1、Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C5
2、1 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 糖尿病的健康宣教 一、什么是糖尿病 糖尿病是一种由遗传与环境因素长期共同作用导致的, 以人体代谢障碍、 血糖增高 为共同特征的慢性全身性代谢内分泌疾病。 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by
3、using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 致病原因:遗传因素环境因素(各占 50%) 致病条件:长期作用 基本病理:血糖增高其他代谢紊乱 主要问题:胰岛素分泌不足抵抗 糖尿病的诊断 标 准 静脉葡萄糖氧化酶法血糖 空腹血糖 7.0mmol/L 餐后两小时血糖
4、11.1mmol/L 随机血糖 11.1mmol/L 糖化血红蛋白 6.5 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core
5、 components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 糖尿病的症状 随着血糖值升高,出现症状的可能性增加,但有个体差异。 典型的三多一少症状:多尿、多饮、多食和体重下降。 其余非典型症状:如视物模糊;皮肤干燥、搔痒,伤口不易愈合; 还有牙龈发炎、泌尿系感染(尿频、尿急、尿痛)和小便发粘等症状。 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol
6、system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 发生糖尿病 原因 胰岛素抵抗 胰岛素分泌不足 环境因素
7、 淀粉样变 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e
8、AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 2型糖尿病发病的致病因素 遗传易感性 体力活动减少及 /或能量摄入增多 肥胖病(总体脂增多或腹内体脂相对或者绝对增多) 低体重出生儿 中老年 吸烟、药物及应激(可能) Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement an
9、d control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 糖尿病的常见危险因素 糖尿病家族史 肥胖 年龄吸烟 高血压 高胆固醇血症 高脂饮食 体重超重 运动过少 妊娠糖尿病危险因素: 除以上外,还有年龄过 30岁;有异常产史, 如胎死宫内、产巨大儿史
10、(出生体重 4Kg)等 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system
11、 ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 危害巨大 给患者造成生活上的不便 以及肉体和精神上的痛苦 并发症对健康和生命的威胁 甚至导致残废和早亡 巨大的资金和资源上的花费 急性并发症 糖尿病酮症酸中毒 高血糖高渗状态 糖尿病乳酸性酸中毒 慢性并发症 大血管并发症:高血压、脑卒中、 冠心病、糖尿病足 微血管并发症:眼底病、肾病 神经并发症:感觉神经、运动神经、 自主神经 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper
12、 at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 糖尿病的预防 多懂
13、一点; 少吃一点; 勤快一点; 放松一点; 预防措施 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components
14、 of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 一 防治与纠正肥胖,体重指数 BMI25者是糖尿病的高危险人群; 避免高脂肪食物; 饮食合理、科学,食物的摄入及代谢消耗应保持一个正常的平衡状态, 主食占 50 60,脂肪 30,蛋白质 10 20; 二 增加体力活动,参加体育锻炼,以控制合理体重并且能够增加胰岛素的敏感性; 三 避免、少用致糖代谢异常的药物; 戒烟戒酒等不良生活习惯; Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of a
15、n intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur
16、 e sensor. 四 积极发现和治疗高血压、高血脂、冠心病; 定期进行体检,特别是老年人,除常规空腹血糖外,还应重视餐后 2小时的血糖; 五 娠有糖代谢异常,应积极采取血糖监测、饮食控制和胰岛素治疗等防治措施, 妊娠时患糖尿病或糖耐量异常( IGT)者,分娩的孩子易患肥胖、糖尿病, 故应即可能地控制血糖正常,也要防止严重低血糖。 建议对妊娠妇女于妊娠 24 32周做口服 75克葡萄糖耐量试验( OGTT). Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system w
17、hich real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 糖尿病的治疗 饮食治疗 运动治疗 合理的药物治疗 自我管理 糖尿病教育
18、 饮食控制 糖尿病综合治疗的基础饮食治疗 摄入食物热量要适当; 平衡膳食:主食占 50 60,脂肪 30, 蛋白质 10 20; 食物要多样化 多饮水,少喝酒 坚持少食多餐,定时定量进餐 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e
19、 sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 2.严格限制各种甜食: 包括各种食糖、糖果、甜点 心、饼干、水果及各种含糖饮料等; 血糖控制较好者,可在两餐间或睡前加食含果糖或蔗 糖的水果,需甜食时, 可用甜 味剂,如蛋白糖、木糖醇等。 3.多食含纤维素高的食物: 每天饮食中食用纤维含量 4060g为宜,包括豆类,蔬菜、粗谷物、含糖分低的水果等
20、。 1.控制总热量: 病人因饮食控制而出现易 饥感觉时可增加蔬菜、豆制品等 副食;超体重者,忌吃油炸、油 煎食物, 炒菜宜用植物油,少食 动物内脏等含胆固醇高的食物; 限酒,每天食盐 6g。 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur
21、 e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 合理饮食的目的 减轻胰岛素负担 减肥 降低餐后高血糖 纠正已发生的代谢紊乱 预防和治疗急、慢性并发症 改善整体健康水平 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol sys
