1、2002 年 3 月考题 The line of demarcation between the adult and the child world is drawn in many ways. For instance, many American parents may be totally divorced from the church, or entertain grave doubts about the existence of God, but they send their children to Sunday school and help them to pray. Am
2、erican parents struggle in a competitive world where sheer cunning and falsehood are often rewarded and respected, but they feed their children with nursery tales in which the morally good is pitted against the bad, and in the end the good inevitably is successful and the bad inevitably punished. Wh
3、en American parents are in serious domestic trouble, they maintain a front of sweetness and light before their children. Even if American parents suffer a major business or personal catastrophe, they feel obliged to turn to their children and say,“ Honey, everything is going to be all right.” This A
4、merican desire to keep the childrens world separate from that of the adult is exemplified also by the practice of delaying transmission of the news to children when their parents have been killed in an accident. Thus, in summary, American parents face a world of reality while many of their children
5、live in a near-ideal unreal realm where the rules of the parental world do not apply, are watered down, or are even reversed.分析: The line of demarcation between the adult and the child world is drawn in many ways.译文:成人与儿童世界的划分是多方面的。 / 划分成人与儿童世界有很多方式。考点: 转态译法:主被交换 For instance, many American parents
6、may be totally divorced from the church, or entertain grave doubts about the existence of God, but they send their children to Sunday school and help them to pray.译文:例如 / 比方说,许多美国家长可能跟教会毫无瓜葛 / 不信教,对上帝是否存在也不置可否 / 深表怀疑,然而他们却把孩子们送去主日学校(灌输宗教思想) ,并帮助他们祷告。考点: 正反译法: be totally divorced from 脱离(正译) 与毫无瓜葛ent
7、ertain grave doubt about 深表怀疑(正译) 对不置可否(反译)divorce: separate sth from sth in a wrong way. 使脱离may 可能 抽象译法: church 教会转态译法:省略被动词: be totally divorced from 脱离entertain: hold sth in the mind or feelings 持有;抱着;怀有eg. entertain ideas, doubts, etc. 持有想法;感到怀疑名词词组译为分句: the existence of God 上帝是否存在Sunday school
8、主日学校:通常与教堂或犹太教堂有紧密联系的学校,在星期日对儿童进行宗教教育。 American parents struggle in a competitive world where sheer cunning and falsehood are often rewarded and respected, but they feed their children with nursery tales (in which the morally good is pitted against the bad, and in the end the good inevitably is succ
9、essful and the bad inevitably punished).译文:美国家长在一个尔虞我诈备受推崇的竞争世界中努力打拼,却用童话故事敷衍 / 搪塞孩子们,故事 / 从中讲述正义与邪恶作斗争,最终总是善有善报、恶有恶报 / 正义取得胜利而邪恶受到惩罚。考点: 具体译法:成语法: sheer cunning and falsehood 尔虞我诈转态译法:省略被动词: are often rewarded and respected 备受推崇is pitted 作斗争 the bad inevitably punished 邪恶受到惩罚定语从句的翻译:省略法/重复法转性译法:形容词
10、名词 the good 正义 the bad 邪恶形容词 动词 the good inevitably is successful 善有善报;正义取得胜利合词译法: rewarded and respected 备受推崇nursery tale: fairy tale 童话故事 When American parents are in serious domestic trouble, they maintain a front of sweetness and light before their children.译文:如果美国夫妻闹矛盾 / 在美国,夫妻失和时,他们在孩子面前却是一副其乐
11、融融的样子。考点: front: out-ward appearance or show, esp. of the specified type 外表;样子;模样 put on/show/present a bold front 装出大胆的样子eg. Her rudeness is just a front for her shyness. 她的粗暴只不过是掩盖她的怯懦而已。 a front for sth : something that serves to hide an illegal or a secret activity 幌子eg. The jewelery firm is jus
12、t a front for their illegal trade in diamonds. 珠宝商店正是他们进行钻石非法交易的庇护所。 (常与形容词或名词连用)领域;界 on the domestic, financial, education, etc. front 在家庭(财政、教育)领域合词译法: sweetness and light 其乐融融;和蔼可亲转性译法:名词形容词 sweetness and light 其乐融融;和蔼可亲 Even if American parents suffer a major business or personal catastrophe, th
