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1、1竇秀哲書法藝術2竇秀哲書法藝術竇秀哲,男,一九五九年八月生,山東臨朐人,大學文化,當代實力派書法藝術家。其五歲得名師賜教、秀才點撥,逐開始習書。初臨漢隸始乙瑛、禮器、史晨帖又孔宙、華山、鮮于璜、張景、張遷、曹全帖,後鄧石如、何紹基帖。對漢隸的頂峰禮器碑,習之毫釐鋒穎。臨楷書:顏柳毆趙、蘇黃米蔡帖。長期臨天下第一行書“蘭亭序” ,感悟頗深,對古代行書熱衷廢寢,經數年潛心揣摹,領悟有加。成年後癡迷毛澤東、郭沫若一代偉人的書法藝術,將毛澤東書法桀驁不馴的龍騰大氣和郭沫若書法的朴茂敦厚外秀中惠的藝術特色有機結合,惟妙必臻,力盡艱辛,汗水砥礪出竇秀哲獨具風格的書法藝術。近年來,先後在眾多國內外書法大賽


3、生。章法雄放恣肆,峻利峭拔,勁健爾雅。可謂沉穩中見謹嚴,跌宕間有跨越,質樸中顯華貴,品位高雅,舒展華美,氣韻豪放,奔騰不羈。其形似毛而力在郭也。兩者匠心深遂,功力盡顯,極具藝術魅力和觀賞收藏價值。我國著名書法藝術家、現代隸書的奠基人劉炳森大師,生前對竇秀哲的書法給予了高度評價:“追摹古人得真趣,別出心意成一家”師古與創新的統一,氣度與神韻的融合。其作品得到了毛澤東兒媳邵華和郭沫若子女郭建英、郭平英等名門之後、社會名流和資深藝術家的公認。其獲獎作品:漢隸“張繼.楓橋夜泊” ,被臺灣鉅賈昂值求得,行草毛澤東詩詞, “沁園春.雪” ,被日本著名書法鑒賞收藏家、郭沫若研究鼻祖左藤惠子,以每平方尺一萬日

4、元收藏。上海世博會期間,澳籍華人,名媛、實業家陳紹萍女士,慕名一次求購數幅漢隸,並邀請訪澳。為“中國人事報”等國家級報刊,多次題寫欄目。社會賢達、海內外學者及八方朋友極為關注。秀哲悟道:華夏書藝,源遠流長,博大精深,需要不斷傳承與刻意求新。要走自己的路,走特色之路,走前人沒有走過的路,以高雅穩健的審美觀,度視書法存在與發展的空間,對國粹書藝須倍加珍惜,著眼未來,潛心研究,宏揚發展。以品質為本,墨海耕耘,孜孜以求。切忌浮躁與嘩眾,篤信厚積薄發。不被雲煙所蔽,不為名利所惑,執著追求,把真善美的書藝,銘刻心際,凝聚毫端,躍然紙上(網上查詢:百度.天涯論壇. 竇秀哲 2011。竇秀哲書法藝術) 。電話

5、: 13953483689 郵箱: 窦秀哲书法艺术窦秀哲,男,一九五九年八月生,山东临朐人,大学文化,当代实力派书法艺术家。其五岁得名师赐教、秀才点拨,逐开始习书。初临汉隶始乙瑛、礼器、史晨帖又孔宙、华山、鲜于璜、张景、张迁、曹全帖,后邓石如、何绍基帖。对汉隶的顶峰礼器碑,习之毫厘锋颖。临楷书:颜柳殴赵、苏黄米蔡帖。长期临天下第一行书“兰亭序” ,感悟颇深,对古代行书热衷废寝,经数年潜心揣摹,领悟有加。成年后痴迷毛泽东、郭沫若一代伟人的书法艺术,将毛泽东书法桀骜不驯的龙腾大气和郭沫若书法的朴茂敦厚外秀中惠的艺术特色有机结合,惟妙必臻,力尽艰辛,汗水砥砺出窦秀哲独具风格的书法艺术。近年来,先后在


7、,纵横开阖,意态横生。章法雄放恣肆,峻利峭拔,劲健尔雅。可谓沉稳中见谨严,跌宕间有跨越,质朴中显华贵,品位高雅,舒展华美,气韵豪放,奔腾不羁。其形似毛而力在郭也。两者匠心深遂,功力尽显,极具艺术魅力和观赏收藏价值。我国著名书法艺术家、现代隶书的奠基人刘炳森大师,生前对窦秀哲的书法给予了高度评价:“追摹古人得真趣,别出心意成一家”师古与创新的统一,气度与神韵的融合。其作品得到了毛泽东儿媳邵华和郭沫若子女郭建英、郭平英等名门之后、社会名流和资深艺术家的公认。其获奖作品:汉隶“张继.枫桥夜泊” ,被台湾巨商昂值求得,行草毛泽东诗词, “沁园春.雪” ,被日本著名书法鉴赏收藏家、郭沫若研究鼻祖左藤惠子

