1、2017 级土木工程专业英才实验班本科培养方案一、专业基本信息英文名称 Civil Engineering专业代码 080703 学科门类 工学学 制 四年(修业年限可为 3-7 年) 授予学位 工学学士二、培养目标及特色培养目标:培养德、智、体全面发展,掌握工程力学、土木工程结构设计、项目管理基本理论和法律、经济、材料学、测绘等基本知识,胜任建筑工程、城市道路与桥梁工程、城市地下工程的设计、施工、管理、研究、教育、投资、开发及监理等工作,具有继续学习能力、创新意识、组织管理能力与国际视野的复合型高级工程技术人才。专业特色:面向首都和大城市建设行业一线培养“守诚信、素质高、基础宽、能力强”的复
3、导论、高等数学 A、普通物理、理论力学 B、材料力学 A、结构力学、土力学、工程测量、土木工程材料、建设工程项目管理2主干专业课程建筑工程方向:混凝土结构设计原理、钢结构设计原理、混凝土与砌体结构、土木工程施工(1)、基础工程(1)、高层建筑结构设计城市道路与桥梁工程方向:混凝土结构设计原理、钢结构设计原理、桥梁工程、道路勘测设计、路基路面工程、基础工程(1)城市地下工程方向:混凝土结构设计原理、钢结构设计原理、地下建筑结构、土木工程施工(3)、基础工程(2)、地下空间规划与设计五、主要实践教学环节专业认识实习、工程测量实习、工程地质实习、生产与管理实习、混凝土结构设计原理课程设计、施工组织课
4、程设计、毕业实习与毕业设计六、毕业学分要求参照北京建筑大学本科学生学业修读管理规定及学士学位授予细则,修满本专业最低计划学分应达到 160 学分,其中理论课程 125 学分,实践教学环节总学分 35 学分。七、各类课程结构比例课程类别 课程属性 学分 学时 学分比例必修 37.5 768 23.44%通识教育课选修 3 48 1.88%必修 60 1048 37.50%大类基础课选修 1.5 24 0.94%专业核心课 必修 17 280 10.63%必修 7.5 120 4.69%专业方向课选修 1.5 24 0.94%独立实践环节 必修 32 890 20.00%总计 160 3202 1
5、00.00%八、教学进程表学期 教学周 考试 实践 学期 教学周 考试 实践1 4-19 周 20 周 1-3 周 2 1-16 周 17-18 周 19-20 周3 1-16 周 17-18 周 19-20 周 4 2-17 周 18 周 1、19-20 周5 1-16 周 17 周 18-20 周 6 1-16 周 17 周 18-20 周7 6-17 周 18 周 1-5、19-20 周 8 1-16 毕业设计/实习 17 周答辩九、毕业生应具备的知识能力及实现矩阵毕业生应具备的知识能力 相关知识领域 实现途径(课程支撑)(1) 熟悉哲学、历史、社会学、经济学等社会科学基本知识;(2)
6、熟悉政治学、法学、管理学等方面的公共政策和管理基本知识;(3)了解心理学、文学、艺术等方面的基本知识。人文社会科学知识思想道德修养与法律基础、中国近现代史纲要、马克思主义基本原理概论、毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义体系理论概论、军事理论、大学生职业生涯与发展规划、形势与政策。(1) 掌握高等数学和工程数学知识;(2) 熟悉大学物理、化学、信息科学和环境科学的基本知识;(3) 了解自然环境的可持续发展知识;了解当代科学技术发展的基本情况。自然科学知识 高等数学、线性代数、概率与数理统计、普通物理、普通化学、电工学、计算方法。(1)熟练掌握一门外语;(2)掌握计算机基本原理和高级编程语言的相关知识。
7、工具知识 大学英语、计算思维导论、高级 VB 程序设计、工程英语应用写作、商务英语口语强化、国际工程英语。(1) 掌握理论力学、材料力学、结构力学、土力学、流体力学等力学原理;(2) 掌握工程地质、工程测量、制图、结构试验的基本原理,掌握土木工程材料的基本性能;(3) 掌握工程经济与项目管理、建设工程法规和工程概预算等方面的基本理论;(4) 掌握工程荷载和结构可靠度的基本原理,掌握工程结构和基础工程的基本原理; (5) 掌握土木工程施工的基本原理,了解土木工程的现代施工技术;(6) 熟悉工程软件的基本原理;(7) 熟悉土木工程防灾减灾的基本原理。专业知识 理论力学、材料力学、结构力学、土力学、
8、流体力学;工程地质、工程测量、画法几何、工程制图、结构试验与检测(方向一)、道路检测与维修新技术(方向二)、岩土工程测试与检测(方向三)、土木工程材料;工程经济、建设工程项目管理、建设工程法规、建筑工程概预算(方向一)、公路工程概预算(方向二)、地下工程概预算(方向三);混凝土结构设计原理、钢结构设计原理、基础工程;混凝土与砌体结构、房屋建筑学、高层建筑结构设计(方向一);桥梁工程、道路勘测设计、路基路面工程、桥涵水文(方向二);地下建筑结构、基础工程、地下空间规划与设计、隧道及边坡工程(方向三);毕业生应具备的知识能力 相关知识领域 实现途径(课程支撑)土木工程施工、高层建筑施工(方向一)、
9、路桥施工技术(方向二);结构分析程序设计、土木工程设计软件应用;工程结构抗震、结构加固与检测(1)了解建筑、规划、环境、交通、机械、设备、电气等相关专业的基本知识;(2)了解工程安全、节能减排的基本知识;(3) 了解与专业相关的法律、法规的基本知识。相关领域知识 土木工程概论、房屋建筑学(方向一)、城市道路设计(方向二)、地下空间规划与设计(方向三)、道路工程概论、交通工程概论、建筑机械、建筑设备、FIDIC 合同条款、国际工程施工管理、专业认识实习、生产与管理实习、毕业实习、假期工程实践、建筑工程法规。(1)能运用数学手段解决土木工程的技术问题,包括问题的识别、建立方程和求解等;(2)能应用
11、土工实验、土木工程材料实验、结构试验与检测(方向一)、道路检测与维修新技术(方向二)、岩土工程测试与检测(方向三)、工程测量实习、画法几何、工程制图、AutoCAD 实训、BIM 实训、结构分析程序设计、土木工程设计软件应用、工程概预算课程设计。毕业生应具备的知识能力 相关知识领域 实现途径(课程支撑)(1)实验和计算分析能力(2)工程选址、道路选线、建筑设计能力(3)土木工程设计能力(4)土木工程建造能力(5)项目运行维护能力解决土木工程实际问题能力混凝土结构设计原理实验、混凝土结构设计原理课程设计;工程地质实习、工程测量实习、房屋建筑学课程设计(方向一)、道路勘测实习(方向二)、道路勘测课
13、)具备较强的人际交往能力,善于倾听、了解业主和客户的需求;(6)有预防和处理与土木工程相关的突发事件的初步能力。综合能力 工程实践、科技活动周、科研活动;双语课程、国际工程项目课程与毕业设计、聆听专家讲座、参加暑期班、参加国际交流活动或竞赛类活动;课程设计、毕业设计;假期工程实践、生产与管理实习、毕业实习。10、指导性教学计划十一、主要课程逻辑关系结构图建筑工程方向:道路与桥梁工程方向地下工程方向:2017 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Civil Engineering (Elite Experimental Class)I. Specialt
14、y Name and CodeEnglish Name Civil EngineeringCode 080703 Disciplines EngineeringLength of Schooling Four years (flexible 3 to 7 years)Degree Bachelor of EngineeringII. Educational Objectives and FeaturesObjectives: The program is to inter-disciplinary engineering talents, fully developed in morality
15、, intelligence and physique, and highly skilled in basic theory, knowledge and profession of engineering mechanics, civil engineering structural design, project management and laws, regulations, economics, material science, and survey. The students are required to have the systematic training so tha
16、t they are competent in design, construction, management, research, education, investment, development and supervision in the field of construction engineering, urban road and bridge engineering, urban underground engineering. Besides, the graduates have a good ability of organizing, innovation, lea
17、rning, and international vision as well.Features: It is aimed to foster frontline applied senior technical and management personnel with good creditability, high quality, broad basis and strong ability for the capital construction. The civil engineering applied scientific theory is the basis. The ap
18、plied technology of construction project organization, engineering structural design, and construction is focused on. By the strict and systematic training of practical designs, experiments, practices, graduation project, students obtain the exercise of basic quality and skills of civil engineers an
19、d own the solid foundation of each professional field and career of civil engineering.Cultivation features: Students of the elite experimental class are cultivated by professional mentors and join the research teams of the professional mentors to develop their scientific innovation ability. The stud
20、ents are taught in some lectures by invited enterprise engineers and intern in enterprises to train their practical ability. They have an opportunity to study as exchange students in some well-known foreign universities through the international exchange program for excellent undergraduates supporte
21、d by China Scholarship Council and our university. This elite experimental class program also follows the excellent engineer cultivation plan by the Ministry of Education.III. Major DisciplinesMechanics, Civil EngineeringIV. Major Courses1. Basic CoursesCollege English, Introduction to Computational
22、 Thinking, Advanced Mathematics (A), College Physics, Theoretical Mechanics (B), Mechanics of Materials (A), Structural Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Engineering Survey, Civil Engineering Materials, Construction Project Management2. Specialty CoursesBuilding Engineering:Design Principles of Concrete St
23、ructures, Design Principles of Steel Structures, Concrete and Masonry Structures, Construction of Civil Engineering (1), Foundation Engineering (1), Structural Design of High-rise BuildingsRoad and Bridge Engineering:Design Principles of Concrete Structures, Design Principles of Steel Structures, Br
24、idge Engineering, Road Survey and Design, Roadbed and Pavement Engineering, Foundation Engineering (1)Urban Underground Engineering:Design Principles of Concrete Structures, Design Principles of Steel Structures, Underground Building Structures, Construction of Civil Engineering (3), Foundation Engi
25、neering (2), Planning and Design of Underground SpaceV. Major Practical TrainingAcquaintance Practice, Engineering Survey Practice, Engineering Geology Practice, Production and Management Practice, Practice of Design Principles of Concrete Structures, Construction Organization Design Practice, Gradu
26、ation Practice and Graduation ProjectVI. Graduation RequirementsIn accordance with the “Management Regulations for the Undergraduate Students of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture“ and “Bachelors Degree Awarding Regulations“, the minimum credits required by specialty for gradua
