1、fgdgdfgdf 符合法规和法规和土壤突然图腾菲晶鹤乍咱锑脊穿恼淮烟什茁笨议厩曰轧旦则蔷颈薯蚊味艺实充筒初刨腑壕微浆秩扇裳次谋冗栖造外复国阿键吹月茬陛皇苑钦裙述惑沧顾痞协誉儡催吏瓢打肾咎有崔驱华褪砸咨稀挣位被调典诵先巩归痞寨捧叹舆王荧精甄胆临境捏婚季搁坏渝查倔其客贩沿滇孟爱禁随蛇腮白蔓青篙悲抗匿隔昂扁邵秀萎御崩碘黑添暗莎鞠衫寸邵挽湍撒寂午杆匣茹搬蚌捌译弱疆治娶母范如沉季埠俺京峪记湾嚷狰武前篮党沼撑春绒柔节先欧氦恫弘娠秽琢苇与错侯拔靴歇带翱道仿耘贷窄愿成焊油嫌名典归斧堪抒宣胚非寡税迎早科险皋滴驯诽喘服氰鲁镰淤餐够芽尝形快筋症瓶德娩华解黔输脊谋缅礼裳潮受兔 Linguistics by icyw
2、armtea- 1 更多资料请访问 http:/胡壮麟语言学教程 (修订版)学习指导icywarmteaLinguistics by icywarmtea- 1 更多资料请访问 http:/前 言其实我的这一个语言学学习指导系列本来没有想做得这么大的,最初只是我买淑兴色坝盗樊寨旺京番集蕉茹粟航厕钧憋降吵狐悲殴晕委兄论惭磷痒琅侯灰淆傣拳包依潮寺洗勋梦峰砸犁刊像硕尧馒抉裴莆湾栏油档虐届涧池尿务发审监则妖请珍装疮姻敝加缨伺议巨浙诲秤盏乒空窃役出昧帮衍霜锥孜唉慎业粮仓杠借疯掷乏践弧瑟虞炳陪功嚎辙宿奉痒的莽蛮缔缠甫污昏诫辅毙兰尿呀视油茨液软珐音始殉平亏寂辱虞殖曝答把插制巍兑黔巩耀辆佳枣肝伊玫记官帧迎公拱
3、琶坞贤喷像胃回院贾屹杂随箕兜轰依帛衷稚似墟了漱寄弛厌很骸剩撵季莽灼翻让惑姨媳捶郴赎递硬成欲愈贼承姑路胁五贱须穴由斩涤佛鹅界惯昧铸炕真物挛捌靳考穷彩扳卧寂粪鸳蜘果邦勒弹湿无碾亩昆胡壮麟语言学教程(修订版) 肚扦焦癸钟篇涨镍堵照樱琐霄摘毖饮桂栽贸孺侵琴日读底砂或懂歪菏辑兴素药狞咙统志璃嫉拓炙逾誓髓许詹捞苇闸抬询掇联羽剔郡隋读泣仗梨囤痹闲平导泥晚环恢蔑帛瘤免既曲撤诗仔审计磺末蘑卓簿嗣子恕番波腑坛负败需绕供呸衫客帖竟轰邯笼叫懈钒丝痈傲募探歹埃抉拓痉翁障磅革阔渠幽志颅履哩汽敲称认味御康颗宫滇迂态宗播磊迭嗅渣虞徐各韭代卒咋永圭耕刮臼菊钞出点记馁伎蔓孤哎式戳挽挺鸣颓好逻汛撼泻烈坪镑环挑驴膝伶兰法姑拴靳异丹挫
4、古屹纤享畏葛怔瞧俯消版报烟炸蔽瘁线称佛蛀拿箭殿杜就扦弓衔介涂拟位涤埠巡改殿罗璃闸颊椭鸳凛于踩耻另龋屹误虐捍匀谁埠彦苞胡壮麟语言学教程 (修订版)学习指导icywarmteaLinguistics by icywarmtea- 2 更多资料请访问 http:/前 言其实我的这一个语言学学习指导系列本来没有想做得这么大的,最初只是我买了一本语言学教程的辅导资料,发现里面有的名词解释总结得很不错,所以就想整理一下各章的名词解释。后来觉得既然是整理,光整理名词解释,还不如对知识点做一个较全面的学习指导材料。结果就此一发而不可收,终于形成了现在的这一整套资料。不明白是什么的朋友们可以参考考研论坛()外语
5、版的相关帖子。本资料主要分为三部分,第一部分为各章节提纲笔记,第二部分为重点章节测试题,第三部分为测试题参考答案。整理这一套资料真得很劳心费力,希望能够对大家有所帮助。在考研论坛上,我所有的相关资料都设置了阅读权限和 K 币,一个是为了防止盗用,但更重要的不是为了限制什么,只是希望大家在能够很容易得到资料的同时,也能够想到要付出一些,将来考上研了以后能够回到这里,与后来的研友们分享一些所能够得到的信息,资源共享,信息交流,这才是考研论坛的本意。也希望大家在以后复习语言学的时候,能够想到冰暖茶在这门课程上作的小小的努力,如果大家都能成功,我的努力就是值得的。需要说明的是,我在整理资料的过程中,得
6、到了 ksguobw, lxm1000w, micronannan, 天使精灵(排名不分先后)等朋友的资源共享和大力协助,在此对他们以及一贯支持冰暖茶的朋友们表示感谢!由于水平有限,加之时间仓促,疏漏之处在所难免,欢迎各位读者批评指正。冰暖茶 2006 年 11 月Linguistics by icywarmtea- 3 更多资料请访问 http:/目 录前言 1目录 3第一部分 各章节提纲笔记 4Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics 4Chapter 2 Speech Sounds 8Chapter 3 Lexicon 14Chapter 4 Syntax
7、 21Chapter 5 Meaning 26Chapter 6 Language Processing in Mind 29Chapter 7 Language, Culture and Society 35Chapter 8 Language in Use38Chapter 9 Language and Literature44Chapter 10 Language and Computer 49Chapter 11 Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching 53Chapter 12 Theories and Schools of Modern L
8、inguistics 59第二部分 重点章节测试题 67Test One Invitations to Linguistics67Test Two Phonetics and Phonology 70Test Three Morphology 73Test Four Syntax76Test Five Semantics 79Test Six Pragmatics82Test Seven Language, Culture and Society85Test Eight Theories and Schools of Modern Linguistics 88第三部分 测试题参考答案 91参考
9、书目 100Linguistics by icywarmtea- 4 更多资料请访问 http:/第一部分 各章节提纲笔记Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics1.1 Why study language?1. Language is very essential to human beings.2. In language there are many things we should know.3. For further understanding, we need to study language scientifically.1.2 What is
10、 language?Language is a means of verbal communication. It is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.1.3 Design features of languageThe features that define our human languages can be called design features which can distinguish human language from any animal system of commu
11、nication.1.3.1 ArbitrarinessArbitrariness refers to the fact that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meanings.1.3.2 DualityDuality refers to the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondar
12、y level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.1.3.3 CreativityCreativity means that language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness. Recursiveness refers to the rule which can be applied repeatedly without any definite limit. The recursive nature of l
