1、1Power of Attorney法定代表人授权书This Power of Attorney states that: the under signed (name and title of legal representative) of the (name of the company) registered in (name of country or district) represents the company to authorize the under signed (name and title of the authorized person) of (name of
2、the company) as the legal representative of this company to bid for the (name of tendering project and Tender Ref. No.) of the _(name of the project) , sign the Contract with the Buyer (Employer) if the Contract is awarded to us, and deal with all related matters in the name of this company. 本授权书声明:
3、注册于(国家或地区的名称)的(公司名称)的在下面签字的(法定代表人姓名、职务)代表本公司授权(单位名称)的在下面签字的(被授权人的姓名、职务)为本公司的合法代理人,就(项目名称)的(招标项目名称、招标编号)投标,合同如果授予给我方,将与买方(招标人) ,以本公司名义处理一切与之有关的事务。This Power of Attorney shall come into effect since the signing date of , hereby declared. 本授权书于年月日签字生效,特此声明。Legal Representative (signature):法定代表人签字:Authorized Person: (signature):被授权人签字: