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1、1arctoolbox 工具简介工具用以对 GIS 数据执行小的基本操作。工具共分为四种类型,如下表所示。不管工具属于哪种类型,它们的工作方式都相同;可以打开它们的对话框,可以在模型构建器中使用它们,还可以在软件程序中调用它们。工具类型 描述内置工具。这些工具是使用 ArcObjects 和像 .NET 这样的编译型编程语言构建的。 模型工具。这些工具是使用模型构建器创建的。 脚本工具。这些工具是使用脚本工具向导创建的,它们可在磁盘上运行脚本文件,例如 Python 文件 (.py)、 AML 文件 (.aml) 或可执行文件( .exe 或 .bat) 。特殊工具。比较少见,由系统开发人员构

2、建的,它们有自己独特的用户界面供用户使用此工具。ArcGIS Data Interoperability 扩展模块中具有特殊的工具。 3D Analyst 工具箱提供可在表面模型和三维矢量数据上实现各种分析、数据管理和数据转换操作的地理处理工具的集合。工具箱以适当方式组织到工具集中,可定义其中的工具所完成任务的范围。通过 3D Analyst 工具可创建和分析以栅格、terrain、不规则三角网 (TIN) 和 LAS 数据集格式表示的表面数据。可将多种格式转换为 3D 数据,包括 COLLADA、激光雷达、SketchUp、OpenFlight 和许多其他数据类型。几何关系和要素属性分析、栅

3、格和各种不规则三角网 (TIN) 模型插值和表面属性分析只是 3D Analyst 工具提供的众多功能的一部分。2The 3D Analyst toolbox provides a collection of geoprocessing tools that enable a wide variety of analytical, data management, and data conversion operations on surface models and three-dimensional vector data. The toolbox is conveniently orga

4、nized into toolsets which define the scope of tasks accomplished by the tools therein. 3D Analyst tools provide the ability to create and analyze surface data represented in raster, terrain, triangulated irregular network (TIN), and LAS dataset formats. 3D data can be converted from a rich variety o

5、f formats, including COLLADA, lidar, SketchUp, OpenFlight, and many other data types. Analysis of geometric relationships and feature properties, interpolation of raster and various triangulated irregular network (TIN) models, and analysis of surface properties are only some of the numerous function

6、s provided by the 3D Analyst tools.工具集Toolset描述 Description3D 要素 提供评估几何属性和三维要素之间关系的工具。 3D Features Provides tools for evaluating geometric properties and relationships between three-dimensional features. CityEngine 包含提供 Esri CityEngine 的某些功能而无需安装 Esri CityEngine 的工具。CityEngine Contains tools that ex

7、pose some capabilities of Esri CityEngine without requiring Esri CityEngine to be installed.转换 包含将要素类、文件、LAS 数据集、栅格、TIN 和 terrain 转换为其他数据格式的工具。根据要转换的数据类型将工具组织到工具集中。 Conversion Contains tools that convert feature classes, files, LAS datasets, rasters, TINs, and terrains to other data formats. The too

8、ls are organized into toolsets based on the data type being converted. Data Management提供用于创建和管理 terrain、TIN 和 LAS 数据集的工具。 Data ManagementProvides tools for creating and managing terrain, TIN, and LAS datasets. 功能性表面 提供评估来自栅格、terrain 和 TIN 表面的高程信息的分析工具。 Functional Surface Provides analysis tools that

9、 evaluate elevation information from raster, terrain, and TIN surfaces. 栅格插值 提供多种插值工具,可从给定的示例点集生成连续的栅格表面,包括符合真实地表的表面模型。 Raster Interpolation Provides numerous interpolation tools that can produce continuous raster surfaces from a given set of sample points, including hydrologically correct surface m

