1、.南湖学院毕 业 论 文课题名称: 论中国旅游业中旅游景点的翻译-以湖南旅游景点为例On the English Translation of Some of the Tourism Spots-A Case of Translation ofTourism Spots in Hunan学生姓名:江 颖系 别:外国语言文学专 业:英 语指导教师:刘庆元2012 年 03 月 29 日.目录摘要31.引言42.有关旅游文本42.1 不同语言习俗对旅游景点翻译的影响。42.2 不同语言结构对旅游景点翻译的影响。52.3 不同语言思维习惯对旅游景点翻译的影响。63.旅游景点翻译中出现的问题63.1
2、语法错误。7.3.2 表达方式汉化,逻辑关系混乱。83.3 用词不当。84.旅游景点翻译应当遵循的英译原则。104.1 语用原则。104.2 注重文化差异原则。114.3 变通原则。135.结语13参考文献14.致谢词15【摘要】:目前中国旅游业中旅游景点介绍的英译不尽如人意。作者选取湖南省作为研究对象,针对湖南主要旅游景区的调查,对其中的错误翻译提出了修改建议,并通过具体的实例分析,对旅游翻译中出现的问题进行探讨,作者希望能够影响社会对于旅游资料翻译质量的重视,扩大湖南省旅游国际知名度。【关键词】:湖南;旅游景点;翻译问题;翻译原则【Abstract】: Nowadays, the Engl
3、ish translations of some of the Tourism Spots are inappropriate in China. The writer selects Hunan province as object of study. On the investigation about several main Tourism Spot in Hunan, the writer gives advice on the correction about the translation of the Tourism Spots, and has an elementary r
4、esearch on the problems of the translation of the Tourism Spots on basis of some examples, from which, the writer draws the concerned translators attention to the English translation of Hunan Tourism Spots in order to earn a reputation as the most famous tourist destination.Key words: Hunan; Tourism
5、 Spots; Translation problems; Translation principles 1.引言中国进入 WTO 后,随着我国改革开放的不断深化以及对外交流的日益频繁,旅游业逐渐发展成为一个热门行业,越来越多的外国游客游览我国著名的风景名胜。而湖南省有着丰富的旅游资源,不论是张家界,凤凰还是衡山,不论是是秀丽的自然风光还是独特的人文景观,每年接待的游客不计其数。在这种情况下,旅游景点的翻译问题也越来越突出。因为景点翻译的好坏不仅直接反映翻译者水平的高低,更在一定程度上影响游客是否会选择此景点作为参观游览的对象,影响到国际间的文化交流。本文通过搜集湖南省景点的翻译材料以及询问相
6、关人士的方式,就景点翻译进行探讨,并提出影响景点翻译的因素和翻译过程中出现的问题。针对这些,阐述景点翻译应当遵循的原则。2有关旅游文本。2.1 不同语言习俗对旅游景点翻译的影响。中华民族的惯有思维方式是“写实得意” ,翻译是往往不能拘泥于语.言,更多的时候要靠直觉来理解。而英文则是“写意传情” ,要把概念和观念传递给对方,就必须要以语言作为工具。因为语言是概念的形式,是观念的结构,是沟通的媒介。所以,不同的语言习俗对于旅游景点必定有影响。举例如下:例 1:“黄狮寨为张家界胜景的荟萃之地。民间有不到黄狮寨,枉来张家界的谚语。 ”(张家界风景区)分析:这样两句描写张家界黄狮寨的谚语,生动地刻画了黄
7、狮寨在张家界的重要性,令人心驰神往。其中“喻意”需要借助语言和形象符号,但在“得意”之后,这些都要被抛弃。即所谓的“写实得意” 。例 2:“千万绝壁挂古松,万尺深涧锁蛟龙。 ”(张家界风景区)分析:这样两句描写张家界百丈峡的古诗,生动地刻画了百丈峡的雄伟与险峻,令人心身向往。例 3:“张家界山环水绕,溪流遍布。又是各种珍奇异兽的天然乐园,好一派莺歌燕舞的景象!” (张家界风景区)分析:作者用“莺歌燕舞”来形容张家界的一片大好形势,这是一种写实的手法。在翻译这个成语时,我们只能用写意的手法将其译为“the ambience of prosperity”,而不能译成“Everywhere orio
8、les sing and swallow dance”,这会让西方人得到的印象只会是百鸟栖息的山林。2.2不同语言结构对旅游景点翻译的影响。在介绍旅游景点的过程中,最大的特点就是大量运用四字成语。四字成语是汉语的一大特色,它结构严谨,文字洗练,在行文中能够增强气势和提高语言的表达效果。而在英语翻译中,并没有四字成语,所以在翻译.过程中不能按照中文结构来翻译,应当根据实际情况适当改变顺序。 举例如下:例 1:“(御笔峰)方正如削,顶天并立,参差相连,上细下粗.”(张家界景区)分析:在张家界的旅游景点介绍中,也存在着大量的四字短语结构。可是在英语中并不存在这样的四字成语。要根据文中实际和特点采取相
