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1、.页眉.页脚公众参与论文:都江堰市灾后安居重建的公众参与评价研究【中文摘要】经历了汶川地震的都江堰市,灾民的物权与参与重建的意识被唤醒。值得肯定的是,当地政府为了保障灾民参与重建的权利,在相关的组织体系、制度建设、资源调配等多方面都进行了大量的研究和实践。目前,都江堰市公众参与的安居环境重建临近完成,并已经形成了一大创举:有 10083 套住房,共计 127 万平方米由居民自建完成,占灾后重建住房重建总面积的 20%以上。迄今为止,我国没有任何一个城市的大规模更新与建设在公众参与的层面具备都江堰市的经验。公众参与城市规划与建设是必然的趋势,因此,如何评价该创举,并总结相关经验教训,是值得研究的


3、灾害背景下、居.页眉.页脚民主导的、全程性的参与;从城市规划的角度认识,此次公众参与的规划建设过程,是系统理性式规划向协作式规划的转变、规划技术导向型向公共政策属性的转变、 “精英决策”与“渐进式推动”并存的参与;就其实践内容而言,政府真正致力于解决公众诉求的主题,灾民也实现从社会参与到空间重建各层面的全方位参与,具有很强的代表性。在调查研究部分,对受访者总体状况、参与的过程和效果调查。认为,公众参与的效率、公平性和满意度是研究的重点。先导性的研究发现,调研中涉及的评价问题复杂多元,有必要建立公众参与灾后重建的评价体系,对参与情况进行系统性诊断。在评价体系构建部分,以灾民对公众参与过程的满意度


5、众在参与重建过程中,一定程度地认知、理解并影响了安居环境重建的政策,对重建的效果具有相对较好的总体评价。灾民参与灾后社区的复兴工作,对灾后重建的效果具有.页眉.页脚显著的正面影响。【英文摘要】Experienced the Wenchuan earthquake in Dujiangyan, the victims awareness of property and participation in the reconstruction have been awakened.One thing should be confirmed, the local government has made

6、 great effort in the relevant organization system, system construction, resource allocation and so on,in order to safeguard the the victims rights of participation in the reconstruction.At present, the public participation in the reestablish of resettled environment in Dujiangyan is near completed,

7、and a pioneering work has been formed:10083 set of lodgings amount to 127 million square meters are completed by residents selves and accounted for more than 20% of the total area.So far, no other city in our country has the experience of citys large-scale update and public participation in construc

8、tion as Dujiangyan.The public participation in urban planning and construction is the inevitable trend, therefore, how to evaluate the pioneering work and summarize the related experience and lessons, is worth of researching.The local governments idea of work feedback mechanism is mainly used to jud

9、ge the completeness of reconstruction by government and it is short of .页眉.页脚reflection for the whole process of public participation.Since the aim of post-disaster reconstruction points to social renaissance and prosperous life for the victims, then, in this context, the victims in reconstruction h

10、ow to percept and evaluate the action of government in public participation, is undoubtedly the beneficial feedback and inspiration of local government promotion similar work in the future.The paper is the sub-topic of national natural science funds Subjects “ tracking and evaluation of resettled en

11、vironment reconstruction in Wenchuan earthquake disaster area.It selected Dujiangyan city as a typical case, exploring the public participation and evaluation method in the context of post-disaster reconstruction in theory. Then built the evaluation system and using the evaluation results of Dujiang

12、yan to form comprehensive review of public participation in post-disaster reconstruction.The paper covers the theory research, investigation, construction of evaluation system, using of evaluation conclusion four aspects.Through the basic theory research, Dujiangyan public participation in the backg

13、round of the overall feature is a disaster, and the whole process of residents .页眉.页脚leading the participation.From the angle of urban planning, this process of publicly participation planning and construction project has a deal of features, including the change from systematical and rational planni

14、ng to cooperative planning, the transform from planning skills-orientated to public policy-orientated, the parallels between “elite decision” and “gradual push”.In its practice contents, the government really dedicated to solving the public appeal theme, victims also realization social participation

