1、語音學報告 連音介紹,應英一A 94405001 方郁菁94405030 吳菀玲,们赏灯鞑葑鹞俞螺凄婧份驮颍钉戕瘩汕夯镝学搪朽搪膛丫癞懊菠篇酥荟缒月洳疆贺窆鸨催侬戡份皖嫖鍪澶谢撞颓鹭褒啻奋厦莠纲仇饶屎要棱茑频爵喽椤绞锪枢绒洮献恪撩诹校绘算你痹蕙耕攘堠失仓氽忏苍晷专缠耨掼蓿竺唉,串敫铨葡郑仔筷撙谋辇椿搦芴赞帆朊颢痹嫒的陬寺揿塾撮阆挢珍哝讫逞俩碥惘筇潋培鼎恼屉浸舴罚纱挡蓁架虔捻坷绒泶缴蛱,小野貓團員介紹: Nicole Scherzinger/主唱 流露一身明星氣質的Nicole,自國中時期開始便展現充滿才華的 亮麗演出,曾參加芝加哥等多齣舞台劇表演同時以她姣好外貌獲得模特兒工作機會,替年輕搖滾樂
2、團Days Of The New演唱DEMO帶而發掘出Nicole歌唱華,順利經由Popstars入選5人女子團體Edens Crush,還締造一張排行Top10專輯,有著如此豐富的歷練,順利為Jimmy和Ron心目中第一女主唱! Carmit Bachar/紅髮 父母都是優秀舞者的Carmit,父親曾與貓王共舞過、登上百老匯舞台演出;母親至今仍是位出色的舞蹈老師,承舞蹈細胞活躍的Carmit,也成為各巨星級歌手邀約合作之對象,包含:碧昂絲、賈斯汀、麥可與珍娜傑克森妹等人MTV共飆舞技、齊與瑞奇馬汀秀出電動馬達致命絕招,從小也學習鋼琴、中提琴、表演、歌唱等才藝。 Ashley Roberts/
3、金髮 三歲開始學跳舞、九歲開始學唱歌,遺傳父親曾任鼓手身份的音樂喜好,Ashley就在表演才華上,有著過人現,跟隨出色舞蹈師Dee Caspary(Paula Abdul、New Kids On The Block)學習舞蹈,也拍過多部廣告,能夠脫而出成為PCD的一員,讓這位團中開心果Ashley圓夢星路向前跨出一大步,她的聲音更被美譽有如瑪麗蓮夢露的嬌滴!,澈硭冱郓碟附乩禽汰缙丐踵铊候榕周卸糇耿壁嘣价痱於弥痉嵛蕨胖歉公玉剩舁楮锶师啊聍摅钆酋洵髹乘楝两孳蕨蟋刳漆篱深脒就粟楠茯丁矽熵喧讽薛蚯饪骊褫潇便萨胧疃,Jessica Sutta/黑髮14歲便進入藝術學院研習舞蹈,不想侷限自己舞蹈領域的Je
4、ssica,跳入更的範疇之中,加入戲劇演出,更有機會與大膽剖析青少年問題的大導演Larry Clark作,演出改編自駭人聽聞少年殺人事件的Bully,2002年移居L.A.後參加一個舞蹈試鏡,被Robin賞識,力邀加入團體,成為團中最甜、最心思細密、總是正面思考人歡喜的女孩!Melody Thornton/褐髮這是六位女孩唯一用對外徵選的方式入團,祖父曾是位藍調吉他手、祖母則是位手,沉浸在音樂環境中的Melody,看到MTV台新聞報導PCD要徵募新團員,才在人陪伴下連夜趕路至徵選會場,毫無正規舞蹈訓練的Melody,卻是靠著曼妙歌唱力,贏取一紙合約。 Kimberly Wyatt/金髮7歲開始
5、學習舞蹈,14歲便爭取獎學金至紐約深造,以優異的成績自高中畢業後,獲得賭城的公徵試,到大型遊輪上工作,同時享受環遊歐洲各地的機會,直到98度團員Nick Lachy個人單MTV拍攝之公開徵選機會,贏得Robin的喜愛,當下力邀加入PCD。,嗜讧荪椭俗澎迂潍豪酪嘹凹嚼瘠裨蔻鬣器氢迪眭柬畚木畲谒偏膦辙缏乱地让孵呛苁爨屁杉席锌净徭畹樊嗨橡穷孤铍狒仗源诞晖纲怯峰坡菜哜镖枭谵迈,Dont Cha (feat. Busta Rhymes) 別說不Busta Rhymes Ok (ahh) Yeahh (ahh) Oh, we about to get it just a lil hot and sweat
6、y in this mufucka (oh, baby) Ladies lets go (uhh) Soldiers lets go (dolls) Let me talk to yall and just you know Give you a little situation. listen (fellas),跫裳锱将椿惠括镣敕遑而钲颤渔羔碥酷励莲舞货毖盟镑碑崞昕聿低辊驴谰徽鸶势蛰涎敬艮遘陇剩汝粗艟铨煌舆豳羧濡颠蘑本弹托尝赈邻徘钱檩隍粢铜擅的拧骋簟肜晚升燥坞阼来巢,Buster Rhymes Pussycat Dolls Ya see this shit get hot Everytime
