1、中美联合声明(英汉对照) China-U.S. joint statement 2011 中美联合声明二 0 一一年一月十九日,华盛顿1应美利坚合众国总统贝拉克奥巴马邀请,中华人民共和国主席胡锦涛于二 0 一一年一月十八日至二十一日对美国进行国事访问。访问期间,胡主席会见了美国副总统约瑟夫拜登,将会见美国国会领导人,并访问芝加哥。2两国元首回顾了自奥巴马总统二 00 九年十一月对中国进行国事访问以来中美关系取得的进展,并重申致力于建设二十一世纪积极合作全面的中美关系,这符合两国人民和国际社会的利益。双方重申,中美三个联合公报为两国关系奠定了政治基础,并将继续指导两国关系的发展。双方重申尊重彼此
2、主权和领土完整。两国元首还重申了对二 00 九年十一月中美联合声明的承诺。3中美致力于共同努力建设相互尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系,以推进两国共同利益、应对二十一世纪的机遇和挑战。中美正在安全、经济、社会、能源、环境等广泛领域开展积极合作,需进一步深化双边接触与协调。两国领导人还一致认为,需要与国际伙伴和机构进行更加广泛、深入的合作,以形成和落实可持续的解决方案并促进世界和平、稳定、繁荣和各国人民的福祉。加强中美关系4鉴于两国面临重要的共同挑战,中美决定继续建设伙伴关系,以推进共同利益、处理共同关切、强调国际责任。两国领导人认识到,中美关系既重要又复杂。中美已成为不同政治制度、历史文化背景和经
4、扬台湾海峡两岸经济合作框架协议 ,欢迎两岸间新的沟通渠道。美方支持两岸关系和平发展,期待两岸加强经济、政治及其他领域的对话与互动,建立更加积极稳定的关系。7双方重申,尽管两国在人权问题上仍然存在重要分歧,但双方都致力于促进和保护人权。美方强调,促进人权和民主是美国外交政策的重要组成部分。中方强调,不应干涉任何国家的内政。中美强调,各国及各国人民都有权选择自身发展道路,各国应相互尊重彼此选择的发展模式。双方本着平等和相互尊重的精神处理人权问题上的分歧,按照国际文书促进和保护人权,并同意在第三轮中美战略与经济对话前举行下一轮中美人权对话。8中美同意在下一轮人权对话前恢复举行法律专家对话。双方还同意
5、将加强两国的法律合作和法治交流。两国正积极探讨关于加强妇女在社会中作用的交流和讨论。9中美两国确认,一个健康、稳定、可靠的两军关系是胡锦涛主席和奥巴马总统关于积极合作全面中美关系共识的重要组成部分。双方一致认为,有必要加强各层次的实质性对话和沟通,以减少误解、误读、误判,增进了解,扩大共同利益,推动两军关系健康稳定可靠发展。双方注意到美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨本月早些时候对中国进行了成功访问,美方欢迎中国人民解放军总参谋长陈炳德上将于二 0 一一年上半年访问美国。双方重申,中美国防部防务磋商、国防部工作会晤、海上军事安全磋商机制未来将继续作为两军对话的重要渠道。双方表示,将继续推动二 00 九年十
6、月中国中央军委副主席徐才厚上将与美国国防部长盖茨就发展两军关系达成的七项共识得到落实。10中美同意采取具体行动,深化在航天领域的对话和交流。美方邀请中方代表团于二 0一一年访问美国国家航空航天局总部和其他合适的设施,以作为对美国国家航空航天局长二 0 一 0 年对中国富有成果的访问的回访。双方同意继续在透明、对等、互利的基础上讨论在航天领域开展务实合作的机会。11 中美科技合作协定是两国最早签署的双边协定之一,双方认可在该协定框架下取得的成果并欢迎签署该协定延期议定书。中美将继续在农业、卫生、能源、环境、渔业、学生交流、技术创新等广泛领域进行合作,以增进双方福祉。12中美双方欢迎中美执法合作联
7、合联络小组在反恐等诸多领域加强执法合作取得的进展。双方同意通过双边和其他途径加强反腐败合作。促进高层交往13双方认为,强有力的中美关系离不开高层交往,密切、频繁、深入的对话对推进双边关系以及国际和平与发展十分重要。本着这一精神,两国元首期待在二 0 一一年再次会面,包括在美国夏威夷州举办的亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议期间会晤。中方欢迎拜登副总统于二 0 一一年访华。美方欢迎习近平副主席此后访美。14双方积极评价中美战略与经济对话这一两国政府间十分重要的协调机制,同意二 0 一一年五月在华盛顿举行第三轮对话。战略与经济对话在帮助两国建立互信方面发挥了重要作用。双方还同意二 0 一一年春在美国举行
8、第二轮中美人文交流高层磋商,二 0 一一年下半年在中国举行第二十二届中美商贸联委会。双方同意两国外长通过互访、会晤等方式保持密切沟通。15双方强调两国议会继续保持交往的重要性,包括中国全国人民代表大会与美国参议院和众议院之间的机制化交流。应对地区和全球挑战16双方认为,中美两国在促进亚太及其他地区和平安全方面拥有共同利益,同意加强沟通与协调,应对紧迫的地区和全球挑战。双方致力于采取行动保护全球环境,在全球性问题上协调合作,维护和促进各国及各国人民的可持续发展。具体而言,中美同意在下述领域增进合作:应对暴力极端主义,防止核武器扩散、其他大规模杀伤性武器及其运载工具的扩散,加强核安全,消除传染性疾
11、社会对于伊朗核计划仅限于和平目的的信心。双方同意伊朗根据不扩散核武器条约拥有和平利用核能的权利,同时伊朗也应履行该条约规定的相应国际义务。双方呼吁全面执行联合国安理会所有有关决议。双方欢迎并将积极参与六国与伊朗进程,强调包括伊朗在内的各方应致力于建设性的对话进程。20双方同意全力支持苏丹北南和平进程,包括全面有效落实全面和平协议 。双方强调各方应尊重自由、公平和透明的公投结果。中美双方对达尔富尔问题表示关注,认为应推动达尔富尔地区政治进程取得进一步实质性进展,以促进该问题早日得到全面妥善解决。整个地区继续保持和平稳定符合中美双方利益。21双方同意,本着相互尊重和合作的精神加强在亚太地区的沟通和
12、协调,并通过多边机构等渠道和其他亚太国家一道促进和平、稳定与繁荣。建设全面互利的经济伙伴关系22胡锦涛主席和奥巴马总统认识到共同努力建设相互尊重、互利共赢的经济合作伙伴关系对两国和世界经济极其重要。两国领导人同意推进全面经济合作,并将依托现有对话机制,基于以下要素,到将于今年五月举行的第三轮中美战略与经济对话时进一步确立全面经济合作框架。23为推进中美两国和世界经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长,双方同意加强宏观经济政策沟通与合作:(1 )美国将重点减少中期联邦赤字,确保长期财政可持续性,并对汇率过度波动保持警惕。美联储近年来已采取重要步骤增强其传递未来展望和长期目标的清晰度。(2 )中国将继续加大力