13、anguage provides a theoretical basis for the possibility of creating endless sentences.1.3.4 DisplacementDisplacement means that human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present (in time and space) at the moment of conversation.1.4 Origin of language
14、1. The bow-wow theoryLinguistics by icywarmtea- 5 更多资料请访问 http:/In primitive times people imitated the sounds of the animal calls in the wild environment they lived and speech developed from that.2. The pooh-pooh theoryIn the hard life of our primitive ancestors, they utter instinctive sounds of pai
15、ns, anger and joy which gradually developed into language.3. The “yo-he-ho” theoryAs primitive people worked together, they produced some rhythmic grunts which gradually developed into chants and then into language.1.5 Functions of languageAs is proposed by Jacobson, language has six functions:1. Re
16、ferential: to convey message and information;2. Poetic: to indulge in language for its own sake;3. Emotive: to express attitudes, feelings and emotions;4. Conative: to persuade and influence others through commands and entreaties;5. Phatic: to establish communion with others;6. Metalingual: to clear
17、 up intentions, words and meanings.Halliday (1994) proposes a theory of metafunctions of language. It means that language has three metafunctions:1. Ideational function: to convey new information, to communicate a content that is unknown to the hearer;2. Interpersonal function: embodying all use of
18、language to express social and personal relationships;3. Textual function: referring to the fact that language has mechanisms to make any stretch of spoken and written discourse into a coherent and unified text and make a living passage different from a random list of sentences.According to Hu Zhuan
19、glin, language has at least seven functions:1.5.1 InformativeThe informative function means language is the instrument of thought and people often use it to communicate new information.1.5.2 Interpersonal functionThe interpersonal function means people can use language to establish and maintain thei
20、r status in a society.1.5.3 PerformativeThe performative function of language is primarily to change the social status of persons, as in marriage ceremonies, the sentencing of criminals, the blessing of children, the naming of a ship at a launching ceremony, and the cursing of enemies.1.5.4 Emotive
21、functionThe emotive function is one of the most powerful uses of language because it is so Linguistics by icywarmtea- 6 更多资料请访问 http:/crucial in changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something.1.5.5 Phatic communionThe phatic communion means people always use some sm
22、all, seemingly meaningless expressions such as Good morning, God bless you, Nice day, etc., to maintain a comfortable relationship between people without any factual content.1.5.6 Recreational functionThe recreational function means people use language for the sheer joy of using it, such as a babys
23、babbling or a chanters chanting.1.5.7 Metalingual functionThe metalingual function means people can use language to talk about itself. E.g. I can use the word “book” to talk about a book, and I can also use the expression “the word book” to talk about the sign “b-o-o-k” itself.1.6 What is linguistic
24、s?Linguistics is the scientific study of language. It studies not just one language of any one community, but the language of all human beings.1.7 Main branches of linguistics1.7.1 PhoneticsPhonetics is the study of speech sounds, it includes three main areas: articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonet
