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1、政府工作报告Report on the Work of the Government2018 年 3 月 5 日第十三届全国人民代表大会第一次会议 Delivered at the First Session of the 13th National Peoples Congress of thePeoples Republic of China on March 5, 2018国务院总理 李克强Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council各位代表:Fellow Deputies,现在,我代表国务院,向大会报告过去五年政府工作,对今年工作提出建议,请予审议,

2、并请全国政协委员提出意见。On behalf of the State Council, I will now report to you on the governments work of the past five years and lay out what we propose for this years work for your deliberation and approval. I also invite comments from the members of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political

3、Consultative Conference (CPPCC).一、过去五年工作回顾I will begin with a review of our work over the past five years.第十二届全国人民代表大会第一次会议以来的五年,是我国发展进程中极不平凡的五年。面对极其错综复杂的国内外形势,以习近平同志为核心的党中央团结带领全国各族人民砥砺前行,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局,协调推进“ 四个全面 ”战略布局,改革开放和社会主义现代化建设全面开创新局面。党的十九大确立了习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的历史地位,制定了决胜全面建成小康社会、夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟

4、大胜利的宏伟蓝图和行动纲领,具有重大现实意义和深远历史意义。各地区各部门不断增强政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,深入贯彻落实新发展理念,“十二五”规划圆满完成,“十三五”规划顺利实施,经济社会发展取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革。The five years since the first session of the 12th National Peoples Congress (NPC) have been a truly remarkable five years in the course of our countrys development. Facing an extrem

5、ely complex environment both at home and abroad, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, has rallied and led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to forge ahead. We have moved forward with the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan1 and the Four-pronged Com

6、prehensive Strategy2, and made new advances on all fronts of reform, opening-up, and socialist modernization. At its 19th National Congress, the Party established the position in history of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and mapped out an inspiring bluepr

7、int and a program of action for securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and for striving for the success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. This is of great immediate significance and 1 The “Five-sphere Integrated Plan” is a plan

8、to promote coordinated economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological advancement.2 The “Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy” is a strategy of comprehensive moves to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, deepen reform, advance law-based governance, and strengthen Pa

9、rty self-governance.far-reaching historical significance. All regions and all government departments have strengthened their consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment. The new development philosophy has be

10、en thoroughly acted upon, the 12th Five-Year Plan has been fully completed, and implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan has seen smooth progress. In economic and social development we have made historic achievements and seen historic change.五年来,经济实力跃上新台阶。国内生产总值从 54 万亿元增加到 82.7 万亿元,年均增长7.1%,占世界经济比重

11、从 11.4%提高到 15%左右,对世界经济增长贡献率超过 30%。财政收入从 11.7 万亿元增加到 17.3 万亿元。居民消费价格年均上涨 1.9%,保持较低水平。城镇新增就业 6600 万人以上,13 亿多人口的大国实现了比较充分就业。Over the past five years, economic strength has reached a new high. Chinas gross domestic product (GDP) has risen from 54 trillion to 82.7 trillion yuan, registering average annua

12、l growth of 7.1 percent; and its share in the global economy has grown to roughly 15 percent, up from 11.4 percent. Chinas contribution to global growth has exceeded 30 percent. Government revenue has increased from 11.7 trillion to 17.3 trillion yuan. Consumer prices rose at an average annual rate

13、of 1.9 percent, maintaining a relatively low level of growth. More than 66 million new urban jobs have been added, and our country, with its population of over 1.3 billion, has achieved relatively full employment.五年来,经济结构出现重大变革。消费贡献率由 54.9%提高到 58.8%,服务业比重从 45.3%上升到 51.6%,成为经济增长主动力。高技术制造业年均增长 11.7%。粮

14、食生产能力达到 1.2万亿斤。城镇化率从 52.6%提高到 58.5%,8000 多万农业转移人口成为城镇居民。Over the past five years, the structure of the Chinese economy has seen a major transformation. With the share of the service sector rising from 45.3 to 51.6 percent of the economy, consumptions contribution to growth has increased from 54.9 to

