1、 2)= rs W, ( +/ , +110022)K1null4a4#SEMsZE, 2)= rysbTV , = y )V ,iv M 8, P= )a # 0 ? A/, 4 s T 3 T, Z T 7 b1oM:= nullM 8nullnull ms |:TG157nullDS M : BnullcI|: 1671null 3133( 2006) 01null 0116null 02Fracture failure analysis for centrifugal compressor 2 step leafwheelWang Yaqin, Wang Zhiming( Shenya
2、ng Research Institute of Foundry, Shenyang 110022, CHN)Abstractnull The analysis of fracture failure for centrifugal compressor 2 step leaf wheel were made by means of macro examination andmicrostructure examination. The results showed that the reason of fracture failure is caused by the divorce car
3、bon of crack source zonesurface, a large number of ferrite in the microstructure, the hardness strength and resist fatigue property of leaf wheel in this place obv-ious fall down, which is difficult to bear the stress action in compressor operating condition, so it forms fatigue fashion fracture.Key
4、 words: Leaf wheelnull Ferritenull Divorce carbonnull Fatigue fracture1 nulle 2)= 45d H? 3= 7 b P#Hq: T16null853null 103rnullmin, 2)= g 0null169MPa, g120nullb = 5)= 2), KMN null I,MS |15Cr2Mo1,= 3:= YFnullanull nullo -Fnullh“ |null= 7 gonull) null null _b2 null = _2null1 null = 4_m1null = L( null 0n
5、ull3) null nullm2null = L( null 0null3) null nullnull nullm1am2 = L ( )a ( )4 v bm2ph U 12b2null2 null g4_m3am4 U = g4 bm3 null 1 g( null 1)m4 null 2 g( null 1)116nullC/2006 M1 设备设计null诊断维修null再制造m3 U 1 gbm4 U 2gbm3am4 gv , # g“ b Vn,ph U b2null3 null g4_EPM-810Q0 g4 _,T m5am6 U,m5 U Vn ;m6 UA U +bm
6、5 null (=Qnull0null 1000)m6 null (=Qnull0null 1000)2null4 nullM_L MZE ) |i !M“ , _T m7m12 Ubm7 U uCv ,G GB10561-89S V D( o ) 2);m8am9 U uFv bv Vn uiv M 8, O ( ()b H u A, (,0null5mmb u= (?CsF u,m10 U =cv M 8v ;m11 U f8FsFs)v (mP/ f8) ;m12 U F( f8) uv bm7null uC( null 100)m8null uF( null 50)m9 null uF
7、(=null nullQ0null 1000)m10 null uM 8(=Qnull0null 1000)m11nullasFs( null 500)m12null f8F( null 500)2null5 nullA_V1 sF uA1TbV1nullA1TnullHV0null05F327 327 327 327sF255 183 283 2743null_Ts1)= ), (= (nm1am2)b2) g44_ (A U +, 3= = b3) uMF_TV , uFs,v M 8i, HF ( ,b4) u0null5mm Ab5) u?CoF;V= ) |“_, V4= W Aob4null _s ,= y )V aFsiv M 8b V= H, s M y T 3_ # MTb= = V Cv M 8F O P= )a # 0 ? A/, 4 s T 3 T, n5F) i Z T 7 b ID: 1 null 任颂赞,等.钢铁金相图谱 S .上海:上海科学技术出版社, 2003. 2 null 上海交大热处理教研室.金属的断口分析M .上海:上海交通大学出版社, 1976.收稿日期: 2005-06-28117null 设备设计null诊断维修null再制造C/2006 M1