10、odels. 栅格计算 在栅格数据集上执行数学运算的要素工具。 Raster Math Features tools that perform mathematical operations on raster datasets. 栅格重分类 包含允许栅格数据重分类的工具。Raster Reclass Contains tools that enable reclassification of raster data.栅格表面 提供可确定栅格表面属性(如等值线、坡度、坡向、山体阴影和差异计算)的分析工具。3Raster Surface Provides analysis tools that

11、enable the determination of raster surface properties, such as contours, slope, aspect, hillshade, and difference calculation.表面三角化 提供可确定 TIN、terrain 和 LAS 数据集的表面属性(如等值线、坡度、坡向、山体阴影、差异计算、体积计算和异常值检测)的分析工具。Triangulated SurfaceProvides analysis tools that enable the determination of surface properties o

12、f TIN, terrain, and LAS datasets, such as contours, slope, aspect, hillshade, difference calculation, volumetric computations, and outlier detection.可见性 允许使用不同类型的观察点要素、障碍源(包括表面和适合于表示建筑等结构的多面体)和 3D 要素执行可见性分析的要素工具。Visibility Features tools that enable visibility analysis to be performed using various

13、types of observer features and obstruction sources that include surfaces, multipatches, which are great for representing structures like buildings, and 3D features.“3D 要素”工具集提供了一组评估几何属性和三维要素间的关系的工具:The 3D Features toolset provides a collection of tools for evaluating geometric properties and relatio

14、nships between three-dimensional features. The following table summarizes the tools in this toolset:工具 Tool 描述 Description添加 Z 信息 添加关于具有 Z 值的要素类中的要素的高程属性的信息。Add Z Information Adds information about elevation properties of features in a Z-enabled feature class.3D 缓冲 在点或线要素周围创建 3D 缓冲区。Buffer 3D Create

15、s a 3D buffer around point or line features.3D 差异 消除目标要素类中与减要素类中多面体要素的封闭体相重叠的多面体要素部分。Difference 3D Eliminates portions of multipatch features in a target feature class that overlap with enclosed volumes of multipatch features in the subtraction feature class.封闭多面体 在输出要素类中使用输入多面体的要素创建闭合多面体要素。 Enclose

16、 Multipatch Creates closed multipatch features in the output feature class using the features of the input multipatch. 根据属性实现要素转 3D 使用从输入要素属性获得的高度值创建 3D 要素。Feature To 3D By Creates 3D features using height values derived from the attribute of the 4Attribute input features.3D 内部 确定来自输入要素类的 3D 要素是否包含在

17、闭合的多面体中,并写入用于记录要素(部分或全部在多面体中)的输出表。Inside 3D Determines if 3D features from an input feature class are contained inside a closed multipatch, and writes an output table recording the features that are partially or fully inside the multipatch.3D 相交 计算闭合多面体要素的几何相交,以便根据相交体积生成多面体要素,根据相交面生成面要素或根据相交边生成线要素。I

18、ntersect 3D Computes the geometric intersection of closed multipatch features to produce multipatches from the intersecting volumes, polygons from the intersecting planes, or lines from the intersecting edges.3D 线与多面体相交 确定并返回线与多面体要素之间几何交集的数量。可选择性地将表示交集的点要素和表示在此类点分开的输入线的线要素写入输出要素类中。Intersect 3D Line

19、With Multipatch Determines and returns the number of geometric intersections between line and multipatch features. Point features representing the intersection and line features representing the input lines divided at such points can optionally be written to output feature classes.是否为闭合 评估多面体要素以确定是否

20、每个要素完全封闭空间体积。Is Closed Evaluates multipatch features to determine whether each feature completely encloses a volume of space.3D 邻近 计算每个输入要素到一个或多个邻近要素类中的最近要素的三维距离。Near 3D Calculates the three-dimensional distance from each input feature to the nearest feature that resides in one or more near feature

