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1、剑桥商务英语(BEC)中级复习指南2009-05-03 14:36:11 来源: 浏览次数:116 网友评论 0 条 我是一名大三学生,刚通过了 2008 年 11 月 BV 的考试。很荣幸地在Ampere 建议下写一篇总结。于自己是改掉从前懒于记录总结的坏习惯的第一步;于各位 BF们(BEC friend)则愿分享复习考试中的心情点滴;于让我由衷喜欢和欣赏的 Ampere 更是希望随老师步伐共同进步。我是一名大三学生,刚通过了 2008 年 11 月 BV 的考试。很荣幸地在Ampere 建议下写一篇总结。于自己是改掉从前懒于记录总结的坏习惯的第一步;于各位 BF们(BEC friend)则

2、愿分享复习考试中的心情点滴;于让我由衷喜欢和欣赏的 Ampere 更是希望随老师步伐共同进步。我报考的想法很简单,考完四六级后暂无出国打算,权衡之后觉得 BEC 很合适,借以督促自己不要停止学习英语。我报的是人大考点,这个大家可以根据住所情况就近选择,根据自己的口语习惯选择可自由组partner 的北工商或其他,最主要的是听力环境,我所在的人大是大阶梯教室,用多媒体设备公放。 我参加了新东方 08 年BEC Vantage 十一特训班,是根据我比较喜欢集中强度训练而决定的。十一之后我才开始准备,之前对 BV复习完全没有理解,我觉得对于一门自己陌生类型的考试参加一个培训班是很必要的,所谓工欲善其

3、事,必先利其器,新东方老师在学习方法、考试技巧,以及他们所总结的知识体系上都给予了我极大的帮助。下面结合所学收获,一些小 Tips 总结下我复习中的教训和经验:Reading:1、阅读第一道match题,我按照李珺老师方法练习中形成一种自己的习惯,就是先看段落 A 再通读7 个句子。因为在看过题干中题目提示后对文章有初步认识但很难形成正确把握。先看 A 段增加了对文章主题的认识,再回头看 7个句子,按照老师的方法划出关键词,同是 A 段的答案也可以选出了,这样无形中也节约了时间,个人认为还是一举两得的。2、逻辑题是我的弱项。因为本人逻辑能力本身就不强,一边读一遍选更难把握其内在逻辑联系,所以我

4、会看两遍,第一遍按照老师讲解的方法认真做完后,我会像阅读理解一样再读一遍,这一次往往可以发现错误。当然我英语阅读速度一直较快,所以时间还算允许。3、阅读理解一段对应一题。完形那道也要自信,你想啊西方人出题考介词和小语法点怎么难得倒中国学生呢?:)找错题错误类型也就那么几种,把真题做了总结好足够。这三题高中就已经练烂了,而单词又简单,是应该拿分的。筒子们认真做就好啦!4、复习时要善于总结,BV 不需要背单词并不代表不用总结词汇。阅读中的词汇积累不但有益于做阅读,对听力的帮助也是很大的。Listening:1、连接阅读部分,首先就说总结词汇。可爱另外,这部分单词也可以表示功能、行为等,如:refu

5、sing, agree ing, making excuses, boring work, an uncomfortable office, low pay, to order a meal, to book a room 等,所以,考生在听录音前,先快速阅读供选择的单词的意思,然后,在听录音时要特别抓住keywords ,辩明独白所要表白的主要意思,再作出选择。需要当心的是:有些单词听上去似乎是答案,但别忙着确定,一定要等听完该段独白的全部录音才能最后定答案。Part 3 (Questions 23-30)该部分通常是两个人或更多人之间的对话,如:开会讨论、面试、一般业务会谈等;另外也可能不

6、是对话,而是独白,如:业务报告、产品演示会的讲话,工作汇报等。考生做这一题时首先仍然是先快速阅读选择题,从而了解录音中对话或独白的背景、大意,以便听录音时有一个大致的方向。考生听录音时要认真将主要内容抓住,决不能因为某一个问题没听懂就停下来,听录音的过程中可以针对每一个问题做些快速记录,记下录音中人的身份、讨论的问题,以及不同的观点;如果是独白,对独白的主 题,涉及到的人或物等则要尽可能弄清楚。SPEAKINGBEC 2 口语考试总 时间约为 14 分钟(一组两个考生)。Part 1这部分是主考官与考生的对话,考官问的问题一般有:姓名、职业、所学专业,对所从事的工作或所学专业是否喜欢,为什么喜

