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1、1起重机制造的工艺流程Crane manufacturing process我们公司主要生产桥、门式起重机,具有自行设计、研制能力和制造加工能力;我们的产品涉及到冶金、水工、电站、化工、造纸、造船、航空、航天、港口等行业,目前制造的起重机最大起重量为 500t,最大起升高度达 400 米。Our company mainly produces bridge, gantry crane, with our own design, development capabilities, manufacturing and processing capacity; of our products rel

2、ated to metallurgy, hydraulic, power, chemical industry, papermaking, shipbuilding, aviation, space, ports and other industries, the current manufacturing maximum starting weight of the crane 500t, maximum lifting height of up to 400 meters.在结构件制造方面,本公司具有较强的制造能力;有年处理能力达 5 万吨以上,具开卷、校平、剪切、抛丸、喷漆、烘干能力的预

3、处理生产线一条;有数控切割设备 5 台;(6000X50000) ;半自动切割 60 多台,CO2 气体保护焊,埋弧自动焊(平、角焊)200 多台;其他焊机 300 多台。有各种剪板机,校平机、折弯机、卷板机等各种大型加工设备。这些设备为提高结构件的制造能力提供了有力的保证。In the structural parts manufacturing, our company has strong manufacturing capacity; have capacity of more than 5 million tons in a year, with open-book, school

4、level, shearing, shot blasting, painting, drying capacity of a pre-processing production line; a numerical cutting equipment 5 sets; semi-automatic cutting more than 60 units, CO2 gas shielded welding, submerged arc welding (flat, angle welding) more than 200 units; other welding more than 300 units

5、. A variety of shears, school-level machine, bending machine, rolling machine and other large-scale processing equipment. These devices to improve the structural parts of the manufacturing capacity to provide a strong guarantee.在机械加工方面,本公司的设备加工能力在长垣地区可以说是领先的,我们有16 米的落地铣镗床,即将到厂的 m=28,最大加工直径 3150 的大型滚

6、齿机和大型立式车床,数控重型卧式车床、各种卧式镗床,立式铣加工中心等精、大、稀设备,为我们公司加工各种大型、高精度的零件提供了设备保证In mechanical processing, the processing capacity of the companys equipment can be 2said in the Changyuan regions leading, we have 16 meters of floor milling and boring machine, upcoming visit to the factory m = 28, maximum machining

7、 diameter of 3150 large-scale and large vertical lathe hobbing machine , CNC heavy duty horizontal lathe, all kinds of horizontal boring machine, vertical machining centers, precision milling, large, rare equipment for our processing of all kinds of large-scale, high-precision parts provided with eq

8、uipment to ensure机械产品生产过程是指从原材料到机械产品出厂的全部生产过程。它既包括:毛坯的制造、机械加工、热处理、装配、检验、试车、油漆等主要生产过程;还包括包装、运输等辅助过程。其生产过程可以由一个工厂完成,也可以由多个工厂完成。我们公司除了大型结构件,部分机械加工零件由本公司制造外,有一部分零部件由外协厂加工制造。主要是我们的生产能力不能满足。Mechanical product refers to the production process from raw material to the entire machinery factory production pro

9、cess. It includes: blank manufacturing, machining, heat treatment, assembly, inspection, testing, painting and other major production process; also includes the packaging, transportation and other auxiliary processes. Its production process can be completed by a factory, you can also be completed by

10、 a number of factories. In addition to our large-scale structural parts, some machining parts manufactured by the company, there are some parts from the outside co-processing and manufacturing plants, mainly because our production capacity needs to be improved.下面就我们公司起重机生产的主要工艺流程作一介绍,在介绍工艺流程的同时,把每道工

11、艺过程中所涉及到的设备作一些介绍,让大家对我们的设备能力有一个初步了解。Now Ill briefly introduce process of making the crane, at the same time, you may have a preliminary understanding of our equipment.先介绍起重机制造的总工艺流程,然后再逐一介绍每道工序的详细情况。我们的起重机由金属结构件、机加工件、外购件、外协件及电气几大部分组成,其工艺流程见工艺流程方框图:起重机由金属结构件(主梁、端梁、平台及梯子栏杆、小车架,等) 、机加工件;外购件(轴承,紧固件,标准件等