8、,以每平方尺一万日元收藏。上海世博会期间,澳籍华人,名媛、实业家陈绍萍女士,慕名一次求购数幅汉隶,并邀请访澳。为“中国人事报”等国家级报刊,多次题写栏目。社会贤达、海内外学者及八方朋友极为关注。秀哲悟道:华夏书艺,源远流长,博大精深,需要不断传承与刻意求新。要走自己的路,走特色之路,走前人没有走过的路,以高雅稳健的审美观,度视书法存在与发展的空间,对国粹书艺须倍加珍惜,着眼未来,潜心研究,宏扬发展。以品质为本,墨海耕耘,孜孜以求。切忌浮躁与哗众,笃信厚积薄发。不被云烟所蔽,不为名利所惑,执着追求,把真善美的书艺,铭刻心际,凝聚毫端,跃然纸上(网上查询:百度.天涯论坛. 窦秀哲 2011。窦秀哲

9、书法艺术) 。电话: 13953483689 邮箱: The Introduction of Dou Xiuzhe s Calligraphy ArtDouXiuzhe,born in August,1959,gender:male,birthplace:Linqu Shandong China,education:university.He is the 5strength of calligraphy artist of our time.He was taught and directed by the well-known teachers when he was five.He be

10、gan his handwriting by practicing Li calligraphy of Han Dynasty,such as the copybooks Yiying,Liqi,Shichen and Konzhou,Huashan,Xianyuhuang,ZhangJing,ZhangQian,Caoquan,and then Den Shiru,He Shaoji.He studied thoroughly the Tablet Liqi which was the highest level of Li calligraphy in Han Dynasty.He pra

11、cticed the Kai copybooks which include Yan,Liu,On,Zhao styles and Su,Huang,Mi,Cai styles.He practiced the first-rate Xin calligraphy “Lan Ting Xu” for a long time and has had a deep understanding about it.He is fascinated in the ancient Xin calligraphy.He has made a great progress and achievement af

12、ter several years of his meticulous research.He is fascinated in the calligraphy art of the great men Mao Zedong and Guo Moruo since his adult.Working hard and sweating much,he created Dou Xiuzhes characteristic calligraphy that contains both the bold style of Mao Zedong calligraphy and the elegant

13、handwriting of Guo Moruo.He has been awarded many times in the calligraphy contests in China and abroad.He has been awarded the first prize by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Calligraphy Association.He was conferred “the modern outstanding artist of China”.He was awarded the gold med

14、al by the Chinese Collector and Connoisseur Association.He was awarded the first prize in the international 6calligraphy contest in Honkong China.The authoritative persons think that his Han Li calligraphy has the special charateristics that contain the ancient handwriting of jinshi,kedou,qilin and

15、the cream of the modern Li calligraphy.His Li handwriting is beautiful,graceful and dignified.Particularly he has reached the highest realm of Li handwriting of the ancient “bozhe”(“bozhe” is the most outstanding characteristics of Li calligraphy which is the most beautiful and also the most importa

16、nt).Reaching the high realm,Dous handwriting has his excellent artistic charm which is well worth appreciating and collecting.Liu Binsen,who was the famous calligrapher in China and the founder of the modern Li calligraphy highly praised before his death: “Dou created a new art form by the research

17、of the cream of the ancient calligraphy”.Dous handwriting shows us the unity of the ancient writing and the creation of his own style that is graceful and perfect.His handwriting was praised by the Mao Zedongs daughter-in-law Shao Hua,the children of Gou Moruo,Guo Jianying,Guo pingying.He was praise

18、d by distinguished personages and famous artists.His awarded Han Li handwriting “Feng Qiao Ye Bo” by Zhang Ji was bought for a high price by the rich merchant from Taiwan.The Xin-cao writing of the poem of Mao Zedong “QinyuanchunSnow” was collected by the famous Japanese collector,the original resea

19、rcher Of Guo Moruo for the price 10000 yen per square chi.During Shanghai World Expo,the Australian Chinese,famous industrialist Lady Chen Shaoping bought several Han Li 7writings at one time and invited him to visit Australia.Many times Dou Xiuzhe wrote the columns for the national newspaper “China

20、 Personnel News”.The community leaders,the scholars both at home and abroad,friends from all sides pay great attention to Dous calligraphy .Dou Xiuzhe realizes:the Chinese calligraphy art has a long history.It is broad and profound.It must be kept inheriting and creating.The artists should go their

21、own way and go their characteristic way.They should go the way that no person has ever been on.They must treasure the calligraphy art more,look to the future, study diligently,promote the development.They should search diligently in the world of art,avoid the impetuous,pursuit the beauty of the calligraphy art not for fame and wealth,learn all this by heart and write on paper.(Online query:Baidu Tianya Forum:Dou Xiuzhe 2011 Dou Xiuzhes calligraphy art)Mobile: 13953483689E-mail Address:8窦秀哲先生近照 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930


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