7、欢或不喜欢等等。另外,考官会就某一方面问考生,如有关就业就可能问:What would your ideal job be? Do you think all companies ought to provide training opportunities for staff? Is the opportunity to work abroad important to you? 等等。当主考官在与一考生对话时,另一考生必须仔细听,因为主考官问了考生甲Do you think all companies ought to provide training opportunities for

8、staff? 后,可能会问考生乙What do you think of it?如果考生乙没有仔细听,就要对考官说 Sorry 或 Please pardon 这样会影响口试效果。口试第一部分考试时间约为 4 分钟。Part 2这一部分要求考生就某一主题进行阐述。考生就信息卡上的问题回答。如:What is important when ? Opening a branch in a new cityThe locationThe potential purchasing power阐述完了之后,考官司就所阐述的内容提问。只要考生能对信息卡的内容有所了解,一般可以较好地回答问题。剑桥 BEC口

9、语考试对 很多考生来 说比较难对付,为此考试吧 在这里给大家讲讲 BEC 口语应试技巧,希望对大家有所帮助。1. Be well prepared.做好充分准备是成功的基本保障,这包括对考试风格,模式,题型和最新动态的熟悉,更包括大量的、有针对性的口语练习。但必须指出一点,准备的过程不应是背诵的过程。很多考生对自己在面试中的表现感觉良好,最终却对自己出乎意料的低分大吃一惊,百思不得其解,其实原因很简单:考官对考生背诵事先准备好的答案很反感,尤其当他/她听到同一种答案被很多考生重复使用时,那种令人作呕的感觉可想而知。在考官看来,Using a prepared answer is similar

10、 to cheating! 所以给准备BEC 考试的考生一个忠告:Over prepared is often as harmful as under prepared.2. Have an easy but concentrated state of mind.心态对于任何事的成功都是至关重要的,语言测试,尤其是一对一的口语测试更是如此。良好的心态可以使人超水平发挥;糟糕的心态却可以让人遭遇滑铁卢。在以往的 BEC考试中,相当数量的考生是因为心态不好,主要是过度紧张导致失利的。应该说适度的紧张还是有益的。我们应该充分重视 BEC 口语考试,但没有理由 惧怕它。调整心态,放松心情的几种方法:1

11、) 尽量把参加 BEC 面试想象成拜访一个朋友,而那个朋友有一些问题不明白,需要向我请教。2) 面试前一晚一定要睡个 好觉,考前一餐不要吃得太饱,当然也不能空腹。3) 进入面试房间前做几次深呼吸,然后告诉自己:既然我知道自己英语说得不错,别人也应该知道。4) 把对方想象成考生,把自己想象 成考官,当然该回答的问题还是要认真回答。5) 如果知道自己的英语口语不太好就更没必要紧张了,紧张又不能帮我提高成绩,不如彻底放松,奋力一搏,说不定就能达到柳暗花明的效果。3. Focus on your English instead of your ideas.考官在考察我们的英文而不是我们的思想,没有必要

12、为了一个我认为“闪光“ 的思想强迫自己说那些说不清的英文句子,重要的是把我有把握的英文说清楚。考官基本上不会在乎我们的观点,而是根据我们的英文打分的,况且我认为很精彩的一个观点很可能其他人已经重复过多次。一个蹩脚的复杂句并不比简明流畅的短句给考官的印象更好。在口语表达中我是主动的,没有人强迫我说什么。不会说的词就换另一个词;没有把握的句型就换另一个句子;讲不清的观点可以马上 用另一种观点,甚至违心地说几句话也无妨,为了拿到分数豁出去了。记住:虽然语言只是表达思想的载体,但那是在生活中。在语言测试中,尤其是当我们的语言手段不足以表达我们复杂的思想时,一定要让思想服从于语言,只讲能讲得清的观点。4