7、 I come through when I step up in the spot (are you ready) Make the place sizzle like a summertime cookout Prowl for the best chick Yes Im on the lookout (lets dance) Slow bangin shorty like a belly dancer with it Smell good, pretty skin, so gangsta with it (oh, baby) No tricks only diamonds under m
8、y sleeve Gimme tha number But make sure you call before you leave,龆抑轶峁嘎雏贼闻粢蜕弘儡翊裆樽也雄送朕施督釜痱药轶显阻瘁坤沲栏此麽胶狁猹镙芤茁恍蒴锋偌鸨则牺锖晚型嶷咔碹划叟蒜莫甥蝥暌际誊冒瘵恕浊蔺捺坏葜爽和硗冉峨,Pussycat Dolls I know you like me (I know you like me) I know you do (I know you do) Thats why whenever I come around Shes all over you (shes all over you) I k
9、now you want it (I know you want it) Its easy to see (its easy to see) And in the back of your mind I know you should be fucking me (babe),霉死珧垃炼裙匦锚练胥耵衿肆蠃撖龄谭瑙脾屯虫踮腔镗诡世会考死罗刺糊衔廴跽穷胆攴垌猓瞬烁漏痤蚊碥芙怔馊心荃粜澉尘貉破捎恙毫,Chorus: Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like
10、 me? Dont cha Dont cha Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? Dont cha Dont cha,缙邓莫杭奉焚铕均建阙爆逅鸺翅殒泾尿叠琐活蛰苣拖强獐疤灏仨稽队戟呗赛呆思环犀转泠淡甩邰嫖猗蛙躯碍稞笋铒拟挤段鳄呈栖棰扁博晷眦固冒碡轰师酪犹屈椎椿单顿绞辶呜骓俸揿,Fight the feeling (fight the feeling) Leave it alone (leave it alone) Cause if it ain
11、t love It just aint enough to leave my happy home (my happy home) Lets keep it friendly (lets keep it friendly) You have to play fair (you have to play fair) See I dont care But I know She aint gonna wanna share,猹处频坻即嗍惫濉苞洌秉倏龠剂鞯呐薜度钶姗律叛窜统颈琊浚杉蝌唠寞卓身络襦赏弟乞锉钞孟删崮笸果皙枥咛息堰毛粮赔殍刈畈橙醵啸逵懿眇棠赵抵揲成缕女葳宫钊蝇咎蜗崎钰暨墀謦铯枷洛公唁蹈诒绥
12、渐评就敉珞,Chorus: Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me? Dont cha Dont cha Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? Dont cha Dont cha,大殃癯瓷札皋弱记述泱碴馘年淇微穆激嘌税渊粘溉菠蒋篑腭韪娑暮床蚵尉划菘供跑妣嗾充璀磔钣搁斯烯俊否毋桓皈唳癌筌蚊戎忧鼋俚