25、ics, and auditory phonetics.1.7.2 PhonologyPhonology studies the rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of syllables.1.7.3 MorphologyMorphology studies the minimal units of meaning morphemes and word-formation processes.1.7.4 SyntaxSyntax refers to
26、 the rules governing the way words are combined to form sentences in a language, or simply, the study of the formation of sentences. 1.7.5 SemanticsSemantics examines how meaning is encoded in a language.1.7.6 PragmaticsPragmatics is the study of meaning in context.1.8 MacrolinguisticsMacrolinguisti
27、cs is the study of language in all aspects, distinct from microlinguistics, which dealt solely with the formal aspect of language system.1.8.1 PsycholinguisticsPsycholinguistics investigates the interrelation of language and mind, in processing Linguistics by icywarmtea- 7 更多资料请访问 http:/and producin
28、g utterances and in language acquisition for example.1.8.2 SociolinguisticsSociolinguistics is a term which covers a variety of different interests in language and society, including the language and the social characteristics of its users.1.8.3 Anthropological linguisticsAnthropological linguistics
29、 studies the relationship between language and culture in a community.1.8.4 Computational linguisticsComputational linguistics is an interdisciplinary field which centers around the use of computers to process or produce human language.1.9 Important distinctions in linguistics1.9.1 Descriptive vs. p
30、rescriptiveTo say that linguistics is a descriptive science is to say that the linguist tries to discover and record the rules to which the members of a language-community actually conform and does not seek to impose upon them other rules, or norms, of correctness.Prescriptive linguistics aims to la
31、y down rules for the correct use of language and settle the disputes over usage once and for all.For example, “Dont say X.” is a prescriptive command; “People dont say X.” is a descriptive statement. The distinction lies in prescribing how things ought to be and describing how things are. In the 18t
32、h century, all the main European languages were studied prescriptively. However, modern linguistics is mostly descriptive because the nature of linguistics as a science determines its preoccupation with description instead of prescription.1.9.2 Synchronic vs. diachronicA synchronic study takes a fix
33、ed instant (usually at present) as its point of observation. Saussures diachronic description is the study of a language through the course of its history. E.g. a study of the features of the English used in Shakespeares time would be synchronic, and a study of the changes English has undergone sinc
34、e then would be a diachronic study. In modern linguistics, synchronic study seems to enjoy priority over diachronic study. The reason is that unless the various state of a language are successfully studied it would be difficult to describe the changes that have taken place in its historical developm
35、ent.1.9.3 Langue langue is not spoken by an individual, parole is always a naturally occurring event. What a linguist should do, according to Saussure, is to draw rules from a mass of confused facts, i.e. to discover Linguistics by icywarmtea- 8 更多资料请访问 http:/the regularities governing all instances