21、classes. 3D 联合 基于输入要素类对闭合的重叠多面体要素进行合并。Union 3D Merges closed, overlapping multipatch features from an input feature class.CityEngine 工具集包含提供 Esri CityEngine 的某些功能而无需安装 Esri CityEngine 的工具。Contains tools that expose some capabilities of Esri CityEngine without requiring Esri CityEngine to be installe

22、d.描述 Description基于 CityEngine 规则转换要素 按照在 Esri CityEngine 中创作的规则基于现有 2D 和 3D 输入要素生成 3D 几何。Features From CityEngine Rules Generates 3D geometries from existing 2D and 3D input features using rules authored in Esri CityEngine.导出为 3D Web 场景 将 ArcScene 文档 (.sxd) 导出为 Esri CityEngine Web 场景 (.3ws) 格式,以便将其显

23、示在 CityEngine Web 查看器中。Export To 3D Web Scene Exports ArcScene documents (.sxd) to Esri CityEngine Web Scene (.3ws) format to display them in the CityEngine Web Viewer. 5功能性表面工具集提供了一组使用要素和各种表面类型执行分析操作的地理处理工具。The Functional Surface toolset provides geoprocessing tools that perform analysis operations

24、 using features and various surface types. 工具 Tool 描述 Description添加表面信息 归属从表面中获取的带有空间信息的要素。Add Surface Information Attributes features with spatial information derived from a surface.插值 Shape 根据从栅格、不规则三角网 (TIN)、或 terrain 数据集获取的高程值为要素类插入 z 值。 Interpolate Shape Interpolates z-values for a feature clas

25、s based on elevation derived from a raster, triangulated irregular network (TIN), or terrain dataset. 3D 线与表面相交计算 3D 线要素与一个或多个表面的几何交集,并以分割线要素和点的形式返回交集。Intersect 3D Line With SurfaceComputes the geometric intersection of 3D line features and one or more surfaces to return the intersection as segmente

26、d line features and points.堆栈剖面 创建表格和可选图表,用于说明一个或多个多面体、栅格、TIN 或 terrain 表面上的线要素的剖面。Stack Profile Creates a table and optional graph denoting the profile of line features over one or more multipatch, raster, TIN, or terrain surfaces.表面体积 可计算指定参考平面以上或以下的栅格、不规则三角网 (TIN) 或 terrain 数据集表面的面积和体积。Surface Vo

27、lume Calculates the area and volume of a raster, triangulated irregular network (TIN), or terrain dataset surface above or below a given reference plane.可见性工具集包含一组用于执行不同形式可见性分析(从构造阴影模型和视线到生成视域和天际线)的工具。The Visibility toolset features tools for performing various forms of visibility analysis, ranging

28、from constructing shadow models and sight lines to generation of viewsheds and skylines. 工具 Tool 说明 Description构造视线 创建表示视线(从一个或多个视点到目标要素类的要素)的线要素。6Construct Sight Lines Creates line features that represent sight lines from one or more observer points to features in a target feature class.通视性 确定视线穿过潜

29、在障碍物的可见性。潜在障碍物可以是栅格、TIN、多面体和拉伸面或线的任意组合。 IntervisibilityDetermines the visibility of sight lines through potential obstructions. The potential obstructions can be any combination of rasters, TINs, multipatches, and extruded polygons or lines. 通视分析 确定穿过由表面和可选多面体数据集组成的障碍物的视线的可见性。Line Of Sight Determine

30、s the visibility of sight lines over obstructions consisting of a surface and an optional multipatch dataset.视点分析 识别从各栅格表面位置进行观察时可见的观察点。Observer PointsIdentifies which observer points are visible from each raster surface location.天际线 生成一个包含天际线或轮廓分析结果的线要素类或多面体要素类。 Skyline Generates a line or multipat

31、ch feature class containing the results from a skyline or silhouette analysis. 天际线障碍物 生成一个表示天际线障碍物或阴影体的多面体要素类。Skyline Barrier Generates a multipatch feature class representing a skyline barrier or shadow volume. 天际线图 计算天空的可见性,并选择性地生成表和极线图。Skyline Graph Calculates sky visibility and generates an opti

32、onal table and polar graph.太阳阴影体 利用每个要素在给定日期和时间的光照条件下所投射出的模型阴影来创建闭合体。Sun Shadow VolumeCreates closed volumes that model shadows cast by each feature using sunlight for a given date and time.视域 确定对一组观察点要素可见的栅格表面位置。Viewshed Determines the raster surface locations visible to a set of observer features.