12、) ,外协件(因本公司设备或生产能力原因,委托外单位3加工的零部件:如吊钩)经过装配而成产品。Crane from the metal structure (the main beams, side beams, platform and ladder railings, small frame, etc.), machining parts; purchased parts (bearings, fasteners, standard parts, etc.) and spare parts (due to our equipment or capacity reasons, the com

13、mission units processing components: If the hook) made through the assembled product.起重机工艺流程图 金属结构件焊接 探伤检查 超声波 装配(汇装)桥架、小车 总装 检验 机械加工件 (不经热处理毛 坯(铸、锻件)(焊接件)圆钢件(锯床下料)金属切削加工车、铣、刨、磨、镗钻、插、拉、齿加工、热处理(调质、淬火、回火、正火)精加工部件装配冷装 热装车轮,台车架,卷筒电机、减速器、轴承、标准紧固件等非本厂加工的零部件 来料检验化学成分、机械性能预处理喷丸 喷底漆 号料下 料数控、剪切、半自动切割板料拼接埋弧自动焊

14、 探伤板料校平辊式校平机二次划线下料自动切割组装(点装)气保焊、手工焊外购件外协件结构参数检查4试车 安装 发运 检验 油漆厂内流程 出厂后流程一 结构件生产工艺流程 Production process for current each structure:1.来料检查:是指对进厂的材料(包括钢材及焊接材料) ,质管部门检查是否有制造厂的合格证明书,并根据其合格证明书按照国家标准及公司规定验收核准,必要时要进行复验,对其进行化学成分和机械强度等项进行抽样检查,是否达到国家标准和企业的有关要求;Inspection of the incoming material: it means that

15、 quality inspection department will check if the incoming materials (including steel, welding material) have certifications, verify them in accordance with the national standard and company. Recheck if necessary, conduct random inspection chemical composition and mechanical strength will be inspecte

16、d by random samples to see whether 1.1 钢材 Steel本公司金属结构件常用钢材 Commonly used steel of our company 表 1 table one钢 种 steel强度等级 s(MPa)(屈服点)Strength grade s (MPa) (yield point)牌 号 mark普遍碳素结构钢Universal carbon structural steel185-235(钢材厚度越厚,s 越小)185-235(the thicker the plate, Q235A Q235A.FQ235B Q235B.F 20 电器

17、组装5the smaller the s)优质碳素结构钢improved carbon structural steel315-355 (GB/T699)35 45低合金结构钢 low-alloy structural steel275-345(GB/T1591-1994) Q345A Q345B钢材牌号表示:Q钢材屈服强度“屈”的拼音首位字母:235屈服点(强度) ,单位 MPa(兆帕) ;A、B、C、D-质量等级;F沸腾钢(脱氧方法) b半镇静钢 Z镇静钢 (可省略)TZ特殊镇静钢(可省略) 。 Steel mark: Q-yield point of steel; 235- yield

18、point strength, unit (MPa); A、B、C、D-quality grade; F boiling steel (method of deoxidation) b semi-deoxidized steel Zkilled steel(can be omitted)TZspecial killed steel (can be omitted).45(35)含碳量(万分之几)45(35)carbon content(? in ten thousand)1.2 焊接材料 welding material1.2.1 焊条型号和规格 model and specification

19、 of welding rod 焊条型号(碳钢焊条) welding rod model (Carbon steel, welding rod) E4303 (J422) E4316 (J426) E5003 (J502) E5015 (J507) E5016 (J506)以 E5016 为例,说明各项字母和数字代表的意义:(E焊条 , 50熔敷金属抗拉强度最小值 500MPa,1焊条适用的焊接位置:0,1 表示焊条适用于全位置(平、立、仰、横) ,6药皮类型Take E5016 as an example, describe meaning of each letter and figure

20、: (E-welding nod, 50- min. tensile strength of deposited metal is 500MPa, 1-suitable location for welding nod: 0,1 means its suitable for all positions (horizontal, vertical, upward and side-wards), 6- type of the cover.特点: E4303, E5003 熔渣流动性好,脱渣容易,电弧稳定,熔深适中,飞溅少,焊波整齐,适用于全位置焊接,主要焊接较重要的低碳钢结构。6Features

