1、,Handshaking,When to shake hands?,1.Come across some acquaintance.2.See our customers off.3. Say goodbye to our customers.4. When we introduce our friends.5.Come across our boss or colleague.6. Give thanks to people who offer support or help.7.Congratulations on friends.8. When you agree with other
2、people.9.When you comfort someone who is in hardship.10.When receiving gifts.,http;/ 中小学课件站,有部分课件由于控制文件大小,内容不完整,请联系购买完整版,Gesture,lady:hold the index figure,Man: hold the full palm,The principles of shaking,Lady first,Senior first,Superior person first,The strength of shaking,* Never too heavily or t
3、oo lightly. Never shake hands absent-mindedly or with left hand.,The time of shaking,3-5 seconds is the best, no more than 30 seconds at most. More than 10 seconds to express ones enthusiasm,Attentions,You have to stand up when shaking hands.,If you dont extend your hands, it is impolite.,Taboo 1,Shake hands with right hand.,Never put your hand in Your pocket when shaking.,Never crush the otherpersons hand.,No sweaty hands.,Taboo 2,http;/ 中小学课件站,Taboo 3,Never shake hands with gloves or hats.,