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1、 国家自然科学基金资助项目(*)山东省自然科学基金资助项目(*)博士学位论文3D-FSMDDM间接边界元数值系统及其在矿山工程中的应用研究Research on the 3D-FSMDDM IBEM NumericalSystem and Application in Mining Engineering作 者 *导 师 * 教授山东科技大学二一七年五月楷体小 2 号居中 中文:黑体 2 号加黑,居中,固定行距30 磅英文:Times New Roman 小 2 号,居中,行间距 20 磅,实词首字母大写宋体 3 号,居中楷体小 2 号,居中3*3cm中图分类号 学校代码 UDC 密 级 山东

2、科技大学博士学位论文3D-FSMDDM间接边界元数值系统及其在矿山工程中的应用研究Research on the 3D-FSMDDM IBEM NumericalSystem and Application in Mining Engineering作 者 入学时间 导 师 职 称 申请学位 所在学院 学科专业 研究方向 答辩日期 提交日期 宋体,四号华文新魏,小初,居中隶书,一号,居中中文:黑体小 2 号,居中英文:Times New Roman 3 号,实词首字母大写学位论文使用授权声明本人完全了解山东科技大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意本人所撰写的学位论文的使用授权按照学校的管理规

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4、:楷体小 4 号,固定行距 20 磅此页可下载签名需手写学位论文原创性声明本人呈交给山东科技大学的学位论文,除所列参考文献和世所公认的文献外,全部是本人攻读学位期间在导师指导下的研究成果。除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。若有不实之处,本人愿意承担相关法律责任。学位论文作者签名:年 月 日中文:黑体小 2 加粗居中,单倍行距,段前 0.5 行段后 0.5 行内容:楷体小四号,行间距 20 磅 此页可下载签名需手写学位论文审查认定书研究生 在规

5、定的学习年限内,按照培养方案及个人培养计划,完成了课程学习,成绩合格,修满规定学分;在我的指导下完成本学位论文,论文中的观点、数据、表述和结构为我所认同,论文撰写格式符合学校的相关规定,同意将本论文作为申请学位论文。导师签名:日 期:标题:黑体小 2 加粗居中,单倍行距,段前 0.5 行,段后 0.5 行内容:楷体小 4 号,固定行距 20 磅 此页可下载签名需手写摘 要边界元法与有限元法相比,具有输入数据少、降低问题维数、所占计算机内存少、计算省时、计算精度高及可求解连续场点等优点;尤其对于无限域问题它是严密成立的。因此,对于大量实际问题,尤其是大区域岩土工程问题,边界元法比有限元法更具优越

6、性。在导师等前人已研究、开发的 FSMDDM 间接边界元法(IBEM)数值计算系统的基础上,进一步完善了三维弹性问题的 3D-FSMDDM 边界元数值系统;开发了多介质 3D-FSMDDM 边界元数值子系统;研究并开发了考虑节理滑移和张开情况下的 3D-FSMDDM 耦合的 IBEM 分析子系统;研究了考虑地形及构造应力影响下,基于 3D-FSM间接边界元法的初始地应力场的反演分析方法,并开发了相应数值子系统;针对 3D-FSMDDM 数值系统主程序,初步开发了配套的 3D-FSMDDM 边界元前、后处理子系统。通过多项数值算例及地下工程实例,对上述已开发的 3D-FSMDDM 数值系统进行了

7、比较、验证及应用,证明了该数值系统可靠、计算精度高。对于多介质问题,含有层理、断层、空洞等不连续体问题,初始地应力场的预测等问题的适用性强。研究成果可广泛应用于岩土工程,特别是地下工程的数值模拟分析方面,具有较高的学术价值和广阔的应用前景。上述 3D-FSMDDM 间接边界元数值系统经开发完善后将会形成具有独立知识产权的大型三维边界元应用软件,以期对相关研究及应用做出贡献。关键词:间接边界元法(IBEM);应力不连续法(FSM);位移不连续法(DDM);节理岩体;多介质标题:黑体小 2 加粗居中,单倍行距,段前 0.5 行,段后 0.5 行正文:宋体小 4,行距固定值 20 磅;“关键词”三字