15、 58.8 percent, becoming the main driver of growth. High-tech manufacturing has achieved an average annual increase of 11.7 percent, and the annual grain yield has reached 600 million metric tons. Chinas urbanization rate has risen from 52.6 to 58.5 percent, and more than 80 million people who have r

16、elocated from rural to urban areas have gained permanent urban residency.五年来,创新驱动发展成果丰硕。全社会研发投入年均增长 11%,规模跃居世界第二位。科技进步贡献率由 52.2%提高到 57.5%。载人航天、深海探测、量子通信、大飞机等重大创新成果不断涌现。高铁网络、电子商务、移动支付、共享经济等引领世界潮流。“互联网+”广泛融入各行各业。大众创业、万众创新蓬勃发展,日均新设企业由 5 千多户增加到 1万 6 千多户。快速崛起的新动能,正在重塑经济增长格局、深刻改变生产生活方式,成为中国创新发展的新标志。Over t

17、he past five years, innovation-driven development has yielded fruitful outcomes. Chinas investment in research and development (R and foreign exchange reserves are now rising not falling. We have responded appropriately to abnormal market fluctuations such as the cash crunch, brought better order to

18、 the financial markets, prevented and diffused risks in key sectors, forestalled systemic risks, and thus safeguarded Chinas economic and financial security.(二)坚持以供给侧结构性改革为主线,着力培育壮大新动能,经济结构加快优化升级。紧紧依靠改革破解经济发展和结构失衡难题,大力发展新兴产业,改造提升传统产业,提高供给体系质量和效率。Second, with a commitment to treating supply-side stru

19、ctural reform as our main task, we have focused on fostering new growth drivers to speed up economic structural upgrading. We have persevered in relying on reform to overcome economic difficulties and address structural imbalances, made a big push to foster emerging industries, overhauled and streng

20、thened traditional industries, and improved the quality and performance of the supply system.扎实推进“三去一降一补” 。五年来,在淘汰水泥、平板玻璃等落后产能基础上,以钢铁、煤炭等行业为重点加大去产能力度,中央财政安排 1000 亿元专项奖补资金予以支持,用于分流职工安置。退出钢铁产能 1.7 亿吨以上、煤炭产能 8 亿吨,安置分流职工 110 多万人。因城施策分类指导,三四线城市商品住宅去库存取得明显成效,热点城市房价涨势得到控制。积极稳妥去杠杆,控制债务规模,增加股权融资,工业企业资产负债率连续下

21、降,宏观杠杆率涨幅明显收窄、总体趋于稳定。多措并举降成本,压减政府性基金项目 30%,削减中央政府层面设立的涉企收费项目 60%以上,阶段性降低“五险一金” 缴费比例,推动降低用能、物流、电信等成本。突出重点加大补短板力度。Solid work has moved us forward in the five priority tasks of cutting overcapacity, reducing excess inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs, and strengthening areas of weakness. Over the p

22、ast five years, building on work to cut backward production capacity in the cement, plate glass, and other industries, we have intensified efforts to cut overcapacity, prioritizing industries such as steel and coal; and a 100-billion-yuan fund for rewards and subsidies has been put in place by the c

23、entral government to support efforts to assist affected employees. We have cut steel production capacity by more than 170 million metric tons and coal production capacity by 800 million metric tons, and over 1.1 million affected employees have been assisted. Thanks to city-specific policies and cate

24、gory-specific guidance, clear progress has been made in reducing commercial residential housing inventory in third- and fourth-tier cities, and the growth of housing prices in the most popular cities has been brought under control. We have taken active and prudent steps to deleverage, control the sc

25、ale of debts, and expand equity finance. The debt-to-asset ratio of industrial enterprises has been consistently declining. Macro leverage ratio is increasing by much smaller margins and is generally stable. We have used a combination of measures to bring down costs: 30 percent of government-managed