13、. Use your common sense.很多考生分丢得实在冤枉,当被问到一些常识性问题时,我们往往因为缺乏常识或不会利用常识而轻易放弃机会,白白丢分。要知道十几分钟的面试转瞬即逝,放弃一个问题可能就意味着分数降一个档次。有些问题被考生放弃并不是因为语言问题,而是他们认为对这个话题没有 idea,不知道该说什么。例如被问到家乡最有趣的方面是什么时,很多考生吞吞吐吐说不出来,或者干脆说没什么有趣的。其实这是一个非常简单的问题,只要有一点常识就不难想到有太多话题可讲:自然风光、名胜古迹、地方风俗、历史、地理、风土人情、节日庆典、饮食习惯、教育制度、天气情况等等都可以成为谈论的话题。任何时候都

14、不要放弃任何问题。Sayin g something is better than saying nothing!5. Be calm in mind and active in attitude.回答问题时要沉着,冷静,思路清晰,同时表现出主动参与、喜欢交谈的态度。首先要保证听懂问题再回答,不要听到之言片语就慌忙回答,随后发现误解了考官的问题或答非所问;更不要没听懂考官的问 题就沉默不语。如果真没听懂也不要慌,可以先根据此时的谈话背景迅速寻找线索,把自己的猜测大胆讲出来,待对方证实后继续回答。例如:Q: Whats your line of business?A: Excuse me, ar

15、e you asking me to talk about my job?假如连一点猜测的线索都没有,坦白的告诉考官你没有听懂比不懂装懂,答非所问更能表现出考生喜欢参与的坦诚态度和善于交谈的应变能力。有必要经常提醒自己:The BEC interview does NOT focus on your academic English. It focuses on your SURVIVAL English.把商务英语页面加入收藏夹 来源: 考试大-商务英语考试商务英语 BEC 考试的写作分为两 个部分:Part 1这部分要求考生写 40-50 词的短信息,会考到的文体有通知、留言、备忘录、电子

16、邮件等。如:You are the General Manager of a large computer company. Next week you are going to Shanghai to discuss an important contract. Write a note to your secretary: Saying when you want to leave and return; Asking her to book flights; Telling her to which hotel to book a room. Write 40-50 words.写作时,

17、考生首先要明白题目赋予写作者的身份,然后确定短文中必须包含的题目指定的要求;最后考虑语言是否流畅 ,是否有语法错误、拼写错误等。Part 2这部分要求考生写 120-140 词的商务信、报告、建议书等。考生要熟悉有关抱怨、道歉、解释、询盘等商务信件的写法;写信时要注意信的格式,适当地分段会使得看时感觉更好。一般一个主题成一段。此外,还应该熟悉非正式的商务短报告写法,商务报告中一般要包括信息 (findings/information)、结论(conclusion s)、建议 (suggestions/recommendation)等内容。文章的词数最好按要求在 120-140 之间,稍微多几个

18、或少几个影响不大。考生写作时,务必充分理解题目要求,明白写作者的身份,看懂并结合所提供的信息。2009 年BEC 商务英语考试阅读真题解析来源:考试大 2009/4/23 【考试大:中国教育考试第一门户】 模拟考场 视频课程PART ONEQuestions 1-7Look at the statements below and the advertisements on the opposite page.Which advertisement does each statement 1-7 refer to?For each sentence 1-7, mark one letter (A

19、, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet.You will need to use some of the letters more than once.Examp le:0 You need to be familiar with a variety of computer software.0 A B C D1 This job involves working for a well-known company.评析:advertisements C 中含有 well-established firm 的 信息,判断 C 符合题意。2 You will meet

20、 a wide variety of customers in this job.评析:advertisements A 中含有 client liaison (客户联络)的信息,判断 A 符合题意。3 This post involves responsibi lity for recruitment.把商务英语 页面加入收藏夹评析:advertisements D 中含有 interviewing job applicants的信息,判断 D 符合题意。4 Your work should not be discussed outside the office.评析:advertiseme

21、nts B 中含有 highly confidential(高度保密 )的信息,判断 B 符合题意。5 In this job you will deal with peopl es investments.评析:advertisements B 中含有 looking after customers financial assets such as property and possessions 的信息,判断 B 符合题意。6 This post has recen tly been established.评析:advertisements C 中含有 newly-created pos

22、ition 的信息,判断 C 符合题意。7 Your job description will require you to read some documents very carefully.评析:advertisements A 中含有 proof reading and checking 的信息,判断 A 符合题意。AILT Consultants 19,000+benefitsHeres an exciting opportunity to combine your presentation skills and organizational abilities, working f