33、可见性 确定对一组观察点要素可见的栅格表面位置,或识别从各栅格表面位置进行观察时可见的观察点。VisibilityDetermines the raster surface locations visible to a set of observer features, or identifies which observer points are visible from each raster surface location.7数据管理工具集提供一组用于创建、管理和编辑 terrain、TIN 和 LAS 数据集的工具按以下工具集对其进行组织: LAS 数据集 - 其包含的工具用于修改由

34、 LAS 数据集引用的 LAS 文件的分类,此数据集用于快速读取和显示机载激光雷达数据的新数据类型。 Terrain 数据集 - 包含用于创建和管理 terrain 数据集的工具,此数据集是由要素数据集中存储的基于要素的测量值组成的多分辨率三角化网格面。 TIN - 包含用于创建和编辑不规则三角网 (TIN) 数据集的工具,此数据集是由基于要素的测量值组成的单分辨率表面。 The Data Management toolset provides a collection of tools for creating, managing, and editing terrain, TIN, and

35、 LAS datasets that are organized under the following toolsets: LAS DatasetContains tools for modifying classification of LAS files referenced by a LAS dataset, which is a new data type that allows for the rapid read and display of airborne lidar data. Terrain DatasetContains tools for creating and m

36、anaging a terrain dataset, which is a multiresolution triangulated surface comprised of feature based measurements stored in a feature dataset. TINContains tools for creating and editing a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset, which is a single resolution surface comprised of feature based m

37、easurements. LAS 数据集 LAS Dataset 地理处理工具Geoprocessing Tool说明 Description更改 LAS 类代码 修改 LAS 数据集所引用的 LAS 文件的类代码值。Change LAS Class Codes Modifies the class code values of LAS files referenced by a LAS dataset.使用要素设置 LAS 类代码 使用点、线和面要素来对 LAS 数据集所引用的 LAS 文件中的数据点进行分类。Set LAS Class Codes Using Features Classi

38、fies data points in LAS files referenced by a LAS dataset using point, line, and polygon 8features.Terrain 数据集 Terrain Dataset地理处理工具Geoprocessing tools说明 Description向 Terrain 添加要素类 向 terrain 数据集中添加一个或多个要素类。Add Feature Class To Terrain Adds one or more feature classes to a terrain dataset.添加 Terrain

39、金字塔等级 向现有 terrain 数据集添加一个或多个金字塔等级。Add Terrain Pyramid Level Adds one or more pyramid levels to an existing terrain dataset.追加 Terrain 点 向 terrain 数据集引用的点要素追加点。Append Terrain Points Appends points to a point feature referenced by a terrain dataset.构建 Terrain 执行分析和显示 terrain 数据集时所需的任务。Build Terrain Pe

40、rforms tasks required for analyzing and displaying a terrain dataset.更改 Terrain 参考比例 更改与 terrain 金字塔等级相关联的参考比例。Change Terrain Reference Scale Changes the reference scale associated with a terrain pyramid level.更改 Terrain 分辨率界限 更改将针对给定 terrain 数据集强化的要素类所处的金字塔等级。Change Terrain Resolution Bounds Change

41、s the pyramid levels at which a feature class will be enforced for a given terrain dataset.创建 Terrain 创建新的 terrain 数据集。Create Terrain Creates a new terrain dataset.删除 Terrain 点 从参与 terrain 数据集的一个或多个要素中删除指定的感兴趣区域内的点。Delete Terrain Points Deletes points within a specified area of interest from one or