9、应的排比结构或适当省去原文,并变动结构来进行。例 2:“景区千峰竞秀,万壑奔流,古树茂密,珍禽栖息。 ”(张家界景区)分析:这句话中间出现了很多的四字成语,翻译时可以根据文中实际和特点采取相应的排比结构或适当省去原文。 “There are a thousand peaks competing in their beauty, ten thousand streams pouring into pools, ancient trees growing thick with rare birds and animals flying and creeping among them.” 在译文中,
10、译者运用了几个分词短语把天子山风景区的秀美风光呈现在读者面前,让读者产生去游览景点的愿望。例 3:“阡陌纵横,鸡犬相闻,风和日丽,鸟语花香的一片新天地。 ”(张家界景区) 分析:这句话翻译时应该根据实际情况,将静物和动物归纳一下,不按照原次序排列。 “A new land with crisscrossed fields, bright sunshine, gentle breeze, rooster crowing, dogs barking, birds singing and flowers blooming.”在译文中,顺序虽然被打乱,但是根据实际情况也是被允许的。2.3不同语言思维习
11、惯对旅游景点翻译的影响。.思维是人脑的一种功能,是人脑对客观现实的反映。翻译过程是把一种语言转换为另一种语言的过程,这个过程也必然是一种思维的过程。人类的思维有一定的共性,这才使得人类对许多的事物产生共同的认识。在汉语中景点介绍中很大部分汉语句子的结构,重心,长度与英语都有很大的区别,所以在英语翻译过程中要求译者根据目的语言也就是英语的思维习惯去理解,去翻译。举例如下:例 1:“张家界位于湖南省西北部 9563 平方公里,人口 100 万,是国内外旅游胜地之一。 ”(张家界景区)分析:这句话涉及到面积,人口的翻译,译文是要符合英文的行文习惯,主要信息用谓语动词表达,次要信息用分词。 “Loca
12、ted in the northwestern part of Hunan province, Zhangjiajie is one of the tourist attraction both at home and abroad , with an area of 9563 square kilometers and a population of more than 1 million people.” 译文表示:张家界是旅游胜地这一信息比它所处的位置,面积和人口重要。例 2:“张家界位于湖南省西北部 9563 平方公里,人口 100 万,是国内外旅游胜地之一。 ”(张家界景区)分析:“
13、Zhangjiajie is located in the northwestern part of Hunan province and has an area of 9563 square kilometers and a population of more than 1 million people. It is one of the tourist attractions both at home and abroad.”这句译文虽然没有什么大错,但太拘泥于原文的顺序,层次模糊,不符合英语行文习惯。3.旅游景点翻译中出现的问题。.3.1 语法错误。翻译的译文语言要求规范,符合语法规则
14、,这是翻译最基本的要求。但是在接触翻译资料的过程中可以发现许多简单的语法错误。举例如下:例 1:“住宅为栏杆式竹楼,配以彩绘,木雕,傣锦,竹编工艺品等。 ”(凤凰风景区)分析:译文“The miao people live in bamboo houses which is decorated with woodcarving, miao-style brocade and bamboo handicrafts.” 译文当中的谓语动词用的是“is” ,其实是错误的,句中的先行词是复数 houses,那么谓语动词毫无疑问应该是复数形式 are。并且如果用动词过去分词做后置定语则更简练生动,而且
15、brocade 为不可数名词,应该用单数。所以正确的译文应该是“The miao people live in railed bamboo houses decorated with colourfullly painted woodcarvings, miao style brocade and bamboo handicrafts.”例 2:” 洞庭湖面积平方公里。 ”(岳阳楼风景区)“衡山海拔 1290 米。 ”(凤凰风景区)分析:“DongTing lake area covers”“1,290 meters above the sea level.”第一句译文中 DongTing 和
16、 area 前分别少了定冠词和不定冠词,而且本该小写的 ting 写成 Ting,本该大写的 Lake 写成 lake.而第二句译文中该用冠词的地方不用,不该用的地方反倒用冠词。所以正确的译文应该是”Dongting Lake area covers” “the 1,290 meters above sea level.”例 3:“护林防火,人人有责。 ”(衡山风景区)分析:“Everyone has the responsibilities for protecting forest and preventing fire.” 此译句有两处语法错误:(1)主谓一致原则,这里的.respons