22、tem which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 饮食控制的注意事项 定时定量定餐,并且一定要与注射胰岛素,服
23、用口服降糖药的时间配合好 饮食量,劳动强度,用药量三者间的关系要相对平衡,灵活调节 根据个人情况将每日饮食量分多次食用,有利于控制餐后高血糖 糖尿病饮食控制应长期坚持,终生坚持 提倡少食多餐 加餐时注意定时、定质、定量 定时:加餐的时间 ,餐前 1小时或餐后 2小时 定质:加餐的种类 定量:加餐的热量 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur eme
24、nt and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 运动疗法 1.运动锻炼的方式: 有氧运动为主,如散 步、慢跑、骑自行车、做广播操、太极拳、球类活动等。 其中步行活动安全易坚持可 作为首选方式。 2.运动量的选择: 合适的活动强度为
25、活动时 病人的心率应达到个体 60% 的最大耗氧量。 个体 60%最大耗氧时心率简易计算法为: 心率 =170-年。时间为 2030 分钟,可依病人具体情况逐 渐延长。 3.运动注意事项: ( 1)运动前评估: 估糖尿病的控制情 况,依病人具体情况选择 运动方式、时间及所采的运动量。 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and co
26、ntrol by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. ( 2)预防意外发生: 不宜空腹进行 ;运动中注意补充水分,随身携带糖果, 出现低血糖症状时及时食用 ;身体出现不适时停止运动。 ( 3)其他: 随身携带糖尿病卡 ,卡上写有本人姓名、年龄 .家庭住址
27、、电话号码和病情以备急需。 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he syst
28、em ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 运动调节 注意事项 选择合适的运动方式及运动量 老年人可以选用运动强度轻的运动方式,最常用的运动方式为散步 中青年人应以中等强度的运动方式为主,也可选择运动强度较重的运动方式 运动应该循序渐进,运动量应由小到大 正确认识运动与体力劳动的关系 持之以恒,防止意外伤害 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which
29、 real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 口服降糖药分类 促胰岛素分泌剂 磺脲类药物:如优降糖 非磺脲类药物:如诺和龙
30、胰岛素增敏剂类药物 双胍类药物:如二甲双胍 胰岛素增敏剂:如吡格列酮 葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂类药物 如阿卡波糖、伏格列波糖 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p mi
31、crocomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 三 、 口服用药 1. 磺脲类降糖药从小剂量开始,于早餐前半小时口服 , 其主要不良反应是低血糖 . 2. 双胍类药物主要不良反应是腹部不适、口中金属味 .恶心、 畏食、腹泻等,餐中或 餐后服用或小剂量开始可减轻 不适症状。 3. 瑞格列奈应餐前服用,不进餐不服药。 注意: 不能随意更改和增加降糖药物及其剂量; 初用各种降糖药是要从小剂量开始,然后根据血糖水平逐步调
32、整药物剂 量。 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar
33、e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 糖尿病的胰岛素的治疗 按时定时进餐 适当锻炼 情绪稳定 经常监测血和尿糖 锻炼的时间也宜固定,尤其对 1型糖尿病。 应监测血糖谱、尿糖、尿酮体。 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control
34、 by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. 四、自我护理 1.平时注意观察体重变化情况 ,定期监测血糖、血压。 2.改变不良生活习惯,戒烟限酒 ,注意个人卫生, 保持皮肤清洁 ,以防止并发症的发生。 3.保持良好的心理素质,解除思想负担, 树立起与糖尿病
35、做长期斗争及战胜疾病的信心。 Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he sys
36、tem ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and si
37、ngle chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using
38、 single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f
39、unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel ige
40、nt temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor.
41、Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C5
42、1 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p micr
43、ocomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus dig
44、it al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor. Thi s paper mainly intr oduces the design of an intel igent temper at ur e contr ol system which real izes t he f unction of temperatur e measur ement and control by using single bus digit al temper at ur e sensor DS18B20 and single chi p microcomputer. The core components of t he system ar e AT89C51 mi cr ocont roll er and DS18B20 temper at ur e sensor.