1、1English-Chinese Glossary of Gender Programming related Terms Draft as of 13 July 2011社会性别项目制定相关词汇中英文对照表(2011 年 7 月 13 日草稿)Table of Contents 目录1. Introduction 引言2. Glossary 词汇表2.1 Gender 社会性别2.2 Gender-based violence 基于性别的暴力2.3 Male involvement and masculinities 男性参与和男性气质2.4 Sex ratio at birth 出生性别比
2、2.5 Project management 项目管理2.6 Reproductive health and others 生殖健康与其它3. Main international instruments 主要的国际文书4. Relevant Chinese laws and policy 相关的中国法律与政策5. List of ministries, organizations, acronyms and abbreviations 政府机构、组织及缩略词表6. References 参考文献1. INTRODUCTION 引 言This glossary is designed as a
3、 tool to enable a consistent and proper use of key terms on gender, gender-based violence, male involvement and masculinities, sex ratio at birth, project management, reproductive health and other related topics among UNFPA China colleagues, translators, researchers and partners working on the issue
4、s. It aims not only to decrease misunderstandings but more importantly to give guidance on using empowering language that helps for instance survivors of violence avoid being stigmatized. As a technical tool, this glossary is neither definitive nor complete. It is a living document that will be upda
5、ted. The glossary has been circulated among relevant stakeholders for technical advice. Any comments and suggestions are welcomed to be sent to: wenunfpa.org.这 一 词 汇 表 的 制 作 是 为 了 提 供 一 个 工 具 使 联 合 国 人 口 基 金 的 同 事 、 翻 译 、 研 究 人 员 和 合 作 伙 伴能 一 致 和 准 确 的 使 用 关 于 社 会 性 别 、 基 于 性 别 的 暴 力 、 男 性 参 与 和 男 性
6、 气 质 , 出 生 性 别 比 、 项2目 管 理 , 以 及 生 殖 健 康 及 其 它 等 方 面 的 相 关 词 汇 。 制 作 词 汇 表 的 目 的 不 仅 仅 是 为 了 减 少 对 相 关术 语 的 错 误 理 解 , 更 重 要 的 是 希 望 为 使 用 赋 权 的 语 言 提 供 指 导 , 例 如 通 过 使 用 正 确 的 术 语 来 帮助 暴 力 的 幸 存 者 免 受 污 名 。 作 为 一 个 技 术 工 具 , 这 一 词 汇 表 不 是 一 个 完 结 稿 , 而 是 一 个 需 要 在今 后 对 其 进 行 更 新 和 完 善 的 文 件 。 正 因 为
7、如 此 , 我 们 将 这 一 词 汇 表 发 给 各 相 关 机 构 寻 求 建 议 ,欢 迎 您 将 意 见 和 建 议 反 馈 给 wenunfpa.org.2. GLOSSARY 词汇表2.1 GENDER 社 会 性 别“Men are responsible for public works, whereas women are responsible for domestic works” “男主外,女主内”“Virtuous woman” “烈女”“Weak woman” “弱女子”“Women as inferior to men” “男尊女卑”“Women hold up
8、half the sky” “妇女能撑半边天”Compulsory heterosexuality 强制性异性恋体制Discourse 话语Disempowerment 去权Domestic and public sphere 家庭和公共生活领域Empowerment/empowering of/for women 妇女赋权/ 赋权于妇女Enablement 赋能Equal pay for equal work 同工同酬Femininity 女性气质Feminism(s) 女性主义、女权主义Gender advocacy 社会性别倡导Gender analysis 社会性别分析Gender a
9、nd development (GAD) 社会性别与发展3Gender awareness 社会性别意识Gender discrimination 性别歧视Gender equality 性别平等Gender equity 性别公正Gender mainstreaming 性会社会主流化Gender role 社会性别角色Gender stereotypes 性别刻板印象Gender transformative 改造社会性别关系的Gender 性别、社会性别Gender-blindness 社会性别盲视Gendered division of labor 性别分工Gender-neutral
10、 性别中立Gender-sensitive budgeting 具有社会性别敏感度的预算Gender-sensitive data 具有社会性别敏感度的数据Gender-sensitive indicator 具有社会性别敏感度的指标Gender-sensitivity 性别敏感度Homophobia 对同性恋者的恐惧、恐同症Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersexual (LGBTQI) 女同性恋者、男同性恋者、双性恋者、跨性别者、酷儿、中间性别者Multiple feminisms 多元化的女性主义Sensitization
