1、翻译的层面刘重霄翻译的五个层面:文化(Cultural dimension)情景(situational dimension)语篇(textual dimension)句法 词汇文化层面:No language can exist unless it is steeped in the context of culture; and no culture can exist which does not have, at its center, the structure of a natural language.语言是文化的一部分语言中的文化体现无所不在,如何体现?1而且乱世衰草中间,仿佛
2、应该有着妲己、褒姒的窈窕身影,若隐若现,迷离扑朔。 (宗璞, “废墟的召唤” )(1.) I feel as if fluttering among the jumbled mass of ruins could be seen the graceful figures of Daji, imperial concubine of King Zhou, last ruler of the Shang Dynasty, and of Baosi, queen-consort of King You, last ruler of the Western Zhou Dynasty.(2.) It w
3、ould have been fitting too if the lissome (优美的) figures of the fabled(传说中的) concubines of ill-fated ancient Chinese emperors could have been glimpsed flitting(掠过) like phantoms(幽灵) among the litter of stones and jungle of grass.1 文采用具体化,2 文抽象化;前者异化,后者归化;前者有文化情结,后者站在目的语读者立场。(有一家美国公司将 Oracle,翻译成“甲骨文”不
4、太合适。Oracle 本意为“神的启示”或“神谕”源于古希腊人去神殿求“神谕”后用来比喻如同“神谕”一般神奇或玄妙的言论与事物。可以用音译来处理。 )情景层面:语篇必须符合交际的场合与情景,注意语言的适切性,译语语境与原语语境等同效应。2 “老师傅,你的画眉逃出了笼子!”“是的,让它散散步。 ”“不怕它飞走了吗?” 我说老人望望我,又冷冷一笑:“飞走,往哪飞!它舍不得那个食罐。 ”“Hello. Your bird has got out.”“Yeah. Let it go for a stroll.”“Arent you afraid it might fly away?”The old m
5、an cast a glance at me and gave an uncaring smile.“Fly away? But why should it? It cant leave the food bowl.”原文中的“往哪飞!”表明说话者不相信鸟会飞走的不屑态度,若翻译成“Where to?”就脱离了具体的情境。3当邮件来到的时候他站起来,他念着,将它们拣出来,然后小心扎成一堆。When letters came, he would stand up, and sorted them out while murmuring the addresses on the envelopes
6、, and then put them into a bundle.若将原文翻译成 read and sorted them out,那原文所体现的情境就被曲解了。(邮差怎么能去看别人的信呢?)4毛主席问陈妻:“你们俩感情好不好?”陈妻答“好。 ”主席听了很高兴。在中国文化背景下,长辈或上司询问年龄、婚姻、家庭生活等个人问题,往往是一种关心的表示。但在西方属于隐私,外人不好过问。上文若直译为 “marriage , connubial love, mutual affection”等字眼,西方难以接受,不符合情境交际。Chairman Mao talked with Chens wife. H
7、e was pleased to know that they had a happy home life. 语篇层面:包括两个方面:语篇结构(structure)和语篇特点(texture) 。结构指格式(format)和构建方案(compositional plan) ;特点包括衔接和连贯。翻译过程中,结构可复制,语篇特征衔接指将词语和小句连接在一起的可见的词汇和语法手段。衔接和连贯可体现在小句、句子、语篇层次上。5(1) Furthermore, says Mr. Evans,/ (2) it would increase costs significantly for small to
8、 medium-sized business,/(3) which would have to conduct regular searches to protect their own registered rights,/(4) hitherto done by the Patent Office.I. (1)埃文斯先生进而指出,/(3)这么一来,中小企业为了保护自己已经注册的专利权,不得不自己进行定期检索,/(4)而这种检索一向是由专利局负责的,/(2)从而大大增加了中小企业的成本。II. (1)埃文斯先生进而指出,/(3)这么一来,中小企业为了保护自己已经注册的专利权,不得不自己进行(
9、4)本来由专利局负责的, 定期检索,/(2)从而大大增加了中小企业的成本。译文 I 受原语结构的干扰而造成不连贯现象,愿与中的信息单元只是换了一下顺序,几乎原封不动地出现在译文;而 II.将(4)嵌入(3) ,保证了信息流畅。句法层面:中文戏剧性的句式、主观性句式引导读者进入人物内心。观察与感知等判断句式表达。6 (1)大汽车和小汽车。 (2)无轨电车和自行车。 (3)鸣笛声和说笑声。 (4)大城市的夜晚才最有大城市的活力和特点。 (5)开始有了稀稀落落的、然而是引人注目的霓虹灯和理发馆门前的旋转花浪。 (6)有烫了的头发和留了的长发。(7)高跟鞋和半高跟鞋,无袖套头的裙衫。 (8)花露水和雪
10、花膏的气味。 (9)城市和女人刚刚开始略略打扮一下自己,已经有人坐不住了。 (10)这很有趣。I. (1) Everywhere, there were heavy vehicles ,cars, trolley-buses, bicycles, and the hooting, voices and laughter typical of a big city at night-full of life. (2) He saw occasional neon lights and barbers poles. (3) Also, permed hair, long hair, high-he
11、eled shoes and frocks. (4) In the air hung the fragrance of toilet water and face cream. (5) Though the city and women had just begun to pay a little attention to their appearance, they had already outraged certain people. (6) This was interesting.II. (1) He saw trucks and cars, trolley buses, and b
12、icycles. (2) He heard the shriek of whistles and high-pitches din of voices talking and laughing. (3) To Chen Gao, the city truly showed its peculiarities and vitality at night. He noticed people with permanent waved hair and naturally straight hair, women wearing sleeveless dress and shoes with spi
13、ked heels or pumps. (5) He smelled the strong scents of perfume and face powder.(6) Chen gao was interested in everything and everyone he saw.III. Vans and cars. Buses and bikes. Hooting, chatting, laughing. A big city reveals the most of its vigor and character only in the night. There have appeare
14、d some neon lights and barbers poles, sparse but striking. Permed hair and long hair. High heels and semi-high heels, sleeveless dress. Smells of toilet water and face creams. The city and women are just beginning to dress themselves up a little bit, and some people have already been upset. Thats interesting.词法层面。7The French Lieutenants Woman 翻译成法国中尉的女人不合适。根据这部小说介绍的内容,故事是与航海紧密联系的。而 Lieutenant 翻译成中尉仅限于陆军,而故事与陆军没有关系,所以根据意义“a naval office next in rank below captain”应翻译成“大副” ,当代英语多用 first mate. 小说应翻译成法国大副的女人