孩子们的阅读帮手 1-3级 本系列丛书专为成长中的小读者享受阅读而设计。书中故事的长度和难度 逐步提升,可以更好地帮助孩子树立信心,并对一些即将在学校习得的关 键阅读技巧进行训练。 本套丛书包括本手册及32本131级的故事书。 关于与Biff, Chip 和 Kipper 一起阅读系列 1 2 3 16 . 阅读帮手 1-3级 1 2 3 阅读帮手 1-3级4 o as in dog and a as in cat I as in tin and u as in tub e as in hen, o as in pot, s as in mess z as in buzz and zap, f as in o!, and zz, j as in jam 2 got he she was it an no go on Dad said ran 3 ck as in back ch as in Chip, oo as in too, and v as in Viv sh as in shop oy as in toy I, o and a as in ship, shop and hat 3 said you out the went saw took look(s) put stop 阅读帮手 1-3级