15、 into space reconstruction from different levels of all-round participation, strong representative.In the part of investigation and study, the author mainly research on the overall status of respondents, the participation process and the participation result.The author deems that the emphasis of the

16、 research is the efficiency, fairness and satisfaction of the publicly participation.The guiding research found that the evaluations involved in the investigation are complex. For this reason, it seems necessary to establish an evaluation system of publicly participation in post-disaster reconstruct

17、ion.In the part of Evaluation system, take the victimssatisfaction degree of public participation as .页眉.页脚standard, and screen all of the evaluation elements which got form investigation to conclude the subset evaluation elements.In consideration of the comprehensive evaluation and focus evaluation

18、, accordingly, the evaluation established basic indicators and expand index evaluation index system, and measured by the mathematical model.Apply the evaluation system in the paper to do the evaluation of the public participation.The results found that the satisfaction appraisal is generally. Multi-

19、grade fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of single factor and the overall situation made evaluation.Free assessment report made evaluation to the affected people in dissatisfied.The paper considered that:the evaluation of public participation in the post-disaster reconstruction should concern the victim

20、s, and start with the process and effect, Summarize full text.Because the satisfaction appraisal is easy access, measure, the evaluation conclusion is understandable, can effectively and timely feedback to reconstruction. The technology of evaluation factors screening which established on the basis

21、is feasible, the evaluation index system is concise and easy to operate.Judging from the evaluate conclusion, cognition, comprehension and affect .页眉.页脚the resettled environment reconstruction policy to some extent of people in participating in the reconstruction process have relatively good overall

22、 evaluation of the reconstruction effect.The Renaissance work of Victims in post-disaster community has significant positive impact on the effect of post-disaster reconstruction.【关键词】公众参与 评价 灾后重建 汶川地震 安居环境【英文关键词】Public participation Evaluation post-earthquake Reconstruction Wenchuan earthquake Reset

23、tled environment【目录】都江堰市灾后安居重建的公众参与评价研究 摘要 6-7 Abstract 7-8 第 1 章 导论 14-31 1.1 课题背景 14-15 1.2 研究缘起 15-16 1.2.1 灾后安居重建中的民众话语权 15 1.2.2 灾后安居重建中的社会公平 15 1.2.3 灾后安居重建的可持续性 15-16 1.2.4 灾后安居重建的满意度 16 1.2.5 研究的切入点 16 1.3 研究目的 16-17 1.4 研究意义 17 1.5 研究内容 17-21 1.5.1 概念界定 18-19 1.5.2 研究框架 19-20 1.5.3 研究方法 20

24、1.5.4 技术路线 20-21 1.6 国内外公众参与的相关理论评述 21-31 1.6.1 公众参与的基础理论 21-24 .页眉.页脚1.6.2 国外公众参与理论与发展 24-27 1.6.3 国内公众参与评价的发展 27-28 1.6.4 对本研究的启示 28-31 第 2 章 都江堰市公众参与安居重建概述 31-51 2.1 都江堰市安居重建工作的基本要求 31-35 2.1.1 安居重建的目标 31 2.1.2 安居重建的流程 31-32 2.1.3 安居重建的基本情况 32-34 2.1.4 安居重建的现有条件 34-35 2.1.5 安居重建的要求 35 2.2 都江堰市政府组

25、织安居自建工作 35-43 2.2.1 自建工作部署 35-39 2.2.2 自建流程及内容 39-41 2.2.3 自建类型 41 2.2.4 对受灾群众自建问题的处理 41-43 2.3 受灾群众参与安居自建过程 43-45 2.3.1 受灾群众安居的需求 43 2.3.2 参与自建的过程和内容 43-45 2.4 对公众参与安居自建的整体评述 45-49 2.4.1 都江堰市灾后自建公众参与的整体特征 45-47 2.4.2 都江堰市公众参与的理论价值探讨 47-48 2.4.3 都江堰市公众参与的实践意义讨论 48-49 2.5 公众参与安居自建的工作成效 49-51 2.5.1 公众

