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1、1“科技英语写作讲座”写作和翻译是实践性极强的行为,1991 年 9 月,我们在北大研讨“英语专业高年级教学大纲”时,全国英语专业教学指导委员会委员、华东师大英语系的黄源深教授指出:写作和翻译没多少理论好讲的,写作就是让学生写、翻译就是让学生翻。今天我只能从大的方面讲几条应该注意的地方。最关键的是要学好语法,它是写作的基础(博士生们体会比较深,一般同学对语法是不重视的,所以写出的句子错误百出) 。你们刚由各系的专业老师根据我的教案给大家讲过了科技英语语法的核心内容,只要掌握了那些内容,写出的句子一般问题就不大了。一、单句写作(这是最重要的,因为单句写好了,就可以与外国人进行交流了。 )首先语法

2、和词汇一定要 正确 ,否则外国人是看不懂的;然后努力做到 地道 。比如:“这台机器的体积很小。 ”The volume of this machine is very small.The size of this machine is very small. (正确)This machine is very small in size. (地道)同样, “这些设备体积很不相同。 ”The sizes of these devices are quite different. (正确)These devices differ greatly in size. (地道)“这个仪器的特点是体积小、重

3、量轻。 ”The features of this instrument are small size and light weight. (正确)This instrument is characterized by its small size and light weight. (地道)* 一些博士生及教授投到国外的论文,评阅人的意见往往是:“What is described in your paper is O.K. But your English is pretty poor. Please improve it. , please rewrite the paper entir

4、ely.”“(Your) English is very bad. Not only the wording, but the sentence structure is sometimes hard to follow. IT MUST be reedited seriously!”2论文中的句子经常出错的主要方面:1、用词(wording)有些同志只是想到或在词典中查到一个词就往上写,结果不符合英美人的习惯,甚至误解了中文的原意。如:“实验结果”写成了“experiment results”,而英美人习惯用“experimental results”;“理论分析”写成了“theory an

5、alysis”而应该用“theoretical analysis”;“中期报告”写成了“middle report”而应该用 “interim report”; “电流是用安培来度量的。 ”写成了“Current is measured with ampere.”而应该写成“Current is measured in amperes.”等等。2、词汇搭配(word collocations)这是相当难掌握的内容,它涉及到名词(前后)与介词的固定搭配、形容词与介词的搭配、动词与名词的搭配等等,希望读者在阅读英美科技书刊时要特别留意,并且应该摘记下来,以便在撰写论文时加以套用。如:“无线电波 朝

6、 四面八方传播。 ”写成了“Radio waves travel toward all directions.”而应该为“Radio waves travel in all directions.”“把激光束射 向 月球。 ”写成了“Laser beams are emitted to the moon.”而应该为“Laser beams are emitted at the moon.” “图 1 画出了 输出 随 输入的变化情况。 ”写成了“Fig. 1 draws the case of output varying with input.”而应该写成“Fig. 1 shows the

7、variation of output with input.”有人写成“Fig. 1 shows how the output varies with the input.”“解这个方程 的 必要条件”写成了“the necessary conditions of solving this equation”而一般用“the necessary conditions for solving this equation”来表示的。“为了 提高 我们产品的质量”写成了“in order to raise the equality of our products”而应该写成“in order to

8、 improve the quality of our products”,等等。(1)the ratio of A to Bthe effect influence of A on upon Bthe relationship of A to Bthe distance of A from B3the advantage of A over B(2)the variation of A with Bthe interaction of A with Bthe passage of A through Bthe projection of A on upon Bthe motion of A

9、round around Bthe response of A to Bthe dependence of A on upon Bthe deviation of A from B(3)the comparison of A with Bthe transformation of A to into Bthe use of A as Bthe exposure of A to Bthe separation of A from (into) Bthe definition of A as Bthe resolution of A into B3、句型(sentence patterns)英国的

10、科技英语专家说,英美科学家和科技人员喜欢使用一些特定的句型。这些一般属于书面语言,同样,读者在阅读科技书刊时要留意并把它们记录下来用到自己所写的论文中去。如:“磁铁能吸引铁质物质,这是大家所熟悉的一种现象。 ”写成了“Magnets attract iron materials, and this is a familiar phenomenon which is familiar to all.”从语法上讲,这个英文句子并没有错误,可是显得很松散而噜苏,英美科技人员喜欢把它写成“Magnets attract iron materials, a familiar phenomenon.”这里

