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1、金融硕士目标学校精读课程之 佩珀代因大学,课程内容,专业与课程设置,学校录取标准与须知,学费与奖学金发放解读,教授信息了解,2,4,6,学校与学院概览,就业情况,加利福尼亚州,加利福尼亚州 (State of California,通常简称为加州)是美国西部太平洋岸边的一个州,在面积上是全美第三大州,人口上是全美第一大州。加利福尼亚无论是在地理、地貌、物产、还是人口构成上都十分多样化。由于早年的淘金热,加州有一个别名叫做金州 (The Golden State) 。 面积 41.1 万平方千米 。城市人口占91.3,主要集中在太平洋沿岸地区,其中 50 聚居在洛杉矶和圣弗朗西斯科(旧金山)一带

2、。拥有全国50以上的华裔和墨西哥裔美国人(契卡诺人)。圣弗朗西斯科的唐人街是华人最密集的居住区。首府萨克拉门托。,加利福尼亚州,全州夏季干旱,多阳光,冬季多雨。受地理条件影响,气候相差悬殊。夏天,东南部科罗拉多沙漠的温度达,接近地球上最高温度;冬季内华达山巅如北极般寒冷。但是,太平洋沿岸的温度一般不超过,也不低于。洛杉矶和旧金山的平均温度分别为和。西北部降水量为毫米,东南部科罗拉多沙漠的降水量为毫米,中央谷地年降水量介于毫米间。,加利福尼亚州,经济概况 加州是美国经济总量最大的州,2008年加州国民生产总值19423亿美元,占到全美的14%,如果作为独立经济体,它的国民生产总值在世界上排名第八

3、2,要比除美国、日本、德国、英国、中国、法国、印度之外任何国家的都大,人均GDP达50699美元。 农业最发达的州。农业用地占全州30。主要为灌溉农业。农牧产品多达几百种。甘蔗、蔬菜、水果产量居全国突出地位,棉花产量第二;稻米产量第二;为全国重要的牛奶、蛋、肉产区;中央谷地是最富庶的农业地带。林业发达,为全国三大木材生产州之一。渔业产值全国第一,圣弗朗西斯科、圣迭戈及圣佩德罗为重要渔港。,加利福尼亚州,制造业发达,部门齐全,产品种类繁多,产值及就业人数均居全国第一。主要有航天、电子等新兴部门及炼油、石化、军火、食品加工、造纸、印刷业等。矿业中石油和天然气开采占总产值的23。洛杉矶地区为西部最大

4、的制造业中心,以航天及石油开采业为主;产值约占全州50;圣弗朗西斯科、圣迭戈也是重要的制造业中心。硅谷圣克拉拉谷地以电子工业发达著称,中央谷地为食品加工业中心。高速公路网络密布,长度居全国第二。为 3 条横贯大陆铁路干线的西部端点。萨克拉门托河三角洲上河网密布、水运发达。洛杉矶和圣弗朗西斯科是重要的国际航空港。,加利福尼亚州,加州著名的大学几乎全在沿海地区,内陆多为专科学院。著名的大学有加州大学,创立于年,校园在伯克利,分校在旧金山、洛杉矶及其他市。伯克利加州大学设备最佳,教授阵容最强。州立大学叫加州州立大学,有所分校。此外尚有多所公私立大专学院。洛杉矶的拉赛尼格博莱瓦德大街一带有许多美术陈列

5、馆。旧金山歌剧团和交响乐队以及洛杉矶交响乐队享有国际声誉。好莱坞是全国电影和电视片的主要产地。,马里布市,马里布于1991年建立城市,位于洛杉矶郡西部,人口1万2千,南面是圣莫尼卡群山,北面是太平洋。历史上它是印第安土著Chumash部落的领地,Malibu印第安语的意思是“响声轰鸣的海滩” 马里布最出名的是温暖怡人的沙滩,其他名胜还有马里布州立公园、圣莫卡国家娱乐区、卡特丽娜岛和帕罗维德半岛等,从上世纪50年代起曾是多部美国电影的拍摄地。,学校与学院概况,Pepperdine University综合排名:58学校简介:位于南加州的佩珀代因大学成立于1937年,是一所私立中型大学,建校以来以