21、: E4303, E5003 slag with good fluidity, removal of slag layer is easy, electric arc is stable, moderate depth of fusion, less splash, weld ripples in good order, suitable for welding on all positions, mainly used for welding of important low-carbon steel structure.E4316 、E5016 电弧稳定,工艺性能一般,适用于全位置焊接。这

22、类焊条的熔敷金属具有良好的抗裂性能和力学性能,主要焊接重要的低碳钢结构,也可焊接与焊条强度相当的低合金钢结构。E4316, E5016 arc are stable, process performance is general and suitable for welding on all positions. Deposited metal of such welding nod has good crack resistance and mechanical property, mainly used for welding of important low-carbon steel s

23、tructure, and also for welding of low-carbon steel structure that has similar strength.焊条规格:2.5-5 Specification of welding nod: 2.5-5 1.2.2 焊丝型号和规格 model and specification of welding wire焊丝型号:埋弧自动焊焊丝:H08A H08MnA H08Mn2Si H10Mn2(原型号)气保焊:实心焊丝:ER50-6 ER49-1 (ER 焊丝, 50 熔敷金属抗拉强度最小值 500MPa 6焊丝化学成分分类代号)Mod

24、el of welding wire:Automatic submerged-arc welding wire: H08A H08MnA H08Mn2Si H10Mn2 (Original Code).Gas Shielded Welding: solid wire: ER50-6 ER49-1 (ERwelding wire, 50 min. tensile strength of deposited metal is 500MPa, 6code of chemical composition of welding wire)药芯焊丝 EF flux-cored wire焊丝规格 speci

25、fication of welding wire:1.2,2.0,3.0,3.2,4.0,2.钢材表面的预处理 Pretreatment of steel surface:钢材在下料前,表面必须经过喷丸或抛丸除锈处理,其重要构件表面达到 GB8923 中的 Sa2.5 级;一般件达到 Sa3 级。除锈后,应立即喷涂防锈底漆 Before cutting of 7the steel, shot and ball blasted, surface of important parts reach degree Sa2.5 of GB8923 standard. After removing the

26、 rust, paint anti-corrosive primer at once.预处理设备 Pretreatment equipment:(1)开卷、校平、剪切生产线, (TDT44-10X2200)Unreeling, leveling, shear production line.(2)预处理(抛丸、喷漆、烘干一条线)QXY3000 Pretreatment (shot blast, paint, and drying as one line) QXY3000.(3)抛丸处理:可处理宽 2000mm200mm 钢材或高 1800mm1200mm 以内的结构件。Shot blastin

27、g treatment: treat 2000mm200mm(width) steel plate or structure no larger than 1800mm1200mm.3.喷涂底漆 primer painting 底漆喷涂应在抛丸处理后,立即进行;否则,钢板表面生锈。Primer spray will be painted immediately after shot blast to avoid rust of the surface.3.1 底漆的种类:根据产品使用环境不同,所使用的油漆品种也不同,根据不同的面漆品种,应使用不同的底漆 (见表 1) Type of prime

28、 coat: Different paint will be used according to different environment, and also different primer will be used on the basics of different final coat (see table one). Table 2涂层厚度 coating thickness(m)产品使用环境Operating environment适用环境Application environment 底 漆厚 度primer thickness 涂层总厚度 total thickness推荐涂

29、料品种 recommended paint varieties 一般使用环境 general environment内陆地区一般环境下作业的产品 products used in inland area 25-35 75-105底漆:铁红醇酸底漆 C06-1, C.6-11红丹醇酸防锈漆 C53-1铁红环氧酯底漆 H06-2面漆:各色醇酸磁漆 C04-2,C04-42Primer:red iron oxide alkyd primer C06-1, C.6-118Red Lead Alkyd antirust paint C53-1Iron oxide red epoxy ester prim

30、er H06-2finishing coat:Colored alkyd enamel C04-2, C04-42沿海地区及腐蚀性较强环境 coastal and highly corrosive areas含盐雾的沿海港口,有一定腐蚀的工业大气等地区作业的产品 With salt-fog in coastal areas, industrial atmosphere with corrosion50-100 150-220底漆:环氧富锌底漆 H06-4铁红环氧酯底漆 H06-2红丹环氧酯防锈漆 ,云铁环氧防锈漆 H53-1锌黄、铁红过氯乙烯底漆 G06-4面漆:氯化橡胶漆、环氧树酯磁漆、丙烯

