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1、Unit11.Transit Trade: (过境贸易)Entrepot Trade 转口贸易2.Value of foreign trade (额) is an important index to show by means of currency of a country the total value of trade Quantum of foreign trade (量) reflects by means of constant price the development of foreign trade without consideration of inflation.量=

2、value/price3.Imbalance of TradeTrade surplus (Favorable Balance of trade): export values exceeds import value. 顺差 出口多Trade deficit (unfavorable Balance of Trade): import value exceeds export value.进口多4.Domestic laws:Foreign Trade Law of the PRC (2004);The Contract Law (1999)5. International trade pr

3、actice :Not mandatory 非强制的 (Since it is not law):INCOTERMS 2010; UCP 600;URC 522.6.International treaty:双边或多边书面协议 国际法(国际条例或协定)优于国内法。 The United Nations Conventions for the International Sales of Goods (CISG)Unit2一,Methods Describing Quality of Goods 表示商品品质的方法1.Sale by actual quality (以实物表示商品品质) (1 )

4、 Sale as seen (看货买卖)适用:special types of goods such as jewelry, paintings, arts and crafts. It is used in auction/exhibition sale.(2 ) Sales by Sample(凭样品买卖 ) It is suitable for commodities that are difficult to standardize and normalize, such as arts and crafts. Sales by Sellers / Buyers S Sample Se

5、ller:Duplicate Sample 复样(Keep Sample 留存样);Original Sample 原样, Type Sample 标准样. buyer:Counter Sample 对等样品 (Return Sample 回样 ):对等样品(COUNTER-SAMPLE) 对等样品是指卖方根据买方提供的样品, 加工复制出一个类似的样品提供给买方确认, 经确认后的样品 , 就是对等样品, 有时也称“回样 ” , 业务上有时还称为“确认样”。要求(1)样品是交货的标准,唯一的依据( 2)所交的货物要与样品完全一致 注意的问题 (1)样品的品质上不宜过高,也不宜过低(2)要留有复样

6、 (Duplicate Sample) (3 )使用封样(4)买方来样要寄对等样品 (5 )品质与样品大致相同 ,合同要作说明(6)参考样品2. Sales by Description(以 说明表示商品品质) Sales by Specifications 规格,Grade 等级 Standard 标准,Brand or Trade Mark 凭牌名或商标买卖, Name of Origin or by Geographical Indication 凡是采用文字说明、图片、照片、图纸等来表示商品品质的Fair Average Quality (F.A.Q.) 良好平均品质,俗称大路货:买卖

7、农副产品Good Merchantable Quality (G.M.Q)良好可商销品质:木材、水产品2 品质条款 Quality clauseQuality Tolerance (品质公差)工业品交易 industrial productsQuality Latitude (品质机动幅度):针对初级产品.trading primary products52 条 2 款: 如果卖方交付的货物数量大于合同规定的数量 , 买方可以收取也可以拒绝收取多交部分的货物。如果买方收取多交部分货物的全部或一部分,他必须按合同价格付款。3 Calculation of Quantity1.Measuremen

8、t Unit 计量单位1) Gross Weight (毛重)毛重指商品本身重量 + 包装重量,即加上皮重(Tare )的重量。大宗低值产品。 如:小麦、 杂粮、饲料等2) net weight (净重)the weight of commodity itself N.W. = G.W. - tare gross for net (以毛作净) - 把毛重作为净重来计量Four ways to calculate tare:By actual tare (实际皮重) By average tare (平均皮重- 标准皮重 )By customary tare(习惯皮重)Computed tare

9、(约定皮重)3) by conditioned weight(公量) :draw out moisture 水分 by scientific method, and add standard moisture.适用的商品:经济价值高而水分又不稳定的商品。如:生丝、羊毛等。high economic value and with unsteady moisture content such as wool, cotton 棉 and raw silk. 公量 = 净重(含水) x (1+标准回潮率)/(1+实际回潮率) =干量+标准含水量=实际重量(1+标准回潮率)/(1+实际回潮率)公量 =