6、严谨求实的学风位居美国一流大学的行列。该大学于1937年由乔治. 佩珀代因成立。乔治. 佩珀代是一个基督教商人,他建立了西方汽车代理公司。在该大学成立后的前30年里,它是一所小型的主要招收本科生的学院。在1970年由于增加了研究生学院和职业学院,它被提升为大学。1972年,它在马利布开办了新校区。佩珀代因大学附属于基督教会,而佩珀代因先生就是终生会员。全体教员、行政人员以及董事会成员均代表了许多宗教背景,欢迎所有种族所有信仰的学生。这就是佩珀代因大学追求最高学术标准的意图。,学校与学院概况,佩珀代因大学Malibu校区 地理位置优异,距离洛杉矶附近商业,文化及休闲中心不用一小时就可到达。校区坐

7、落在太平洋沿祡的山坡上,绵延的祡岸以及绿草覆盖的山坡加上清新的祡风吹拂为学校增添了许多独特的魅力。学校所属的Malibu小区相当安全并且独具文化气息,依山傍海,风景如画,可以俯瞰广阔的太平洋。2003年八月竣工的新校园,具备尖端科技的教室、演讲厅、图书馆、科技中心、学生服务中心、研究生宿舍及停车场等。,商学院介绍,佩珀代因大学的商管学院Graziadio School of Business and Management成立于1969年,在美国AACSB认证的商管学院中以学生人数排为第五,是美国最具实力的商学院之一。其EMBA连续三年被Business Week评为世界前20名。 Associ

8、ation to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business(美国国际管理教育联合会)事实上是美国的一家民间认证机构,始创于1916年,是对大学管理类教育项目的专业认证组织,也是全球认证MBA项目最权威的机构。国内通过AACSB的学院只有三所。分别是中欧、清华大学经济管理学院和复旦大学管理学院。The mission of the George L. Graziadio School of Business and Management is to develop values-centered leaders and advance responsible

9、business practice through education that is entrepreneurial in spirit, ethical in focus, and global in orientation.,商学院介绍,U.S. News & World Report consistently ranks the Graziadio School among the Best Graduate Business Programs. The Fully Employed MBA program is placed sixth in Southern California

10、and ranked 51st overall. The Full-time MBA program is placed fourth in Southern California and ranked 82nd overall. BusinessWeek ranks the Executive MBA program among the top four in Southern California and top 50 in the world. The Wall Street Journal has placed the Graziadio School among the Top Bu

11、siness Schools: Recruiters Top Picks since 2007. The Aspen Institutes “Beyond Grey Pinstripes“ ranking placed the Graziadio School among the top business schools for dedication to social and environment issues.,专业与课程设置,Master of Science in Applied Finance 学制:12-month the program gives you the real-w

12、orld skills in finance needed to apply to your career immediately. You will join a tight-knit 紧密团结community of bright, ambitious students and a highly involved faculty dedicated to helping you succeed. Designed for recent college graduates, this intensive program offers a customizable curriculum定制课程

13、 that will prepare you for a variety of careers in finance, such as corporate finance公司金融, financial planning金融规划, commercial banking商业银行, and more.,课程设置,The core curriculum provides a solid foundation in economics, quantitative methods, accounting, and finance. However, students may choose from thr

14、ee elective tracks depending on career interests: financial accounting金融会计, investments投资, or financial management金融管理. In the final trimester, students may elect to complete a business internship to apply their knowledge and gain real-world experience in the area of finance.Unlike other degree prog

15、rams in finance that concentrate on theoretical and quantitative areas such as risk management, the Graziadio Schools M.S. in Applied Finance takes a more holistic approach更注重整体方法 to prepare our students for a variety of financial careers. The 12-month program features a curriculum that focuses on t