13、ey feel obliged to turn to their children and say,“ Honey, everything is going to be all right.”译文:即便美国家长在生意场或日常生活中遭受沉重打击 / 一败涂地,他们也会义无反顾地对孩子们说:“亲爱的 / 宝贝,一切将会好起来的。 ”考点: catastrophe: a complete failure; a fiasco: 大败;彻底的失败;惨败(同): disaster, calamity, cataclysm, blow, reverse, misfortune, affliction, ad
14、versity, tragedy, mishap, fiasco, flop (反): triumph This American desire to keep the childrens world separate from that of the adult is exemplified also by the practice of delaying transmission of the news to children when their parents have been killed in an accident.译文一:如果父母在事故中丧生,人们总是晚些时候才告诉孩子们,这
15、一点也证实了美国人想把儿童的世界和成人的世界隔离开的愿望。译文二:美国人想把儿童和成人的世界划清界限,这一愿望还反映在以下事实:如果父母在事故中丧生,人们总是设法晚点将消息告诉他们的子女。考点: 换序译法:宾语先行,主语置后。转性译法:形容词动词 separate 隔离;划清界线名词副词 practice 总是转态译法:主被交换: is exemplified also by 这一点也证实了省略被动词: have been killed 丧生exemplify (同): illustrate, show, instance, demonstrate, exhibit, manifest, re
16、present, embody Thus, in summary, American parents face a world of reality while many of their children live in a near-ideal unreal realm where the rules of the parental world do not apply, are watered down, or are even reversed.译文:总而言之,美国父母们面对着现实的世界,而他们的子女却活在近乎完美 / 理想化的虚幻世界,在这个世界中,父母生活的世界中的规则统统不适用,
17、而且规则的执行是要打折扣的 / 而且不可能完全执行,甚至两者背道而驰。考点: 正反译法: unreal 不真实(正译) 虚幻(反译)watered down 打折扣(正译) 不可能完全执行(反译)water down: to reduce the strength or effectiveness of: 削弱:削减了的力量或效力:转性译法:名词形容词 reality 现实的转态译法:省略被动词: are watered down 是要打折扣的are even reversed 甚至两者背道而驰TRANSLATION TEST (1) (30 minutes) Directions: Tran
18、slate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. After nearly a year of emotional arguments in Congress but no new federal laws, the national debate over the future of human cloning has shifted to the states. Six states have already b
19、anned cloning in one form or another, and this year alone 38 anti-cloning measures were introduced in 22 states. The resulting patchwork of laws, people on all sides of the issue say, complicates a nationwide picture already clouded by scientific and ethnical questions over whether and how to restri
20、ct cloning or to ban it altogether. Since 1997, when scientists announced the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal, the specter of cloned babies, infants that are in essence genetic carbon copies of adults, has loomed large in the public psyche and in the minds of lawmakers. Today, ther
21、e is widespread argument that cloning for reproduction is unsafe and should be banned. Now, the debate has shifted away from the ethics of baby-making and toward the morality of cloning embryos for their cells and tissues, which might be used to treat diseases. The controversy pits religious conserv
22、atives and abortion opponents, who regard embryos as nascent human life, against patients groups, scientists and the biotechnology industry. 分析: After nearly a year of emotional arguments in Congress but no new federal laws, the national debate over the future of human cloning has shifted to the sta
23、tes. 译文:经历了将近一年轰轰烈烈的 / 激烈的国会讨论 / 国会经历了将近一年轰轰烈烈的讨论,在没有新的联邦法律出台后,这场关于人类克隆命运的全国性大讨论 / 全民大讨论开始渗透 / 转移到各州。 考点: emotional: causing emotions 引发强烈感情的 eg. an emotional response 情绪激动的 反应 emotional music 抒情的音乐 emotional language 动情的语言 having emotions that are easily excited 易激动的 eg. an emotional man 多情善感的男子 an
24、 emotional actor 真情实感的演员 增词译法: but no new federal laws 没有新的联邦法律出台 Six states have already banned cloning in one form or another, and this year alone 38 anti-cloning measures were introduced in 22 states. 译文:六个州已经禁止了任何形式的克隆,仅今年一年, 22 个州就通过了 38 条禁止克隆的方案 / 措施 / 克隆禁令 。 考点: ban (同): prohibit, proscribe,
25、interdict , outlaw, disallow, exclude, bar, block, shut out allow (同): sanction, warrant, license, consent, empower, countenance 转性译法:形容词名词 anti -cloning 克隆禁令 转态译法:主被交换: were introduced 通过了 The resulting patchwork of laws, people on all sides of the issue say, complicates a nationwide picture alread
