1、普华永道笔试昨天接到了普华永道的笔试通知今天在论坛上逛了一下看大家都说作文题库比较有用找到一份跟大家共享一下技术进步1. The computer is widely used in modern society. What are the disadvantages if one cannot use the computer? What should the government do?2. 你认为你的大学为学生购置电脑和买书充实图书馆那个更加可取?3. 有关是不是该在学校使用电脑和计算器4. 你是否同意下述观点:技术能使学生们掌握更多信息并学习更快。9. do you agree tha
2、t we can learn something about your country from watching movies, example support you viewpoint.16. some people think computers make life easier and more convenient, some think it make life stressful and complex. whats ur opinion? give some examples to support it.24. 科技发展对世界是好事吗?环境5. Business educat
3、ion and training must promote environmental awareness. Do you agree or disagree this opinion? 25. People worldwide increasingly travel abroad to work for several months or years. This phenomenon has advantages and disadvantages. What do you think?23. 应不应该拆除被国家保护的老建筑?成才6. 现在很多小孩子很小就被送到幼儿园或者找人照看,这可以使妈
4、妈们更早的回到工作岗位,问你的看法如何12. Do you think it is a good idea that college student take part time job15. 对于一个 16 岁的孩子而言,参加有偿的工作是很有价值也很重要的。同意这种观点不?为什么?14. Do you agree of disagree that parents are best teachers? Give examples.17. 对年轻人来说家庭影响更重要还是朋友的影响更重要?18. some like to do what they already do well, some lik
5、e to take risks and take new things, what do you prefer? Reasons and example 。19. 学校是否应该投入同样多的经费到活动上28. In your opinion, which one is more important, the knowledge gained from books or the knowledge gained from experience? Why?30. 讲的是成功是努力的结果,运气是否重要呢?27. Career specific training is far important tha
6、n a broad-based education? Do you agree or disagree on this? Why?社会问题分析7. do you agree or disagree like The World Cup and other international sporting can ease international tensions.13. 有人认为砍伐森林应该被禁止,你同意还是不同意。11 .电影演员和企业 boss 收入高,护士、医生和老师收入却不高。你同意不?你认为收入标准该如何定?10. do u agree or disagree: TV, newspa
7、pers, magazine and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities charities8. 人们坚持要诚信和真实,但是有时候不得已要说谎,which extent do you agree or disagree?21. 不同职业的人是否应该有不同假期?20. do you agree it is unfair to cover the private lives of celebrities.26.
8、 很多人愿意出国读大学,你怎么看, 说详细理由29. 很多企业以额外的奖金作为对做出优异贡献的员工的奖励 你认为这有效程度有多少?有什么其他的奖励和鼓励员工更好工作的形式?22. Someone say advertisement always try to make us buy something we do not need , someone says ad helps us to improve our lives (大意)转载请注明出自应届生求职招聘论坛 http:/ CLUB:普华永道会计师事务所在网上搜来的,大家看看,机试时作文题是随机抽取的 技术进步1. The comput
9、er is widely used in modern society. What are the disadvantages if one cannot use the computer? What should the government do?1、lack of adequate info. And cant get them quickly? the globalization is progressing and China is experiencing significant changes and development . The information is thus n
10、owhere more important than now. The potential employees can gain the latest imfo. About jobs and the employers thus can get more info. about them effectively and efficiently at a lower cost. 例如,我们很多企业如普华都是用网申的方式,这大大加快的处理工作的效率,而 staff 也可以有更多的时间处理其它的事情。一个没有电脑 with internet 的人将会失去几乎一半的机会去得到满意的工作。2, 不能够