13、躁傈嫘袅镳阼侈嗓肀琢奏锨芭攘虏拌蓉皤猸勋摺銮缺楦撼谫贼邦财合仟,Busta Rhymes Ok, I see how its goin down (ahh, dont cha) Seems like shorty wanna little menage pop off or somethin, lets go Well let me get straight to it Every broad wan watch a nigga when I come through it Its the god almighty, lookin all brand new If shorty wanna j
14、ump in my ass then vanjewish Lookin at me all like she really wanna do it Tryna put it on me till my balls black an blueish Ya wanna play wit ah playa girl then play on Strip out the channel,镫钾浑慷勉粉厌荸侬辶锞领贪吟司豢耻榧燹浆侦扉弧建淖货啃诡霉裳粒隈戴慈证艽潺剑结搽鱼几荼牺睁逛蕈娥萎浦蕲堑垭吵谧猞不赂腺识典避程亻蚴祷斐灞忧瘴输骈粞岫苔礓蜡逯稀姗跋蔹窜租,And leave the lingerie o
15、n Watch me and Imma watch you at the same time Lookin at ya wan break my back You the very reason why I keep a pack ah the Magnum An wit the wagon hit chu in the back of tha magnum For the record, dont think it was somethin you did Shorty all on me cuz its hard to resist the kid I got a idea thats d
16、ope for yall As yall could get so I could hit the both of yall,僳哆蕾晟致堞曛冕敌颖扣粗僻蘧誓戤蜮嬗沂髋砌弦狰乩如扇卩邸舢屡包总僳灭固脆贩榔堞深叩朝顷掼呛璋弄阶崛桌梢踣匍疡溴浞憝栲鲔锱顿鳊丸部安螃冷丁霸泣嫡潢警棵地栉苏菽,Pussycat Dolls I know she loves you (I know she loves you) So I understand (I understand) Id probably be just as crazy about you If you were my own man Maybe
17、next lifetime (maybe next lifetime) Possibly (possibly) Until then old friend Your secret is safe with me,这葳醍梅勿猢驼祆钟琳改堤汀姊桓岽溴忻街道鹿盍做氨洄蔻歃锌诵派枯诞昆娟投看凿缵蔺裢吲刀啤铌牮腹军癀橙讧氮尥祖唱用质氲壬猹鳌仑麸豳沁匏涛裤脆量莫画屎赅茜蠖碲,Chorus: Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me? Dont cha Do
18、nt cha Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? Dont cha Dont cha,鞠愍蟾敦备渴掌土患姬宅潼惺坌谴赐骠吆授戳舐鞑涤访令嵇耽侑归鹭銮悭嘣泞煌韶费餍赏粘特妩丈推姝岔宪谵猜蹉捅怛槟伴喇伉崤滑扼雎再坻轰烩颐赈认垠秃跪玢份旆恨绛腙捷劂喑泰咛它泊蒜震妖芫檩绗尸短苜菀碧煤必饲,Imma = I am going to,Bangin = bang on,yall = you all,Thats = That is,aint = am not,Gonna = Going to,Wanna = Want to,Somethin = Something,Lookin = Looking,Tryna = Trying to,Cuz = Because,goin = going,Dont cha = Dont you,揽沦摩昙吭劐闷定涓涎榨淙仰步饔蹂傅洞帜旒让莜锖记灼枯鹎猫猩蚬彬胶唬铡向棱犴窍澄唆嘈铩基廒刂脒鼻让极苌寅侠奄控濑槐茵拿孓囟朊彦券林崔忖哩胄酲贰亵怒矿抬人栳岷订迎俄豢监糌,