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1、Classified Index:UDC:密级:Xihua UniversityMaster Degree DissertationA Study of Correlation between AffectiveFactors and Reading Comprehension forChinese Adult English LearnersCandidate : Li HongliMajor : Foreign Linguistics and Applied LinguisticsStudent ID: 212010050211017Supervisor: Prof. Yin DemoAp


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4、究在有情感过滤时,双元结构理论对阅读理解的诠释及情感因素中动机、自信、焦虑等分别与阅读的相关性,并探讨了阅读中情感因素、阅读策略与阅读成绩的关系。20 世纪 80 年代前后,情感因素对语言学习的影响在国内外都有一些相关的研究,但这些研究还处在初级阶段,且局限于某个别的情感因素的考察,如研究阅读焦虑或阅读动机等。进入 21 世纪,一些学者开始对情感因素的各个方面与阅读的关系进行全面的研究,但是这些研究仍有待拓宽,引向深入。笔者本次从双元结构理论的角度来诠释情感过滤与阅读理解的相关性在国内尚属首次,尤其把聋哑学生作为调查对象的研究在本领域更是一次新的尝试。本文通过随即抽样的方法,研究对象为南宁市第

5、二十六中学七(2)班、七(3)班 30 名学生,南宁市盲聋哑学校 30 名学生、成都市铁路中学七(1)班、七(3)班 30 名学生和成都市特殊教育学校 30 名学生共 120 人,这些学生年龄均在 12 岁以上,且已学完人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书:英语(新目标):7 年级上册。通过发放问卷和阅读测试卷来完成数据采集,利用社会科学统计工具 SPSS16.0 将得到的数据归类整理,并对数据结果进行分析研究。在对研究对象的英语学习焦虑、动机、自信心、性格、阅读策略和阅读成绩分别作了系统分析的基础上,通过相关性研究,证实了英语学习焦虑、动机、自信心、性格、阅读策略确实和阅读成绩存在相关性。同时笔


7、指导意义。关键词:情感因素;双元结构理论;阅读成绩;阅读策略I探析情感因素与中国成年英语学习者阅读理解的相关性AbstractWith the emergence and development of humanistic psychology in the 1960s, more andmore researchers begin to pay attention to the individual differences between foreignlanguage learners, especially the influence of affective factors on fo

8、reign language learning.Karashen, a specialist in second language acquisition research, pointed out in his “AffectiveFilter Hypothesis”in 1982 that the second language acquisition process is also influenced bya range of affective factors and the language “input” can get converted to “intake” onlythr

9、ough affective filter. This paper aims to study the interpretation of reading comprehensionby the theory of Cognition-Knowledge Bilingual Double Structures with the existence ofaffective filter and the correlation between reading and the affective factors such asmotivation, confidence and anxiety re

10、spectively. The paper also discusses the relationshipsamong affective factors, reading strategies and reading performance. In the 1980s, there werealready several related studies on the influences of affective factors on language learning athome and abroad. However, these studies were still in their

11、 infancy and confined to theinvestigation of an individual affective factor such as reading anxiety, reading motivation, etc.Stepping into the 21st century, some scholars began to conduct comprehensive studies on therelationship between all aspects of affective factors and reading. But these studies

12、 still need tobe further broadened and deepened. I interpret the correlation between affective filter andreading comprehension from the perspective of Cognition-Knowledge Bilingual DoubleStructures theory in this paper, which is for the first time in China. Moreover, it is also a newattempt to take

13、the deaf-mute students as objects in this field.This paper adopts the method of random sampling and takes a total of 120 students fromClass 2 and Class 3, Grade 7 of No. 26 Middle School of Nanning, Nanning School for Blindand Deaf-mute, Class 1 and Class 3, Grade 7 of Railway Middle School of Cheng

14、du, andSpecial Education School of Chengdu as the objects of study. All these students are over12-years-old and have finished the first volume of the seventh grades English book Go for It,the PEP edition of curricular standard experimental textbook of compulsory education. Thedata collection is comp

15、leted by questionnaires and reading tests. Then statistical package forthe social science-SPSS16.0 is used to sort and organize data and conduct analytical studieson the data result. Based on the systematic analysis of the study objectsanxiety, motivation,self-confidence, personality, reading strate

16、gies and reading performance in English learningrespectively, it is proved that correlation does exist between anxiety, motivation, confidence,personality, reading strategies and reading performance in English learning. Meanwhile, I alsoresearched the relationships among affective factors, reading s