11、,用了一个名词短语作前面整个句子的同位语来代替了由“and”连接的一个并列分句。又如:“把它们从电路中去掉的话,就可以节省许多费用。 ”写成了“If they are eliminated from the circuit, considerable savings can be obtained.”同样这个句子没有任何语法错误,可是英美科技工作者喜欢把这两个分句合成一句话“Their elimination from the circuit results in considerable savings.”这样句子变得很紧凑,用一个作主语的名词短语来代替了一个条件状语从句。“(所谓)线性工作

12、指的是放大器以很小的失真或无失真4地放大信号的能力。 ”By linear operation is meant the ability of an amplifier to amplify signals with little or no distortion.“这就是人们所说的针灸。 ”This is what is referred to as acupuncture.二、科技英语写作的主要特点* Main features of scientific writing:1. long but simple sentences by often using phrases instead

13、 of clauses (句长而简单)2. compact instead of loose(紧凑而不松散)3. sentence patterns preferred by scientists and engineers(句型)4. impersonal expressions (so passive voice is widely used)(无人称句)1、广泛使用被动句由于科技文主要涉及科技事实,所以往往不需要涉及具体的人,因而被动句使用得比普通文章中广泛得多。如“我们想要把这个函数展开成傅氏级数。 ”往往写成“It is desired to develop this functio

14、n into a Fourier series.”(当然我们也可使用主动句“We wish to develop ”) 。又如:“当时人们认识到了光是一种电磁波。 ”应写成“It was realized at that time that light is a kind of electromagnetic wave.”一般不要写成“People realized at that time that ” 。2、句子比较冗长由于叙述科技概念,所以不少情况下句子中修饰语比较多,因而句子就比较长(理论性越强,句子一般越复杂) ,其方法是使用各类从句或短语。 (由于我们汉语中的句子一般比较短,所以不

15、少人在撰写英语科技论文时喜欢用不少简单句或并列句,使文章显得很松散。 )如:“本文论述了一种新的算法,它能够减少计算量。 ”写成了“This paper presents a new algorithm. This algorithm can lead to the reduction in the amount of computation.”我们可以把它改写成“This paper presents a new algorithm, which can lead to the reduction in the amount of computation.”又如:“本文介绍了一种新的 CAD

16、 设计方法, 重点放在其基本原理上。 ”被写成“This paper introduces a new CAD method 5and emphasis is put on its basic principles.”我们可以把它改写成“This paper introduces a new CAD method, with emphasis on its basic principles.”3、在可能的情况下,应该使句子简练其方法是用各种短语(名词短语、形容词短语、分词短语、with 结构、分词独立结构等等)来代替从句。如:“如果把式(21)代入式(25) ,我们就可得到下面的这一表达式。

17、”写成“If Eq. (2 1) is substituted in Eq. (2 5), we can obtain the following expression.”从语法上讲这个句子并没有错,可是英美科技人员基本上是不用它的,一般应写成“Substituting Eq. (2 1) into Eq. (2 5), we obtain the following expression.”或进一步精炼成“Substituting 或:Substitution of Eq. (2 1) into Eq. (2 5) yields gives; produces; results in; le

18、ads to the following expression.”又如:“由于计算机运算准确、速度快,所以它们广泛地使用在各个领域。 ”在普通英语中一般被写成“Because computers are accurate in operation and high in speed, they are widely used in every field.”但在科技文中通常把这个句子改写成 “Accurate in operation and high in speed, computers are widely used in every field.”这里用一个形容词短语代替了一个原因状语

19、从句,这样本句就从一个主从复合句变成了一个简单句了。再如:“电容器是由用非导体隔开的两个导体组成的一种器件。 ”被写成“A capacitor is a device which consists of two conductors that are separated by a non-conductor.”而所有英美科技书籍中把本句写成“A capacitor is a device consisting of two conductors separated by a non-conductor.”这里用两个分词短语代替了两个定语从句,这样整个句子成为一个简单句了。 (当然,并不是说在科

20、技论文中从句都要用短语来代替,而是应交替使用各种句型,使得句子显得多样化而不死板。 )下面我们先练一下单句的写法(用英语语法分析一下汉语句子,然后用正确的英语句型来表达):(1)本文对其性能(performance)作了初步的(initial )分析。6An initial analysis of its performance is made (in this paper).(2)这台计算机所储存的信息比那台的多三倍。This computer stores four times more information than that one.(3)这个电路的工作情况(operation )类