23、or a team of systems analysts. You will need to have a good eye for detail as the role involves large amounts of proof reading and checking. The job also involves client liaison at all levels, as well as an element of research.BJohn Guild database work; accounting; and organizational responsibilitie

24、s. The bulk of the workload is highly confidential. A good level and range of PC experience will secure you an interview.CHoopers 17,000Join this household name and play a key part in supporting their Regional Operations Director and marketing team. This is a newly-created position within a well-est

25、ablished firm and there is plenty of opportunity for you to develop your role. You will need to be self-motivated with the ability to prioritise. Some Windows experience essential.DITC Investment Consultants 18,000+This is an opening for a bright, part-qualified assistant to work in an investment co

26、mpanys busy personnel department. You will need to have one years experience of interviewing job applicants, and the confidence to handle appraisals and disciplinary actions. Further training will be offered or the right candidate. Keyboard skills are desirable as you will manage all personal corres

27、pondence.来源:考试大-商务英语考试PART TWOQuestions 8-12Read the article below which reviews a new book on company planning.Choose the best sentence from the list on the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.For each gap 8-12, mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.Do not use any lette r more than once.The

28、re is an example at the beginning (0).Firms need a better way of planningNick Field, in his book Strategy Management, offers a new approach to help companies map out their future.Many companies have lost the art of strategy-making. They spend too much time looking at process change, organisation and

29、 systems. (0)_. They have got things out of balance. In many companies, the development of strategy is in crisis. In a recent magazine poll, only six per cent of executives rated their company highly for long-term planning skills. (8) _. If this figure is accurate, it is not surprising that 29% of t

30、he FTSE 100 companies failed to achieve real sales growth between 1992 and 1996, when take-overs are excluded from the figures.(8)评析:前句谈到:杂志调查显示,只有 6%的总裁对他们公司的长期规划评价很高。可见,这部分信息的重心是 planning,和 strategy。后句说,如果这个数字是准确的话,那么。 。 。可见(8)中必然要包含关于数据的内容。正确答案为 C. Another survey estimated that only one in ten co

31、mpanies had the information they needed to make strategic decisions. C 中含有数字 only one in ten,而且话题和 前句一致,都是关于 strategy.There can be no doubt about the value of effective strategy-making. Recent research has shown that what are described as visionary companies - those with clear strategies for the fut

32、ure - deliver higher shareholder returns. They are less at risk from short-term earnings pressures because they know - and they can convince others - that they will survive these.(9) _ Times have changed. The big company of today is not being defeated by another big company but by the small companie

33、s. So how do they do it?. And where do companies that are failing in this respect turn? If a company accepts that their strategy development is not the best in the class, if they acknowledge that they need to do more to map out their future, influence rather than be influenced, shape their market in

34、stead of being shaped by it, how should they take on this strategy-making challenge?(9)评析: 后一句谈到“时代已经变了,大公司不是被大公司,而是被小公司击败。 ”既然后句谈时代改变了,那么前句应当在谈过去怎样。正确答案为 F. In the past, it was generally believed that the scale of the company was the most significant factor.Fields book Strategy Management puts forw

35、ard a new approach to help companies rediscover the power of forward planning. (10) _. The book is straightforward to understand and use, and offers practical and specific directions. Research and empirical testing have proved that it can be useful in all areas of industry and should be of value to

36、any company.(10)评析:前句谈到 Field 的书战略管理提到一种新的重新帮助公司发现未来规划的能力。后一句也谈到书,可见(10)句中一定包含关于书的 信息。正确答案为A Clear guidelines are given on how to become involved with customers and build new forms of competitive advantage.The approach put forward is based on two key building blocks, the first being that any company

37、 considering its future must have a commitment to win. (11) _. The second building block is competitive advantage. The author defines four prime areas that differentiate organisations and influence purchase decisions. These are the performance of the product or service, sold at the most attractive p

38、rice, with extraordinary levels of service and strong emotional values. It may require only one of these areas to produce a competitive advantage. Take Coca-Cola for example. (12) _.(11)评析:前句提到 two key building blocks 的第一个,后句提到第二个,可见(11)的信息应当和第一个 building block有关。前句中:the first being that any company

39、 considering its future must have a commitment to win. 这里重心落在 commitment to win 上。正确答案为E If this comes across forcefully enough rivals will see it and go elsewhere, believing the market will be taken over by another. 这里的 this 指的即为 commitment to win。(12)评析:前句提到可口可乐,后面一定在举可口可乐 的例子。正确答案选B Through the b