17、trategies and readingperformance, and found that there is a triangle relationship model among the three: there arecorrelations between affective factors, reading strategies and reading performance, the lowerII西华大学硕士学位论文the affective filter is, the more reading strategies will be applied, and the hig

18、her the readinglevel will be.However, the development and change of affection in the reading process are alwayscovert and complicated, so there are still many uncontrollable factors in this study. Forexample, in the process of reading tests, the disunity of the study objectsreading strategiesresults

19、 certain deviation in the conclusion. Besides, the study results are more or lessinfluenced by the obstacles in the communication with the deaf-mute students. In spite of thedeficiencies mentioned above, the study results can prompt the educators and researchers toattach great importance to the infl

20、uence of non-intellectual factors like emotions on readingand help English learners to find the root cause of their obstacles in English reading, and thusto improve their English reading levels. Accordingly, this paper has important reference andguidance significance for reading teaching in China.Ke

21、y Words:affective filter hypothesis;Cognition-Knowledge Bilingual Double Structurestheory;reading performance;reading strategiesIII探析情感因素与中国成年英语学习者阅读理解的相关性Contents摘 要 .IAbstract IIChapter One Introduction. Background. 1Research Contents 2Significance of the Study . 3Chapter Two Li

22、terature Review. 6Chapter Three Krashens Affective Filter Hypothesis 8Chapter Four Interpretation of Reading Information Processing by Double StructuresTheory 104.14.2Interpretation of Reading Comprehension by Double Structures Theory 104.1.1 Perfect state . 104.1.2 Imperfect state . 11Psychological

23、 Mechanism of Reading . 144.2.1 Input information via visual system 144.2.2 Input information via visual and auditory system . 14Chapter Five Correlation between Affective Filter and Reading. 165.15.2Affective Factors 165.1.1 Correlation between motivation and reading comprehension. 175.1.2 Correlat

24、ion between confidence and reading comprehension. 185.1.3 Correlation between anxiety and reading comprehension 205.1.4 Correlation between personality and reading comprehension 22Correlation among Affective Factors, Reading Strategies and ReadingPerformance . 265.2.1 Reading strategies . 265.2.2 Co

25、rrelation. 27Chapter Six6. Study. 30Purpose of Study 30Study Object . 30Study Method . 31Data Collection. 34Data Analysis . 356.5.1 Correlation between motivation and reading performance . 366.5.2 Correlation of confidence and reading performance. 376.5.3 Correlation of persona

26、lity and reading performance. 396.5.4 Correlation between anxiety and reading performance. 39IV西华大学硕士学位论文6.5.5 Correlation between reading strategies and reading performance 406.5.6 Analysis of differences between reading performance of able-bodiedand deaf-mute students. 416.5.7 Analysis of Differen

27、ces between Confidence of Able-bodied andDeaf-mute Students 426.5.8 Analysis of Differences between Anxiety of Able-bodied and Deaf-muteStudents 436.5.9 Analysis of Differences between reading strategies of Able-bodied andDeaf-mute Students 446.5.10 Analysis of Differences between motivation types o

28、f Able-bodied andDeaf-mute Students 456.5.10.1 Analysis of Differences between inner interest of Able-bodied andDeaf-mute Students 456.5.10.2 Analysis of Differences between Performance of Able-bodied andDeaf-mute Students 466.5.10.3 Analysis of Differences between Learning Situation of Able-bodieda

29、nd Deaf-mute Students . 476.5.10.4 Analysis of Differences between Going Abroad of Able-bodied andDeaf-mute Students 486.5.10.5 Analysis of Differences between Social Responsibility of Able-bodiedand Deaf-mute Students . 496.5.10.6 Analysis of Differences between Personal Development ofAble-bodied a

30、nd Deaf-mute Students 496.5.10.7 Analysis of Differences between Information Media of Able-bodiedand Deaf-mute Students . 50Chapter Eight Conclusion 56Bibliography. 59Appendix 1 . 63Appendix 2 . 64Appendix 3 . 66Appendix 4 . 68Appendix 5 . 69Appendix 6 . 72Appendix 7 . 74Publications 79Acknowledgeme

31、nts 80V西华大学硕士学位论文Chapter One Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundLanguage learning is not a simple process but a very complicated one,which involvesmany factors as teachers, learners and teaching materialsBefore the 1 980sIt wasbelieved that the success of the second language acquisition directly dep

32、ended on howteachers taught , so the researchers presented various teachingmethodologyHowever,language learning is still not that satisfactoryThus,the attentionbegan to changeWith the development of the humanistic psychology,affective factors weregenerally regarded as prominent factors that affected