21、似于图 1-10 的电路。This circuit is similar in operation to the circuit of Fig. 1-10.(4)物体越热,其辐射(radiate)的能量就越多,这一点在工程上是很有用的。The hotter a body (is), the more energy it will radiate, a fact something that is very useful in engineering.(5) (所谓)弹性(elasticity )指的是物体形变(deform)后恢复其原状的趋势(tendency) 。By elasticity

22、is meant the tendency of an object to return to its original condition after being deformed.(6)当时最重要的成就之一是人们认识到了水银是金属。Among One of the most important achievements was the realization that mercury is a metal.(7)这主要是由于地球并不是球面状(spherical)而引起的(due to) 。This is due mainly to the fact that the earth is no

23、t spherical.(8)人们所说的力的三要素(element)在我们学习力学(mechanics)中起着重要的作用。What are called the three elements of a force play an important role in our study of mechanics.(9)没有人了解我们称之为生命的那个特征(characteristic) 。Nobody knows the characteristic (that) we call life.(10)这取决于电流流动的容易程度(ease) 。7This depends on the ease wit

24、h which a current flows.介词的选择标准:A:从句中动词、形容词、名词所要求的。B:被修饰的词所要求的。C:整个句子的含义所要求的。我们再练一下段落的写法:(1)我们在后面将会看到,在一物体转动期间它停留在某个地方是可能的。值得一提的一点是,一切物体可能经受(undergo)最一般的那种运动(motion)是平动(translation)和转动(rotation)的结合。但尚不清楚究竟如何来分析这种运动。As we shall see later, We shall see later that it is possible for a body to remain in

25、 one place while it is rotating during its rotation. A fact point worth mentioning is that the most general kind of motion a body may undergo is a combination of translation and rotation.But it is not clear yet how it is that this kind of motion is analyzed.(2)第二运动定律提供了度量人们所说的物体的“惯性质量”(inertial mass

26、)的一种方法。人们只需要把同样的力依次(in turn)加到一个质量标准上和一个未知质量上,然后比较它们的加速度(acceleration) ,这可以在宇宙中任何地方进行而能获得相同的结果。The second law of motion provides a method for measuring what is called the “inertial mass” of a body.All one needs to do All that is necessary is ( It is only necessary; One needs only) to apply in turn t

27、he same force to a standard of mass and to an unknown mass, and then compare their accelerations, something a fact that can be done anywhere in the universe with the same results.Mistake Correction or Improvement(改错或改进):1. 这种新方法与现有的方法相比具有简单、可靠的优点。Comparing with the present methods, this kind of new

28、method has theadvantages of simplicity、reliability.8This new method has the advantages over those available the existing ones of simplicity and reliability that it is simple and reliable.2. 该模型成功地解释了基区表面电流随栅流变化的实验曲线。The model successfully explains the experiment curves of the base surface current va

29、rying with the gate current.The model explains successfully the experimental curves of the variation of the base surface current with the gate current. curves of the base surface current against versus the gate current.3. 本文将 RELAX 算法从数据域推广到相关域。This paper extends the RELAX algorithm from data domain

30、 to correlation domain.The paper deals with the extension of the RELAX algorithm from .4. 如果偏置电路设计不当,LC 振荡器就会出现间歇震荡。If the bias circuit does not design good, the LC oscillator will occur chopping oscillations.If the bias circuit is not designed well properly (If the bias circuit is of poor design),

31、chopping oscillations will take place result; appear; occur in the LC oscillator.A poor An improper design of the bias circuit will lead to result in; bring about; give rise to; cause chopping oscillations in the LC oscillations.5. 如果把 A 代入 B 中,我们就得到 C。If A is substituted in B, we get C.Substituting

32、 A in into B, we have get; obtain C.Substituting A in into B (Substitution of A in into B) gives yields; produces; results in; leads to C.6. 这个方法需要精确的定位,这就使得它的实现具有一定的难度。This method requires accurate location and this makes its realization have a little difficulty.This method requires accurate locati

33、on, (thus) making which makes its realization somewhat difficult.7. 共有 M 个多边形,其每个顶点数均为 N。There are M polygons in all, whose vertex number is all N.9There are M polygons in all altogether, the number of vertexes of each of which is N each of which has N vertexes.8. 对构件承载能力作了具体的分析。The detailed analysi

34、s on the ability of bearing loads of the components is given.A detailed analysis of the ability of the components to carry loads is made.* The ability of a body to do work is called energy.9. 这是由于在 PN 结上存在一个电容之故。This is due to that there exists a capacitance on the PN junction.This is due to the fac