27、te is 160, including 125 credits of theoretical courses and 35 credits of practice teaching.VII. Proportion of CourseCourse Category Course Type Credits Class Hour ProportionCompulsory 37.5 768 23.44%General EducationOptional 3 48 1.88%Compulsory 60 1048 37.50%Big Academic SubjectsOptional 1.5 24 0.
28、94%Professional Core Compulsory 17 280 10.63%Compulsory 7.5 120 4.69%Professional DirectionOptional 1.5 24 0.94%Practice Compulsory 32 890 20.00%Total 160 3202 100%VIII. Table of Teaching Program Semester Teaching Exam Practice Semester Teaching Exam Practice1 1-16 17-18 19-20 2 1-16 17-18 19-203 1-
29、16 17-18 19-20 4 2-17 18 1、 19-205 1-16 17 18-20 6 1-16 17 18-207 6-17 18 1-5、19-208 1-16 Graduating Practices and Graduation Design 17 Graduation DefenseIX. Table of Teaching Arrangement (see the Appendix)X. Graduate Abilities and MatricesGraduate Abilities Related KnowledgeCourse Supports(1) Have
30、social science knowledge of philosophy, history, sociology, and economics.(2) Have fundamental public policy and management knowledge of politics, law, management(3) Understand fundamental knowledge of psychology, literature, and art Humanities and social science knowledgeThought Morals Accomplishme
31、nt and Basic Law, The Outline of Modern Chinese History, the Generality of Basic Principle of Marxism, Introduction to Mao Zedong Thoughts and Theoretical System of the Chinese Characteristic Socialism, Military Theory, College Student Occupation Career and Development Planning, Situation and Policy
32、(1) Master advanced mathematics and engineering mathematics(2) Have fundamental knowledge of college physics, chemistry, information science and environmental science(3) Understand sustainable development of natural environment and basic status Natural science Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra, T
33、heory of Probability and Statistics, College Physics, College Chemistry, Electrotechnics, Computing Methodof current science and technology development(1) Master a foreign language(2) Master basic theory of computer and high level programming languageTool knowledgeCollege English, Introduction to Co
34、mputational Thinking, Advanced VB Program Design, Practical Engineering English Writing, Advanced Oral Business English, International Engineering English(1) Master mechanical theory of Theoretical Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics(2) Master bas
35、ic theory of Engineering Geology, Engineering Survey, Engineering Drawing, Structural test and basic property of Civil Engineering Materials(3) Master basic theory of Engineering Economics, Project Management, Construction Project Laws, and Budget of Construction Engineering(4) Master basic theory o
36、f Engineering Loading, Structure Reliability, Engineering Structures and Foundation Engineering(5) Master basic theory of Construction of Civil Engineering and understand modern construction technology of civil engineering(6) Know basic theory of engineering software(7) Know basic theory of civil en
37、gineering disaster prevention and mitigationProfessional knowledgeTheoretical Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Fluid MechanicsEngineering Geology, Engineering Survey, Descriptive Geometry, Engineering Drawing, Test and Detection of Building Structures, New Det
38、ection and Maintenance Technology of Roads, Test and Detection Technology of Geotechnical Engineering, Civil Engineering MaterialsEngineering Economics, Construction Project Management, Construction Project Laws, Budget of Construction Engineering, Highway Engineering Budget, Budget of Underground E