8、加粗AbstractCompared with the Finite Element Method (FEM), the Boundary Element Method (BEM) has many advantages, such as decreasing data input quantity, reducing the dimensions of the question, occupying the fewer computer memory, saving the time of computation, having the higher computation precisio

9、n and solving continuous field point. It is established strictly to the infinite field question. So the BEM has the superiority to many actual problems, especially for the far field Rock and Soil engineering projects.This article has consummated the elastic 3D-FSMDDM IBEM numerical simulation system

10、 more completely based on the results which is researched and developed by the predecessors. And it also has researched and developed several 3D-FSMDDM numerical simulation subsystem, i.e. the multi-medium 3D-FSMDDM numerical simulation subsystem; the 3D-FSMDDM coupling IBEM analysis subsystem with

11、considering the joint slip and separation; the initial ground stress back analysis method and usable program based on the 3D-FSM IBEM with considering the influence of terrain and tectonic stress; the 3D-FSMDDM BEM preprocessing subsystem and post-processing subsystem adapting to the master program

12、of 3D-FSMDDM IBEM numerical system. It has been proved that the 3D-FSMDDM IBEM numerical simulation system is reliable and has high computing precision through the comparison and confirmation of many numerical examples and actual underground engineering. It has a strong applicability for the enginee

13、ring problems, such as, the multi-medium question; the discontinuous rock-mass question which including joints, faults, cavities and so on; the far field initial ground stress forecasting, etc The research results have the extensive application prospect in the rock and civil engineering, especially

14、in underground engineering numerical analysis. The result has higher academic value and actual appliance foreground.When the 3D-FSMDDM IBEM numerical simulation system is consummated, it will be a large-scale application software of 3D-BEM with the independent intellectual property rights. It will m

15、ake the contribution to the correlation research and the application.Keywords: Indirect boundary element method(IBEM); Fictitious stress method(FSM); Displacement discontinuity method(DDM); Joint element; Multi-medium; 标题:Times New Roman 小 2 号字加粗居中,单倍行距,段前 0.5 行,段后 0.5 行内容:Times New Roman 小 4 号字,行距固

16、定值 20 磅“Keywords”加粗目 录图清单表清单变量注释表1 绪 论 .11.1 引言11.2 边界元法国内外研究现状综述.51.3 问题的提出及研究意义131.4 主要研究内容及安排141.5 论文主要创新点162 均质弹性 3D-FSMDDM 间接边界元法172.1 引言.172.2 边界元法的基本原理.172.3 边界元法分类.182.4 应力不连续法202.5 位移不连续法.302.6 FSM 与 DDM 耦合342.7 本章小结363 多介质 3D-FSMDDM 间接边界元子系统开发.373.1 引言 373.2 多介质模型的连续条件及其公式化 373.3 数值模拟系统的适用

17、性验证 413.4 本章小结 474 基于节理滑移与张开的 3D-FSMDDM 间接边界元子系统开发484.1 引言 484.2 含节理岩体的线弹性分析484.3 含节理岩体的非线性模拟.514.4 数值算例534.5 本章小结575 地形及构造应力影响下初始地应力场的 3D-FSM 反演.585.1 引言585.2 初始地应力场研究现状58“目录”小二黑体加黑,段前 0.5 行,段后 0.5 行,单倍行距一级标题:黑体小 4 号,段前 0.5 行,段后 0.5 行,单倍行距二级标题:宋体小 4,行距固定值 20 磅目录要求写到二级标题即可“图清单、标清单、变量注释表”:黑体小 4 号,单倍行