40、rand name, the company has established a relationship with customers feelings that has made the product highly successful.Companies can explore how to win by building on their commitment and working around this approach to identify which one or more of these four sources of advantage will lead to su

41、ccessExamp le:0A B C D E F GA Clear guidelines are given on how to become involved with customers and build new forms of competitive advantage.B Through the brand name, the company has established a relationship with customers feelings that has made the product highly successful.C Another survey est

42、imated that only one in ten companies had the information they needed to make strategic decisions.D Lacking any debate about the future, these are typically reduced to a once-a-year form-filling exercise.E If this comes across forcefully enough rivals will see it and go elsewhere, believing the mark

43、et will be taken over by another.F In the past, it was generally believed that the scale of the company was the most significant factor.G They do not invest enough effort in determining where they want to be in their markets and how they are going to beat their competitors.把商务英语页面加入收藏夹 来源:考试大-商务英语考试

44、写信的原则(Writing Principles)已从原来的3 个“C“(Conciseness, Clearness, Court esy)发展到目前的 7个“C“:Compl eteness, Clearness, Concreteness, Conciseness, Correctness, Courtesy, Consideration。 实例 Dear Sirs, Copper Wire With reference to your letter of April 9, we are pleased to accept your offer of 100 tons of Copper

45、 Wire as per your Offer Sheet No.8/070/02B. Please go ahead and apply for your Export Licence. As soon as we are informed of the number of the Export Licence we will open the L/C by cable. 关于你们四月九日涵,我们高兴地接受你们第8/070/02号报盘单所报 100 吨紫色铜丝。请着手办理申请出口许可证。的一经接到出口许可证号码的通知,当即电开信用证。 要求书信“完整” 的理由有三: 1、一封完整的书信比一封

46、不完整的书信,有更大的可能性带来预期的效果; 2、一封完整的书信,有助于建立和表达友善关系; 3、一封完整的书信,可以避免由于遗漏重要情况(情报)所导致的诉讼(Lawsuit) ; 4、有时,某些不显眼的书信或文件,由于所提供的情况完整而又生动有力(Compl ete and Effective)而成为极为重要的文件。 一封信写得是否完整,建议用五个“来检验,既: Who, What, Where, When,Why(包括 How)。 例如:在定货的信中,必须明确说明: 需要什么商品(What you want) 何时需要(When you need the goods) 货物发到何地何人收(

47、to Whom and Where the goods to be sent) 如何付款(How payment will be mande) 如对对方的要求作出否定的答复时(如不能报盘,不能理赔等)应说明理由为什么(Why) 实例解说: “Cellulose Tape 1/2“x 3yds, with plastic dispenser 700 doz./-ditto-but 1/2“ x 5 yds, 1,000doz.“ 这是出口商接到的一份定单中有关商品品名,规格和数量的内容。中文意思是:纤维素带(幅)宽半英寸,长 3 码,带塑料包装容器,700 打;同上,但(幅)宽宽半英寸,长 5

48、码,1000 打。主要问题是后半句不清楚。“ditto “在这里表示前面提到的商品名称纤维素带,但不能包括“带塑料包装容器“,因此,幅宽半英寸长码的纤维素带是否有塑料包装容器没有说清楚,不完整。所以最好改成: “Cellulose Tape 1/2“x 3yds, with plastic dispenser 700 doz. Cellulose Tape 1/2“ x 5yds,with plast ic dispenser 1000 doz.“ 这样即完整,又清楚明确,不会引起误解。(一)避免使用可能产生不同理解或意义不明确的词汇 例一 As to the steamers sailing

49、 from Hongkong to San Francisco, we have bimonthly direct services. (从香港到旧金山有直达船) 但是 bimonthly 究竟是一个月两次,还是两个月一次呢?不明确。因此,最好清楚明白地说明“一个月两次” 还是“两个月一次”: (a)We have two direct sailings every month from Hongkong to San Francisco. (每月两次直达船) (b)We have semimonthly direct sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco. (每半月一次直达船) (c)We have a direct sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco every two month. (每两个月一次直达船) (二)注意修饰词的位置,有时修饰词的位置不同,会导致不同的含意如: (a)Pleas e let us know what you wish us to do about this matter as soon as possible: (b)Please let


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