11、得到更多的有用的知识 in a limited period. E.g. 我们要找工作或者实习的, 可能在很短的时间内需要了解考试流程或者一些专业的术语,同时我们也要对我们所心仪的公司进行全面的了解。而这所有一切知识的获得,都少不了电脑。几乎所有的大公司都 inclusively 有自己的 official website,或者很多网站如一些专门的会计的网站方便我们的学习和资料搜寻,而对于一个没有电脑的人来说,他很难对自己的职位和公司有一个全面的了解,眼界也变得很窄。另外, 一个没有电脑的人很可能不会一些基本的但是required 技能,如 excel 等。作为政府,应当从财政收入中拿出更多的
12、钱来帮助在偏远的地区的孩子来普及电脑和 internet 知识,另外,我认为政府也应当建立更好的宣传组织部门,来宣传更加正确的使用电脑和 internet,并且鼓励大家学习那些在工作中很实用的电脑技巧;2. 你认为你的大学为学生购置电脑和买书充实图书馆那个更加可取?购置电脑:1、 买书可能很好,看起来比买电脑省钱,然而,这些人没有意识到, 购买大量的书籍需要更多的书架和其它设备甚至是图书馆的扩建,而这可能比购置电脑花费更多的钱。另外,更多的书意味着更多的图书馆管理员或者更好的软件系统来管理,也会导致更多的花费,更重要的是,很多同学可能由于认为去图书馆麻烦而宁愿不借书,这样,买书的目的就不可能达
13、到。2、 买电脑的好处,其实学校买了电脑后, 同学们不仅仅可以通过网上的library 来在网上阅读书目,或者是预借书,他们还能够利用电脑来 explore more knowledge that they are really interested in 而这些知识很可能在图书上找不到。另外,通过 Internet ,同学们可以得到最新的信息和知识,而书却不能提供,一本书的出版要好多年。如,我曾经想要查关于投行起源的资料,图书馆就没有这方面的专著,最后还是在网上找到的。可能有些人说, 他们可能只沉溺于游戏等,可使那毕竟是少数的,因为大学生已经是成年人,他们对自己的行为基本上有很强的约束能力。
14、3. 有关是不是该在学校使用电脑和计算器该,1、资料的充足性和及时性2,效率更高,有时间做其它的事情。3,有些人可能会说 但是这是少数的情况.4. 你是否同意下述观点:技术能使学生们掌握更多信息并学习更快。相信;1, internet 的出现:我们得到了更多在课本上学不到的知识 也得到了更多及时有效的资源,如公司招聘,很多都是网申,只有有了 Internet 我们才能够更快的得到这些信息因此 seize the chance to work in the dream company。2, 技术也会让我们的学习方式发生改变,因此我们的学习效率会提高。例如,英语学习,以前没有电脑的时候,我们需要用
15、复读机,买这方面的资料也要等到新书出版,如我,当年要买疯狂英语,每次都要等半个月,数量也少。而现在呢,因为有了电脑,有新的学习软件如,我们学校就有听力专用软件Dyned, 所以我们的学习更有效率了。9. do you agree that we can learn something about your country from watching movies, example support you viewpoint.不同意;1、我们可以看到,很多的纪实电影还是能够反映一个国家的状况。如,靖国这部电影,导演李缨就真实的再现了日本人对于靖过神社的情怀。2 对大部分观众更愿意看得电影来说,这
16、些电影的目的只是为了票房,因而对于他们来说,movie 虽然源于生活,但毕竟是艺术。这就意味着电影是 beyond real life 的。而,导演为了突出电影的主题,stand a good chance to 美化或者丑化周围的环境,甚至是扭曲历史事实,因此我们在电影中看到的不是真实的。例如,我们知道很多的中国的古装 片,就存在这样的问题(eg) 而当audience 不知道这些历史时,就很容易被误导了,尤其是外国的观众。 16. some people think computers make life easier and more convenient, some think it
17、make life stressful and complex. whats ur opinion? give some examples to support it.方便啊1, 网上购物购书,很方便也很全,可以更快的得到自己想要的东西:例如,我,曾经要写一份研究报告,想要参考郎咸平教授的操纵这本书, 可是周围的书店都没有,而我又急着要买,因此,我在 D 上一搜就找见了,第二天就拿到书了。2, Internet 让我们的生活和学习等有更少的压力。随着全球化 中国经济的腾飞 人们的压力越来越大,不仅要与国内的人 compete 更要 cope with 国外的 talents,工作压力也很大的。
18、这时候,是在 internet 的各个论坛上,人们找到了有 sympathy 的同事们。例如我,当时考 GMAT,很难的,压力很大啊,天天都很紧张。后来在网上找到了 C 的 forum, 大家都是考 GMAT 的人,每天都跟他们 share, confide and encourage each other, 这样,我压力小了,心态好了,最终坚持下来,并且取得了好成绩!24. 科技发展对世界是好事吗?Agree1, 科技为人们带来了更加快捷的生活和工作方式,使人们有时间去从事更多自己喜欢的事情。例如,computer & Internet。2,科技拯救了更多的人,也是人们扩大了自己的视野。例如
19、,在医学上,因为cowpox 的发现,从而 terminate 了 smallpox;因为超声波 阿,心脏起搏器 的发明,使人类的疾病发现的时间越来越早,就能得到更好的控制。因为宇宙飞船等 的发现,使人们对地球以外的生命进行了探索。3,some may argue that the innovation such as nuclear weapon and gene replication may be huge disaster to the whole human beings .然而,这要看我们如何使用他们,技术本身并没有错误。环境5. Business education and tr
20、aining must promote environmental awareness. Do you agree or disagree this opinion? Agree1, 环境问题越来越严重。随着全球化 环境问题已经成为世界性的话题。人们正由于工业的快速发展而对环境造成的损害承受着代价。环境污染尤其是在发展中国家更为 crucial,例如,在中国,每年播阳湖几乎都要有赤潮发生, 而全球的 CO2 的排放,正在不断的侵蚀着 Ozone layer。2, 而企业作为社会的意员,最终使命就是社会责任。而。 同时, 职工的环保意识对于企业自身也有好处,比如,欧洲的很多国家对中国的产品设置环