42、more features that participate in a terrain dataset.从 Terrain 中移除要素类 移除对参与 terrain 数据集的要素类的引用。Remove Feature Class From Terrain Removes reference to a feature class participating in a terrain dataset.移除 Terrain 金字塔等级 从 terrain 数据集中移除金字塔等级。Remove Terrain Pyramid Level Removes a pyramid level from a t

43、errain dataset.替换 Terrain 点 可用来自指定要素类的点替换 terrain 数据集中使用的点要素。Replace Terrain Points Replaces point features used in a terrain dataset with points from a specified feature class.TIN 工具 Tool 说明 Description复制 TIN 创建不规则三角网 (TIN) 数据集的副本。Copy TIN Creates a copy of a triangulated irregular network (TIN) 9d

44、ataset.创建 TIN 创建一个不规则三角网 (TIN) 数据集。Create TIN Creates a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset.描绘 TIN 数据区 基于三角形的边长度重新定义不规则三角网 (TIN) 的数据区或内插区。Delineate TIN Data Area Redefines the data area, or interpolation zone, of a triangulated irregular network (TIN) based on its triangle edge length.编辑 TI

45、N 从定义不规则三角网 (TIN) 表面区域的一个或多个输入要素类添加要素。Edit TIN Adds features from one or more input feature classes that define the surface area of a triangulated irregular network (TIN).表面插值工具用于根据采样点值创建连续(或预测)表面。访问研究区域中的每个位置以测量现象的高度、密度或量级通常会非常困难且成本高昂。相反,您可对战略上分散的采样位置进行测量,然后可将预测值指定给其他所有位置。输入点的间距可以是随机的或固定的,也可以根据采样方案

46、来确定。栅格数据集的连续表面制图表达表示某些测量值,例如高度、密度或量级(例如,高程、酸度或噪点级别) 。表面插值工具会根据输出栅格数据集中所有位置的采样测量值进行预测,而无论是否已在该位置进行了测量。得出每个位置的预测值的方法有很多种;每种方法都被称为一个模型。使用每个模型时,会对数据做出各种假设,并且特定的模型更适用于特定的数据 - 例如,对于本地变量来说,一个模型可能比另一个模型更适合。每个模型在生成预测值时使用的计算方法是不同的。插值工具通常分为确定性方法和地统计方法。 确定性插值方法将根据周围测量值和用于确定所生成表面平滑度的指定数学公式将值指定给位置。确定性插值方法包括:反距离权重

47、法(inverse distance weighting,IDW) 、自然邻域法、趋势面法和样条函数法。 地统计方法以包含自相关(测量点之间的统计关系)的统计模型为基础。因此,地统计方法不仅具有产生预测表面的功能,而且能够对预测的确定性或准确性提供某种度量。克里金法是一种地统计插值方法。其余的插值工具地形转栅格和依据文件实现地形转栅格将使用专为从等值线创建连续表面而设计的插值方法,而此类方法还包含适合于创建水文分析表面的属性。下表列出了可用的“插值”工具,并对每个工具进行了简要描述。Surface interpolation tools create a continuous (or pred

48、iction) surface from sampled point values.Visiting every location in a study area to measure the height, concentration, or magnitude of a phenomenon is usually difficult or expensive. Instead, you can measure the phenomenon at strategically dispersed sample locations, and predicted values can be ass

49、igned to all other 10locations. Input points can be either randomly or regularly spaced or based on a sampling scheme.The continuous surface representation of a raster dataset represents some measure, such as the height, concentration, or magnitude (for example, elevation, acidity, or noise level). Surface interpolation tools make predictions from sample measurements for all locations in an output raster dataset, whether or not a measurement has been taken at the location.There are a variety of ways to derive a prediction for each location; each method is referred to as a model.


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