17、ibilities 应为单数形式。 (2) “forest”前遗漏了冠词“the”.所以正确的翻译应该是“It is everyones responsibilities to protect the forest and prevent fire.”3.2 表达方式汉化,逻辑关系混乱。在翻译过程中会出现总面积人口等一系列的信息,但在翻译的时候难免会引起歧义。举例如下:例 1:“岳阳市总面积 1.5 万平方公里,人口 550 万。 ”分析:译文是“The Municipality of Yueyang covers a total area of 1.5 thousand Square kil
18、ometers with a population of 5.5 million.”原句包含两个主要信息:面积和人口,用 of which 来引导定语从句,容易引起歧义,which 究竟指面积还是指人口?为了避免逻辑混乱,此类句子最好用并列句来翻译,所以正确的译文应该是“The Municipality of Yueyang covers a total area of 11.8 thousand Square kilometers with a population of 6.46 million.”3.3 用词不当。在语言中,词汇是表达语意的载体。翻译中词汇选择的正确与否,关系着译文是否能
19、够达其意。英语中有诸多同义词,选择不当所造成的旅游翻译错误,占了很大的比例。用词不准导致译文不忠实,用词属于翻译过程中的表达阶段,用词正确与否直接影响到译文的忠实与否。举例如下:例 1:“张家界三兄弟旅馆。 “分析:张家界景区内几乎所有的宾馆,酒店都译成了“Hotel” ,那么此句翻译为“San Xiong De Hotel”.但是实际上这是错误的,因为“Hotel ”.必须是星级酒店,其规模必须是符合国家标准的,所以一般的宾馆,酒店应该译成“Restaurant”或“Cook-shop” 。 “张家界三兄弟旅馆”如果翻译成 Hotel ,那么试想一下。一个外国游客走到这里,他会以为来到了一家
20、酒店家庭旅馆。标牌上面的“Hotel”名不副实。所以英语中的家庭旅馆应该用“hostel”或“guest house”.例 2:“张家界的宾馆中有豪华间(luxury Room)或双标间(Double standard Room) ”(张家界风景区)分析:前面说过张家界景区几乎所有的宾馆,酒店都译成了“Hotel” 。此处的宾馆里面稍微好一点的房间都命名为豪华间(luxury Room)或双标间(Double standard Room) ,这样的翻译没有考虑到该宾馆或酒店的地位和自身的条件设施,便会给外宾留下不好的印象。例 3:“凤凰独特的民族风情。 ”(凤凰风景区)分析:这句话译成“uni
21、que minority amorous feelings.”。在这里“风情”在汉英词典里, “风情”有至少五种译法:(1)information about wind direction, wind-force, etc. (2) bearing; demeanour (3) feelings (4) amorous feelings; flirtatious expressions (5) local conditions and customs. 此处的“民族风情”应该指的是民族风俗,所以应该译成“the unique customs of the local people”4.旅游景点
22、翻译应当遵循的英译原则。4.1语用原则。不同语言表面上结构或意义类似并不意味着语用含义的相似,如果不顾及语用含义的差异,那么将会出现死译和硬译。达不到介绍源语言语.言文化的目的。在旅游标牌翻译中恰当地利用互文性就是一种非常有效的手段。举例如下:例 1:“不到黄狮寨,枉到张家界” (张家界景区)分析:此句译“No Going to Huang Shi Zhai will Make Your Visit inVain.” 这句话说明了去黄狮寨的重要性,从而也就把张家界的核心景观黄狮寨,乃至把整个张家界景观宣传到了实处。例 2:“岳阳的夏日荷香阵阵,沁人心脾” (岳阳风景区)分析:此句译“ In s
23、ummer , lotus flowers bloom.” 这句话把岳阳景区的夏日风光很好的诠释出来了。荷花亭亭玉立,香气袭人,读者也可以感受到香气扑鼻。4.2 注重文化差异原则。语言是文化的外化,语言的差异很大程度上是由文化的差异引起的。因此,在翻译旅游景点介绍资料时,我们要充分考虑跨文化的交际规则,避免不必要的因文化差异而产生的理解混乱。举例如下:例 1:“张家界的天下第一桥与猛河洞的天下第一漂 ”分析:这句译文可分别译成“the NO.One Bridge”和“the NO.One Drift”.原文中的天下,也就是 in the world 可以不加。文化上的差异在语言上表现为汉语的形
24、象性和英语的功能性。在介绍旅游景点时,我们常常会见到“天下第一”的说法。这里的“天下第一”并不是真的说该处风景真的天下第一,而是一种夸张的表达,言其超凡脱俗,引人入胜。这类名称在很大程度上反映了古人对于世界的认识和当地人们对于风景地的自豪感。因为我国从公元前到唐,宋期间,一直把“天下”视为“国” 。但这.样的说法对于外国人就不易理解。因此“天下”并不一定要是“in the world”而是“in China ” 和“in country .”例 2:“ 湖南是湘绣的产地。 ”分析:由于中外文化差异很大,各自的历史发展进程不一,外国游客往往对于中国老百姓人人皆知的情况不一定了解,所以旅游翻译材料
