得到律师的仔细指点。 译文It was a difficult case,but the man on trial has been carefully primed by his lawyer 分析“to prime sb”就是“事先指点”的意思,所以“事先”不能再译出。,拟声词,深深的秋夜,只有蟋蟀的叫声和案头的灯光伴着我。 Late into the autumn night,there are only the chirping of

34、 crickets and the light on my desk that keep me company,炉子里炭火烧得正旺,映得她的脸红红的。The charcoal in the stove was crackling,which made her face rather red,量词,和平共处五项原则the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,五个统筹 the “five balances” (balancing urban and rural development, development among regions, economi

35、c and social development, development of man and nature, and domestic development and opening up to the outside world),三提五统“three deductions” (for public reserve funds, public welfare funds and management fees) and the “five charges” (charges for rural education, family planning, militia training, r

36、ural road construction and subsidies to entitled groups),直接三通 three direct links between Taiwan and the mainland:direct cross-Strait trade,air and shipping,and postal services,A是B的n倍,(1) A is n times that of B; (2) A is n times as Adj.as B; (3) A increases (risesgrows) by (n) times over B; (4) A is

37、(n) times more than B。也可以用动词double, twice,twofold,triple,quadruple等表示。该港的吞吐量两年间翻了一番。The handling capacity of the harbor has doubled in two years。,A 增加n倍;A比B多n倍 (1) A is n+1 times as adj. as B; (2) A increases (rises, goes up,grows,be等) by n times 氧原子几乎比氢原子重15倍。 The oxygen atom is nearly 16 times as

38、heavy as the hydrogen.,百分比增加,今年头三个月,协议外资金额和实际使用外资金额分别比去年同期增长了300.3和179.8 %。 In the first three months of this year,total contracted foreign capital and total paid-in capital have shot up by 300.3 percent and1 79.8 percent respectively,百分比减少,减少或降低的英语表达法有reduce by,fall by (to), go down by 等。 采用新技术使生产成

39、本一下子降低了25。 The adoption of the new technique reduced (lowered) the cost of production by one quarter (25).,质地优良 to be excellent in quality(或with superior quality) 品种齐全 in complete range of articles 款式繁多 with various patterns 选料考究 Choice material 做工精细 Fine workmanship,色泽鲜明bright-coloured 零售价格retail p

40、rice 批发价格 wholesale price 货到付款 payment against arrival,出类拔萃 above average 驰名中外 to be popular both at home and abroad 久负盛名 with a long standing reputation 万古流芳 will be remembered throughout the age 名垂青史 to go down in history,家喻户晓 to be widely known 假冒产品 fake goods 伪劣产品 low-quality goods 欢迎订购 order we

41、lcome 欢迎光临 welcome 敬请光临 Youre invited to come,投资热点 investment hot soot 工业园区 Industrial Park 经济特区 special economic zone 土地租赁 land lease,产权转让 property-rights transfer 资产评估 to make all appraisal ones assets 国有资产 state assets 无形资产 intangible assets 物价指数 price-rise index,购销政策 the purchase-market policy 优

42、化结构 to optimize the structure of production 扭亏为盈 to reduce losses and increase profits 增进效益 to increase economic returns 合资经营 joint venture,思想深沉 to be deep in thought(或with deep thoughts) 性格坚强 to be strong in character(或with strong characters) 开拓进取 to work hard with a pioneering spirit 德才兼备 with bot

43、h professional ability and political integrity 公平竞争fair competition,练习(灵活翻译),几天工夫,由于抢购,商店的货物销售一空。 译文Within days,panic buying emptied store shelves,例: 我的心和你在一起 My heart is together with you I shall be with you in spirit 例: 她是一个大龄青年 She is a big-age youth She is a single youth well above her matrimoni

44、al age,这些原则一直是我们民族的精神支柱。 译为:These principles have nourished the soul of our nation.,我们应了解彼此生活的情况,建立人与人之间的友谊纽带。 译为:We should share the texture of our daily lives and forge the human bonds of friendship,这种论点目前还有一定的市场。 译为:This argument has some appeal at present 他废寝忘食地工作 译为:He eats,drinks and sleeps hi

45、s work 一般的词典多译为:“One is so absorbed or occupied in ones work as to forget food and sleep,在改革中,许多国营企业实行了合同制,被推向市场。 译文The contract system introduced in many stateOwned enterprises during the reform drive exposed the enterprises to market competition,当地政府为了改善生态环境采取了许多措施。 The local government has done m

46、uch for the improvement of the ecological environment,(影响),一个伟大的人不论做什么均有影响。 A great man leaves his mark on whatever he does 我的话对他简直没有任何影响。 What I said made practically no impression on him 文艺对人们的思想有很大的影响。 Literature and art have a great influence upon peoples ideology,促进,我们应该促进相互了解,促进团结。 We should p

47、romote unity by furthering mutual understanding 大学的目标应是促进学术的发展。 The aim of a university should be the advancement of learning 这项政策将促进经济的发展。 This policy will help fuel economic growth 努力工作是促进他事业成功的主要因素。 Hard work is the main accelerator in his successful career.,他要讲经济问题和国际形势问题。 译文 He is going to spea

48、k on the economy and the international situation 现在有许多人在提倡民族化,科学化,大众化。 译文Many people nowadays are calling for a transformation to a national,scientific and mass style,你要母鸡多生蛋,又不给它米吃,又要马儿跑得快,又要马儿不吃草。世界上哪有这样的道理! 译文You want the hen to lay more eggs and yet you dont feed it;you want the horse to run fast and yet you dont let it grazeWhat kind of logic is that?,他总算把记者招待会对付过去了。 After all,he survived the press conference 花园里花草茂盛,五彩缤纷。 The garden is carpeted with a mass of multicolored flowers,


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