10、干净量 ( 1 + 标准回潮率 )- 标准回潮率:双方约定的货物中的水分/干量- 实际回潮率:实际的货物中的水分/干量干净量- 抽水后的净重(干量)4) by theoretical weight (理论重量):applicable to commodities with regular specifications and regular size, such as steel plate.5) by legal weight (法定重量):used mainly for tax calculation 2.The metrology 度量衡。公制、英制、美制及国际单位制联合国国际货物销售合

11、同公约规定:多交货:可拒收多交部分,也可以收取多交部分的部分或全部,但收取的部分应按照合同价格付款; 少交货:合理的时间内补齐,但不得对买方造成损失,否则,可依法要求赔偿。3.1)明确规定数量机动幅度 More or less clause 溢短装条款在矿砂、化肥、粮食等大宗散装货物的交易中,由于受商品特性、货源变化、船舱容量、装载技术等因素的影响,通常在合同中规定交货数量允许有一定范围的机动幅度。2) 未明确规定数量机动幅度,但在交易数量前加“约” 字。至于溢短装部分的作价办法,如果合同中没作相反的规定,一般按合同价格计算。首先应查明短重是属于正常途耗还是我方违约没有交足合同规定数量,如属我

12、方违约,则应分清是属于根本性违约还是非根本性违约一。如不属根本性违约,匈方无权退货和拒付货款,只能要求减价或赔偿损失;如属根本性违约,匈方可退货,但应妥善保管货物,对鲜活商品可代为转售,尽量减轻损失。联合国国际货物销售合同公约(以下简称公约)第 86 条第一款明确规定:“ 如果买方已收到货物,但打算行使合同或本公约任何权利,把货物退回,他必须按情况采取合理措施,以保全货物,他有权保有这些货物,直至卖方把他所付的合理费用偿还给他为止”。而匈方未尽到妥善保管和减轻损失的义务,须对此承担责任。因此,我公司可与匈牙利商人就商品的损失及支出的费用进行交涉尽可能挽回损失。三一)运输包装 Transport

13、 PackingUnit packing (单件运输包装)Cases, Cartons, Drums/Barrels, Bags, Bundles or Bales, Crates. Combined Packing (集合包装)Flexible container, pallet, Containers.2) 销售包装 Sales (or inner) packingCompositions (构成)- Designs and colors (装潢画面)- Word description (文字说明)- Bar code (条形码)/Product Codea. Kinds of Pack

14、aging Hanging type /Piling type /Portable type Spraying type /Complete-set type /Gift packaging type 4 包装标志(1 ) 运输标志(shipping mark)又叫“唛头”一般由卖方提供1、作用:(1)便于识别货物,(2)防止错发、错运2、内容:规定为四行、每行不超过 17 个英文字码收货人代号 Name of consignee -参考号 Reference Number -目的地 Destination -件号 package number or serial number(2 ) 指示性

15、标志 Indicative Mark ;警告性标志 Warning mark (3 ) Weight/Volume Marks 重量标志 Marks of Origin 5 中性包装和定牌(一)中性包装(Neutral Packing) 1、是指在商品上和内外包装上不注明生产国别、地名、厂名,也不注明原有商标、牌名的包装。 2、中性包装的种类: (1 ) 无牌中性包装:无国别、无商标(2 )定牌中性包装:不注明生产国别,但注明买方指定的商标或牌号。 neutral packing with designated brand (没产地,有品牌) neutral packing without d

16、esignated brand(没产地没品牌) - 半成品3、目的:打破贸易壁垒、转口贸易 (二)定牌 Manufacturing Brand-name Goods是指在商品或包装上卖方采用买方指定的商标或牌号。 Unit3 国际贸易术语1 Trade Terms( price terms/delivery terms):贸易术语是指用三个英文字母组成,表明买卖双方各自承担的责任、费用和风险及商品的价格构成的专门术语。2 International Convention of Trade Termsthree influential international trade practices.