21、境标准.25. People worldwide increasingly travel abroad to work for several months or years. This phenomenon has advantages and disadvantages. What do you think?Ada1,尽管有 DA,如很久不能跟亲人团聚疏离了感情阿,另外,这个国家很有可能发生动乱阿,如中东地区,就很危险的;日本这样的自然灾害多发区也很危险;2, 但是,有更多的好处:可以了解不同地区人民的需求,从而更好的设计产品和 sales channel。例如,我的一个朋友在 Haier
22、 工作,他经常去美国工作一段时间,回来后就研究了美国的环境标准和美国人对于空调的需求,然后就开发了适合美国人的空调,现在,haier 的市场分额很大。个人也可以增长见识,增长同行业内的人的交流,从而扩展自己的 business line3,尽管经常 travel 有 DA,但是我们也看到公司也在努力解决这些问题,如长期的工作可以带着家属阿之类的。23. 应不应该拆除被国家保护的老建筑?不应该:1、 代表着历史,是城市的象征。不能为了发展而拆除。拆除后,市民们会对城市越来越没有认同感。对于小孩的教育2、 老建筑可以吸引旅游业,而政府也可以利用这些来增加税收,从而提高人民福利 e g 我的家乡就是
23、.成才6. 现在很多小孩子很小就被送到幼儿园或者找人照看,这可以使妈妈们更早的回到工作岗位,问你的看法如何不;1、 小孩很小的时候最容易受到别人的影响,这时候送给别人去找看,失去了对母亲的认同感,不利于培养关系。如,我的同学,Tom。2、 小孩会没有约束,很可能培养不好的习惯,如,我的 cousin Jerry。12. Do you think it is a good idea that college student take part time jobYES;1,培养实践能力。如,我同学 Tom 在 CIBE 做过,他就将自己在International market 和 Managem
24、ent 中学到的东西应用到实践中。2,减轻家里负担。15. 对于一个 16 岁的孩子而言,参加有偿的工作是很有价值也很重要的。同意这种观点不?为什么?1、同意,正确看待金钱,尊重自己的劳动。2,培养自己的独立性。14. Do you agree of disagree that parents are best teachers? Give examples.17. 对年轻人来说家庭影响更重要还是朋友的影响更重要?朋友:1,大部分时间跟朋友在一起,朋友的 plan 等很容易影响我们的计划。例如我的一个朋友,Lucy, 就是在我的影响下开始好好的学习准备自己的前途。2,朋友在一起 share 的
25、时候,彼此激励,很多人的成功都是因为朋友的影响。我的老师,Stephen 就是在他的朋友的鼓励下,。3,尽管家长在我们 childhood 时,影响很大,然而,当我们年轻时,朋友的影响根重要(另一片类似的,我曾经写过的)classmates are a more important influence than parents on a childs success in school? 同不同意? 不同意;1,同学很重要,朋友之间的相互影响-孩子的成功。但是,并不比家长重要:1,大部分时间还是跟家长在一起,-辅导孩子读书,解答疑惑-取得好成绩;eg2,在价值观的影响上,帮助孩子。egWhet
26、her classmates have a more important impact than the parents do on the childrens success in school is a hot-button when talking about the childrens development. A fair part of people hold that classmates are definitely a more important influence for the reason that children spend most of their time
27、at school and thus share more time with classmates than do with the parents. Other individuals, nevertheless, maintain that it is the parents that have the basic impact on childrens achievement because they care everything about the kids and thus can improve every aspect of the childrens development
28、. Personally, I stand with the latter one and I will substantiate my viewpoint as follows.Undeniably, classmates have a very crucial influence on the childrens success. Children are more likely to play with their friends and communicate with them. They often talk about the troubles and stress with t
29、heir friends especially those introverted kids who own 1 or 2 best friends. Through this way, those kids can solve lots of problems and release pressures. Besides, when several close classmates are together to do homework, they can help each other and thus study more efficiently and effectively than
30、 do at homes. The children thus can gain high scores and get achievements in other fields.However, this above statement doesnt necessarily mean that the classmates have more influence on childrens success in school. Benefits from the parents are far more than those from classmates.First, as we all k
