1、ASSESSMENT OF CONTAMINATED AREAS DUE TO PAST WASTE DISPOSAL PRACTICES BY EIIL, BHOPALSponsorEveready Industries India Limited, BhopalNational Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nehru Marg, Nagpur 440 020October, 1997D.o. No. TWM / P-8/97 Date: 07-10-1997Dr. T. ChakrabartiScientist & HeadT
2、oxic Waste Management DivisionMr. C.K. HayaranResident General ManagerEveready Industries India Ltd.Kali Parade, Berasia RoadBhopal 462 018Sub: Project “Assessment of contaminated areas due to past waste disposal practices at EIIL, BhopalDear Mr. Hayaran,Please find enclosed herewith 7 copies of the
3、 final report titled “Assessment of Contaminated Areas due to Past Waste Disposal Practices at EIIL, Bhopal.Sincerely yours,T. ChakrabartiEXECUTIVE SUMMARY M/s. Eveready Industries India Limited (EIIL) (Formerly M/s. Union Carbide India Limited) was manufacturing Carbamate type pesticides between 19
4、77 and 1984 at their Bhopal plant. The plant was closed down since December 1984 due to leakage of MIC Solid and tarry wastes, waste categories 11, 15, and 17 under Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules1989, generated during the manufacture of pesticides were dumped in open areas within t
5、he plant premises The above mentioned past disposal activities would have resulted in contamination of land and water environment. The dumped materials and contaminated land and water if present, have to be remediated to restore the environmental quality of the plant premises EIIL retained National
6、Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur to assess the environmental status within the plant premises in March 1994 The study area is within the facility premises of EIIL, Bhopal and this includes only waste disposal areas, spilled areas and open area. In addition, open land on t
7、he north adjacent to EIIL plant premises has also been included in the study area Tarry residues generated from Sevin and Naphthol units which are classified as hazardous wastes are mostly stored in drums. Separate studies are in progress at NEERI, Nagpur and Indian Institute for Chemical Technology
8、 (IICT), Hyderabad on the treatment and disposal of these residues and these are not included in the present study The off specification products, the main waste materials, were disposed in open areas within the plant premises. The tarry residues generated from sevin and temik units are mostly store
9、d in drums and other containers. However, six pits were made to store/dispose tarry residues. The neutralized temik waste was dumped to two solar evaporation ponds constructed within the plant premises. An incinerator was used to combust trashes. The ash from incinerator was disposed on open land ne
10、ar incinerator. The burnt and unburnt residues (Waste Category 17) which arose from the fire accident in naphthalene godown is stored in underground pitDump materials The disposal area is divided into three zones covering about 7 hectares (22.6 % of total plant area). The maximum sevin content in du
11、mp was recorded as high as 520003 mg/kg. About 16 % of the samples are having sevin more than 1000 mg/kg. Maximum number of samples (207%) have sevin content between 100 and 500 mg/kg. The sevin content in tarry residues varies between 516 mg/kg and 946 mg/kgThe temik in temik neutralization pits is
12、 from 4411 mg/kg to 5105 mg/kg. Only one sample has temik content of 7876 mg/kg. The temik in most of the samples (60%) ranges from 13 mg/kg. Temik is either BDL or not detected in 40% of samples.Alpha naphthol is recorded between 500 and 9914 mg/kg only in 7 samples out of 64, and 76% of the sample
13、s recorded below 348 mg/kg.Lindane in traces in 50% samples and not detected in the remaining 50%.The volatile organics of concern (based on raw materials used) are not detected in any sample. However, presence of other organics is not ruled out as the chromatographs have recorded other peaks (in a
14、few samples) which could not be identified and this may be reactive product (s) The unburnt and burnt residues of naphthalene which was buried in an underground pit has naphthalene content of 33%. Naphthalene is not detected in any samplesSoil Quality In Disposal Area I (DA I), the maximum concentra
15、tion of sevin and temik are 365.32 mg/kg and 74.36 mg/kg respectively. In many sampling locations, sevin is increasing with depth. The increase in sevin content is up to 60 cms below ground level (BGL) and decrease with further depthAlpha Naphthol and naphthalene are not detected in any sample in DA
16、I. However Lindane is present almost in all samples recording between 0.5 mg/kg and 201.4 mg/kg In Disposal Area II (DA II), the maximum areal extent and maximum quantity of wastes dumped, the maximum sevin concentration is 7218 mg/kg. However, 50% of the samples have either no or below detection li
17、mit (BDL) of sevin. The temik is between in 5.81 and 92.34 mg/kg in 25% samples while it is in BDL in the remaining 75% samples. Lindane is between 0.34 mg/kg and 2.8 mg/kg in 13 samples out of 36 samples In the remaining area (Rest of area), in general, the sevin and temik are in insignificant conc
18、entration viz., sevin (2.42 to 8.65 mg/kg in three samples out of 29 samples) and temik (5.49 to 51.64 mg/kg) in 8 samples out of 29 samples. All the remaining samples have sevin and temik below detection limits. Lindane, alpha naphthol and naphthalene are not detected in any sample Among the heavy