17、 国际贸易惯例() Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932 (1932 年华沙-牛津规则) International Law Association laid down in 1928, 22 articles. Uniform rules for CIF contract, 国际法协会制定,主要解释 CIF 贸易术语() Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 美国对外贸易定义修订本美国 9 大商业团体制定,主要解释 6 种贸易术语。EX,FOB,FAS,C Ex Mine; Ex Warehouse ):工厂交货Group F:Sh

18、ipment terms - Main carriage unpaidFCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 船边交货FOB (Free On Board) 船上交货Group C:Shipment terms - Main carriage paid CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费CIF (Cost Insurance and Freight) 成本加运费再加保费 CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至

19、Group D:Arrival Terms DAF (Delivered At Frontier)DES (Delivered Ex Ship)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货2. Categories of INCOTERMS 2010(1) Trade terms are classified into two categories by modes of transport. Rules for any mode or modes of transport

20、EXW (Ex works) 工厂交货 FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To ) 运费和保险费付至DAT(Delivered At Terminal)运输终端交货DAP( Delivered At Place) 目的地交货DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货 Rules for sea and inland waterway transportFAS (Free Alongside Ship) 船边交货FOB (Free on Boa

21、rd) 船上交货CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、 保险费加运费(2) Contents of Incoterms2010这主要是考虑到美国“9.11”事件后对安全措施的加强。为与此配合,进出口商在某些情形下必须提前提供有关货物接受安全扫描和检验的相关信息。第二节 国际贸易中主要的贸易术语 Six Main International Trade Terms in INCOTERMS 2010按 CIF、FOB、CFR 条件达成的交易属于象征性(Symbolic delivery)交货,即属于单据买卖

22、,卖方只要提交了符合合同规定的单据,即使货物在运输途中遭遇风险,买方也不能因此而拒收货物;反之,即便货物完好无缺的到达买方,但单据有问题,买方照样可以拒付货款。 (五)货物所有权和风险转移问题 实际性交货的术语风险和所有权同时转移 象征性交货的术语风险转移在先、所有权转移在后() FOB(named port of shipment) FREE ON BOARD 装运港船上交货(指定装运港)Named port of shipment. eg: FOB SHANGHAIThis term can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport

23、.风险转移的界线是货物越过船舷。when the goods are on board the vessel、卖方义务: ()装货并通知买方 ()在需要办理海关手续时,办理出口手续 ()负担货物在装运港越过船舷以前的一切费用和风险()负责提供交货凭证、运输单证或相等的电子单证 、买方义务: (1 ) 负责按合同规定支付价款 (2 ) 在需要办理海关手续时,办理进口手续 (3 ) 负担货物在装运 a 港越过船舷以后的一切费用和风险 (4 ) 收取合同规定的货物,接受有关单据 (5 )负责租船订舱,支付运费,并将有关事项通知卖方 (6 ) 负责办理保险,支付保险费注意事项1、对“船舷为界”的理解

24、仅是风险的划分,不表示买卖双方责任和费用的划分。2、关于“船货衔接” 船只提前或推迟 -买方负责 货提前或推迟-卖方负责 3、装船费用(loading charges)的负担 由于装船方式的变化,因而费用的负担也有所变化,从而产生了 FOB 术语的变形。费用的划分界限问题 。 海运中的一些主要费用: 平舱费(TRIMMING)理舱费(STOWAGE) Usually, The buyers responsibility: 租船订舱并通知卖方船名及The sellers responsibility: 按时装货到指定船上FOB 的变形: 1 FOB 班轮条件 (FOB liner terms)装