13、度扩大内需,促进服务部门的私人投资,更大程度地发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用。中国将继续坚持推进人民币汇率形成机制改革,增强人民币汇率弹性,转变经济发展方式。(3 )双方同意继续实施前瞻性货币政策并关注其对国际经济的影响。两国支持欧洲领导人为增强市场稳定性和促进可持续长期增长所做出的努力。24双方认识到开放的贸易和投资对促进经济增长、创造就业、创新和繁荣的重要意义,重申将采取进一步措施推进全球贸易和投资自由化,反对贸易和投资保护主义。双方也同意愿本着建设性、合作性和互利性的态度,积极解决双边贸易和投资争端。25两国领导人强调将指示其谈判代表进行跨领域的谈判,在维护世界贸易组织多哈发展回合授权
14、、锁定已有成果的基础上,促使多哈回合谈判尽快取得成功、富有雄心、全面和平衡的结果。双方同意加强和扩大两国谈判代表的参与度以完成谈判。26两国领导人同意实现更加平衡的贸易关系的重要性,并高度赞扬包括近期在华盛顿举行的第二十一届中美商贸联委会在此方面取得的进展。27中方将坚持保护知识产权,包括进行审计以确保各级政府机关使用正版软件,并依法公布审计结果。中国的创新政策与提供政府采购优惠不挂钩。美方欢迎中方同意在世界贸易组织政府采购委员会二 0 一一年最后一次会议前提交一份强有力的新的修改出价,其中包括次中央实体。28两国领导人认识到培育开放、公平和透明的投资环境对两国经济和世界经济的重要性,重申双方
18、源安全而开展协调,加强现有清洁能源合作,确保市场开放,在气候友好型能源领域推动互利投资,鼓励清洁能源,推动先进清洁能源技术开发。37双方积极评价中美清洁能源研究中心、可再生能源伙伴关系、 中美能源安全合作联合声明和中美能源合作项目启动以来两国在清洁能源和能源安全领域合作取得的进展。双方重申继续就能源政策进行交流,在石油、天然气(包括页岩气) 、民用核能、风能和太阳能、智能电网、先进生物燃料、清洁煤、能效、电动汽车及清洁能源技术标准等领域进行合作。38双方积极评价中美能源和环境十年合作框架自二 00 八年启动以来取得的进展。双方同意在该框架下进一步加强务实合作,落实水、大气、交通、电力、保护区和
19、湿地、能效等优先领域的行动计划,开展政策对话,实施绿色合作伙伴计划。双方高兴地宣布两个新的绿色合作伙伴计划。双方欢迎两国地方政府、企业、研究机构参与十年合作框架,共同探索中美能源环境合作的创新模式。双方对根据十年合作框架将于二 0 一一年开展的合作项目和活动表示欢迎。39双方对坎昆协议表示欢迎,认为应对气候变化的努力也应促进经济社会发展。双方同意与其他国家一道,积极推动联合国气候变化框架公约的全面、有效、持续落实,包括落实坎昆协议,并支持今年的南非会议达成积极成果。扩展人文交流40中美两国一贯支持开展更加广泛深入的人文交流,这也是双方建设相互尊重、互利共赢中美合作伙伴关系努力的一部分。双方同意
20、采取切实步骤加强人文交流。双方满意地注意到,二 0 一 0 年上海世博会取得成功,中方对美国馆的成功展示向美方表示祝贺。双方宣布建立中美省州长论坛,决定进一步支持两国地方各级在一系列领域开展交流合作,包括增强友好省州和友好城市关系。中美还同意采取切实措施,特别是通过“十万人留学中国计划” ,加强两国青年之间的对话与交流。美方热忱欢迎更多中国学生赴美留学,并将继续为他们提供签证便利。双方同意讨论扩大文化交流的途径,包括探讨举办中美文化年及其他活动。双方强调将进一步推动相互旅游并为此提供便利。双方认为,所有上述活动都有助于深化了解、互信与合作。结语41胡锦涛主席感谢奥巴马总统和美国人民在他访问期间
21、给予的热情款待。中美两国元首认为,此访进一步推进了两国关系,双方决心共同努力建设相互尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系。两国元首均深信,一个更加强有力的中美关系不仅符合两国人民的根本利益,也有利于整个亚太地区乃至全世界。2011 年 01 月 20 日 06:13来源:新华网Full text of China-U.S. joint statement E 2011-01-20 08:26:01 FeedbackPrintRSS WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 (Xinhua) - China and the United States on Wednesday issued a joint
22、 statement, which covers a range of issues such as strengthening bilateral relations, addressing regional and global challenges, building a comprehensive and mutually beneficial economic partnership, and cooperating on climate change, energy and the environment. Following is the full text of the joi
23、nt statement:China-U.S. Joint StatementJanuary 19, 2011, Washington1. At the invitation of President Barack Obama of the United States of America, President Hu Jintao of the Peoples Republic of China is paying a state visit to the United States of America on January 18-21, 2011. During his visit, Pr