26、 funds and fees have been cut; over 60 percent of the fees and charges levied on businesses by the central government have been abolished; the ratio of enterprise contributions to old-age pension, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, and maternity insurance, workers compensation, and housing p

27、rovident fund schemes has been reduced for the time being, and work has been done to lower energy, logistics, and telecommunications costs. We have stepped up efforts to strengthen areas of weakness, with a focus on key issues.加快新旧发展动能接续转换。深入开展“互联网+”行动,实行包容审慎监管,推动大数据、云计算、物联网广泛应用,新兴产业蓬勃发展,传统产业深刻重塑。实施

28、“中国制造 2025”,推进工业强基、智能制造、绿色制造等重大工程,先进制造业加快发展。出台现代服务业改革发展举措,服务新业态新模式异军突起,促进了各行业融合升级。深化农业供给侧结构性改革,新型经营主体大批涌现,种植业适度规模经营比重从 30%提升到 40%以上。采取措施增加中低收入者收入,推动传统消费提档升级、新兴消费快速兴起,网上零售额年均增长 30%以上,社会消费品零售总额年均增长 11.3%。优化投资结构,鼓励民间投资,发挥政府投资撬动作用,引导更多资金投向强基础、增后劲、惠民生领域。高速铁路运营里程从 9000 多公里增加到 2 万 5 千公里、占世界三分之二,高速公路里程从 9.6

29、 万公里增加到 13.6 万公里,新建改建农村公路 127 万公里,新建民航机场 46 个,开工重大水利工程 122 项,完成新一轮农村电网改造,建成全球最大的移动宽带网。五年来,发展新动能迅速壮大,经济增长实现由主要依靠投资、出口拉动转向依靠消费、投资、出口协同拉动,由主要依靠第二产业带动转向依靠三次产业共同带动。这是我们多年想实现而没有实现的重大结构性变革。We have sped up the replacement of old growth drivers. We have done more in carrying out the Internet Plus Initiative,

30、 exercised accommodative and prudential regulation, and promoted the extensive application of big data, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things; emerging industries have achieved vigorous growth, and traditional industries have undergone a thorough remodeling. Implementation of the Made in China

31、 2025 Initiative has brought progress in major projects like the building of robust industrial foundations, smart manufacturing, and green manufacturing, and has accelerated the development of advanced manufacturing. We unveiled reform and development measures to foster modern services; and this has

32、 led to a marked rise in new forms of business in the services sector and new service models as well as the integration and upgrading of multiple sectors. Deepened supply-side structural reform in agriculture has brought the emergence of a large number of new types of agribusiness. The share of appr

33、opriately scaled-up farming has increased from 30 to over 40 percent. We have taken measures to increase the incomes of those in low- and middle-income brackets, and helped to see an upgrading of traditional forms of consumption, and a boom in new forms of consumption. Online retail sales have been

34、growing at an average annual rate of over 30 percent, and total retail sales of consumer goods have enjoyed an average annual increase of 11.3 percent. We have improved the composition of investment, encouraged private investment, used government investment to play a catalytic role, and guided more

35、funding toward areas that strengthen the economic foundation, enhance sustainability, and improve peoples lives. Chinas in-operation high-speed railways have grown from over 9,000 to 25,000 kilometers, accounting for two thirds of the worlds total. Our expressways have grown from 96,000 to 136,000 k

36、ilometers. We have built or upgraded 1.27 million kilometers of rural roads, built 46 new civilian airports, and begun work on 122 major water conservancy projects. We have completed the latest round of rural power grid upgrading, and put in place the largest mobile broadband network in the world. O

37、ver the past five years, new growth drivers have rapidly grown in strength. Economic growth, in the past mainly driven by investment and exports, is now being fueled by consumption, investment, and exports. In the past dependent mainly on secondary industry, growth is now powered by a combination of

