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1、复仇者联盟经典台词中英文对照整个宇宙 归您The universe, yours.至于人类 除了灰飞湮灭 还能有什么下场?And the humans, what can they do but burn?所有人员注意All personnel,疏散命令已确认the evacuation order has been confirmed.联合暗能量任务 西区 飞马计划到底什么情况?How bad is it?问题就是 我们也不知道Thats the problem, sir. We dont know.塞尔维格博士观测到 四小时前宇宙魔方能量爆发一次Dr.Selvig read an ener

2、gy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago.NASA 没准许塞尔维格进入测试阶段NASA didnt authorise Selvig to go to test phase.他没在测试 他根本就不在实验室里He wasnt testing it. He wasnt even in the room.这是魔方自发行为Spontaneous event.魔方自行启动?It just turned itself on?现在它的能量等级呢?Where are the energy levels now?不断上升 塞尔维格控制不了 我们就下令疏散了Climbi

3、ng. When Selvig couldnt shut it down, we ordered evac.全部撤离还要多久?How long to get everyone out?全部撤出基地还要半小时Campus should be clear in the next half-hour.再快点儿Do better.长官 疏散人群怕是徒劳Sir, evacuation may be futile.那难道让他们坐这儿等?We should tell them to go back to sleep?如果我们无法控制宇宙魔方的能量If we cant control the Tesserac

4、ts energy,逃到天涯海角也躲不了there may not be a minimum safe distance.我要你确保I need you to make sure所有第二阶段的原型机安全撤离the Phase 2 prototypes are shipped out.长官 当务之急在此吗?Sir, is that really a priority right now?不到地球毁灭那一刻Until such time as the world ends,我们都得做好本职工作we will act as though it intends to spin on.把技术部全部撤走C

5、lear out the tech below.所有第二阶段研究的设备全都装车运走Every piece of Phase 2 on a truck and gone.是 长官Yes, sir.跟我来With me.博士 情况说说吧Talk to me, Doctor.指挥官Director.我们现在知道些什么?Is there anything we know for certain?宇宙魔方处于异常状态The Tesseract is misbehaving.会是虚惊一场吗? - 不 看起来不妙- Is that supposed to be funny? - No, its not fu

6、nny at all.宇宙魔方不单单是活跃 它在反应The Tesseract is not only active, shes behaving.你试过给它断电了吧I assume you pulled the plug.它是个能量源Shes an energy source.我们试图切断 它总会重启的We turn off the power, she turns it back on.如果能量饱和.If she reaches peak level.这不正是我们需要的吗 博士 掌握宇宙的能量We prepared for this, Doctor. Harnessing energy f

7、rom space.可我们还无法掌控But we dont have the harness.我的计算还远没有完成My calculations are far from complete.它还不断发射干扰波 辐射And shes throwing off interference, radiation.没什么大碍 低强度的伽玛射线Nothing harmful, low levels of gamma radiation.这可能就是大碍That can be harmful.特工巴顿在哪?Wheres Agent Barton?鹰眼?The Hawk?跟平时一样 窝自己巢里Up in his

8、 nest, as usual.呼叫特工巴顿Agent Barton, report.我把你带来I gave you this detail是为了让你凑近看个究竟so you could keep a close eye on things.远点我看得更清楚Well, I see better from a distance.那你有没有看到这东西怎么启动的?Have you seen anything that might set this thing off?博士 能量又开始攀升了Doctor, its spiking again.没有人进出No ones come or gone.塞尔维格

9、也没做过手脚And Selvigs clean.没有外部联系 也没有即时通讯No contacts, no IMs.如果真有什么人在搞鬼 肯定不在这一端If there was any tampering, sir, it wasnt at this end.这一端?At this end?这个魔方就是通往宇宙另一端的大门 对吗?Yeah, the Cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right?门的两端都能开Doors open from both sides.还不行Not yet.先生 请放下你的长矛Sir, please put do

10、wn the spear.你挺忠心You have heart.请留步Please dont.我需要它I still need that.我们不必把这事儿闹大This doesnt have to get any messier.当然要Of course it does.我远道而来 就为了它Ive come too far for anything else.我是从阿斯加德神域来的洛基I am Loki, of Asgard.我肩负光荣的使命and I am burdened with glorious purpose.你就是洛基Loki,托尔的弟弟brother of Thor.我们两族并无

11、瓜葛We have no quarrel with your people.靴子和蚂蚁也没什么瓜葛An ant has no quarrel with a boot.你是要践踏我们?Are you planning to step on us?我可是带着好消息来的I come with glad tidings要建立一个不被束缚的世界of a world made free.不受什么的束缚?Free from what?自由Freedom.自由是弥天大谎Freedom is lifes great lie.摆脱了它 你才能真正体会到Once you accept that, in your h

12、eart,什么才是平静you will know peace.说得好 “平静 “Yeah, you say “peace“,我觉得你说反了吧I kind of think you mean the other thing.长官 弗瑞指挥官在拖时间Sir, Director Fury is stalling.这个地方马上要爆炸了This place is about to blow上面几百尺的土层塌下来and drop a hundred feet of rock on us.他打算把我们活埋了He means to bury us.以前的法老也这么干Like the pharaohs of o

13、ld.他说得对 通道正在崩坏Hes right. The portal is collapsing in on itself.两分钟内再不走我们就得丧命于此Weve got maybe two minutes before this goes critical.好吧Well, then.我需要这些车I need these vehicles.他是谁? - 他们没告诉我- Whos that? - They didnt tell me.特工希尔!Hill!能收到吗?Do you copy?巴顿叛变了Barton has turned.他们拿到宇宙魔方了! 堵住他们!They have the T