31、now ,nearly every child grows under the cares of the parents. Parents not only care about our physical growth but also teach us how to learn and how to view this world and people around us. Even since we were just 2 years old, parents have began to teach us to recognize words, numbers and some simpl
32、e poems. Thanks to parents, we virtually had developed significant amount of knowledge before we went to primary schools. Thus when we sat in the classroom and learned all the courses, we could understand them deeply and grasp quickly. Besides, when we went back to home from school, it was the paren
33、ts who help us to review our courses and solve the difficult problems. That mostly explains why we passed the exams with the flying colors. Parents thus present the undoubted influence on our success of studies.Further, parents direct us to be a decent person and to form the right values towards peo
34、ple. Data from the Childs Care Center in Peiking University has demonstrated that 88% of those kids in Beijing who behave very well and are kind to their classmates and relatives are taught the principles of morals by their parents. Whats more, parents always help us to deal with the relationship wi
35、th friends every time when we quarreled with friends. Take myself for example, I was a proud girl before I was 10 years old and kind of narcissistic .So you can imagine that trivial conflicts were usually aroused between I and several friends. When we were inconsistent with each other, they must lis
36、ten to me or I would be very angry and blame every one. After my father found this issue, he had a long talk with me and pointed out my faults. Finally, I realized where I was wrong and then apologized to my friends. This story finished with a happy ending. In this situation, you can see that parent
37、s help us to gain success even in the self-development aspect.To sum up, although the classmates have kind of impacts, parents still stand a good chance to be a more important influence on childrens success not only in the studies but also in the spiritual improvement.18. some like to do what they a
38、lready do well, some like to take risks and take new things, what do you prefer? Reasons and example 。New 阿1,new 的可以发掘我们的潜力。像我,我成绩很好,我一开始认为自己就好好学习课本上的知识可以不断地挖掘自己在学术上的潜力,可是后来受到我的一位老师的影响,我开始研究公司的年报,并且最终还写了一份关于上汽的研究报告。在这之前,我从来没有想过自己还可以进行这样实践性的研究工作。2,do well 的工作会让人们 repeat 并且效率越来越低。根据经济学的边际效率递减的规律没有刺激点了
39、 19. 学校是否应该投入同样多的经费到活动上是的;1,研究能力很重要;2,以前投入在上的很可能都浪费了,都不如投入到活动上,多方面发展。28. In your opinion, which one is more important, the knowledge gained from books or the knowledge gained from experience? Why?1, 书本上的知识不能够深刻的理解。因为学生学习书本上的知识没有具体的应用,所以很难记住。例如我,虽然每次成绩都考得很高像什么国际金融,国际经济学,财会阿,但是因为没有任何实践,所以很快就忘记了。2, 书本上
40、的知识也是来自于实践的,是实践的总结和升华。科学家(Marie Curie)都这样了,另外,可以培养兴趣。 (类似的,曾经写过的)which is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts or learn facts? Whether it is more important for the students to understand the concepts and ideas than learn the facts is a complex issue in nowadays particularly w
