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1、RCDF 系列油冷自卸式电磁除铁器Series RCDF Oil-cooling Self-cleaning Electromagnetic Iron Separator说说 明明 书书Instruction for operation中国 .制造Made in China1一、用途、UseRCDF 系列油冷自卸式电磁除铁器是一种用于清除散状非磁性物料中铁件的电磁设备。一般安装于皮带输送机的头部或中部,通电产生的强大磁力将混杂在物料中的铁件吸出后由卸铁皮带抛出,达到清除的目的,并能有效地防止输送机皮带纵向划裂,保护破碎机、研磨机等正常工作,所以该系列除铁器广泛应用于电力、矿山、冶金、建材、选煤

2、、化工等行业。Series RCDC dry self-cleaning electromagnetic iron separator is a kind of magnetic equipment which is using in the iron removal from the non-magnetic material . It usually be installed in the front or center of the belt conveyor. The strong magnetic will absorb the pieces of iron which mixed

3、with the materials and dished out by the iron-discharging belt, achieving the purpose of self-cleaning,and it can prevent the discharging belt Longitudinal crack,and ensure that the breaker and grinder work normly.So such series iron separator is widely used in electricity,mine,metallurgy,building m

4、aterial,coal dressing, Chemical industry and some other department.二、产品型号及其含义 Model and meaning of the item自动卸铁油冷式 Iron self-discharging and oil cooling电磁式 Magnetic除铁器 magnetic separator矿山机械类其它设备The other Equ. Of the mine machinery应输送皮带宽度(dm)BBelt Width (dm)2三、使用条件 Service condition3.1 海拔高度不超过 2500

5、米;The height above sea level should not above 2500meters;3.2 环境温度不高于+40及不低于-25;The surrounding temperature should not over 40,and below -203.3 周围空气的湿度不大于 90%(温度为 25时) ;The relative humidity should not lager than 90%(25)3.4 无雨雪侵袭的地方;It can work in the place where is no rain and snow.3.5 在无爆炸危险的介质中,且介

6、质中无足以腐蚀金属和破坏绝缘的气体与尘埃(包括导电尘埃) 。There is no explosive danger in the medium,and there is no erosive gas and dust in the medium which have the influence on Corrosion of metal&insulation(include the conductive dust)四、结构与工作原理 Structure feature and work principle1、结构:StructureRCDF 系列油冷自卸式电磁除铁器由除铁器本体和卸铁机构两部

7、分组成。Series RCDF Oil-cooling self-cleaning electromagnetic iron separator is composed of iron separator& iron discharging device.除铁器磁路设计合理,磁场强度高,透磁深度大,故适合料层较厚的场合除铁。本体采用全密封结构,两边配波纹散热翅散热冷却,制造过程中经真空浸漆等特殊工艺处理,所以能有效防止粉尘及有害气体对线圈侵蚀,对环境和气候适应性强,3使用寿命长。The magnetic field of the iron sepatator has the reasonabl

8、e design,strong magnetic field intensity,deep magnetic Penetrability,so it is suits for the place where have the thick mineal.Using the wholly sealing structure with fin-type heat sink for the radiation cooling,during the production we use the special dealment for the painting,so it can protect the

9、coil from the dust and the noxious gas,it has the strong compatibility to the enviroment,with long service life.卸铁机构由机架,摆线针轮减速机(以下简称减速机) 、链条、链轮、滚筒以及带有刮板的卸铁皮带组成,卸铁皮带的松紧及跑偏的调整可在不停机的状态下,调整从动滚筒两端轴承座上的螺栓来调节。The iron-discharging device is made up of frame, cyclonical-pin gear speed reducer (hereinafter re

10、ferred to as gear motor), chain wheel,chain ,roller and discharging belt that fixed with scraper. Using bearing adjusting device to adjust the loose and tight of the discharging belt &the adjustments of the deviation w/o power off.2、工作原理:work principle当除铁器按操作程序启动投入运行时,物料中的铁件在强大的磁场力作用下,被迅速吸起,这时减速机的动力

11、通过链轮、链条、主动滚筒传至有刮板的卸铁皮带,将吸出的铁件强行甩出运输带外,从而达到清除铁件的目的。其结构如图一所示。When the iron separator running according to the operation program,the iron in the material should be attracted by the strong magnetic field strength,at the moment that the power of the reducer passes on to the iron discharging belt through

12、the chain ,chain wheel and the driving roller,will force flings the attracted iron out of the transportation belt,then get the goal of iron-cleaning. 4its structure pls see the below Drawing 1、机架 frame 2、滚筒 roller 3、托辊 supporting roller 4、除铁器本体 main-body of the iron separator 5、卸铁刮板 iron-discharging