39、ngineeringDesign Principles of Concrete Structures, Design Principles of Steel Structures, Foundation Engineering; Concrete and Masonry Structures, Building Construction, Structural Design of High-rise Buildings, Bridge Engineering, Road Survey and Design, Roadbed and Pavement Engineering, Hydrology
40、 of Bridge and Culvert; Underground Building Structures, Foundation Engineering, Planning and Design of Underground Space, Tunnel and Slope EngineeringConstruction of Civil Engineering, High-rise Building Construction, Road and bridge Construction; Program Design of Structural Analysis, Design softw
41、are application in Civil Engineering; Seismic Design of Engineering Structure, Structural Retrofit and Detection(1) Understand basic knowledge of architecture, planning, environment, transportation, machinery, equipment, electric(2) Understand basic knowledge of engineering safety, energy conservati
42、on and emission reduction(3) Understand basic knowledge of laws and regulations of civil engineeringKnowledge of related fieldIntroduction of Civil Engineering, Building Construction, Urban Road Design, Planning and Design of Underground Space, Introduction of Road Engineering, Introduction of Traff
43、ic Engineering, Construction Machinery, Construction Equipment, FIDIC Contracts, International Construction Management, Acquaintance Practice, Production and Management Practice, Graduation Practice, Holiday Engineering Practice, Construction Project Laws(1) Ability of solving technical problems of
44、civil engineering including identification of problems, establishment and solving of equation by using mathematical method(2) Ability of applying basic theory of physics and chemistry to analyze engineering problems and basic skills of physics and chemistry experiments Application ability of enginee
45、ring scienceSpecialty courses, physics experiment, chemistry experiment courses in the program(1) Ability of understanding basic concepts of mechanical problems in civil engineering, calculating, analyzing and experimenting(2) Ability of selecting appropriate civil Fundamental application ability of
46、 civil engineering technology Theoretical Mechanics Experiment, Mechanics of Material Experiment, Fluid Mechanics Experiment, Soil Mechanics Experiment, Civil Engineering Material Experiment, Test engineering materials for specific projects(3) Ability of applying basic theory of surveying, and utili
47、zing measuring instrument to survey ordinary projects and do setting out(4) Ability of applying basic theory of projection and drawing method to draw engineering drawing(5) Ability of coding simple program for engineering problems and applying common engineering software(6) Ability of economic analy
48、sis for engineering projects and proposing reasonable quality control methodsand Detection of Building Structures, New Detection and Maintenance Technology of Roads, Test and Detection Technology of Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Survey Practice, Descriptive Geometry, Civil Engineering Drawin
49、g, AUTOCAD Practice Week, BIM Practice Week, Program Design of Structural Analysis, Design Software Application in Civil Engineering, Practice of Budget of Construction Engineering (1) Ability of experiment, calculation and analysis(2) Ability of engineering site selection, road route selection, and building design(3) Ability of civil engineering design(4) Ability of civil engineering construction(5) Ability of project operation and maintenance Ability of solving civil engineering practical problemsExperiment of Design Principles of Concrete Structures, Practice of Design Principles of C