1、第 1 页 共 9 页说明文突破说明文是对事物的特征、本质、性能、状态,或事物的发生、发展、结果、用途、原理等进行介绍、解释、说明的一种文体。它所说明的对象可以是实体的事物,如仪器仪表、自然环境等,也可以是抽象的事理、如概念、原理、定律、规章等。它包括说明书、解说词、文献资料、图表等形式。尽管说明文中可能会掺有一些记述、描写或议论的成分,但说明文的最主要表达方式还是说明。必须说明的是与汉语说明文相比,英语说明文所涉及的范围似乎更大,在英语中,天文地理、人情世故、客观事物、主观意识等宇宙间的一切都可以通过说明文加以阐述说明,象 the importance of being on tie(准时的
2、重要性)和 the happiness of reading books(读书之乐)之类的话题,在汉语中似乎应该属于议论文的范围,但在英语中却一般列在说明文中。与英语记叙文相比,英语说明文的语言特征并不那么明显。但尽管如此,也还是有一些语言现象在英语说明文中经常出现。1、多用现在时态。因为说明文通常是对客观事物或事理的一种介绍与解释,而这种客观介绍与解释一般是不随时间和空间的变化而改变的。2、采用客观描述。说明文一般是对客观存在的说明与介绍,因此,语言的表述也应该尽可能地给人以客观可信的感觉。在英语中,使用被动语态(如用 It is said that替代 I think that) ,引进权
3、威的信息来源(如用 according to sb 替代 in my ipinion) ,选用委婉语是使说明文避免主观色彩,增加客观性,从而为读者接受的重要语言手段。3、遣词用字简炼、平实、确切。说明文的主要目的是帮助读者认清事物,明白事理,故其语言通常较为浅显、通俗,比较易于读者理解。其内容也很客观真实,它的用词总是贴近事物的本来面目,不会使用华丽的词藻和夸张的写作手法,一般也不加描述和议论(这与记叙文、描写文和议论文是不同的。 )解答说明文体裁的完形填空题是要着重把握这样两个方面:1、弄清叙述的顺序。在说明的过程中,条理化是非常重要的,因为客观事物本身是有条理性,按照客观事物本身的条理进行
4、解说,说明的效果就比较好。有些事物本身可能并无明显的条理性,这时,作者会选择一个合适的角度,有条不紊地对其加以说明。常见的说明顺序有时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序(指先因后果或先果后因,先主后次的顺序)和认识顺序(指由此及彼,由浅入深,由局部到整体,由现象到本质,由具体到抽象的顺序) 。把握了说明的顺序,就能准确把握文章的脉络。2、了解说明文的种类。说明文依照内容展开方式可以分以下几类:(1)过程说明文。这是用得最广的一种说明文,它又分为人为过程的说明文(给予指令或建议)和自然过程的说明文(提供信息和分析)两种,文章形式既有实用性较强的产品介绍,生活知识;也有专业性很强的学术论文;还有幽默风趣的
6、析的基础上得出的结论总是令人信服的。第 2 页 共 9 页(6)界说(定义)说明文。就是用简洁而明确的语言把事物的本质属性揭示出来,给人们以清晰的概念。界说(定义)说明文中总是有一个定义句,其句式为被定义对象的所属类别+ 限制性定语。定义句中限制性定语越详细,定义就越精确,如 A bat(蝙蝠)is a small mouse-like animal that flies at night and feeds on fruit and insects but is not a bird .因此,界说(定义)说明文既能使读者对被说明文的事物有一个明确的本质的了解,又能使读者将该事物与其他事物区别
7、开来。英文说明文的写作方式除了以上六种外,还有其他一些但对于中学生来说,这六种方式是首先值得了解的。另外,值得一提的是,在一篇说明文中,常常是以一种写作手法为法,同时辅以其他写作手法。有时,甚至会几种手法混用,并不分什么主次。弄清了说明文的种类和不同,说明文的写作特点,有助于我们采取不同的阅读策略,进而达到迅速、准确理解文章的目的。请看下面的例题。(一)One of the most remarkable things about the human mind is our ability to imagine the future. In our 1._we can see what has
8、 not yet happened. For example, while we are looking forward to 2._a new place or country, we 3._what it will be like. We predict( 预料) the 4._ people will eat, dress and act. Of course, we do not always predict things 5._. Things are often very different from the way we 6._them to be.One of the 7._
9、dreams in history is the dream of the German scientist, Kekule, who had been 8._ to work out a very difficult problem in physics. He had 9._and analysed(分析) the problem from every angle(角度) for days, but there 10._ to be no way of 11._ out the answer. Then one night he went to bed and dreamed. When
10、he 12._ up, he realized that he knew the answer. He had solved the problem in his 13._.The hypnotist(催眠者)sat in the chair opposite him and spoke 14._: I want you to concentrate on my voice. Think about 15._. You know nothing but my voice. And as you pay attention to my voice, your 16._ will get heav