25、船费用由买方负担 2 FOB 吊钩下交货 FOB under tackle FOB 吊钩下交货3 船上交货并理舱 (FOB stowed (FOBS)) 卖方负担包括理舱费在内的装船费用4 船上交货并平舱(FOB trimmed (FOBT)) 卖方负担包括平舱费在内的装船费用特别注意:贸易术语的变形只变费用,不变风险2 Difference from USA Definition美国的“FOB 术语”FOB VESSEL 与INCOTERMS 2000的 FOB 相近; FOB VESSEL 的卖方只有在买方提出请求,并由买方承担风险的情况下,才有义务协助买方取得出口证件,且出口税以及其他税

26、捐和费用也需由买方负担; At the buyers request, the seller clear the goods for export with the duties for account of the buyer. (USA) FOB VESSEL 货物风险转移地是船舱 FOB is suitable for any modes of transport (USA)() CIF(named port of destination)(指定目的港)Cost=FOB CIF=FOB+I+F货物在装运港越过船舷即完成交货。卖方必须支付货物运至指定目的港的运费和必要的费用,但交货后货物灭

27、失或损坏的风险及由于各种事件造成的任何额外费用则由买方承担。卖方负责租船和办理货物在运输途中的海运保险,支付运输费和保险费。 The risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes when the goods are on board the vessel. (same as FOB) (1) CIF 是装运合同(2) Symbolic Delivery 象征性交货,交单= 交货(3) CIF is not suitable for the goods transported by container.(二)CIF 术语买卖双方的责任划分 1、卖方

28、义务 FOB 义务+办理运输和支付运费+办理保险和支付保险费 2、买方义务 近似于 FOB 义务, 但不需要 办理运输和支付运费+ 办理保险和支付保险费 (三)有关保险问题 1、代保性质,按所保条款的最低险别投保。双方商量(为买方的利益办保险)- 否则,最低险别+ 最低保险金额( Incoterms2010)2、最低按发票金额的 110%确定保险金额 3、采用合同货币投保(四)租船订舱问题 对船舶的要求 装船通知问题 (五)卸货费用的划分问题 1、FOB 卸货费买方负担、CIF 装货费卖方负担 2、CIF 的变形主要有: ()CIF 班轮条件 (CIF Liner terms):指卸货费用按班

29、轮条件办理,即由支付运费的一方(卖方)负担。 ()CIF 卸到岸上 (CIF landed):指货物到达目的港后,包括驳船费和码头费在内的卸货费由卖方负担。 ()CIF 钓钩下交货(CIF ex tackle): 指卖方负担货物从舱底吊至船边卸离钓钩为止的费用,之后由买方负担。()CIF 舱底交货(CIF ex ships hold): 指买方负担将货物从目的港船舱舱底起吊卸至码头的费用。买方的责任和费用承担逐步增加() CFR(named port of destination) 成本加运费(指定的目的港)Cost=FOB CFR=FOB+FOn board the vessel, risk

30、s are transferred1.Points for attention in using CFR term 1) Shipping Advice to the buyerso that the buyer is able to arrange insurance in time. Some law stipulates that if the seller fails to notice the buyer about shipment of goods, the risk remains unchanged on the seller.() FCA(Free carrier.name

31、d place)货交承运人是指卖方只要将货物在指定的地点交给买方指定的承运人,并办理了出口清关手续,即完成了交货。The risks of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer at that time.This term may be used for any mode of transport, particularly for multi-modal transport. The place of delivery determines obligations of the sell

32、er (the loading and unloading) a. 卖方所在地b. 其它地方,当货物在卖方的运输工具上可供卸载,并可由承运人处置时 Transfer of risks (Normal buyer-send-vehicle-load)(2) Delivery and Receipt of Goods (Transfer of Risk and cost, 实际交货)(3) Delivery of Documents (Seller-No; Buyer-Yes, 收货证明。)(4) Export Clearance Procedures (Buyer-Yes) (5) Pre-sh