25、有必要做一些解释,提供一些人文历史,风土人情等方面的背景知识,一是帮助他们理解,二是可以唤起他们的兴趣。这句话按照字面理解,译成Hunan is the home of Xiang embroidery. 但是外国人不懂什么叫做湘绣,读了这句话也不会产生预期的共鸣,因此,有必要添加解释性句子,译成 Hunan is the home of Xiang embroidery. Xiang embroidery originates from the folk embroidery of Hunan. It forms its unique art style by the hardwork of
26、 the artisan in the past ages in long period of time.这样一来,外国游客对中国多了几分了解,自然理解上容易了些。4.3变通原则。汉语是一门博大精深的语言,在形容一个事物时,汉语可以用不同的形容词来形容这个事物,尤其表现在描写景色上面,汉语用来描写景色的词汇非常丰富,当然用来辅助修饰的修辞方法更是多种多样。比如说对偶,对比,排比,比喻。翻译起来十分困难,多采用意译。勉强逐字逐句翻译,可能反而伤害原意,出现死译现象。举例如下:例 1:(宝峰湖)湖面如镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光迤逦。 ”分析:译文是“Baofeng Lake is like a
27、mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty”原文用了“千峰凝翠,.洞壑幽深,风光迤逦”等成语了,来形容宝峰湖的秀美风光。翻译时切记死译,应该根据英语习惯,翻译出其意义。例 2:“武陵源风景区” “黄狮寨” “金鞭溪” “玉屏楼” “韶山” “湘绣”分析:这些景点的译文是“Wulingyuan scenic area” “Huangshi village” “Jinbian stream” (Golden Whip Stream) “Yuping Tower”(Jade S
28、creen Tower) “Shao mountain” “Xiang embroidery”对于可以直译的景点名词用拼音直译,但有时具体问题要具体分析,用解释加直译的方法更佳。不过不是每一个景点都可以翻译成拼音的。一些外国游客对地名的直译不能理解,因为直译不能提供足够的资料,所以,有时候也要用到音译加上直译的方法。要学会适当变通。5.结语地点和景点名称翻译和一个地方独特的民风民俗,历史文化有着千丝万缕的关系,并涉及心理学,广告学,美学领域。要更好的介绍湖南,宣传湖南,让湖湘文化旅游翻译走上正轨,与国际接轨。那么在旅游景点翻译的过程中应当尽量减少不当的翻译错误与缺失。旅游景点的英译是集宣传与文
29、化介绍为一体的二度创作。译文要考虑中西语言习俗,语言结构,语言思维习惯对于旅游景点英译的影响,在再创作的过程中也要适当地输入新的内容和新的表现方法,避免出现语法错误,表达方式汉化以及用词不当的问题。在湖南旅游景点介绍的英译中,除了注意以上因素给翻译带来的影响外,还应合理地遵循一些翻译原则,正确合理地反映原作的意图,唤起外国游客的兴趣,使他们更好地理解旅游地的文化。.参考文献1 E.A.Nida. Language and Culture, Context in Translating M. Shanghai Foreign Language Education press, 2006.2 Ne
30、wmark , Peter. A Textbook of Translation M. Shanghai : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.3 陈刚.旅游翻译与涉外旅游 M .中国对外翻译出版公司,2004.4 陈宏薇.汉英翻译基础M. 上海外语教育出版社,1998.5 丁衡祁.汉英翻译实践是再创造的过程J.中国翻译6 李怀奎,李怀宏. 景观标识名称汉译英的语用等效研究J. 上海科技翻译, 2004(1).7 刘建刚. 旅游资料汉译英典型错误分析J. 中国科技翻译, 2001(3).8 赖余.浅谈旅游资料的英译J.中国翻译,19
31、86(1).9 季绍斌.涉外旅游翻译中地名的英译问题J.武汉职业技术学院学报, 2004.10 尹华光. 张家界景点导游M.西宁:青海人民出版社, 2003.11 朱岐新,张秀桂. 英语导游翻译必读M. 北京:中国旅游出版社,1998.致谢词历时将近两个月的时间终于将这篇论文写完,在论文的写作过程中遇到了无数的困难和障碍,都在同学和老师的帮助下度过了。尤其要强烈感谢我的论文指导老师刘庆元老师,他对我进行了无私的指导和帮助,不厌其烦的帮助进行论文的修改和改进。另外,在校图书馆查找资料的时候,图书馆的老师也给我提供了很多方面的支持与帮助。在此向帮助和指导过我的各位老师表示最衷心的感谢!感谢这篇论文
32、所涉及到的各位学者。本文引用了数位学者的研究文献,如果没有各位学者的研究成果的帮助和启发,我将很难完成本篇论文的写作。感谢我的同学和朋友,在我写论文的过程中给予我很多素材,还在论.文的撰写和排版等过程中提供热情的帮助。由于我的学术水平有限,所写论文难免有不足之处,恳请各位老师和学友批评和指正!综述Nowadays, the English translations of some of the Tourism Spots are inappropriate in China. The writer selects Hunan province as object of study. On th