31、酸磁漆,过氯乙烯磁漆Primer:epoxy zinc-rich primer H06-4iron red epoxy ester primer H06-2, hongdan epoxy ester antirust paint, epoxy mio paint H53-1, zinc yellow 3. Cover-Plate will be tiled on the platform, mark the position of rib and web plate. 4. Weld the ribs according to dot line on plate, apply manual a

32、nd CO2 spot welding;5. Weld main and aux web plate on cover plate which will be “ shape beam.6. Weld seams inside, (ribs, web and cover plate); (gas-welding), then paint antirust primer;7. After marking on platform, put “n” shape girder on lower plate; weld seams inside;8. Weld four main seams (auto

33、matic submerged-arc welding) and other seams (gas protection welding).9. Correction, limitation. Generally VSR will be used for large components, camber of main girder shall be 0.9-1.4S/1000 (S stands for span). 11.探伤、检查14对主要焊缝进行超声波探伤检查,腹板与盖板的四条长焊缝,应达到 GB/T12469中规定的缺陷分级级标准。结构尺寸达到图纸要求,拱度在规定的范围内。12.装配

34、(汇装)Assembly (assemblage)汇装就是将各部件按要求组装在一起,组装成大部件;组装时,应按照有关要求进行组装。如主梁,端梁汇装成桥架时,须保证两轨道中心距离(轨距) ,桥架对角线长度误差等。大小车运行机构的装配时,保证车轮安装相互位置,如车轮的垂直偏斜、水平偏斜、同位差等;起升卷筒的装配要进行校线,卷筒轴线的偏移、齿轮侧隙,联轴器水平位移、角位移等等。Assemblage means assemble each part according to requirements. When main girder and end carriage are connected in

35、to bridge, assure that distance between center of two track and length tolerance of bridge diagonal line meets requirements. When assemble LT and CT mechanisms, 二. 机加工件生产工艺流程1. 毛坯: 机加工件的毛坯主要有铸钢件(ZG270-500,ZG340-640 等),铸铁件(HT、QT) ,焊接件(钢板和焊接件) ,圆钢件(用锯床下料) 。Production process of machining parts Rough p

36、arts: they mainly include cast steel (ZG270-500,ZG340-640 etc.), iron casting (HT, QT), welding (steel plate and welding parts), round steel parts (cut by saw machine.2 .机械加工:机械加工是指对机械产品中的零件采用各种加工方法(车、铣、刨、磨、镗、钻、插等)来改变毛坯的形状、尺寸、表面粗糙度等,使之成为合格零件的过程。Machining: it means machine mechanical components in di

37、fferent method (milling, planing, grinding, boring, drilling, insertion, etc.) to change shape, size, surface roughness of them into qualified ones.2.1 加工设备 processing equipment : 表 table 4序号 No.设 备 名 称 Equipment model设 备 型 号 Equipment model主要技术规格 Main techanical specifications151普通车床 engine latheCA

38、6140 400(最大回转直径max slewing diameter)CW6163(CW6263) 630(最大回转直径 max slewing diameter)CW6180(CW6280) 8000(最大回转直径 max slewing diameter)CW61100 1000(最大回转直径max slewing diameter)CW61125 1250(最大回转直径max slewing diameter)CW61160 1600(最大回转直径max slewing diameter)2 数控车床 CKA63135B 630X1350CYK40 400X1000CK61315 25

39、00X8000CK61200 1200X60003 立式车床 CA5112EX10/5 1250CA5116E 16004铣床 milling machine X6132CX5040X5042AF5铣边机 edge milling machineXB-12 50X120006 立式镗铣加工中心 VXH7187刨 床planing machineBY60100C(牛头刨 shaping machine) B2010A(龙门刨planing machine)1000168插床 slotting machineB5032AB5052A9镗床(落地铣镗床)boring mill (Floor moun