35、t that there exists a capacitance across the PN junction. This is due to the existence of a capacitance across the PN junction.10. 我们只需要测量这个元件上的电流和电压。We need only to measure the current and voltage on this component.All we need to do is (to) measure the current through and the voltage across this co

36、mponent.11. 同时给出了三轴稳定跟踪的数学描述及全补偿条件。The mathematical description and the full-compensation condition of the 3-axes steady-tracking principle are also given.A mathematical description of and the full-compensation condition for the 3-axis steady-tracking principle are also given.12. 这位教授在研究和应用图像处理方面起了重

37、要作用。This professor played the important role in the research and application of image processing.This professor has played a very important role in the research on and the application of image processing.13. 最后提出了实现这种方法应注意的一些问题和解决办法。At last In the end, we provided some problems that should be noted

38、in implementing this method and solving ways.Finally, some problems that deserve to be noted in implementing this 10method and their solutions are given.14. 本文提出了估算多普勒调频率的一种新方法,其精度高、计算量少。A new technique to estimate the Doppler frequency rate is proposed with high accuracy and low computation complex

39、ity.A new technique for estimating the Doppler frequency rate is proposed which gives a high accuracy and requires a small amount of computation.15. 这个信号所包含的信息量比那个信号多三倍。The information contained in by this signal is three times more than that signal.The information contained in by this signal is fou

40、r times more than that contained in by that signal.This signal contains four times more information than that one (does).* China has several times as large an area as France (does). 16. 其余的剩下的问题以后再讨论。The rest problems will be discussed later.The remaining remainder problems (The rest of the problems

41、) will be discussed later.17. 其它两个问题将在后面加以详细论述。The other two problems will be discussed in detail later.The two other problems will be discussed in detail later.iron and steel; plants and animals; the northeast; the advance world level; a new kind type; sort; form; set; pair; piece of 18. 半导体对光和热很敏感

42、,这两者都对导电率影响很大。Semiconductors are very sensitive to light and heat, and both the factors effect their conductivity greatly.Semiconductors are very sensitive to light and heat, both of which have a great effect on their conductivities.19. 用这种方法所导出的数学模型证明是简单而实用的,从而为最佳设计创造了良好的条件。The mathematical model d

43、erived in this method is proved to be simple and practical so that good conditions for making optical designs are 11created.The mathematical model derived by this method proves to be simple and practical, thus creating good conditions for making optimal designs.20. 电容器是用绝缘体分开的两个导体所组成的一种器件。Capacitor

44、is a device consisted of two conductors which are separated by a insulator.A capacitor is a device consisting of two conductors separated by an insulator.consist of; result from; arise from; act as; occur; emerge; exist; 21. 然后出现了盲速问题。Then a problem arising, blind speed.Then the problem of blind spe

45、ed arises.22. 我们通常使用像电阻器、电容器、电感器等元件。We commonly use such components as resistors, capacitors, inductors and etcWe commonly use such components as resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc.23. 由于计算机运算精确、速度快,所以在各个领域得到了广泛的应用。Because computers are accurate in operation and high in speed, they found wide app

46、lication in all fields.Accurate in operation and high in speed, computers have found wide applications in all fields.24. 本文介绍了一种测温新方法,重点放在其基本原理上。This paper presented a new measuring-temperature method and the focus is put on its basic principles.This paper presents introduces a new temperature measu

47、ring method, with emphasis on its basic principles. 25. 西安电子科技大学是全国的一所重点大学,它创建于 1931 年。12Xidian University is one of the national key universities in China and it was founded in 1931.Founded in 1931, Xidian University is one of the national key universities in China.One of the national key universit

48、ies in China, Xidian University was founded in 1931.26. 交流电能转换成直流电,这一过程称为整流。AC can be changed into DC, this process is called rectification.AC can be changed into to DC, a process called rectification.In every atom in a normal state, the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons, a fact

49、something that is directly related to the electrical properties of the proton and the electron. 27. 在设计英特网时并没有考虑安全问题。When the Internet was designed, safety was not considered.The Internet was designed without safety in mind.28. 由于变压器重量重、价格昂贵,所以如果把它们从电路中去掉的话就可以节省许多费用。Since transformers are heavy and expensive, a lot of money will be saved if they are eliminated from the circuits.Since transformers are heavy and expensive, their elimination from the circuits will lead to res


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