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1、0目录一、专利摘要翻译的基本要求二、专利摘要翻译的基本框架1. 首句2. 段落主干2.1 产品组成2.2 产品方法2.3 产品形状2.4 产品构造2.4.1 方向2.4.2 位置关系2.4.3 连接关系2.4.4 装配关系2.5 数值及倍比关系2.5.1 百分数的表达2.5.2 倍数的表达2.5.3 数值范围的表达2.5.4 比值的表达3. 末句3.1 主要用途3.2 有益效果三、术语的正确选用四、翻译要点及注意事项五、格式、数字及标点符号1. 格式2. 数字3. 标点4. 符号4.1 希腊字母4.2 特殊符号4.2.1 表示形状的符号4.2.2 数学符号5. 标号5.1 数字标号5.2 上标

2、与下标附件 1 (希腊字母发音对照表 )附件 2(标点及数学符号对照表) 1专利摘要翻译的加工指南一、专利摘要翻译的基本要求专利摘要的翻译属于科技翻译的领域,其涉及面广,专业性强,科技术语使用频繁。从翻译的要求来看,译文重点是要达到“信”和“达”的标准:“信”即要求译文与原文内容基本符合,不能有核心语义上的出入和省略;“达”即要求译文语句通顺,不能有语法错误。在此基础上,译员应力求符合英文的语言表达习惯以使译文自然流畅,通俗易懂。专利翻译的基本要求可概括为以下几点 1. 正确理解原文语义,译文尽量忠实原文。2. 避免译文中的语法错误。3. 准确选用术语,术语前后统一。4. 行文通顺。二、专利摘

3、要翻译的基本框架专利摘要的基本框架包括首句,段落主干和末句三个部分,各部分的重点分别是技术领域,技术方案要点和有益效果。以下为各部分翻译的具体指导和参考,同时还列举出了一些翻译的常见句式和部分术语的习惯表达。1. 首句该部分主要包括发明或实用新型的名称及其所属的技术领域。通常为一个短语或一句话。短语可直接翻译,参见题目的翻译指导;句子的翻译可参见以下常见句式。“本发明涉及.”The invention relates to .The present invention is directed to.The present invention concerns.“特别涉及/具体涉及.”.in p

4、articular to.particularly to.more particularly to.specifically to.more specifically to.More specifically, the present invention relates to.“此外,本发明还涉及.”The present invention furthermore relates to.Furthermore, the present invention relates to.The invention also relates to.“本发明涉及.领域”The invention rela

5、tes to the field of.The invention is directed to the field of.“本发明属于.的领域”The invention belongs to the field of.The invention pertains to the field of.“本发明提供了.”The invention provides.Provided is/are.2There is provided a.“本发明公开了.”The invention discloses.Disclosed is/are.“本发明进一步公开了.”The present inventi

6、on further discloses.The invention also discloses.“本发明的目的在于. ”The object/objective of the invention is to.“本发明涉及一种 XX 及其制备方法。 ”The present invention relates to XX and a method/method/methods for the preparation thereof.The present invention relates to XX and a method/method/methods for/of preparing

7、the same.The present invention relates to XX and preparation method/methods/process thereof.The present invention relates to XX and preparation thereof.“本发明涉及 XX 在制备 XX 中的用途。 ”The invention relates to the use of XX in the preparation/manufacture of XX.The invention relates to the use of XX in prepar

8、ing XX.2. 段落主干技术内容为专利摘要的主体部分,主要包括所要解决的技术问题和解决该问题的技术方案的要点。因此该部分的翻译是专利摘要的翻译重点,译员应注意准确理解段落的语义和逻辑关系,不允许有漏译,中英文内容明显不符以及语法错误等现象发生。从技术主题来看,发明专利主要包括产品发明和方法发明;实用新型主要包括产品的形状和产品的构造两方面,其中产品的构造又包括产品零部件以及元器件的位置关系,连接关系及必要的配合关系等。以下就从这几个方面给出了常见的一些表达方式及相关术语。2.1 产品组成“包括”/“由.组成/构成”comprise; consist of; include; contain