33、ipment Inspection (2010 Buyer bears 无论进出口国哪方要求)() FASFree alongside ship (name port of shipment) 船边交货(指定装运港) “Free Alongside Ship” means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside the vessel at the named port of shipment (on the quay 码头 or in lighters 驳船 ). (1) Not suitable for shi

34、pment by container (2) Difference between US and Incoterms:- FAS (Free Along Side 运输工具旁交货)(US); FAS vessel FAS(incoterms)- Export Clearance Procedure (Buyer performs in US)(3) Arrival of Boat normal or advanced 同)(IV) DAP (目的地交货)“Delivered at Place”the seller delivers when the goods are placed at th

35、e disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the named place of destination. The seller bears all risks involved in bringing the goods to the named place. Differences between DAT and DAP:DAT discharging and discharging expense by seller;DAP by buyer; but discharg

36、ing expense already paid by the seller is not refundable.(V) DDP. named place of destination Delivered Duty paid 完税后交货(指定目的地) 送货上门1、卖方责任最大的贸易术语(办理进口手续,支付相关税费) 2、买方的风险等同于国内贸易 3、适合各种运输方式IV Pricing and Quotation of Exports(cost + fluctuation + exchange rate)Two factors should be taken into consideratio

37、n in pricing. One is the profitability of the transaction, and the other is the market share of the products. () total export cost 出口总成本 = 采购成本出口退税额 + 国内费用 =实际成本 +国内费用实际成本=采购成本 - 出口退税额出口退税额 = 出口商品含税购进价/(1+增值税税率) x 出口退税率(1) total export cost (after export rebates)= purchasing price of export (includi

38、ng value added tax) + standard expenseexport rebates(出口退税额)(2 ) standard expense = purchasing price of export standard rate(5%10%)(3) purchasing price of export (VAT)export rebates = -(1+ value added tax rate) rate of export rebates expense* 国内费用:1.逐项累加:包括包装费、仓储费、国内运输费、商检费、报关费、港杂费、贷款利息、银行费用及其他业务费用,如

39、认证费、捐税、经营管理费等。(发生在国内的费用)2.采用定额费用率:是计算国内费用的一种方法。出口商对货物装运前发生的费用按公司年度支出规定一个百分比,一般为公司采购成本的 3%-10%左右。*国外费用:不同的贸易术语下,国外费用的构成不同。例如:出口运费、海运保险费等。【例题 3-2】某产品每单位的采购成本是 50 元人民币,其中包括 17%的增值税,若该产品出口有 13%的出口退税,那么该产品每单位的实际成本是多少?出口退税额=实际成本=50- (50/1.17)*0.13FOB 价计算 (常用贸易术语的出口报价)FOB 价格实际成本国内费用利润实际成本 = 采购成本或生产成本 出口退税额

40、因为要出口,所有必需加上国内的费用出口总成本= 实际成本 + 国内费用 利润 = 成交价格 x 利润率【例题 3-3】济南一液压工具公司拟出口一个 20集装箱的液压千斤顶至科威特。货物包装方式为 2 台装 1 个木箱,共装 291 箱,每台购货成本为 120 元,包含 17的增值税。出口退税率为 9。一个 20货柜国内运杂费共计 600 元;仓储费为每天 10 元,预计存储 30 天;出口商检费 200 元;报关费 150 元;港区港杂费 800 元;其它业务费用 2000 元。如果该公司的预期利润率为 10,请报出 FOB 青岛的出口单价(人民币与美元的汇率为 1 : 6.25 )。先计算实

41、际成本实际成本 = 购货成本 出口退税= 120 - 120(1+17%)9% = 110.78 元人民币/台 计算出口货物的数量 291 箱2 = 582(台) 计算国内费用每件货物的国内费用= ( 国内运杂费+ 仓储费+出口检验费+ 报关费+港杂费+其他业务费)货物数量= (600+1030+200+150+800+2000) 582 = 6.96 元人民币/ 台 计算 FOB 报价FOB 报价实际成本国内费用+ 利润(FOB 价 x 利润率)= (110.78 +6.96)/ (1-10% )= 130.82 人民币元/台换算成美元: 130.82/6.25 = 20.93 美元/ 台因

