1、莎士比亚戏剧赏析课程教学大纲课程基本信息(Course Information)课程代码(Course Code) EN904*学时(Credit Hours)32 *学分( Credits) 2(中文)莎士比亚戏剧赏析*课程名称(Course Name) (英文)Selective reading in Shakespeare课程性质(Course Type) 选修 Selective course授课对象( Audience) 英语专业 English undergraduates授课语言(Language of Instruction) 英语 English*开课院系(School) 外
2、国语学院;School of Foreign Languages先修课程(Prerequisite)授课教师(Instructor ) 李琤课程网址(Course Webpage)*课程简介(Description)(中文300-500 字,含课程性质、主要教学内容、课程教学目标等)通过细读与分析莎士比亚代表剧作,初步理解莎士比亚时期英语语言的特色和戏剧文学的基本要素,同时了解剧作中反映出的该时期历史文化背景及蕴含的人文精神,初步探究莎士比亚其人其作的时代性、文学性和剧场艺术性,感受和比较东西方传统文化的异同。上课形式主要是教师讲述,辅助观看优秀的影视资料,启发学生的讨论,引导学生进行课下小组
3、讨论并在课堂上展示讨论结果,鼓励学生发表自己的看法。最后一节课是戏剧表演,鼓励每组同学发挥创新精神,对剧本进行修改和进行创新性的表演。*课程简介(Description)Subject Overview: This course aims at giving a broad introduction to Shakespeares dramatic works from a variety of thematic, historical or formal vantages. Approaches taken to the plays may include a chronological i
4、ntroduction to the development of Shakespeares plays with considerations of principal themes through a number of Shakespearean plays in historical context. Students are required to read original versions of Shakespeares dramatic works and prepare for text-analysis, in-class discussion, themed writin
5、gs and performance.Critical thinking is of vital importance in class-participation, panel discussion and group-presentation. The course encourages the students to render theoretical as well as aesthetic evaluations and exchange their own thoughts in class.课程教学大纲(course syllabus)*学习目标(Learning Outcom
6、es)1了解莎士比亚重要戏剧作品(A1)2了解英语世界的文化和文学传统(A1)3了解戏剧基本要素并懂得戏剧分析基本方法(A1)4提升思辨能力和跨文化比较意识(C1)5. 能够编写短小戏剧作品并表演,增强团队合作能力(C1)(注:须根据课程性质,着重描述课程教学在培养学生知识、能力、素质等方面的贡献,是课程目标的细化,专业培养计划内课程必须与专业培养目标具体贡献点相对应,并在描述语句后注明对应目标体系的代码,举例如下;其他类型课程请根据课程实施情况从三方面描述。)Learning outcomes: After the course, the students would be able to
7、meet the following requirements.1. Be familiar with major dramatic works by Shakespeare.2. Understand the cultural and literary traditions of the English world.3. Be familiar with the main elements of drama as a literary genre. 4. Understand and apply some general approaches to the analysis of drama
8、tic works.5. Be able to write a short episode of a play and put it on stage.*教学内容、进度安排及要求(Class Schedule& Requirements)教学内容 学时 教学方式 作业及要求 基本要求 考查方式莎士比亚戏剧综述及课程引言2 讲解、课堂讨论 练习、课堂 展示 理解 作业罗密欧与朱丽叶:命运与性格4 讲解、课堂 讨论 练习、课堂 展示理解、提出自己见解作业哈姆雷特:复仇主题 6讲解、课堂讨论练习、课堂展示理解、提出自己见解作业威尼斯商人:戏剧反讽及戏剧要素4 讲解、课堂 讨论 练习、课堂 展示理解、
9、提出自己见解作业麦克白:戏剧氛围营造6 讲解、课堂 讨论 练习、课堂 展示理解、提出自己见解作业仲夏夜之梦:魔幻与现实4 讲解、课堂 讨论 练习、课堂 展示理解、提出自己见解作业李尔王:悲剧要素 6讲解、课堂讨论练习、课堂展示理解、提出自己见解作业莎士比亚戏剧片段和改编表演2 表演 练习、课堂 展示理解、提出自己见解作业*考核方式(Grading)20% 平时 +20%课题展示表演+60%课程论文20% Attendance+ 20% Performance+ 60% Course Paper *教材或参考资料(Textbooks & Other Materials)1. Margreta de Grazia and Stanley Wells, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare, Cambridge University Press, 2001.2. David M. Bevington. How to read a Shakespeare play. New Jersey: Baker & Tayl, 2006.其它(More)备注(Notes)备注说明:1带*内容为必填项。2课程简介字数为300-500 字;课程大纲以表述清楚教学安排为宜,字数不限。