11、ier. Soon youll be asleep.You will hear my voice and 17._ my words, but your body will be asleep, your eyes are too heavy. You are 18._ asleep, and when you wake up you will 19._ nothing.You will forget everything. Now I am going to 20._ slowly from one to five. One, two, three, four, five.1.A.brain
12、s B. senses C. minds D. sights2.A.visiting B. seeking C. reaching D. discovering3.A.imagine B. know C. feel D. guess4.A.custom B. habit C. style D. way5.A.quickly B. simply C. correctly D. neatly6.A.required B. wished C. left D. expected7.A.funny B. dull C. famous D. silly8.A.managing B. trying C. t
13、hinking D. hoping9.A.studied B. learned C. discussed D. researched10.A.used B. ought C. seemed D. had11.A. making B. finding C. turning D. letting12.A.gave B. sat C. woke D. got13.A.dream B. lesson C. research D. exercise第 3 页 共 9 页14.A.softly B. loudly C. slowly D. firmly15.A.everything B. somethin
14、g C. nothing D. anything16.A.eyes B. feet C. head D. body17.A.believe B. repeat C. take D. understand18.A.really B. extremely C. actually D. almost19.A.accept B. remember C. hear D. receive20.A.count B. say C. add D. speak内容概要:本文讲述了人的大脑有预测未来的非凡能力,甚至在梦中有时也能解决一些难题。答案简析:1、选 C。从前一句话中可以得到足够的启示。2、选 A。此处强调
15、过程,另三个词系短暂动词,不能这样用。3、选 A。imagine 表示一种心理描绘,与 look forward to,predict 和 expect 等词意相吻合。4、选 D。这里强调的是行为方式。此外,第 6 个空格前重现了类似的表达方式。5、选 C。情况经常与我们预计的不同,说明我们的预计不总是“正确的” 。6、选 D。四个选项中只有 expect 与 predict 同义。7、选 C。开普勒的梦不具有 funny,dull 和 silly 的特征。8、选 B。从下文来看,已成功地解决了问题,而不是“想” 、 “希望”或“努力”去做。9、选 A。 “研究”与“分析”是紧密相联的。stu
16、dy 此处意为“研究” 。research 作“研究”讲时,若接宾语,须加上介词 on 或 into。10、选 C。凭语感确定。11、选 B。find out 意为“弄清” 、 “找出” 。其余三个词组不合文意。12、选 C。wake up“醒来”,符合情节发展的进程:睡觉做梦醒来。13、选 A。由前文可知,他是在“梦”中解决了难题。14、选 A。softly 意为 gently and slowly,这是催眠者对催眠对象应该采用的方式。15、选 C。从前后句来看,催眠者希望他什么也不要想。16、选 A。从下文 your eyes are too heavy 一句中可得到暗示。17、选 D。听
17、到并且“理解”合乎逻辑。18、选 D。almost asleep 意为迷迷糊糊地睡着了,从眼皮沉重,还有简单的思维活动来看,不能说是完全睡着了。19、选 B。这里的 remember nothing 等于下一句中的 forget everything。20、选 A。后面列举的一、二、三、四、五这一串数字,表明“计数”已经开始。(二)The Voice of America began during the World War II. When Germany was broadcasting a radio program to get international 1_, American o
18、fficials believed they should 2_ the German broadcast with words that they thought were the facts of world events. The first VOA news report began with words in 3_ . “The 4_may be good or bad, but we shall tell you the truth.” Within a week, other VOA 5_ were broadcasting in Italian, French and Engl
19、ish.After the World War II ended in 1945, some Americans felt VOAs 6_ had to be changed, 7_ the Soviet Union became enemy of America. They wanted to 8 _ Soviet listeners. Then VOA began broadcasting in Russian.第 4 页 共 9 页In the early years VOA began adding something new to its broadcast that was 9_
20、“ Music USA”. Another new idea came along in 1959. VOA knew that many listeners did not know 10_English to completely understand its 11_English broadcast. So VOA 12 _ a simpler kind of English, 13_uses about 1,500 words and is spoken 14_ of course, it is special English.In the 15_ of most VOA listen
21、ers, the most 16_program is the news report. News from around the world 17_ into the VOA news rooms in Washington 24 hours a day. It comes from VOA reporters in 18_ cities and also from other 19_ like BBC. VOA writers and editors use these materials to 20_ news reports, which are being broadcast in
22、43 languages.1.A.business B. culture C. support D. information2.A.reply B. answer C. join D. interrupt3.A.same B. short C. English D. German4.A.news B. problems C. effects D. opinions5.A.stations B. news C. announcers D. officials6.A.home B. position C. purpose D. results7.A.if B. supposing C consid
23、ering D. in order that8.A.reach B. satisfy C. attack D. support9.A.known B. reported C. called D. printed10.A.American B. British C. standard D. enough11.A.normal B. fast C. good D. exact12.A.invented B. discovered C. taught D. stopped13.A.it B. who C. which D. that14.A.slowly B. rapidly C. normally
24、 D. loudly15.A.pleasure B. course C. opinion D. advice16.A.difficult B. important C. various D. common17.A.flies B. sends C. delivers D. pasts18.A.all B. major C. American D. news19.A.broadcasts B. forms C. newspapers D. countries20.A.broadcast B. announce C. translate D. prepare内容概要:本文讲述了 VOA(美国之音)
25、电台的开办、发展的一些过程,重点说明了它的办台宗旨。答案简析1、选 C。二战期间,德国做广播节目的初衷应是呼吁国际“支持(support) ”,而不可能是另三项。 2、选 B。由 with words 可以想到 answer。reply 后接宾语时要加 to。3、选 D。要回复德国电台,得用“德文”来播,这样德国人能听懂。4、选 A。前文已说了播出的是 news report。 5、选 C。播音的主体当然是 announcers(播音员)了。 6、选 C。VOA 电台成立之初的目标主要是对二战中的一些敌对国家进行宣传,随着二战结束,敌对国家有所改变,那么广播的目的与对象的也应随之而改变。 7、
26、选 C。considering“考虑到”,表示改变广播目的背景。 8、选 A。reach 是中性词,其他三词要么是褒义,要么是贬义,在此不合语境。 9、选 C。凭语感选定。 第 5 页 共 9 页10、选 D。对英语不是很精通才导致不能完全听懂英文广播的。 11、选 A。区别于后文提到的 special English。 12、选 A。原来没有的东西,现在有了,故用 invent。 13、选 C。引导非限制性定语从句,指物。 14、选 A。正常英语听不懂,除了词汇问题,更重要的还有语速问题,即速度要“慢” 。15、选 C。后面叙述的就是看法、观点。16、选 B。后面的内容体现了新闻报道的重要性
27、。 17、选 A。flies 表达了新闻的及时、快速的特点,其余的词没有这种意思。 18、选 B。major cities 指大城市。根据常识可排除 A、 D,根据 around the world,可排除 C。 19、选 A。由 like 可知,所选词须与 BBC 同类。20、选 D。由后面的定语从句可以推知,这里指新闻报道的前期“准备”工作,包括选材、翻译、录音等一系列工作。(三)Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1503. He was working 1_ a special painting for a church
28、at that time, 2_ the church painting was not 3_ well. An Italian businessman asked da Vinci to paint a picture of his second 4_. This is the woman who 5_ be seen in the Mona Lisa.All in all, the Mona Lisa is a very good example of da Vincis 6_ and it satisfied the husband. Da Vinci used 7_ and light