41、hen we talk about education of children. Different people hold different opinions due to their various backgrounds and knowledge. Personally, I side with the viewpoint that learning facts is more vital than mastering the concepts and the ideas. I will substantiate my position as follows.Undeniably,
42、teaching students to grasp the ideas and concepts have several benefits. The ideas and concepts are more systematic and logic than the facts. If the students can understand those ideas and concepts, it is quicker for the children to master them than the facts since the facts are kind of trivial. Bes
43、ides, learning the ideas and concepts is helpful for the exams. To those students who put priority on the scores, it is an efficient and effective way to learn the ideas and concepts by heart due to the fact that most of the tests are the objective questions.However, we can not conclude that the ide
44、as and concepts are more important then the facts just based on the above statement. Initially, the ideas and concepts are too abstract for the students especially those who are in the junior or high schools. Their comprehensibility is not as excellent as their memories. Even the students can bear t
45、he knowledge in mind, they can not deeply understand what those concepts and ideas actually are. The spoon-feed education is superficial and does harms to the development of the children. Thus we must impart them the knowledge in a more comprehensible way. The data from the Center of Childrens Devel
46、opment in Daisy University in Nanjing has demonstrated that the best way for the students to understand knowledge is to let them observe and discover the truth through directly getting touch with the facts.Furthermore, virtually every idea and concept is the essence of the facts. Scientists had cond
47、ucted thousands of experiments and observed millions of activities and phenomenon before they got the final conclusions and the axioms. So the students should also engage in this practice, that is, let them get any ideas about the knowledge by themselves. Observation and learning of the facts can al
48、so be helpful to cultivate the interest in that subject. Besides, because the students can contact with the true materials and the facts, the vivid imagines can help them form a deeper memory towards that subject.To sum up, although teaching ideas and concepts has several benefits, they cannot surpa
49、ss the overwhelming advantages of learning facts, which includes the merits such as cultivation of interests and the understanding the subject thoroughly.Sublimation comprehensibility 30. 讲的是成功是努力的结果,运气是否重要呢?当然阿,1,不可否认,努力非常重要。纵观历史,没有一个人不努力就取得了成功。牛顿不是因为无意的坐在苹果树下才发现了万有引力,而是每天都在深刻的思考。同样的苹果掉下来,并不会给一个 idle 的人产生任何作用。2,然而,运气对于成功来说,也必不可少。如 X-ray 的发现,也是偶然的在做实验的时候,不小心搞出来的,还有青霉素阿。一开始都不知道该用来干啥。27. Career specific training is far i