1、29 2 2008 M2a Journal of Textile ResearchVol.29 No. 2Feb. 2008cI|:0253-9721(2008) 02-0020-058s何建新1,2, 章 伟1, 王善元2(1.a, 2 450007; 2.va, Z 201620)K 1 ZE4 | 8,YV;Aa 0AX 8 a4,i 8 8 1 b8,h , 8_, 11 a b8V8 |_l,8 , ?48bX TV 8 |_ M,1 , jv 38, 38B“,8 (IB8b1oM 8; ;8;ms |:TS 101192 DS M :A Analyzingthestructure
2、ofbamboofiberHE Jianxin1, 2, ZHANG Wei1, WANG Shanyuan2(1. College of Textile, Zhongyuan Universityof Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan 450007, China;2. College of Textiles, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China)Abstract Single fiber ofMaobamboowas extracted by chemicalmethod. Its morphology, microf
3、iberstructureand crystalline structure were investigated and compared with those of cotton and flax and ramie fibers byoptical microscopy, scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction analysis. The investigation showed thatbamboo fiber is long cylindrical and uniform in size with distinct node
4、s, which is similar to flax and ramiefibers, however its length is far less than that of cotton, ramie and flax fibers. Bamboo fiber has a smallorientation angle for the exterior microfibers, which are parallel to fiber axis approximately. The structure ofconcentric lamina in cross section of bamboo
5、 fiber had been observed by SEM. Theresult of X-ray diffractionanalysis indicated that crystallinity and orientation of bamboo fibers were similar to those of ramie fibers, andmorethan thoseof cotton and flax fibers, in addition, crystallite size of bamboo fiber was biggest among thefour fibers. The
6、 allomorph in bamboo fibers was determined as IB-dominant type.Keywords bamboo fiber; morphology; microstructure; crystalline structurel :2007- 04- 18 :2007- 07- 20 “:河南省重点科技攻关项目( 0623022000)Te:何建新(1977) ),男,讲师,博士b研究方向为新型纺织材料与环保纺织品bE-mail: hejianxin771117 163. comb8 8 1 K? s08,V ?Ta8 8Bt 8 a b ,t.d?
7、 8X ? m9 p,yN,? 8 7? $ jb8,0 3, a V 3ai Vv b0 7?8 V8 3h1 , 3 bSE,T8 3X4b 48V 8 8,510%b 10% 1B181 A) 8, “8V 8 a ! d8 sb60 eF A5 min?Q, i/b24 h,) 0V U IA( IA-rich),MQZ 0V U IB( IB-rich)b9TA U8a 8 a 2 8M, (IB8bV2 8 8 8 u |_1 Tab.2 Crystallinestructureofbamboofibercomparedwithramie, flaxandcottonfiber8
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