29、 in a clever 8_ in the painting. Da Vinci loved science and 9_. Right away a person can see that there is a lot of geometry(几何形状) in the Mona Lisa. The face of the Mona Lisa is made of many circles and 10_ shapes like 11_. Even her 12_ can be seen as a small part of a large circle. The woman in the
30、13 _ is sitting on a balcony(阳台), and 14_ can be seen behind her. Da Vinci loved to study rocks, so these can be seen 15_ in his other paintings. The woman is sitting with her knees 16_ the side. Her head is turned to look out of the painting. Her hands are 17_ together in front of her. This way of
31、18_ is now used by many 19_ when 20_. The Mona Lisa is a remarkable master.1.A.up B.in C.on D.about2.A.but B.thus C.however D.so3.A.doing B.going C.making D.working4.A.servant B.daughter C.nurse D.wife5.A.must B.should C.might D.can6.A.works B.jobs C.novels D.photos7.A.heaviness B.black C.darkness D
32、.oils8.A.way B.picture C.hand D.eye9.A.chemistry B.maths C.geography D.biology10.A.square B.round C.long D.egg11.A.balls B.sticks C.vases D.boxes12.A.smile B.shout C.cry D.anger13.A.church B.painting C.sofa D.house14.A.trees B.buildings C.mountains D.flowers15.A.by and by B.here and there C.over and
33、 over D.up and down第 6 页 共 9 页16.A.on B.by C.to D.beyond17.A.caught B.held C.supported D.hung18.A.painting B.living C.smiling D.sitting19.A.women B.actresses C.girls D.models20.A.they are being painted B.painting C.being painted D.they have painted内容概要:文章描述了达芬奇的名画蒙娜丽莎的由来以及其中的一些细节,并从专业与大众的角度对该画以及该画的影
34、响做了诠释。答案简析:1、选 C。work on 指从事某一件事。 2、选 A。上下文意义有“转折”关系。 3、选 B。go well 表示进展顺利,如:Everything goes well(一切顺利) 。 4、选 D。从后面的 the husband 中可以得到足够的启示。 5、选 D。这一用法在本文中出现了多次。 6、选 A。works 意为“作品” 。 蒙娜丽莎应是达芬奇的“作品”之一。 7、选 C。与 light 相对应的是 darkness。 8、选 A。明暗对比是绘画技巧、方法之一。9、选 B。在其画中大量使用几何形状,说明他喜爱“数学” 。10、选 B。和 circles 相
35、当的自然是“round”shapes。 11、选 A。圆形的东西,四个选项中只有 balls 肯定是。 12、选 A。根据常识,B、C、D 三项无法用几何图形来表达。13、选 B。the woman 指的就是“画”中的蒙娜丽莎。 14、选 C。由后面的 rocks 可以联想到 mountains。 15、选 C。在其它的一些画中也能看到 rocks,说明 rocks“反复地、再三地” 出现在他的画中。16、选 C。to the side 指侧向一边,符合画的意境。 17、选 B。保持身体姿势怎样用 hold。 18、选 D。前面谈的就是蒙娜丽莎的“坐”姿。19、选 D。仿效这种坐姿的应是艺术“
36、模特” 。 20、选 A。模特应该是在供人们作画时才摆出这种坐姿的。(四)We know the kiss as a form of expressing affection(情感,喜爱). But long 1_ it became it, it was customary in many countries to use it as a(n) 2_ of respect. Some native Africans 3_the ground over which a chief(首领)has walked. Kissing the hand and foot has been a mark
37、of respect from the 4_ times.The early Romans kissed the mouth or eyes 5 _a form of dignified(高贵的) greeting. One Roman emperor allowed his important nobles to kiss his lips, but the 6_ important ones had to kiss his hands, and the 7_important ones were 8_allowed to kiss his feet!Most likely the kiss