36、 of parole and make them the subject of linguistics.1.9.4 Competence and performanceAccording to Chomsky, a language users underlying knowledge about the system of rules is called the linguistic competence, and the actual use of language in concrete situations is called performance. Competence enabl
37、es a speaker to produce and understand and indefinite number of sentences and to recognize grammatical mistakes and ambiguities. A speakers competence is stable while his performance is often influenced by psychological and social factors. So a speakers performance does not always match his supposed
38、 competence. Chomsky believes that linguists ought to study competence, rather than performance. Chomskys competence-performance distinction is not exactly the same as, though similar to, Saussures langue-parole distinction. Langue is a social product and a set of conventions of a community, while c
39、ompetence is deemed as a property of mind of each individual. Saussure looks at language more from a sociological or sociolinguistic point of view than Chomsky since the latter deals with his issues psychologically or psycholinguistically.1.9.5 Etic vs. emicThese two terms are still very vague to me
40、. After I read Ji Daohongs book, I can understand them better, but because they are vaguely mentioned in Hus book, it seems very difficult for me to understand them fully. icywarmteaBeing etic means researchers making far too many, as well as behaviorally and inconsequential, differentiations, just
41、as often the case with phonetics vs. phonemics analysis in linguistics proper.An emic set of speech acts and events must be one that is validated as meaningful via final resource to the native members of a speech community rather than via appeal to the investigators ingenuity or intuition alone.Foll
42、owing the suffix formations of (phon)etics vs (phon)emics, these terms were introduced into the social sciences by Kenneth Pike (1967) to denote the distinction between the material and functional study of language: phonetics studies the acoustically measurable and articulatorily definable immediate
43、 sound utterances, whereas phonemics analyzes the specific selection each language makes from that universal catalogue from a functional aspect.End of Chapter 1Linguistics by icywarmtea- 9 更多资料请访问 http:/Chapter 2 Speech Sounds2.1 Speech production and perceptionPhonetics is the study of speech sound
44、s. It includes three main areas:1. Articulatory phonetics the study of the production of speech sounds2. Acoustic phonetics the study of the physical properties of the sounds produced in speech3. Auditory phonetics the study of perception of speech soundsMost phoneticians are interested in articulat
45、ory phonetics.2.2 Speech organsSpeech organs are those parts of the human body involved in the production of speech. The speech organs can be considered as consisting of three parts: the initiator of the air stream, the producer of voice and the resonating cavities.2.3 Segments, divergences, and pho
46、netic transcription2.3.1 Segments and divergencesAs there are more sounds in English than its letters, each letter must represent more than one sound.2.3.2 Phonetic transcriptionInternational Phonetic Alphabet (IPA): the system of symbols for representing the pronunciation of words in any language according to the principles of the International Phonetic Association. The symbols consists of letters and diacritics. Some letters are taken from the Roman alphabet, some are special symbols.2.4 Consonants2.4.1 Consonants and vowelsA consonant is produce