1、EQ,Emotional Quotient,情商,The conception of EQ was first introduced in 1990, to measure a persons ability to comprehend himself and other people emotionally, to discern and use information that is created in comprehension thereby instructing ones thinking and acting way.,What is Emotional Quotient (E
2、Q)?,It is a ability which can help individuals to cope with life and live better.,It is mainly refers to peoples quality in the mood, emotion, the will, the tolerance of setbacks.,EQ including the following aspects of contentFirst,it is that people can understand their own emotional content.Second,p
3、eople can control their emotions very well.,Third,it is self-motivated, it can make the person out of the life of the patch, to start over.Fourth,it is the ability to catch the mood of others, thus you can communicate with others better,success,IQ,EQ,100% success = 20% IQ + 80% EQ,4、高情商是成功的基石,Some p
4、eople acquire higher IQ but lower EQ, and unable to get better control over themselves and surrounding atmosphere, so they fail to be better adapted to the environment. 有人IQ很高,但EQ却很低,不能很好地控制自己的情绪和周围环境的氛围,很难适应环境。Increasing studies have shown that IQ plays only 20% part in ones success while EQ takes
5、the 80% part. 越来越多的研究已经证明,一个人的智商对其事业成功只能起到20%的作用,而情商则在其中起到了80%的作用。One who has acquired higher EQ will be more successful. 谁的情商高,谁的人生成功的机会就大。,二、了解情绪的类型 正向的情绪与情感:高兴、 感动、 愉悦、 安然、 淡泊to be glad, touched, pleased, peaceful 爱慕、 希望、 稳定、 平静、 热情to cherish admiration and hopes, to be emotionally steady, calm a
6、nd passionate 善良、 温和、 幽默、 感恩、 宽容to be kind, easygoing, humorous, thankful and tolerant 悔悟、 友好、 果敢、 乐观、 谦逊to be reflective, friendly, decisive, optimistic and modest 坚毅、 自信、 守信、 博爱、 坦诚、等等to be persistent, confident, honest and of universal love, and sincerity, and so forth.,负向的情绪与情感: 焦虑、 愠怒、 烦躁、 恐惧、
7、冷漠、To be anxiety, anger, fidgety, fear, indifference 嫉妒、 怨恨、 多疑、 抑郁、 急躁、To be jealousness, hatred, over sensitiveness, sense of frustration and irritableness 悲观、 沉闷、 冲动、 粗暴、 蛮横、Te be pessimism, oppressiveness, impetuousness, rudeness, peremptoriness 绝望、 怯懦、 伤感、 忧虑、 浮躁、To be despair, timidity, mawkis
8、hness, anxiety, fickleness,狭隘、 软弱、 自卑、 紧张等等To be narrow-mindedness, flabbiness, sense of inferiority, nervousness,一、情商是由五种可以学习的能力组成,1.Skill of sensing ones own emotions 了解自己情绪的能力 One is able to sense his or her own feelings at once and know their sources. 能立刻察觉自己的情绪,了解情绪产生的根源,2. Skill of controlling
9、 emotions 控制自己情绪的能力 One is able to comfort him- or herself and get rid of intense anxiety and deep depression, to effectively cut off the root of bad emotions. 能够安抚自己,摆脱强烈的焦虑忧郁,有效地控制刺激情绪的根源。,3. Skill of being self-motivated 激励自己的能力 One is capable of handling all kinds of emotions and get more concen
10、trated, and then makes their endeavors to get closer to the destination. 能够整顿情绪,增强注意力,让自己朝着一定的目标努力。,4. Skill of sensing others feelings 了解别人情绪的能力 One is able to sense how other people feel and what they need and be sympathetic 理解别人的感觉,察觉别人的真正需要,具有同情心。,5. Skill of maintaining a harmony in interperson
11、al relationship 维系融洽人际关系的能力One can orient himself in different environments and get used to changes. 能够适应环境及其变化,四、关于提高情商的几点建议Improve our cognitive power of emotions 提高认知力(认知情绪的能力)(1)To get to know about your own emotions and feelings 主动了解自己的情绪与情感认识自我的途径 Introspection(内省): 自我省察不仅是对自己缺点的勇于正视,还包括对自己优点和
12、潜能的重新发现Think of yourself by other people通过别人对自己的评价认知识自己 Through the life experience to know myself通过生活阅历了解自己(2) To know others emotions and its changes 多了解别人的情绪及其变化, Enhance our self-driving power 提高自驱力主动地激励自我 To be actively self-motivated增强自信 To strengthen our confidence勇于在绝境中奋起 Fight against setba
13、cks and pull yourself rise保持乐观积极的心态 Keep an active mind,宽容:宽容是一种无声的力量tolerance: A soundless power尊重 reverence富有激情与热忱 passion微笑的魅力 smile以真诚感动人,以爱心征服人 to touch others by sincerity and win friendship and love with a loving heart,提高亲和力 increase your affinity,The improvement of EQ is a long way causing a life time, on which beasts evolve into angels. 情商的提高是个过程,是从野兽进化为天使的过程,需要一生的修炼。 Never give up and improve yourself! 永不放弃-提高你自己!,Thanks for your listening !,