1、河北省被征地农民个人账户替代率研究文章编号:1001-17view/8c0bebde5022aaea998f0fb8.html.“精算型”还是“低保型”被征地农民养老保险制 2 Leimer. R. 度,越年轻的农民其养老保险替代率越低,这不利 Seling. D. L. Social security and 于年轻人的投保,应尽快调整被征地农民养老保 private savings, New Time - Series Evidence 险制度的激励机制。如提高预定利率水平,或者对 J. Journal of Political Economy,1982,3:606 年轻的被征地农民在投保
2、时给予较多的补贴,或- 630. 其在领取养老金时给予更高的补贴,使被征地农3 Spark Jones Endres - Niggemeyer. How to 民不会因经济的发展反而陷入更为困苦的生活,implement a naturalistic model of abstracting : 使被征地农民养老保险制度能够真正的起到满足 Four core working steps of an expert abstractor 退休农民的基本生活需要的作用。 J. Insurance, 1995 ,/a/20110306/000153_1.htm.关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决 定
3、 ,农民人均纯收入要比 2008年翻一番,河 6贵阳“十二五”期间城乡低保增长标准确定 北省 2008年农民人均纯收入为/dfpd/guizhou_ 十二五规划基本保持一致。chuang/2011-09-01/content_3667367.html.目前仅贵阳市民政局确定了十二五期间低保 7柳清瑞,穆怀中.中国城镇养老保险制度运行的 增长率,经过调研论证, “十二五”期间,贵阳市合意性分析J人口与发展,2009(1):66 - 75.On Replacement Rate of Personal Account of Land - expropriated Peasantsin Hebei
4、ProvinceLI jia1,LVX ue-jing2 (1. School of Finance and Economics,Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology, Qinhuangdao 066004,China ; 2. School of Labor Economics,Capital University of Economicsand Business, Beijing 100070, China)Abstract: Since the pension of security system for land - exp
5、ropriated peasants in Hebei province has been promulgated in 2005, according to the diversity of paying the fee and receiving pension, it can be divided into “Actuarial - Type” and “Minimum Standard Type”. Through the establishment of insurance actuarial balance model for landless peasants personal
6、replacement rate level of study,the paper finds that personal account replacement rate level is affected by different system, insured age, insured farmers gender, farmers net income growth rate, and towns average minimum growth rate factors.Key words : land - expropriated peasants ; personal account ; replacement rate ; actuarial model(责任编辑:陈树明)