40、ted boring and milling machine)T6920A/160X50 主轴 200,水平移动16000Main shaft200, level shift 16000TT16T6110BTX61130A/1TX6113D10钻床drilling machineZ3032CZ3050X16/1Z3063X20Z3080X2511磨床grinding machineM1332C(外圆磨circular grinding machine)320X1500M1450B(万能外圆磨universal circular grinding machine)500X1500M7130(平面

41、磨 plane grinding )12 齿轮加工机床 Y3180HYT5180(插齿机gear shaper)Y54A(插齿机 gear 17shaper)13其他 others 花键铣床spline miller万能工具磨床universal cutter and tool grinder专用机床 specialized purpose machine 2.2 机械加工件常用毛坯种类:圆钢件:一般轴类零件采用元钢直接下料。铸件(铸钢件、铸铁件) 、锻件、钢板下料件、金属结构件等Types of commonly used machined parts:Round steel parts:

42、general shaft parts use round steel.Casting (steel casting, iron casting), forgings, steel plates to be cut, metal structural parts, etc2.3 本公司机械加工程序介绍 Mechanical processing introduction of our company2.3.1 产品中需要进行机加工的零件,首先,工艺部根据产品图纸和工艺路线列出机械加工零件明细表, (图号、名称、单台数量) ,工艺部根据零件的复杂程度,确定是否编制专用机械加工工艺,或是采用通用工

43、艺。For parts that need to be machined, first of all, process department will make a schedule (drawing number, name and quantity) with machinery parts according to the drawing and route. Process department will decide whether adopt special or normal machining process according to complexity of the par

44、ts.2.3.2.加工流转过程:机加工中心根据工艺部提供的机加工件明细表,编制计划(确定工艺流程) ,准备毛坯,根据计划分配到各个机床进行加工。按照工艺流程走完全过程。对于需要热处理的零件(如轴类调质处理) ,粗加工后,转热处理车间进行热处理后,再进行精加工;18Machining flow process: mechanical processing center will make a schedule (fix technical process), prepare the roughs according to the schedule of machining parts and d

45、istribute to each machine tool. Work according to the technical process, for the parts with need to be treated (such as thermal refining), after rough finish, fine machining will be done after heat treatment.必须注意,零件每道工序完工后,必须交检,合格后,才能转入下道工序。加工过程全部完工,交检合格后,方可入库,或转其他车间。Note that parts must be checked

46、after each process, and can go on to the next procedure only theyre qualified. Only theyre qualified can they be put in storage or transferred to other workshops after completion. 2.3.3 机加工组装(机装):本公司根据产品特点,未设装配车间,装配(部件装、总装)由各班组,加工中心分别进行;机加工中心负责部分部件装配,如车轮组、台车;卷筒、滑轮等的部件装配;装配时,对轴承内圈装配是采用热装,用感应加热装置加热内圈,

47、使其内圈受热膨胀;外圈是采用压力机进行压装。压进孔内。Machining processing and assembly: according to features of the products, assembly will be done by each term and machining center who will be in charge of assembly of wheel, trolley; drum, pulley, etc. During this process, bearing cone will be assembled by induction heatin

48、g apparatus; outer ring press assembled by compression machine. 三 电气装配;由电工班完成电气组装、总装。Assembly of electric; assembled by electrician.四 外购件: 外购件由采购部根据设计部提供的配置表及工艺部提供的外购件明细表进行采购。主要包括电机、减速器、轴承、标准紧固件、电气元件、及其他各种标准件。组装、总装班组根据图样要求,从仓库领出进行装配。Bought out item: items (mainly including motor, reducer, bearing, s

49、tandard fastener, electrics and other standard parts) will be bought 19according to configuration table prepared by designing department and schedule made by process department. Assemble each part according to drawing. 五 外协件:外协件系因本企业设备能力或生产能力不够,由本企业提供设计图样资料,委托其他企业完成部分或全部制造工序的零部件。外协件中,包括毛坯件(铸钢、铸铁件、锻件)和整体零部件;目前,本公司外协件主要有吊钩总成、滑轮组、部分卷筒组、以及铸(钢、铁)件、锻件等。 外协件由工艺部界定,出具外协件明细表,由采购部负责联系外协厂家。外协件回厂后,应按图纸及有关技术要求进行全面检查。Cooperation part (including rough p


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