38、 the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries. This is a major structural transformation that for years our sights have been set on, but we were always unable to achieve.推进供给侧结构性改革,必须破除要素市场化配置障碍,降低制度性交易成本。针对长期存在的重审批、轻监管、弱服务问题,我们持续深化“放管服”改革,加快转变政府职能,减少微观管理、直接干预,注重加强宏观调控、市场监管和公共服务。五年来,国务院部门行政审批事项削减

39、 44%,非行政许可审批彻底终结,中央政府层面核准的企业投资项目减少 90%,行政审批中介服务事项压减 74%,职业资格许可和认定大幅减少。中央政府定价项目缩减 80%,地方政府定价项目缩减 50%以上。全面改革工商登记、注册资本等商事制度,企业开办时间缩短三分之一以上。创新和加强事中事后监管,实行“双随机、一公开”,随机抽取检查人员和检查对象、及时公开查处结果,提高了监管效能和公正性。推行“互联网+政务服务”,实施一站式服务等举措。营商环境持续改善,市场活力明显增强,群众办事更加便利。Advancing supply-side structural reform demands removi

40、ng barriers to market based allocation of the factors of production and reducing government-imposed transaction costs. To address the longstanding issues of excessive emphasis on approval procedures, insufficient attention to regulatory processes, and a failure to provide strong services, we have be

41、en consistently deepening reforms to streamline administration, delegate powers, improve regulation, and strengthen services. We have sped up efforts to transform government functions, reduced micromanagement and direct intervention, and done more to improve macro regulation, market regulation, and

42、public services. Over the past five years, the number of items subject to approval by State Council offices and departments has been slashed by 44 percent, the practice of non-administrative approval has been completely put to a stop, the number of business investment items subject to central govern

43、ment approval has been cut by 90 percent, intermediary services needed for obtaining government approval have been cut by 74 percent, and the requirements for professional qualification approval and accreditation have been significantly reduced. The number of items for which central government sets

44、the prices has been cut back by 80 percent, and local government-priced items have been cut down by over 50 percent. Comprehensive reforms have swept the business system, including business and capital registration, reducing the time it takes to start a business by over a third. We have developed ne

45、w and better ways of conducting compliance oversight, and introduced a new model of oversight combining randomly selected inspectors who inspect randomly selected entities and the prompt release of results. These efforts have made regulation more effective and impartial. We have rolled out the Inter

46、net Plus Government Services model and adopted measures such as the one-stop service model. Thanks to the above reforms, the business environment has consistently improved, the market is more energized, and people can access government services more easily.(三)坚持创新引领发展,着力激发社会创造力,整体创新能力和效率显著提高。实施创新驱动发

47、展战略,优化创新生态,形成多主体协同、全方位推进的创新局面。扩大科研机构和高校科研自主权,改进科研项目和经费管理,深化科技成果权益管理改革。支持北京、上海建设科技创新中心,新设 14 个国家自主创新示范区,带动形成一批区域创新高地。以企业为主体加强技术创新体系建设,涌现一批具有国际竞争力的创新型企业和新型研发机构。深入开展大众创业、万众创新,实施普惠性支持政策,完善孵化体系。各类市场主体达到 9800 多万户,五年增加 70%以上。国内有效发明专利拥有量增加两倍,技术交易额翻了一番。我国科技创新由跟跑为主转向更多领域并跑、领跑,成为全球瞩目的创新创业热土。Third, with a commi

48、tment to innovation-driven development, and a focus on unlocking public creativity, we have achieved a remarkable improvement in our general capacity for making innovations and for seeing that innovation delivers. We have put into action the innovation-driven development strategy and worked to build

49、 a better ecosystem for innovation, giving shape to innovation involving multiple actors making across-the-board advances. Research institutes and universities now have greater say over their research; research projects and funding are better managed, and the way of managing rights and interests relating to scientific and technological advances has undergone reform. We have supported Beijing and Shanghai in building themselves into centers for scientific and technological innovation, and set up 14 new national innovation demonstration zones, thus creating a number of regio


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