19、metals, manganese is present between 388 to 978 mg/kg in six sites in Disposal Area II is 231 mg/kg. Managanese is present even in control samples indicating the high background level of manganese in the region Samples collected near target and spill areas do not show the presence of contaminants ex
20、cept in traces in a few sites. However sevin is present with concentrations of 65.6 mg/kg to 1226.7 mg/kg near sevin plant (Unit Code Nos. 41,41A,42, & 42A). Thus the impact due to material handling in target/spill areas is minimum. Poly chlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and asbestos are not detected Soi
21、l samples collected along the wastewater drain indicate the increase presence of chloride at higher depths. However the increased level of chloride is within the limitGround water Seventeen ground water samples collected in and around EIIL do not show the presence of semi volatiles, organics, heavy
22、metals and inorganics. The water meets the drinking water quality criteria. This indicates that the contaminants have not reached the water table till now. In general, the soil in the area is clayey soil with more than 45% clay content. This clayey soil is highly impermeable and would travel approxi
23、mately at the rate of 36 cm/year at the permeability rate of 1x10-5 cm/sec. i.e. it would take 23 years for the contaminants to reach the ground water table provided the leachate does not find a channel to migrate at a faster rate. This could be reason for the water in not getting contaminatedGeoele
24、ctrical Investigation The geological investigations carried out by National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad revealed that the soil strata is predominated with black cotton soil and the absence of any fault and fissures. The profiling studies do indicate the soil resistivity changes in disp
25、osal areasQuality Control In view of importance of the study, Quality Control and Quality Assurance (QC/QA) programme was included. QC/QA programme was conducted both for field sampling and analytical methods. The studies revealed that the data are within the limits. Hence the data reported in this
26、study are valid.Conclusion In order to evaluate the soil quality and to designate as contaminated areas, risk based soil quality criteria is adopted. The risk based quality criteria for soil and ground water given by Region III of US EPA has been considered in the absence of any regulatory limits in
27、 India. There are two criteria levels viz., one for residential area and another from industrial area. EIIL plant premises, Bhopal fall under industrial area as per Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Notification. Considering the residential area around the premises, risk based criteria is therefore considered
28、. The soil and groundwater have been considered as contaminated wherever the present environmental quality exceeds the criteria level. Accordingly, it is concluded that the entire Disposal Area I (0.5 ha to a depth of 60 cm), a few zones in Disposal Area II (0.32 ha to a depth of 30 cm), and at two
29、sites in rest of area (0.08 ha to a depth of 30 com) are designated as contaminated areas and require decontamination Groundwater is not contaminated as the groundwater quality is far below the risk based criteria level. Dump materials including trash materials and naphthalene residues do need treat
30、ment and disposal in view of their hazard potential It is suggested that the tarry residues present in the pits are also scattered at a few locations above the ground and are require to be decontaminated along with the tarry residues stored in drums. Studies are in progress at NEERI, Nagpur and IICT
31、, Hyderabad on the treatment and disposal methods for these tarry residues in an environmentally friendly manner. These tarry residues may e treated and disposed along with the stored wastes Treatability studies are required to determine the remediation measures for contaminated soil and treatment a
32、nd disposal methods for dump materials. Based on the treatability studies, design criteria can be developed. The purpose of the treatability studies is to restore contaminated sites located within the entire plant premises At one sampling point (DAII 23 Table 3.13) in Disposal Area II, near incinera
33、tor, waste material was stored 15cm below ground level. This material has to be excavated and characterized before treatment and/or disposal of the sameRECOMMENDATIONS The contaminated soil and dump materials are required to be excavated for decontamination immediately to prevent further contaminati
34、on of soil through the movement of leachate. At present, the ground water in the vicinity (within 500 m) is potable. The delay in the implementation of decontamination may lead to contamination of ground water. It is therefore recommended that decontamination should be carried out on priority basis
35、It is recommended that Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board, Bhopal should expeditiously identify and approve hazardous waste site as defined in the Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989 where the excavated material should be treated and disposed off in an environmentally friendly manner