18、距5.3 初始地应力场的 3D-FSM 反演.645.4 数值算例.705.5 实例775.6 本章小结.826 3D-FSMDDM 数值系统前处理子系统开发.846.1 引言.846.2 网格自动生成的基本过程及编程环境.846.3 结构化网格的生成.857 3D-FSMDDM 数值系统后处理子系统开发.1077.1 引言.1077.2 系统开发与组织.1077.3 离散点的网格化.1097.4 等值线图.1128 工程应用实例1248.1 某石油储备库数值模拟.1248.2 某石膏矿分层开采模拟研究.1288.3 本章小结 .1439 总结与展望 1449.1 论文主要研究工作总结1449

19、.2 今后研究工作展望 146参考文献附录 1作者简历致谢学位论文数据集“参考文献、作者简历、论文原创性声明、学位论文数据集”:黑体小 4 号,单倍行距ContentsList of FiguresList of TablesList of Variables1 Introduction11.1 Foreword.11.2 Sum up of the research situation about the BEM51.3 Project advancing and research meaning.131.4 Main research contents and chapter arrang

20、ement .141.5 Main innovation point of the thesis.162 Homogeneous elastic 3D-FSMDDM IBEM172.1 Foreword.172.2 Basic theory of BEM172.3 Classification of BEM.182.4 Fictitious stress method (FSM)202.5 Displacement discontinuity method (DDM).302.6 Coupling of FSM and DDM342.7 Conclusions363 Development o

21、f multi-medium 3d-fsmddm ibem subsystem.373.1 Foreword373.2 Continuous condition and formulations of multi-medium model.373.3 Applicability certification of the numerical simulation system.413.4 Conclusions.474 Development of 3d-fsmddm ibem subsystem which considering joint slip and separation484.1

22、Foreword.484.2 Linear elastic analysis of joint rock mass484.3 Nonlinear simulation of joint rock mass.514.4 Numerical example534.5 Conclusions.575 Back analysis of initial ground stress with considering the influence of terrain and tectonic stress by 3d-fsm.585.1 Foreword.58“目录”小二 Times New Roman 加

23、黑,段前 0.5 行,段后 0.5 行,单倍行距;一级标题:Times New Roman 小 4 号字加粗,段前 0.5 行,段后 0.5 行,单倍行距;二级标题:Times New Roman 小 4 号字,行距固定值 20 磅目录要求写到二级标题即可5.2 Research status of initial ground stress585.3 3d-FSM back analysis of the initial ground stress by 3D-FSM645.4 Numerical example705.5 Field case example775.6 Conclusion

24、s.826 Development of fore-processing subsystem of 3d-fsmddm numerical system.846.1 Foreword.846.2 Process of mesh automatic generation and programming environment 846.3 Generation of structured grid.857 Development of post-processing subsystem of 3d-fsmddm numerical system.1077.1 Foreword.1077.2 Dev

25、elopment and organization of the system 1077.3 Gridding of discrete point1097.4 Isoline graph1128 Case example.1248.1 Numerical simulation of one petroleum reservoir.1248.2 Slice mining simulation research of one gypsum mine.1288.3 Conclusions.1439 Main research results and conclusions .1449.1 Summa

26、ry of the main research work in the thesis1449.2 prospect of the research work from now on146ReferencesAppendix 1Authors ResumeAcknowledgementsThesis/Dissertation Data Collection硕士:Thesis博士:DissertationI图清单图序号 图名称 页码图 2.1 边界元法与有限元法、有限差分比较 17Fig.2.1 Difference among FDM, FEM application/pdf电子版论文出版(发布)者 电子版论文出版(发布)地 权限声明论文总页数*注:共 33 项,其中带*为必填数据,共 22 项。中文英文题目博士学位论文3D-FSMDDM间接边界元数值系统及其在矿山工程中的应用研究Research on the 3D-FSMDDM IBEM NumericalSystem and Application in Mining Engineering作 者 *导 师 * 教授山东科技大学二零一七年五月


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