13、 scraper6、卸铁皮带 iron-discharging belt 7、吊耳 shackle 8、减速机 reducer 9、护罩 Guard shield五、主要参数及外形尺寸 Main parameters and appearance size产品型号Product modelRCDF-12适合输送带宽度(mm)Belt width1200长L3400额定电压(V)Rated voltage380直流电流(20)(A)Direct current22宽W1750额定吊高 T(mm)Suspension height350卸铁皮带宽度(mm)Width of theiron-disc

14、harging belt1200外形尺寸Appearance size(mm)高H11105卸铁皮带速度(m/s)Speed of the iron-discharging belt4.5E1200减速电机功率(Kw)Power of the reducer2.2吊挂尺寸(mm)Suspension size F 1500通电持续率Circular telegram continuing rate100% M27重量(kg)Weight3900索具卸扣Rigging unscrewing沪 Q/JB44-66六、安装、调试 installment、adjustment除铁器上装有四个吊耳,供安

15、装使用,一般情况下采用悬挂式吊装,吊耳及其支承应有足够强度,并能调节悬挂高度,除铁器安装方式有两种:There are four lifting device on the rack of the iron separator for the installment,the lifting device should be hard enough,and it can adjust the lifting heightThere are two installing methods for the magnetic separator:1、 水平安装 Level installment当运输机

16、带速2.5m/s 时,除铁器可装于运输带中部任何两托辊之间的上方,与运输带成 90交叉,此时应选用图二所示形式,两托辊间的距离必须大于所选用除铁器的磁极宽度,若无法避免,则应更换一组为非磁性托辊。若在除铁器下方安装一条直线型托辊,并使该托辊高于其它托辊 30-50mm,且超前磁极中心 200-300mm,则除铁效果更佳。6When the transportation machine speed2.5m/s,the magnetic separator can be installed above any supporting roller on the middle of the thanr

17、portation belt,have the 90 angle with the transportation belt,now we should choose drawing ,the distance between the two supporting roller should bigger than the magnetic pole width of the separator,if can not avoid this problem,then pls use the Nonmagnetic supporting roller.If you install an straig

18、ht line supporting roller,and make this supporting roller higher 30-50mm that the other surpporting roller,and make its position is ahead of 200-300mm from the magnetic pole centre,the it will get an better iron cleaning effect.2、 皮带机头部倾斜安装Belt machine forehead incline installment当运输机带速大于 2.5m/s 时,除

19、铁器可装于输送机头部上方,倾斜安装(倾角为 1530)此时应选用图三所示形式。由于带速越大处于头部的物料越松散,物料中的铁件更易被吸出,除铁效果更佳。必须强调的是,采用这种安装方式时,运输机头部的滚筒必须换成非磁性滚筒,否则将严重影响除铁效果。When the transportation machine speed 2.5m/s,the magnetic separator can installed above the forehead of the transportation machine,inclined installment(Inclination angle is 15 30

20、)pls choose the form of drawing .And if we have the big speed the the material in the head will be more loose,then the iron in the material will be attracted easily,will get an better iron-removing effect.Now we must mention that if you choose this installment way,the roller in the head of the trans

21、portation machine must be the nonmagnetic one,otherwise it will effect the iron cleaning.Inclination angle7图二 Drawing 图三 Drawing 七、整流控制柜 Rectification control cabinet1、控制柜是除铁器所需直流电源的供给者,也是整台除铁器运行的控制者。The control cabinet supply direct power to the magnetic separator,also its the control centre of the

22、 whole magnetic separator2、控制柜应置于少尘、干燥、无雨雪侵袭、通风良好,且便于操作和观察的地方。The control cabinet worked in the place of little dust,dry,no rain and snow, ventilates good ,and easy operation and observation.3、使用前应检查各电气元件,连接导线及紧固件有无长途运输而造成的松动或损坏,接线应正确区分输出端和输入端。Before using,pls check all the electrical components,con

23、necting wire and fasteners to have a look that if there is any loose or demage, correctly distinguish between outputs and inputs4、控制柜应每季除尘一次,并检查各电气接点有无松动,存在问题应及时修复。Cleaning dust every season,and check if there is any loose of any electrical components connecting point,if there is any problem,pls rep

24、air in time.5、如硅整流二极管损坏,应选用相同型号的二极管更换,8但必须注意二极管上的符号极性是否与原来的相同,否则应改变有关接线。If there is any demage on Silicon Rectifier Diode,pls replace it with the same model diode,but the Symbol polarity should be same with the original one .otherwise pls changing the wiring.八、调整和试机 adjustment and machine testing1、除