26、y clouded by scientific and ethnical questions over whether and how to restrict cloning or to ban it altogether. 译文:在克隆问题上各方人士 / 持各种立场的人认为,关于是否限制克隆、如何限制克隆或索性禁止克隆的科学及伦理问题,已经使全国性立法变得扑朔迷离。而如今各种法律东拼西凑 / 东拼西凑的法律,只会使全国性立法变得更复杂 / 使全国性立法形成步履维艰。考点: 换序译法 抽象译法: patchwork : (sing)thing made of various small pie
27、ces or parts 拼凑物;混杂物 picture: the completion of sth. 完整的东西(全国性法律) 转性译法:名词形容词/动词 patchwork 东拼西凑 转态译法:主被交换: already clouded by 使变得扑朔迷离 具体译法:成语法: cloud 使变得扑朔迷离 complicate 使 步履维艰 Since 1997, when scientists announced the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal, the specter of cloned babies, in
28、fants (that are in essence genetic carbon copies of adults), has loomed large in the public psyche and in the minds of lawmakers. 译文:当科学家 1997 年宣告首个克隆哺乳动物多利羊的诞生,克隆婴儿就在人们心中埋下了阴霾,因为它们其实 / 本质上就是成年人的基因复制物 / 翻版,这种阴霾一直笼罩在公众和立法者的心里。 考点: 同位语的翻译:定语前置法 Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal 首个克隆哺乳动物多利羊 spec
29、ter: a haunting or disturbing image or prospect 幻影,幻象;缠绕心头或忧虑的景象或预感: 定语从句的翻译:融合法: 因果关系 Today, there is widespread argument (that cloning for reproduction is unsafe and should be banned). 译文:如今已经形成共识,即 / 认为用于繁殖的克隆技术是危险的 / 不安全的,应当禁止。 考点: widespread argument=consensus 共识 同位语从句的翻译:增加“即” 具体译法:加字法: clonin
30、g for reproduction 用于繁殖的克隆技术 正反译法: unsafe 危险的(正译) 不安全的(反译) 转态译法:省略被动词: should be banned 应当禁止 Now, the debate has shifted away from the ethics of baby-making and toward the morality of cloning embryos for their cells and tissues, ( which might be used to treat diseases). 译文:现在,争论已经从制造婴儿是否违背伦理,转到为提取用于
31、治疗疾病的细胞和组织而克隆胚胎是否违背道德。 考点: 换序译法 名词词组译为分句: the ethics of baby-making 制造婴儿是否违背伦理 the morality of cloning embryos 克隆胚胎是否违背道德 增词译法: for their cells and tissues 为提取细胞和组织 定语从句的翻译:前置法 转态译法:省略被动词: might be used 用于 The controversy pits religious conservatives and abortion opponents, (who regard embryos as na
32、scent human life), against patients groups, scientists and the biotechnology industry. 译文:争议双方势不两立:一方是认为胚胎是新生命的宗教保守分子和堕胎反对者,另一方为患者群体、科学家和从事生物技术相关人员。 考点: pitagainst: to set in direct opposition or competition: 使对立:置于直接对立或竞争的位置: eg. a war that pitted brother against brother 一场兄弟之间直接对立的战争 nascent (同):
33、incipient, budding, embryonic 增词译法: the biotechnology industry 从事 生物技术相关人员 2002 年 3 月考题 TRANSLATION TEST (1) (30 MINUTES) Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Foundations are tax-free institutions that are
34、created to give grants to both individuals and nonprofit organizations for activities that range from education, research, and the arts to support for the poor and the upkeep of exotic gardens and old mansions. They provide a means by which wealthy people and corporations can in effect decide how th
35、eir tax payments will be spent, for they are based on money that otherwise would go to the government in taxes. From a small beginning at the turn of the century they have become a very important factor in shaping developments in higher education and the arts. Think tanks and university research ins
36、titutes are nonprofit organizations that have been developed to provide settings for experts in various academic disciplines. In this way, they may devote their time to the study of policy alternatives free from the teaching and departmental duties that are part of the daily routine for most members
37、 of the academic community. Supported by foundation grants and government contracts, they are a major source of the new ideas that are discussed in the policy-formation groups. 分析: Foundations are tax-free institutions (that are created togive grants to both individuals and nonprofit organizations f