9、; be composed ofconsisting of A and B: 表示只包括 A 和 B,无其他,用来表示闭合性的结构; comprising A and B: 除了 A 和 B,还可能有 C 和 D 等,用来表示开放性的结构;当原文内容无法判断其内容为闭合还是开放的情况下,推荐使用 comprise;consist of 多用主动态,其本身就表示“由.组成”的含义,因此没有 be consisted of/by 的用法;机械结构中 contain 比较少用; 此外 be comprised of 的形式也比较少见,不推荐使用。 2.2 产品方法方法发明可以分成制造方法和操作使用方

10、法两种类型。该部分的翻译方法通常有两种,第一种为将各方法步骤翻译成一系列的分词形式,第二种为直接用陈述句的形式来描述各方法步骤。不推荐使用祈使句的形式来翻译。系列分词:该部分通常用“包括/该方法包括/ 该方法包括以下步骤 ”等短语来引导,可参见以下翻译句型及例句.the method/process comprising V1-ing, V2-ing.the method comprises/includes V1-ing, V2-ing.3.which comprises/includes the following steps: (1) V1-ing, (2) V2-ing.the met

11、hod comprising the steps of V1-ing, V2-ing.which includes the steps of: (1) V1-ing, (2) V2-ing.【例 1】本发明公开了抗菌医用敷料的制造方法,包括采用壳聚糖纤维经碱化生成碱壳聚糖纤维再与氯乙酸进行醚化反应,制成羧甲基壳聚糖纤维,再经开松、成网、针刺制成敷料。The present invention discloses a preparing method of antispetic medical dressing which includes, basificating chitosan fibr

12、e to form alkali chitosan fibre, etherificating the alkali chitosan fibre with chlroacetic acid to form carboxymethyl chitosan fibre, then opening, netting, needling the resultant carboxymethyl chitosan fibre to form a dressing.【例 2】一种计算机硬盘数据备份及恢复方法,包括备份步骤,用于对硬盘数据进行备份,其中,在该硬盘中,为该硬盘中存有需备份数据的备份分区设置用于备

13、份该分区之数据的镜像分区;将用户指定的备份分区的数据完整地备份到已设置的对应的镜像分区内;隐藏镜像分区的空间;该方法还包括恢复步骤,用于根据用户的指定而将镜像分区的硬盘数据完整地恢复到所对应的备份分区内。本发明能对硬盘中的各种数据进行安全可靠的备份及恢复。A method of backing up and recovering data in the hard disk of a computer, comprising a step of backing up data in the hard disk, for those back up partitions storing data

14、needed to back up, assigning an mirror partition for backing up data in each back up partition; backing up the data in the back up partitions assigned by user to the corresponding mirror partition completely, hiding the space in the mirror partitions; the method further includes a recovery step of r

15、ecovering the data of the mirror partitions in the hard disk and transferring them into the corresponding back-up partition completely according to the commands from the user. The present invention can back up and recovery all kinds of data in the hard disk safely.直接陈述:直接使用陈述句的形式来描述制造方法和步骤。【例】本发明涉及一

16、种制备含砜鞣料的溶液的方法。在所述方法中,a)通过步骤 a1)-a3)制备组分 A:a1)让苯酚与浓硫酸或与 SO3 含量为 20-65 重量的发烟硫酸或与硫酸和 SO3含量为 20-65 重量的发烟硫酸的混合物在 100-180下反应,总硫酸 (按 SO3 计)与苯酚的摩尔比为 0.71 至 1.51,形成含有苯酚磺酸、二羟基二苯基砜和硫酸的混合物,或将所述各组分混合以制备相应混合物,a2)然后让所述混合物与按每 mol 所存在的苯酚单元计的0.25-4mol 脲和 0.5-4mol 的含 1-6 个碳原子的脂族醛在 40-90下缩合,a3) 任选添加碱以设定 4-5 的 pH。The in