26、参与安居自建工作的成功之处 49-50 2.5.2 安居自建工作中的关键问题 50-51 第 3 章 都江堰市公众参与安居自建调研 51-69 3.1 调查设计 51-56 3.1.1 调查背景 51 3.1.2 调查目的 51 3.1.3 调查框架和方法 51-52 3.1.4 样本的选择原则 .页眉.页脚52 3.1.5 样本概况 52-56 3.2 问卷设计和发放 56-58 3.2.1 问卷设计 56-57 3.2.2问卷发放 57-58 3.2.3 问卷分析方法 58 3.3 受访人群特征 58-59 3.4 公众参与安居自建的过程 59-63 3.4.1 对自建工作的了解程度 59

27、 3.4.2 不了解自建的原因 59 3.4.3 了解自建工作的渠道 59-60 3.4.4 参与安居自建的态度 60 3.4.5 参与的自建工作内容 60-61 3.4.6 参与过程的意愿 61 3.4.7 参与意愿的表达方式 61-62 3.4.8 参与讨论的帮助 62-63 3.4.9 参与过程中的问题 63 3.5 公众参与安居自建的效果 63-66 3.5.1 参与意愿表达的充分程度 63 3.5.2 参与工作所起的作用 63-64 3.5.3 对参与自建方式的认可 64 3.5.4 参与中的意见采纳度 64-65 3.5.5 与工作人员的沟通情况 65 3.5.6 参与效率性 65

28、-66 3.5.7 参与公平性 66 3.6 公众参与安居自建中的问题与建议 66-67 3.7 调研结论 67-68 3.8 调研中的评价问题分析 68-69 第 4 章 都江堰市公众参与灾后重建的评价体系建构 69-103 4.1 评价体系建构的思路 69 4.2 评价体系建构的基本问题 69-71 4.2.1 评价的理论地位和内容 69-70 4.2.2 评价标准的选择 70-71 4.2.3 可.页眉.页脚借鉴的学术思想 71 4.2.4 核心问题 71 4.3 评价体系建构的经验和方法 71-75 4.3.1 国内外具有代表性的公众参与指标 72 4.3.2 灾后社区恢复中的公众参与

29、评价 72 4.3.3 城市更新中的公众参与评价 72 4.3.4 相关评价领域的对比分析 72-75 4.4 评价体系建构的特殊性考虑 75-78 4.4.1 灾后重建特征 75-77 4.4.2 灾害特征对受灾群众参与的影响 77-78 4.5 评价体系的技术要点 78-86 4.5.1基于以灾后社区复兴为目标的评价 78 4.5.2 评价主体 78-79 4.5.3 评价原则 79 4.5.4 评价阶段 79-80 4.5.5 评价研究设计 80-86 4.6 评价因子的筛选技术 86-96 4.6.1 判断影响都江堰市公众参与评价的着眼点及途径 86-87 4.6.2 影响受灾群众满意

30、度评价的因子筛选 87-96 4.7 评价指标体系 96-101 4.7.1 评价指标构建 96-98 4.7.2 评价指标测量 98-101 4.8 本章小结 101-103 第 5 章 都江堰市公众参与灾后安居重建评价 103-117 5.1 调查评价概述 103 5.2 调查分析结论 103-109 5.2.1 数据整理 103-105 5.2.2 问卷分析 105-109 5.3 模糊综合评价 109-112 5.3.1 评价指标赋权 109-110 5.3.2 多级模糊综合评价 110-112 5.4 自由报告评价 .页眉.页脚112-114 5.5 信度和效度检测 114-115 5.6 本章小结 115-117 第 6 章 结论 117-124 6.1 基础研究结论 117-119 6.2 研究的核心观点及结论 119-124 致谢 124-125 参考文献 125-131 附录 1:都江堰市灾后重建简介 131-134 附录 2:调查问卷 134-137 附录 3:受访者总体状况 137-142 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文及科研成果 142-143 图目录 143-145 表目录 145-146


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