11、敏感化Sex-disaggregated data 分性别数据Sex 性/生理性别Stigma 污名Subordination 从属地位4Subservient 从属的Women empowerment 妇女赋权Women who have sex with women (WSW)女女性行为者2.2 GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE 基于性别的暴力“Answer violence with violence” “以暴制暴”16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence Campaign 反对性别暴力的 16 日行动Abrasion 擦伤Alco
12、hol and drug dependence 酒精和药物依赖Alcohol/drug abuse 酗酒/药物滥用Assault 攻击Beating 殴打 Belittling 蔑视Bruises 淤青Burning 故意烧伤Burns 烧伤Certificate of injury 伤情鉴定书Child abuse 虐待儿童Child marriage 童婚Civil Law 民法Coercion 强迫Commercial sex 商业性交易Commit suicide 自杀Consent 同意Counseling 咨询5Criminal Law 刑法Cycle of violence 暴力
13、循环Disrupted sexual functions 性功能紊乱Domestic violence (DV) 家庭暴力Economic control 经济控制Economic violence 经济暴力Emotional /psychological violence 情感/ 精神暴力Emotional abuse 情感虐待Exploitation 剥削Female shelter 妇女庇护所Fighting 攻击First sexual experience 初次性经历Forced sex 强迫进行性行为Forensic examination 法医检验Fracture 骨折Gathe
14、r and preserve evidence 收集并保存证据Gender-based violence (GBV) 基于性别的暴力、性别暴力Genital injury 生殖器伤害Grasping 抓扯Harassment/stalking 骚扰/跟踪Harmful cultural practices and traditions 有害文化习俗与传统Help seeking behavior 求助行为History of violence 暴力犯罪史Hit 击打6Hotlines 热线服务Human rights violation 对人权的侵犯Humiliation 羞辱Injury a
15、ppraisal 伤情鉴定 Insult 侮辱Inter-generational cycle of violence 暴力在代际间循环重复International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women “国际消除对妇女暴力日“Intimate partner violence (IPV) 亲密关系暴力Intimidation 恐吓Kicking 脚踢 Legal aid agency 法律援助机构Legal aid and counseling 司法援助和咨询Legislation 立法Mediation 调解Minor inj
16、uries 轻微伤Multi-sectoral model 多部门合作模式Multi-sectoral response 多部门共同应对Mutilation 损伤Organ injury 器官损伤Perpetrator 施暴者Physical abuse 身体虐待Physical violence 身体暴力Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 创伤后心理压力紧张综合症Privacy 隐私7Prohibiting abuse against the elderly, women and children 禁止虐待老人、妇女和儿童Prosecution 检察机
17、关Protective order 人身安全保护裁定Providing no basic living allowance 拒绝提供基本生活费用Psychological degradation 心理上贬低Pulling hair 揪头发Punching 殴打Pushing 推搡 Rape 强奸Reconciliation 调解Referral 转介Remedies 救济Restricting freedom of movement 限制行动自由Risk management 风险管理Safety plan 人身安全计划Screening 筛查Severe violence 严重暴力Sexua
18、l abuse 性虐待Sexual assault 性侵犯Sexual harassment 性骚扰Sexual violence 性暴力Slapping 掌掴Sprain 扭伤Stillbirth 死胎8Strangling 勒脖Strengthening the Health Sector Response to GBV 加强医疗卫生部门对性别暴力的应付Suicide ideation 自杀意念Survivor 暴力幸存者Survivor-Centered Approach 以暴力幸存者为中心的方法Suspect 犯罪嫌疑人Threat/ danger assessment 威胁/危险评估
19、Threatening to kill partner 威胁杀死伴侣Trafficking in women and girls 贩卖妇女Twisting arms 扭手臂 Victim 受暴者、受害者Violation of privacy 侵犯隐私Violence against women (VAW) 针对妇女的暴力WHO multi-country Study on Womens Health and Domestic Violence against Women 世界卫生组织“对妇女健康和针对妇女的家庭暴力的多国研究”2.3 MALE INVOLVEMENT AND MASCULIN
20、ITIES 男性参与和男性气质Agent for Change 变革的原动力Aggressor 进攻者Androcentrism 男性中心主义 Complicit masculinity 共谋性男性气质Effeminate 柔弱的Engaging Men 将男性纳入Fatherhood 父职身份Gender-based Violence and Masculinities Study 基于性别的暴力与男性气质研究Hegemonic masculinity 支配性男性气质International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) 国际男性与性别平等
21、调查9Machismo 大男子主义Macho 大男子气概的Male involvement in raising of children 男性参与儿童养育Male involvement in pre-natal care 男性参与产前照料 Male involvement 男性参与Male-chauvinist society 大男子主义社会Male-to-male violence 男性间暴力Marginalized masculinity 边缘性男性气质Masculinity/masculinities 男性气质、男性气概Paternity leave 男性育儿假Patriarchy 父
22、权制Privilege 特权Rigid gender norms 僵硬的性别规范Sissy 偏女性化Subordinated masculinity 从属性男性气质UNiTE Campaign 团结运动White Ribbon Campaign 白丝带运动2.4 SEX RATIO AT BIRTH 出 生 性 别 比Care for Girls Action“关爱女孩行动”Censuses 人口普查Demographic 人口学Female infanticide 溺杀女婴Fertility 生育率Identify the sex of the fetus for non-medical p
23、urpose 非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定10Maternal mortality 孕产妇死亡率Mortality rate 死亡率Sex ratio at birth (SRB) 出生性别比Sex ratio by birth order 分孩次出生性别比Sex ratio imbalance 性别比失衡Sex ratio in the general population 总人口性别比Sex ratio of children under five years old 5 岁以下儿童性别比Sex ratio 性别比Sex selection 性别选择Sex-selective induced
24、abortion 性别选择性人工终止妊娠Son preference 男孩偏好(重男轻女 )2.5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 项 目 管 理Awareness raising 提高意识Baseline Survey 基线调查Bilateral donor 双边捐助者Building in sustainability 建立可持续性 Capacity building 能力建设Civil society 公民社会组织Confidentiality 保密Cultural sensitivity 文化敏感Endline survey 终线调查Evidence-based policy a
25、dvocacy 基于实证基础的政策倡导Facts and figures 事实与数据Faith-based organization 宗教组织11Harmonious society “和谐社会“Household survey 入户调查Humanitarian 人道主义Inclusion /involvement 囊括/参与In-depth life-history interview 生命史深度访谈Marginalized group 边缘化人群 Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) 监测与评估 National Plan of Action 国家行动计划Outc
26、ome 成果Output 产出Participatory approaches 参与式方法 Partnership 伙伴关系Pilot intervention 试点干预Policy/decision-maker 政策制定者/决策者Post-conflict settings 后冲突环境Prevalence 普遍程度Primary Prevention 初级预防Private sector 私营部门Representative data 代表性数据Respecting and protecting human rights 尊重和保障人权Rights-based approach 以权利为基础
27、的方法Risk behaviors 风险行为Service provider 服务提供者Stakeholder 利益相关者Strategic partnerships 战略伙伴关系12Target Groups 目标人群Vulnerability 脆弱性Well-being 福祉2.5 REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND OTHERS 生 殖 健 康 及 其 它Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) 获得性免疫缺陷综合症 (艾滋病)Condom promotion 安全套使用推广Contraceptive 避孕Family planni
28、ng policy 计划生育政策Female condom 女用安全套 .High risk behavior 高风险行为Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 人类免疫缺陷病毒(艾滋病病毒)Male condom 男用安全套.Maternal and Child Health 妇幼保健Maternal mortality 孕产妇死亡率Miscarriage 流产People living with HIV 艾滋病毒携带者Public health 公共卫生Sex behavior 性行为 Sex worker 性工作者Sexual and Reproductiv
29、e Health 性与生殖健康Sexual health 性健康Sexual orientation 性取向Transactional sex 性交易Unsafe sex 不安全性行为13Unwanted pregnancies 意外怀孕3. MAIN INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS 主 要 国 际 文 书Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 1948, 世界人权宣言Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CE
30、DAW) 消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约, 1979The UN Declaration on Violence against Women, 1993 联合国消除对妇女的暴力行为宣言(1993 )Declaration and Programme of Action of ICPD (International Conference on Population and Development), 1994国际人口与发展会议行动纲领(1994)The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 1995北京宣言和行动纲领(1995)U.N. Doc.
31、CEDAW/C/CHN/CO/6 (25/08/2006), Concluding comments of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women: China. 消除对妇女歧视委员会的结论意见:中国 4. RELEVANT CHINESE LAWS AND POLICY 相 关 中 国 法 律 与 政 策Article 49 of the Constitution of Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国宪法第 49 条Notice on Prohibition of A
32、rbitrary Fetal Sex Identification (1986) 关于不得任意进行胎儿性别预测的通知 (1986)Law of Peoples Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care (1994) 中华人民共和国母婴保健法(1994)Interpretations of the Supreme Peoples Court about Several Issues Concerning the Application of Marriage Law of the Peoples Republic of China
33、(I), 2001最高人民法院关于适用若干问题的解释(一)(2001)Marriage Law of Peoples Republic of China (As amended in 2001) 婚姻法 (2001 年修正) National Plan of Action for Women and Children (2001-2010) 妇女儿童国家行动计划(2001-2010年)14Population and Family Planning Law of the Peoples Republic of China (2001) 中国人民共和国人口与计划生育法 (2001)The Pro
34、gamme for the Development of Chinese Women (2001-2010) 中国妇女发展纲要(2001-2010 年) The Programme for the Development of Chinese Children (2001-2010) 中国儿童发展纲要(2001-2010 年) Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on Legal Aid (2003)法律援助条例(2003)The Constitution of Peoples Republic of China (As amended i
35、n 2004) 中国人民共和国宪法(2004年修正)Action Plan for Extensively Unfolding of the Care for Girls Action and Comprehensively Addressing the Issue of Abnormally High SRB (2005) 关于广泛开展关爱女孩行动综合治理出生人口性别比偏高问题的行动计划(2005)Gender Equality and Womens Development in China (2005) 中国性别平等与妇女发展状况 (2005)Law of the Peoples Repu
36、blic of China on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women” (As amended in 2005) 中华人民共和国妇女权益保障法(2005 年修正)The Security Administration Punishment Law (2005)治安管理处罚法 (2005)Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Protection Minors (2006)中国人民共和国未成年人保护法(2006)The Decision on Fully Enhancing Popula
37、tion and Family Planning Programme and Comprehensively Addressing Population Issues (2006) 关于全面加强人口和计划 生育工作统筹解决人口问题的决定(2006 )Opinions on Preventing and Stopping Domestic Violence (2008) 关于预防和制止家庭暴力的若干意见 (2008)Trial Guide for Cases that Involve Domestic Violence and Marriage (March 2008) 涉及家庭暴力和婚姻案件审
38、理指南(2008 年)National Plan of Action on Combating Trafficking in Women and Children (2008-2012) 中国反对拐卖妇女儿童行动计划(20082012 年)Human Rights Action Plan (2009-2010) 国家人权行动计划(2009-2010 年)15Peoples Mediation Law of the Peoples Republic of China (2010) 中华人民共和国人民解调法(2010)The 12th Five-Year Plan for National Eco
39、nomic and Social Development (2011)国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要(2011)5. LIST OF MINISTRIES, ORGANIZATIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONSACWF All China Womens Federation 全国妇联ADVN Anti-Domestic Violence Network of China Law Society 中国法学会反对家庭暴力网络APRO Asia Pacific Regional Office 亚太办公室CASS Chinese Academy of Social
40、 Sciences 中国社会科学院CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约CFPA China Family Planning Association 中国计划生育协会CIPJ China Institute of Applied Jurisprudence 中国应用法学研究所CPAP Country Programme Action Plan国别方案行动计划GVB Gender based Violence 基于性别的暴力ICPD Internat
41、ional Conference on Population and Development 国际人口与发展大会IEC/BCC Information Education and Communication/Behavioural Change Communication信息、教育和交流/行为改变交流IPV Intimate partner violence 亲密关系 暴力JP EVAW Joint Programme on Elimination of Violence against Women 通过多部门合作预防和应对对妇女暴力的联合项目M&E Monitoring and Evalua
42、tion 监测与评估MCH Maternal and Child Health 妇幼保健MDGs Millennium Development Goals 千年发展目标MMNW Media Monitor Network for Women 妇女传媒监测网络16MOFCOM Ministry of Commerce 商务部MOH Ministry of Health 卫生部MOJ Ministry of Justice 司法部MPS Ministry of Public Security 公安部NBS National Bureau of Statistics 国家统计局NDRC Nation
43、al Development and Reform Commission 国家发展和改革委员会NGO Non Government Organization 非政府组织NPC National Peoples Congress 全国人大NPFPC National Population and Family Planning Commission 国家人口和计划生育委员会NWCCW National Working Committee on Children and women 国家妇儿工委P4P Partners for Prevention RTI Reproductive Tract I
44、nfection 生殖道感染SOCC Supreme Peoples Court of China 最高人民法院SPP Supreme Peoples Procuratorate 最高人民检察院SRB Sex Ratio at Birth 出生性别比STI Sexually Transmitted Infection 性传播感染UN WOMEN United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women 联合国促进两性平等和增强妇女权能署(简称“联合国妇女署”)UNDAF United Nations Devel
45、opment Assistance Framework 联合国发展援助框架UNDP United Nations Development and Programme 联合国开发计划署UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织UNFPA United Nations Population Fund 联合国人口基金UNICEF United Nations Childrens Fund 联合国儿童基金UNODC United Nations Office of Drugs and
46、Crime UNTGG UN Theme Group on Gender 联合国性别主题组17VAW Violence against Women 对女性的暴力WHO World Health Organization 世界卫生组织WSIC Womens Studies Institute of China 全国妇联妇女研究所6. REFERENCE 参 考 文 献UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office. 2010. Health Sector Response to Gender-based Violence: An Assessment of
47、the Asia Pacific Region. Bangkok: United Nations Publication. UNFPA China and ACWF. 2007. China/UNFPA Sixth Country Programme (2006-2010) Gender Advocacy Strategy (中国/联合国人口基金第六周期国别方案社会性别项目(2006-2010) 社会性别倡导战略)UNFPA China. 2007. Sex RatioFacts and Figures 2007 (性别比事实与数据 2007)UNFPA China. 2010. Violen
48、ce against WomenFacts and Figures 2010 (针对妇女的暴力2010 年事实与数据)UNODC. 2010. Handbook on Effective Police Responses to Violence against Women. New York: United Nations Publication. ADVN of China Law Society. 2009. How the Mass Media Report Violence against WomenSampling from Five Local Newspapers in Beij
49、ing 大众媒体如何报道对妇女的暴力以北京地区五家报纸为例UNIFEM China. Working for Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment. 为社会性别平等和妇女赋权而努力UNFPA and Promundo. 2010. Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and Health: A global toolkit for action. UNAIDS. 2011.UNAIDS Terminology Guidelines (January 2011)UNFPA. 2006. Ending Violence against