25、铁器出厂前未加注变压器油,在调试运行前应加注25#变压器油至油标 1/3 处。The magnetic separator did not add the transformer oil before leaving factory,so before adjustment and trial running pls add 25# transformer oil to Oil superscript 1/3 .2、除铁器投入运行前用 1000V 兆欧表测量绕组对磁体外壳的绝缘电阻,其值应不小于 10M。Before getting into trial running,pls use the

26、 1000V Megameter Surveys the winding to the magnet outer covering dielectric resistance,and its value should not be smaller than 10M.3、除铁器启动前须检查励磁绕组及减速器电机 的接线是否正确牢固,减速机上各润滑点是否充分润滑,启动后若出现自卸皮带转向不符,应予以更正。Checking the wiring of the exciting winding and reducer motor ,see if it is correct,steady or not,

27、various lubrication points On speed reducer whether sufficient lubrication.After start it,if the dump inconsistent,then it should be corrected4、检查自卸皮带及链条的松紧状况,过松或过紧都会影响卸铁机构的正常工作。若自卸皮带松紧不适或跑偏,可调整从动滚筒两端轴承座上的螺杆,使之工作正常。Check the loose and tight of the self-discharging belt and chain,too loose or too tig

28、ht will have influence on the iron-removing devices normal work. If the self-discharging belt loose and tight is not suitable or deviation,pls adjust the screw rod on the both sides bearing seat of the 9Driven drum,make it work normally5、经全面检查确认无误后,便可开机运行。After overall checking and confirming that t

29、here is no mistakable, then starting movement九、有关注意事项 Attentions1、在运输带上,为了避免铁件从除铁器底部漏过,必须是除铁器先启动,再启动运输皮带,如要停运除铁器,应先使运输皮带停止工作。On the transportation belt,in order to avoid the iron missed through the bottom of the magnetic separator,so you must start the magnetic separator first,the start the transpor

30、tation belt,if you want to stop the magnetic separator,you need to stop the belt first.2、为确保人身安全,除铁前必须可靠接地,若要打开控制柜门检修或长期停用时,应把总开关拨至“分”的位置上。In order to ensure the personal safety,before iron removing the magnetic separator should connect to the earth steadily.If you need to open the control cabinet f

31、or overhaul or stop using for a long time,pls make the master switch is on the point of “open”.3、除铁器工作时,周围均有较强磁场,不可手持锐利铁器靠近,手表和各种仪表也勿靠近。When the magnetic separator is working,there is the strong magnetic field, so you Cannot grasp the sharp iron hardware to approach,watch and every kinds of Measurin

32、g appliance also can not approach.4、除铁器励磁绕组冷却方式为油浸自然冷却循环,而安装现场往往粉尘较多,长期工作在粉尘多的环境中,除铁器表面上会堆积很多的粉尘,影响散热效果,因此,除铁器应经常进10行清扫。The cooling way of the magnetic separator exciting winding is Oil bath natural cooling circulation,usually there are many dust in the installing site,working long-time in the dust

33、enviroment,there will be many dust on the surface of the magnetic separator,it wii effect the Thermal.so,we should clean the separator frequently.十、维护与保养 Maintenance1、RCDF 油冷自卸式电磁除铁器磁体与柜架全用螺栓连接,应经常检查是否松动,如有松动应拧紧。Magnet of RCDF oil-cooling self-cleaning electromagnetic separator is connected with the

34、 frame by bolt,you should check if it is loose or not,if there is any loose pls Screwing tight.2、减速器是除铁器的一个重要组成部分,在第一次加油运转一周后应将机内油污彻底排净,全部更换新油,以后可每 3-6个月更换一次。具体保养按减速机使用说明书进行。The reducer is an important components of the magnetic separator,Running one week after the first time refuels,pls totally cle

35、an the dirt oil,and use the new oil,after then you can change the oil per 3-6 months.For the detail maintenance pls according to the reducer Instruction for operation3、各滚筒两端的轴承的润滑推荐用二号工业锂基润滑脂,较一般黄油更耐高温,用于粉尘大、温度高的场合更合适。应至少每月加润滑脂一次。链条、链轮应充分润滑,每月加油一次。The suggested Lubricating oil for all the bearing is

36、 No.2 industry lithium base lubricant, which is better than the general butter,it is suitable in the environmentdust big&high temperature.So add the lubricant one time per month at least. In order to ensure the lubrication of chain link.sprocket feed,pls refuels each day.十一、易损件 wear parts111、自卸皮带 self-cleaning belt规格尺寸:specification and size:B1200X61502、链条 chain型号规格:链号 16A(GB1243.1-83) ,单排。Model and specification:Number of the chain(GB1243.1-83),single row.


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