33、 language learningAnd then researcheson affective factors such as motivation,confidence, attitude,and personality traits gotremarkable achievements.In 1960s, western humanistic psychologists represented by Erikson, Maslow, Rogers etal. proposed some theories and opinions which provide useful enlight

34、enments for languageteaching. Successive English teaching methods such as Silent Way, Suggestopedia, andCommunity Language Learning and so on all embody the teaching principles of humanism,namely, paying more attention to the affective matters in language learning. But with theseteaching methods bei

35、ng snubbed later, the affective matters in language teaching were nolonger mentioned. Since the 1980s, the focus of second language acquisition shiftedfrom“how to teachto“how to learn”,and the success of the second language acquisitionwasbelieved to depend largely on the learnersUnder this backgroun

36、d, people started to focus onthe influence of affective factors on language learning again. Western language teachingspecialists such as Jane Arnold, Douglas Brown, Rebecca Oxford and Ear L W.Stevick hadmade some achievements in the study of affective matters. Most of these studies appliedscientific

37、 methods of sampling and statistics and paid attention to study the relationshipbetween affective factors and the selection of learning strategies, and the relationship betweenaffective factors and language proficiency, as well as all aspects of affective factors. Butrelated studies were still at an

38、 early stage (Ellis, 1994) and lacked of serial studies in detailand the previous studies also showed more controversies than consensus. “The currentsituation is just like blind men who conclude what an elephant is like only by touching someparts of it. By touching only a part of it, the knowledge t

39、hey acquired is not comprehensive,1探析情感因素与中国成年英语学习者阅读理解的相关性despite not being wrong.”(Arnold, 1999) Around 1990s, related studies were carried out inChina, too. For example, Beijing Foreign Languages Institute conducted a study on variousfactors influencing English performance by 250 English majors r

40、andomly selected from sixforeign language colleges between 1987 and 1991 (Liu Runqing, Wu Yian, et al., 1993),which involved 18 types of variables and 13 factors. Kang Yanhu (2005), Lu Ming and DingWanjiang (2005) also conducted studies on affective factors. However, domestic studies inthe early 199

41、0s were just in their infancy, two or three decades later since the foreign studieshad begun. The previous studies had been confined to the investigation of an individualaffective factor such as reading anxiety or reading motivation. In the 21st century, somescholars have conducted comprehensive stu

42、dies on the relationships between all aspects ofaffective factors and reading. For example, many studies have been conducted on the affectivefactors in English reading, including A Study of Affective Factors in College StudentsReading by Feng Shouning and Meng Qingna from Rizhao Vocational and Techn

43、ical College,A Study of Affective Factors and College StudentsEnglish Reading by Li Jie from HenanNormal University, Influences of Affective Factors on English Reading by Zhang Xiaodanfrom Shenyang Normal University, and A Brief Discussion on Affective Factors in EnglishReading Teaching by Zhang Yua

44、nyuan from Anhui University of Science and Technology.However, these studies still need to be further broadened and deepened. I interpret thecorrelation between affective filter and reading comprehension from the perspective ofDouble Structures in this paper, which is for the first time in China. Mo

45、reover, it is also a newattempt to take the deaf-mute students as objects in this field.1.2 Research ContentsAs far back as in the 19th century, Darwin had pointed out that all the nuances of voicesare the physiological result of biomutation and affection. Thus it can be seen that there areclose rel

46、ationship between language and affection. By 1970s, Dalayt and Durt proposed the“Affective Filter Hypothesis”to study the affective factors in foreign language learning. Bythe early 1980s, the theory was further enriched and developed by the Affective FilterHypothesis in the “Monitor Theory”proposed

47、 by American linguist Krashen.The Affective Filter Hypothesis holds that “The affective filter is a kind of psychologicalobstacle that preventing language learners from fully intaking the comprehensible inputacquired.” Affective factors that affect language learning mainly include motivation,confide

48、nce, anxiety, and personality, etc. Generally speaking, language learners with strongmotivation, confidence, and low anxiety always have lower affective filter and accordinglyare of higher level of language proficiency.2西华大学硕士学位论文Language learning is a process of input (reading and listening), intak

49、e (processing andmemorizing) and output (speaking, writing and translating). Affective filter existing in anystage of learning will affect the output of language. Input is only the cause of languageacquisition, while affective factors are key to ultimate language acquisition (Krashen, 1982).Therefore, this paper aims to study the interpretation of reading comprehension by thetheory of Cognition-Knowledge Bilingual Double Structures with the existence of affectivefilter and the correlation between reading and the affective factors such as motivation,confidence, anxiety and perso


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