16、he application of theory to real-world business needs.,课程设置,The M.S. in Applied Finance is designed for recent college graduates who do not have an undergraduate degree in business. The program will give students a solid foundation with the core skills and knowledge needed to launch a career in fina

17、nce. Curriculum Tracks Students may choose from two curriculum tracks:,课程设置,课程设置,2、Elective Tracks For both curriculum tracks, students may customize their degree by choosing to concentrate on one of three elective areas, depending on career interests: 1) Financial Accounting财务会计 Hone your skills in

18、 such in-demand expertise as business valuation经营评价, cost accounting成本会计, and tax issues税务问题. Required classes: Advanced Cost Accounting高级成本会计, Business Valuation经营评价, Tax Implications of Financial Decisions财务决策的税务影响, Business Analysis Using Financial Statements.财务报表的商务分析 Career opportunities includ

19、e: Managerial Accounting管理会计 Corporate Finance 公司金融 Credit Management信贷管理 Treasury Management基金管理,课程设置,2)Investments投资 Gain the knowledge to prepare you for the Chartered Financial Analyst exam特许金融分析师考试. Required classes: Capital Markets资本市场, Modern Portfolio Theory现代投资组合理论, Analysis of Fixed Income

20、 Securities固定收益证券分析, Analysis of Equity Securities股票证券分析, Management of Financial Risk金融风险管理. Career opportunities include: Equity Analysis股票分析 Fixed Income Analysis固定收益分析 Financial Planning财务规划 Money Management资金管理 Risk Management风险管理,课程设置,3)Financial Management This elective addresses topics relev

21、ant to a career in corporate finance公司金融. Required classes: Strategic Issues in Finance金融战略问题, Capital Markets资本市场, Working Capital Management营运资金管理, Mergers and Acquisitions兼并和收购. Career opportunities include: Commercial Banking商业银行 Mortgage Banking按揭银行 Corporate Finance 公司金融 Financial Institution

22、Management金融机构管理 Corporate Financial Planning企业财务规划 Risk Management风险管理,申请标准与须知,申请标准与须知,Requirements: 1、Bachelors degree. You must have a bachelors degree from a regionally accredited four-year college or university. Preference is given to applicants with a 3.25 grade point average or higher. 2、Appl

23、ication for admission. You must complete and submit an application from Pepperdine, including required essays and resume with a check payable to Pepperdine University for the nonrefundable $75 application fee. 3、GRE or GMAT score. You must have an acceptable score on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) o

24、r Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) taken within the last five years. Please use the following codes for score reporting: GMAT 37B-BJ-56 and GRE 5996.,申请标准与须知,4、Official transcripts. You must provide an official transcript with your bachelors degree posted from your undergraduate university.

25、 If you have not completed your bachelors degree at the time of application, submit a current transcript. A complete transcript must be submitted before Fall enrollment. Please have the schools registrar mail your transcript directly to the Graziadio School Admission Office. If work toward your unde

26、rgraduate degree was completed at more than one college or university, please request official transcripts from all institutions. Transcript request forms are included in the application for admission. International students should provide translated copies of their transcripts.,申请标准与须知,5、Letters of

27、 recommendation. Candidates must provide two letters of recommendation. Employed applicants should submit letters from a supervisor or employer; non-employed applicants should include at least one letter from a professor. 6、Official TOEFL or IELTS score (waived if you graduated from a U.S. or U.K. u

28、niversity),学费与奖学金发放解读,Tuition and Fees Estimated tuition and fees per trimester for the 2009-2010 academic year are listed below. Tuition increases are generally effective in the fall of each academic year. Tuition The 2009-2010 academic year tuition is $18,758 per term. 12-month MBA (3 terms) - $56

29、,274 15-month MBA (4 terms) - $75,032 20-month MBA (4 terms) - $75,032 International MBA (4 terms) - $75,032 M.S. in Applied Finance (3 terms) - $56,274 M.S. in Global Business (3 terms) - $56,274,学费与奖学金发放解读,Fees Application for admission - $75 (paper application for MBA is $150) Registration and St