38、 as a form of affection can be traced back to primitive(上古的,原始的)times when a mother 9_ fondle(爱抚) her child, just as a mother 10_ today. It only remained for society to 11_this as a custom for expressing affection between arms.We have evidence(根据) that this was already the 12 _ by the time of the si
39、xth century, but we can only suppose it was 13 _ long before that. The first 14 _ where the kiss became accepted in courtship(求婚) was in France. From France the kiss spread rapidly all over Europe. Russia, which loved to 15_the customs of France, soon adopted it. A kiss from the 第 7 页 共 9 页Tsar(沙皇)
40、became 16 _ of the highest forms of recognition from the Crown.In time, the kiss became a part of courtship. 17_ marriage customs developed, the kiss became a part of the 18_ ceremony 典礼,仪式). Today we regard it as an expression of love and tenderness. 19_ there are still many places in the world whe
41、re the kiss is 20_ of formal ceremonies and is intended to show respect.1A.after B. before C. until D. since2.A.custom B. tradition C. expression D. affection3.A.watch B. touch C. kiss D. greet4.A.earliest B. latest C. longest D. eldest5.A.of B. as C. for D. in6.A.not B. little C. less D. least7.A.l
42、ast B. less C. most D. least8.A.too B. also C. only D. ever9.A.would B. could C. should D. will10.A.would B. has C. doing D. does11.A.express B. allow C. kiss D. accept12.A.case B. event C. history D. evidence13.A.expressed B. practised C. kissed D. discovered14.A.city B. tribe(部落) C. society D. cou
43、ntry15.A.allow B. copy C. spread D. use16.A.one B. it C. this D. that17.A.Since B. Once C. While D. As18.A.meeting B. greeting C. marrying D. wedding19.A.And B. Thus C. But D. When20.A.bit B. part C. some D. any内容概要:文章运用许多事例阐述了“kiss”的起源、发展及其功能。答案简析:1、选 B。今天,我们所了解的亲吻的功能是表示爱慕这样的情感,那么用亲吻表示尊敬,则应是“以前”的事了
44、。 2、选 C。与开头 expressing 相呼应,故用 expression。第 19 空前再现了类似说法。 3、选 C。前后谈论的都是“亲吻” 。 4、选 A。这句话仍然是对联 But long before it became it 一句的例证,故发生的时间也应在很久以前。 5、选 B。类似结构还有 the kiss as a form of affection,as an expression of等。 6、选 C。国王把人分成几个等级,从吻的部位不难看出一个人的地位。 7、选 D。仅让其吻身体最低部位的脚,可见其地位最低。8、选 C。由上下文和句末感叹号推知。 9、选 A。woul
45、d 可用来表示过去的习惯性行为。 10、选 D。does 替代前文提到的 fondles her child。 11、选 D。根据上下文不难排除余者。 12、选 A。case“情况” ,event“事件” ,history“历史” ,evidence“证据” 。主语this 指的是前两句话的内容,显然可以视其为一种“情况” 。 13、选 B。风俗被“实践” ,合乎语境。 第 8 页 共 9 页14、选 C。这里的 society 指群体,city,trible 较为片面,较为武断,不能选用。 15、选 B。很快采纳了法国的做法,说明它爱“效仿”法国。 16、选 A。根据词的用法即可选定。17、
46、选 D。发展(develop) 、变化(become)是有过程的,故选 as(随着) 。18、选 D。只有“婚礼”与婚姻相关。19、选 C。下一句所描述的亲吻功能正好与前面相反。 20、选 B。part of 意为“的一部分” 。(五)In the capital of Haiti, Port-au-Prince(太子港), the most popular form of transportation is the “tap tap”. The tap tap is the quickest means of 1_ transportation and the least costly way to 2_ around. It is also a 3 _ happening. It is 4 _ you get the