14、esseract! Shut them down!好 快走吧 别管了 快走!Okay, lets go. No, leave it. Go!楼上没人了 长官 你快走Were clear upstairs, sir. You need to go.指挥官?Director?弗瑞指挥官 能收到吗?Director Fury, do you copy?宇宙魔方落入敌方手中The Tesseract is with a hostile force.有人员伤亡 希尔你呢?I have men down. Hill?许多人被埋住了A lot of men still under.不知道有几人生还I don

15、t know how many survivors.通知所有人Sound a general call.我要所有未参与救援的人员I want every living soul not working rescue去找那个手提箱looking for that briefcase.明白Roger that.科尔森 我们回基地 进入 7 级警戒Coulson, get back to base. This is a Level Seven.这意味着As of right now,战争开始了we are at war.我们该怎么办?What do we do?片名:复仇者联盟我今晚本不想闹成这样的

16、This is not how I wanted this evening to go.我知道你今晚打的什么主意I know how you wanted this evening to go.相信我Believe me这样更好this is better.你为谁工作?Who are you working for?莱蒙托夫吧?Lermentov, yes?难道他以为Does he think我们运货we have to go through him还得他允许?to move our cargo?我以为索罗霍布将军是出口贸易的负责人I thought General Solohob is in

17、 charge of the export business.索罗霍布将军Solohob就是个傀儡a bagman, a front.情报不灵害了你Your outdated information betrays you.大名鼎鼎的黑寡妇The famous Black Widow也就是个花瓶而已and she turns out to be simply another pretty face.你真的觉得我漂亮吗?You really think Im pretty?告诉莱蒙托夫 没有他Tell Lermentov we dont need him货我们照运不误to move the ta

18、nks.他已经出局了Tell him he is out.还有.Well.你最好记牢了.you may have to write it down.找她的Its for her.听清楚You listen carefully你的位置是索伦斯基广场 1 区 14 栋 3 层Youre at 1-14 Silensky Plaza, 3rd floor.我们有一架 F-22 正在八里外候着你We have an F-22 exactly eight miles out.把电话给她 你要敢讨价还价Put the woman on the phone or I will blow up the blo

19、ck我就把你给炸飞before you can make the lobby.我们需要你 - 开什么玩笑? 我在工作- We need you to come in. - Are you kidding? Im working.情况紧急This takes precedence.审问正进行到一半Im in the middle of an interrogation.这白痴全盘托出This moron is giving me everything.我什么也没说啊I dont give everything.听着 我现在抽不出身Look, you cant pull me out of thi

20、s right now.老实说 娜塔莎.Natasha.巴顿叛变了Bartons been compromised.你别挂Let me put you on hold.巴顿现在在哪?Where is Barton now?不知道 - 还活着吗?- We dont know. - But hes alive?应该是 你回来后我们再细聊We think so. Ill brief you on everything when you get back.但首先 你得去会会大家伙But first, we need you to talk to the big guy.科尔森 你知道钢铁侠已经对我失去

21、信任了Coulson, you know that Stark trusts me about as far as he can throw me.钢铁侠我搞定 你搞定另一个Ive got Stark. You get the big guy.你是谁?Who are you?出去!Get out!这里有病人!There is sickness here!你是医生吧Youre a doctor.我爸爸昏迷不醒!My fathers not waking up!他发了高烧 不断叫唤He has a fever and hes moaning一直不睁眼but his eyes wont open.慢

22、慢说Slow down.我爸爸.My father.像他们一样?Like them?求你了Please.下次该先把钱收了You shouldve got paid up front, Banner.我说 对于一个You know, for a man应该避免压力的人而言whos supposed to be avoiding stress你真是选错了落脚的地方you picked a hell of a place to settle.逃避压力不是关键Avoiding stress isnt the secret.那该如何? 练瑜伽?Then what is it? Yoga?你帮我带到郊区来

23、 真够聪明的You brought me to the edge of the city. Smart.我猜这儿已经被包围了吧I assume the whole place is surrounded.只有你和我Just you and me.还有你那位小影后?And your actress buddy?她也是特工吗? 这么早就入伙了?Is she a spy, too? They start that young?我当初也是I did.你是谁?Who are you?我叫娜塔莎罗曼诺夫Natasha Romanoff.你是来杀我的吗 罗曼诺夫小姐?Are you here to kill

24、 me, Ms.Romanoff?这样事情会闹得很不愉快的Because thats not going to work out for everyone.不 当然不是 我代表神盾局来的No, of course not. Im here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D.神盾局S.H.I.E.L.D.他们怎么找到我的?How did they find me?我们从没跟丢过 博士We never lost you, Doctor.只是保持距离罢了Weve kept our distance.也帮助过你不受他方势力Even helped keep some other inte

25、rested parties的骚扰off your scent.为什么?Why?尼克 弗瑞好像很信任你Nick Fury seems to trust you.我们现在需要你挺身而出But now we need you to come in.如果我拒绝呢?What if I say no?我会说服你Ill persuade you.那如果我的另一面说不呢?And what if the other guy says no?他安分守己已经一年多了Youve been more than a year without an incident.我想他不会打破平静的I dont think you want to break that streak.可不是每次我都能控制住的Well, I dont every time get what I want.博士 我们正面临全球性的灾难Doctor, were facing a potential global catastrophe.我倒是试图不造成灾难Well, those I actively try to avoid.这This


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