24、esident Hu also met with Vice President Joseph Biden, will meet with U.S. Congressional leadership, and will visit Chicago.2. The two Presidents reviewed the progress made in the relationship since President Obamas November 2009 state visit to China and reaffirmed their commitment to building a posi
25、tive, cooperative and comprehensive China-U.S. relationship for the 21st century, which serves the interests of the Chinese and American peoples and of the global community. The two sides reaffirmed that the three Joint Communiques issued by China and the United States laid the political foundation
26、for the relationship and will continue to guide the development of China-U.S. relations. The two sides reaffirmed respect for each others sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Presidents further reaffirmed their commitment to the November 2009 China-U.S. Joint Statement.3. China and the United
27、States are committed to work together to build a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit in order to promote the common interests of both countries and to address the 21st centurys opportunities and challenges. China and the United States are actively cooperating on a wide
28、 range of security, economic, social, energy, and environmental issues which require deeper bilateral engagement and coordination. The two leaders agreed that broader and deeper collaboration with international partners and institutions is required to develop and implement sustainable solutions and
29、to promote peace, stability, prosperity, and the well-being of peoples throughout the world.Strengthening China-U.S. Relations4. Recognizing the importance of the common challenges that they face together, China and the United States decided to continue working toward a partnership that advances com
30、mon interests, addresses shared concerns, and highlights international responsibilities. The two leaders recognize that the relationship between China and the United States is both vital and complex. China and the United States have set an example of positive and cooperative relations between countr
31、ies, despite different political systems, historical and cultural backgrounds, and levels of economic development. The two sides agreed to work further to nurture and deepen bilateral strategic trust to enhance their relations. They reiterated the importance of deepening dialogue aimed at expanding
32、practical cooperation and affirmed the need to work together to address areas of disagreement, expand common ground, and strengthen coordination on a range of issues.5. The United States reiterated that it welcomes a strong, prosperous and successful China that plays a greater role in world affairs.