42、此,FOB 青岛的出口报价为 20.93 美元/ 台。() Commission while shipment 装运 generally means the loading of the goods on board a carrier. Delivery=shipment+transportation装运以交货为基础“Shipment within 45 days after receipt of L/C”“on or about” :during the period from five days before to five days after the specified date,

43、both end days included.Eg: If the L/C stipulates that shipment date is on or about May 15, 2006, then the goods can be shipped between May 10 and May 20.“to”, “until”, “till”, “from” : include the date mentioned.“after”: exclude the date mentioned.“first half”, “second half” :the 1st to the 15th, an

44、d the 16th to the last day of such month, all dates inclusive.“beginning”, “middle”, or “end” :the 1st to the 10th, the 11th to the 20th, and the 21st to the last day() Port/Place of Shipment they are related to the costs of operation and remain comparatively steady over a period of time. Liners Fre

45、ight Tariff 班轮运价表- Basic freight 基本运费 + Surcharge 附加费基本运费的计算 (1 ) 、按货物的毛重计算,在运价表中用“W ”表示 即以重量吨(Weight ton)为计算单位计收;一重量吨为一公吨或一长吨或一短吨 运费 = 费率 X 重量吨 (2 ) 、按货物的体积计算,在运价表中用“M ”表示 即以尺码吨(Measurement ton)为计算单位; 一尺码吨为一立方米或 40 立方英尺;按计费体积而不是按几何体积算运费。 重量吨和尺码吨统称为“运费吨” (freight ton)。 (3 ) 、按货物的 FOB 值,即价格计收,运价表用“AV

46、” 表示。 即按货物的 FOB 总值的一定百分比收费。 费率表上标有“Ad.Val”字样,即“从价” (ad valorem)之意。 一般按商品在装运地的 FOB 货价收取百分之零点几到百分之五的运费。 按此收费的一般适用于 贵重商品或高价商品。如黄金、白银、名贵皮毛、贵重药材、精密仪器、手工艺品等 运费 = 货物的 FOB 价值 X 百分比率 (4 ) 按重量或体积计收,在班轮运价表内用“W/M ”表示。即在重量吨或尺码吨两种计算标准中 从高计收。在船公司的运价表中还有注明“W/M OR AV”,为按照货物重量、体积或价值中较高的一种计收运费; “W/M PLUS AV”表示:先选择货物的重

47、量或体积中较高的一种计收运费,然后再加上一定百分比的从价运费。 运费 = 费率 X 运费吨 (5 ) 按货物的件数计算,如每辆(per unit),每头( per head)。 (6 ) 由货主和船公司临时议价。如粮食、大豆、煤炭和矿石等运量大、货值低、装卸容易、装卸速度快的农副产品和矿产品。班轮运费支付的时间选择:1、运费预付(freight prepared);2、运费到付(freight collect);3 、部分预付,部分到付。2) Surcharges (附加费) 船方向货方增收的费用。 heavy lift additional (超重附加费-毛重)- Over length a

48、dditional direct additional (直航-目的港为非基本港)- transshipment additional (转船-经转船运往非基本港) port surcharge (港口)临时增收的费用(为弥补损失)- port congestion surcharge (港口拥挤) bunker adjustment factor (BAF) (燃油) currency adjustment factor (CAF) ( 货币贬值) - deviation surcharge 绕航-normal route blocked alteration of destination surcharge 变更卸货港(2) Tramp RateFreight of voyage charter1) Ways to calculate freight Rate of freight (运费额/ 运费单位) Lump-sum freight (整船包价包租整船的运费)2) Loading and unloading fee (why )应由船东与租船人协商


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