33、e investigation about several main Tourism Spot in Hunan, the writer gives advice on the correction about the translation of the Tourism Spots, and has an elementary research on the problems of the translation of the Tourism Spots on basis of some examples, from which, the writer draws the concerned
34、 peoples attention to the English translation of Hunan Tourism Spots in order to earn a reputation as the most famous tourist destination.The tourist industry become a very popular industry in China because of the further development of Chinas reform and opening up and the ever .increasing communica
35、tions with foreign countries, more and more foreign tourists visit the famous scenic spots in China. There are abundant tourism resources in Hunan province,such as Zhangjiajie, Phoenix and Mount Hengshan and so on. Hunan province welcomes millions of visitors every year as its beautiful and charming
36、 scenery and unique man-made landscape. But on this occasion, the problems of the translation of the Tourism Spots become more and more outstanding. Thanks to the quality of the translation of the Tourism Spots may be directly related to the level of translators. To some extent, it effects the touri
37、sts choices that they visit the Tourism Spots whether or not. Sometimes it even effect international culture communication.The writer has an element research on the problems of the translation of the Tourism Spots in the ways of collecting translation materials and asking for experts. Then the write
38、r analyzed the influential factors and problems for the translation of the Tourism Spots and puts forward the principle we should obey. A thousand fibers connect the translation of the Tourism spots and historic culture. It also involves the fields of Psychology, Advertising and Aesthetics. So, “How
39、 to describe the Tourism Spots in Hunan province” “ How to lead the translation Huxiang Culture on to the right track and let it connect with the international trend?” All of these problems are very important. We should do our best to avoid inappropriate translation errors.The English translation of
40、 some of the Tourism Spots is a kind of the second creation which includes publicity and culture background. The factors .which lead the quality of translation are the convention of language, structure of language and habit of thinking of language.Firstly, convention of language means that in China,