38、or activities (that range from education, research, and the arts to support for the poor and the upkeep of exotic gardens and old mansions). 译文:基金会是免税组织,其设立的目的是资助个人和非赢利性组织的活动,包括教育、调研、艺术、扶贫和维护奇园古宅。 考点: 层次断句:这句话其实也相当复杂。句中套了两句定语从句,一句修饰 institutions ,另一句修饰 activities ,另一个难点是 support 前的 to 到底承接哪里,其实它和前面的
39、 range from 是构成了 fromto 的短语,判断了 to 的结构后,就不会把 to 后的内容理解成目的了,从而翻译成“以此”了。 定语从句的翻译:第一句是重复法, Foundations are tax-free institutions that are created to 基金会是免税组织,其设立 第二句是省略法, activities that range from education, research, and the arts 活动,包括教育、调研及艺术 转态译法:省略被动词 that are created to 其设立 the arts 的翻译: the arts
40、 对于词汇较好的考生来说极易理解成“人文学科;文科”等,不过大家有没有注意到定冠词 the ?原来 arts 解释为“人文学科;文科” ,但 the arts 相当于 fine art ,解释为“艺术” 。 转性译法:形容词 名词 support for the poor 扶贫 the poor 又一次考察到 the+adj 表示一类人 名词 动词 the upkeep of 进行养护 介词 动词 fromto 包括 具体译法:成语法: exotic gardens and old mansions 奇园古宅 They provide a means (by which) wealthy pe
41、ople and corporations can in effect decide how their tax payments will be spent, for they are based on money (that otherwise would go to the government in taxes). 译文:基金会提供了一种方式可以让有钱人和大公司能实际支配花去税款的方式,因为基金会依赖于这笔税款,这些税款如果不用于基金会,就会划并到政府税收中去。 考点: wealthy people 翻译成“有钱人”可以,但 wealthy corporations 翻译成“有钱的公司
42、”语义就不明确了,可以翻译成“大公司” 。 定语从句的翻译:省略法: They provide a means by which wealthy people 基金会提供了一种方式可以让有钱人 for they are based on money that otherwise would go to the government in taxes 因为这些税款如果不用于基金会,就会划并到政府税收中去。 转态译法:被主交换: how their tax payments will be spent 花去税款 转性译法:副词 名词 how 方式 From a small beginning at
43、 the turn of the century they have become a very important factor in shaping developments in higher education and the arts. 译文:本世纪初,基金会数量并不多 / 比较少,而现在已在高等教育和艺术发展的格局中显得举足轻重了。 考点: 转性译法:动词 名词 shape 格局 正反译法: small 不多 增词译法: From a small beginning 这句话许多考生在翻译时根本没有注意到,有人理解成和 at the turn of the century 相同的意思
44、,其实在 small 后面省略 number ,表示基金会数量在本世纪一开始不多。在翻译时应补充“数量” 。 换序译法: at the turn of the century 在句首翻译 Think tanks and university research institutes are nonprofit organizations (that have been developed to provide settings for experts in various academic disciplines). 译文:智囊团和大学中的研究机构是非赢利性组织,为不同学术领域的专家提供了平台。
45、译文:智囊团和大学中的研究机构是不同学术领域专家栖息的非赢利性组织。 考点: think tanks : organization or group of experts providing advice and ideas on national or commercial problems. 为国家或商业问题提供建议、解决方法的专家小组或组织;智囊团。定语从句的翻译:省略法 意译: settings 平台 转态译法:省略不译 转性译法:名词 动词 settings 栖息 In this way, they may devote their time to the study of poli
46、cy alternativesfree from the teaching and departmental duties (that are part of the daily routine for most members of the academic community). 译文:正因为如此 / 通过这种方式,这些专家就可以从大多数学术人士习以为常的日常教学和科系公务中脱离出来,全身心地投入到政策的研究中去。 考点: alternative 的翻译: alternative 作为名词有以下常见解释: 两者(或两者以上)择其一 eg. People above 30 have the
47、alternative of marrying or remaining a bachelor. 30 岁以上的人可以选择结婚,也可以选择独身。 数种可能性(解决办法)之一 eg. One of the alternatives open to you is to resign. 你面前的一项选择就是辞职。 (选择题的)选项 eg. In each question, you have 4 alternatives to choose, among which there is only a correct answer. 每到问题有四个选项,其中只有一个正确答案。 替代品 eg. In mo
48、dern society, we must find some biodegradable alternatives to plastics in order to avoid environmental protection. 在现代社会中,我们必须找到一些可降解的材料来代替塑料,从而避免环境污染。 free from 的翻译:文中的 free from 相当于 without 的意思,表示 “脱离; 没有”等意思,其同义词有 lacking, short of, excluding, immune to 等 换序译法:从原文分析, “脱离教学和公务”在前,而“投入政策研究”在后, 两者是时
49、间的先后关系。因此可以先翻译 free from 的部分,然后再翻译 devote their time to the study of policy 。 定语从句的翻译:前置法 转性译法:形容词 动词 free 脱离 名词 动词 routine 习以为常 Supported by foundation grants and government contracts, they are a major source of the new ideas (that are discussed in the policy-formation groups). 译文:有了 / 得到基金会的资助和政府的合约(保护) ,这些专家就能够为政策的制定提供源源不断的新思维。 考点: 转性译法:名词 形容词 source 源源不断的 英语中被动语