17、vention relates to a method for producing a solution of tanning agents containing sulphone.a1) phenol is reacted with concentrated sulphuric acid or with oleum with an SO3 content of between 20 and 65 wt. %, or with a mixture of sulphuric acid and oleum with an SO3 content of between 20 and 65 wt. %

18、, whereby the molar ratio of total sulphuric acid, calculated in the form of SO3 to phenol is between 0.7: 1 and 1.5: 1, at a temperature of between 100 and 180 DEG C to obtain a mixture containing phenolsulphonic acid, dihydroxydiphenyl sulphone and sulphuric acid, or the individual components are

19、blended to produce a corresponding mixture; a2) said mixture is subsequently condensed at between 40 and 90 DEG C per mol of phenol units present with between 0.25 and 4 mol of urea and between 0.5 and 4 mol of an aliphatic aldehyde comprising between 1 and 6 C atoms, a3) optionally a pH value of be

20、tween 4 and 5 is set by adding a base4常见术语“提取”: extract【例】该组分得自天花粉中药在常温常压下经溶剂提取的提取产物,The composition can be obtained by extracting Radix trichosanthis in solvent at normal temperature and pressure.“发酵”: ferment【例】隐孔菌在含有葡萄糖、麦芽糖、酵母粉、蛋白胨、无机盐及维生素的培养基上进行液体或固体发酵,获得隐孔菌菌丝体、发酵上清液和各种代谢产物。The Cryptoporus volva

21、tus is cultured on culture medium for liquid fermentation or solid fermentation to obtain mycelium of Cryptoporus volvatus, Schear, culture supernatant fluid and various metabolins, in which the culture medium contains glucose, maltose, yeast powder, peptone, inorganic salts and vitamins.“偶联”: coupl

22、e【例】偶联物由以下方法制得:通过制备无基质血红蛋白,然后将血红蛋白与人血清白蛋白进行偶联,偶联产物经过离子交换层析、超过滤或凝胶过滤层析法纯化。The conjugates are obtained by the following steps: preparing stroma-free hemoglobin, then coupling hemoglobin to human serum albumin.“添加”: add; charge【例】添加至少一种功能助剂于该干净纸浆之中adding/charging at least one functional aids into the c

23、leaned pulp“悬浮”: suspend【例】将 BCC 悬浮于藻酸钠溶液中;suspending BCC in a solution of sodium alginate;“分散”: disperse【例】将该悬浮液分散于氯化钙溶液中以形成藻酸钙珠沉淀;dispersing the suspension in solution of calcium chloride to form calcium alginate bead deposit;“混合”: mix 【例】将该沉淀与聚赖氨酸溶液混合以包裹聚赖氨酸膜并沉淀;mixing the deposit with solution o

24、f polylysine to form a coating and depositing;“置换”: displace【例】用柠檬酸钠置换出沉淀物中的钙离子以微囊化 BCC;displacing the calcium ions in deposit with sodium citrate for microencapsulating BBC“获得”: obtain【例】并经过一特殊处理以获得干净纸浆obtaining a cleaned pulp via a special treatment“引入”: introduce【例】以金属孤等离子体方式将钛、钛-钽或者钛- 铌等离子体 引入该真

25、空室中;introducing the plasma of titanium, titanium-tantalum or titanium-niobium into the vacuum chamber in metal arc plasma form;“施加”: apply【例】向工作台施加频率为 500-50000 赫兹的负电压脉冲, applying a negative pulse potential of 50050,00 Hz on the workbench“选自”: be selected from5【例】R1 选自 H、R、RCO 或 HO3S;R2 选自 F;Cl; Br;

26、I;H;-OH;-OR;-HSO3等;条件是 R1、R2 不同时为 H。R is selected from H, R, RCO or HO3S; R is selected from F; Cl; Br; I; H; -OH; - OR; -HO3S, and the like; with the proviso that R, R can not both be H. 2.3 产品形状常见的表达方式:adj + noun【例】筒状外罩 a cylindrical jackethas a . shape【例】每个过渡部分还具有沿平行于轴线方向的连续的圆角横截面形状Each transitio