41、 people often dont confine the scope of language. They translate materials by instinct. But, in Western countries, they use the language as communication tools which link conception and idea.Secondly, structure of language means that in introducing Tourism Spots foreign countries, the important feat
42、ure is idiom. Idiom is a distinctive style of the Chinese language. So, sometimes, we cant translate that based on Chinese structure in translating. We should change order of language according to the fact. (E.g: 1.“There are a thousand peaks competing in their beauty, ten thousand streams pouring i
43、nto pools, ancient trees growing thick with rare birds and animals flying and creeping among them.” In this sentence, translator use some participial phase for describe the beautiful scenery in Tourism Spots. 2. “A new land with crisscrossed fields, bright sunshine, gentle breeze, rooster crowing, d
44、ogs barking, birds singing and flowers blooming.” In this sentence, though the order is changed by translator, it is OK according to the fact.) Thirdly, habit of thinking of language means that translation is a process which changes one language into another language.(E.g: “Located in the northweste
45、rn part of Hunan province, Zhangjiajie is one of the tourist attraction both at home and abroad , with an area of 9563 square kilometers and a population of more than 1 million people.” In this sentence, we know that .Zhangjiajie is tourist attraction .This information is more important than its loc
46、ation, area and population.)In addition, translator should add new content and techniques of expression suitably during the re-creation. The most important is that translator should avoid the problems of false syntax and Chinese expression and misnomer.False syntax: The most basic require of transla
47、tion is that the language is standard and the language square with syntax rules. (E.g:1. “The miao people live in bamboo houses which is decorated with woodcarving, miao-style brocade and bamboo handicrafts.” In this sentence, the verb is “is”, in fact, it is wrong. Because the antecedent in this sentence is “houses”, it is no doubt that the verb is “are.” So the correct translation is “The miao people live in railed bamboo houses decorated with colourfully painted woodcarv