30、udent Activities Fee - $650 Business Society activity fee (per trimester) - $40 Annual student health insurance - $1,068 On-campus graduate housing (per trimester) - $5,500 (approximate) Books and supplies - $1,000 (approximate) SPLASH (mandatory international student orientation) - $499,学费与奖学金发放解读,

31、International students might be eligible for private education credit-based loans. Most of the lenders offer better terms for alternative education loans with a cosigner. All international students may apply for private scholarships. http:/bschool.pepperdine.edu/financialaid/graduate/international.h

32、tm,教授信息了解,Phone: (310) 568-5500 E-mail: steven.ferraropepperdine.edu Teaching Courses : Corporate Finance公司金融, Mergers and Acquisitions兼并和收购, Valuation估价, and Financial Statement Analysis财务报表分析,Steven R. Ferraro,教授信息了解,Teaching Interests: Real Estate Investments & Finance房地产投资与融资and Corporate Financ

33、e at the MBA level. His current research is related to REITs and Corporate Real Estate房地产投资信托基金和房地产公司,Phone: (310) 568-5553 E-mail: abraham.parkpepperdine.edu,Abraham Park,就业情况,2009 MBA Employment Statistics 1、Recruitment Received first job offer within 3 months of graduation: 57% 2、Primary Source o

34、f Job Offer School-facilitated activities: 37% Graduate-facilitated activities: 56% No information provided by graduate: 7% 3、Top 15 recruiting firms: AT&T美国电话电报公司 PIMCO太平洋投资管理公司 Bank of America美国银行 Raytheon Company雷神公司(国防器械) PricewaterhouseCoopers普华永道 Activision Blizzard暴雪(游戏发行) 20th Century Fox Fi

35、lm Corporation 20世纪福克斯电影公司 Samsung Electronics三星电子,就业情况,Morgan Stanley摩根士丹利 Skechers USA斯凯奇(鞋业) Wedbush Morgan券商 Coldwell Banker信义房产管理咨询 Crystal Cruises邮轮公司 Neiman Marcus奢侈品百货公司 Sharp Industries夏普,就业情况,4、Salary Percentage of students providing usable base salary information: 84% Percentage of job-ac

36、cepting graduates receiving a signing bonus: 28% Mean base salary: $75,615 Median base salary: $75,000 Mean signing bonus: $12,756 Median signing bonus: $10,000 Mean other guaranteed compensation: $14,500 Median other guaranteed compensation: $16,500,就业情况,5、Functional Areas Graduating students accep

37、ting jobs in the following functional areas: Consulting: 2% Finance/Accounting: 31% General Management: 17% Human Resources: 4% Marketing/Sales: 31% Management Information Systems: 4% Operations/Logistics: 7% Other: 4%,就业情况,6、Industries Graduating students accepting jobs in the following industries:

38、 Government: 4% Consulting: 2% Consumer Products: 10% Financial Services: 26% Manufacturing: 10% Media/Entertainment: 7% Non-Profit: 2% Petroleum/Energy: 2% Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology/Healthcare Products: 5% Real Estate: 2% Technology: 21% Other: 9%,就业情况,7、Graduates accepting full-time jobs by reg

39、ion (international): Asia: 10% North America: 86% Western Europe: 4% 8、Graduates accepting full-time jobs by region (North America): Northeast: 4% South: 2% Southwest: 2% Midwest: 2% West: 88% Canada: 2%,就业情况,9、Internships Paid internships: 45% Average internship length: 10 weeks Intern compensation

40、 (mean): $763 per week Intern compensation (median): $600 per week Top 15 recruiting firms: PIMCO AT&T Bank of America Coca-Cola Disney/ESPN Deloitte & Touche Citibank NBC Universal UBS Private Wealth,就业情况,McKesson Corporation Los Angeles Lakers Samsung Electronics San Francisco Giants Space & Missile Systems World Vision International,Thank You !,


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