33、 China welcomes the United States as an Asia-Pacific nation that contributes to peace, stability and prosperity in the region. Working together, both leaders support efforts to build a more stable, peaceful, and prosperous Asia-Pacific region for the 21st century.6. Both sides underscored the import
34、ance of the Taiwan issue in China-U.S. relations. The Chinese side emphasized that the Taiwan issue concerns Chinas sovereignty and territorial integrity, and expressed the hope that the U.S. side will honor its relevant commitments and appreciate and support the Chinese sides position on this issue
35、. The U.S. side stated that the United States follows its one-China policy and abides by the principles of the three China-U.S. Joint Communiques. The United States applauded the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and welcomed the new lines of communi
36、cations developing between them. The United States supports the peaceful development of relations across the Taiwan Strait and looks forward to efforts by both sides to increase dialogues and interactions in economic, political, and other fields, and to develop more positive and stable cross-Strait
37、relations.7. China and the United States reiterated their commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights, even as they continue to have significant differences on these issues. The United States stressed that the promotion of human rights and democracy is an important part of its foreign
38、 policy. China stressed that there should be no interference in any countrys internal affairs. China and the United States underscored that each country and its people have the right to choose their own path, and all countries should respect each others choice of a development model. Addressing diff
39、erences on human rights in a spirit of equality and mutual respect, as well as promoting and protecting human rights consistent with international instruments, the two sides agreed to hold the next round of the China-U.S. Human Rights Dialogue before the third round of the Strategic and Economic Dia
40、logue (S to foster greater understanding and expand mutual interest; and to promote the healthy, stable, and reliable development of the military-to-military relationship. Both sides noted the successful visit of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to China earlier this month, and that the United Stat
41、es welcomes Chief of the PLA General Staff General Chen Bingde to the United States in the first half of 2011. Both sides reaffirmed that the Defense Consultative Talks, the Defense Policy Coordination Talks, and the Military Maritime Consultative Agreement will remain important channels of communic
42、ation in the future. Both sides will work to execute the seven priority areas for developing military-to-military relations as agreed to by Secretary Gates and General Xu Caihou, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission in October 2009.10. China and the United States agreed to take specific
43、actions to deepen dialogue and exchanges in the field of space. The United States invited a Chinese delegation to visit NASA headquarters and other appropriate NASA facilities in 2011 to reciprocate for the productive visit of the U.S. NASA Administrator to China in 2010. The two sides agreed to con
44、tinue discussions on opportunities for practical future cooperation in the space arena, based on principles of transparency, reciprocity, and mutual benefit.11. China and the United States acknowledged the accomplishments under the bilateral Agreement on Cooperation in Science and Technology, one of
45、 the longest-standing bilateral agreements between the two countries, and welcomed the signing of its extension. China and the United States will continue to cooperate in such diverse areas as agriculture, health, energy, environment, fisheries, student exchanges, and technological innovation in ord
46、er to advance mutual well-being.12. China and the United States welcomed progress by the China-U.S. Joint Liaison Group on Law Enforcement Cooperation (JLG) to strengthen law enforcement cooperation across a range of issues, including counterterrorism. China and the United States also agreed to enha
47、nce joint efforts to combat corruption through bilateral and other means.Promoting High-Level Exchanges13. The two sides agreed that high-level exchanges are indispensable to strong China-U.S. relations, and that close, frequent, and in-depth dialogue is important to advance bilateral relations and
48、international peace and development. In this spirit, both Presidents look forward to meeting again in the coming year, including in the state of Hawaii for the U.S.-hosted 2011 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders meeting. China welcomed Vice President Biden for a visit in 2011. The Unit
49、ed States welcomed a subsequent visit by Vice President Xi Jinping.14. The two sides praised the S prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons, other weapons of mass destruction, and their means of delivery; strengthen nuclear security; eliminate infectious disease and hunger; end extreme poverty; respond effectively to the challenge of climate change; counter piracy; prevent and mitigate disasters; address cyber-security; fight transnational crime; and combat trafficking in persons. In coordination wit