27、n portion further has a continually radiused cross-sectional shape in a direction parallel to the axis.has a -like shape【例】外包装物为管状。The outer package has a tube-like shape.be of a shape例】所述导向气锤为空心球状或半球状The guiding air hammer is of a hollow spherical or hemispherical shape.be +adj.+ in shape【例】 电极孔隙总体

28、上为椭圆形An electrode aperture is substantially elliptical in shape.2.4 产品构造2.4.1 方向“横向地”: transversely【例】一盖子铰接在锁扣本体上,从而它可相对于锁扣本体横向地朝腕带的轴线移动,且绕平行于腕带的所述轴线的铰链销转动。A cover is articulated on the clasp body so that it can move relative to the clasp body transversely with respect thereto and to the axis of the

29、 bracelet and pivot about a hinge pin parallel to said axis of the bracelet.“纵向地”: longitudinally【例】指示单元由机壳表面纵向排列的指示点组成。The indicator consists of indicating points which are longitudinally arranged on the surface of the casing.“侧向地”: laterally【例】而扣件则可防止钩件沿侧向或沿横向被拖拉移离于扣件。while the retaining member pr

30、events the hook member from being pulled away from the retaining member either laterally or transversely.“周向地”: circumferentially【例】邻接件的另外的自由端在圆周方向上相互连接。The other free ends of the abutments is linked circumferentially to each other.“斜向地”: obliquely 6【例】该活动接触件的成形方式是使一板簧部分朝向固定接触件的下方空间斜向拉长。The movable

31、contact is formed in a manner so that a plate spring portion is obliquely elongated toward a lower space of the stationary contact.“水平地”: horizontally【例】细长梁的第一部分一般水平地沿着门板的一个垂直平面延伸。A first portion of the elongate beam extends generally horizontally along a vertical plane of the door panel.成某一角度: at a

32、n angle of【例】传感器引线以一 98.64的角度被弯曲。Sensor leads are bent at an angle of 98.64 DEG.2.4.2 位置关系“并置”: juxtapose【例】地线接线板、零线接线板及火线接线板并置于接线盒中。The earth wire connection block, the zero wire connection block, and the live wire connection block are juxtaposed in the terminal block.“堆叠”: stack【例】上模至少堆叠在一个下模上An u

33、pper die is stacked on at least one of the lower dies.“交错”:stagger【例】柱状物排交错排列,第一排柱状物的流体直接入射到下一排柱状物上The rows of columns are staggered in such a way that fluid of the first row of columns is incident directly on columns of the next row“交叉”: intersect【例】入口的轴线方向基本上与平面平行,出口的轴向与入口的轴向形成十字交叉The inlet define

34、s an axis substantially parallel to the plane, and the outlet defines an axis which intersects the inlet axis“对齐/对准”: align【例】触点组在平行的排中对齐,且各个所述排中的触点组相对于邻接的排中的触点组交错排列。The contact groups are aligned in parallel rows, and the contact groups in each row are staggered with respect to the contact groups i

35、n an adjacent said row.“嵌套”: nest【例】将两个链锯嵌套在一起,使其细长锯杆盖至少局部伸入相邻产品的马达壳体封罩内,空间利用率相当高。Nesting two chain saws together with their elongate bar covers projecting at least partially into the motor housing enclosure of the adjacent product is quite space efficient.“突出”: protrude【例】每个接触部从插座本体的表面突出。Each conta

36、ct portion protrudes from the surface of the socket body.“凸出”: project【例】底座上凸设有一套管。A sleeve is projected from the bottom“凹入”:recess7使得线圈完全凹入在芯部之内【例】such that the coil is completely recessed within the core“间隔设置”: be arranged at an interval; be arranged spacedly/spacingly; space【例 1】载热体(1-4)间隔布置 ,中间形

37、成散热通道(1-4a)。The heat carriers (1-4) are arranged at an interval so that radiating channels (1-4a) are formed between them.【例 2】该微沟槽形成装置包含多个用于接收加热了的灯丝的模具,它们沿着一个纵向轴线间隔布置。The microchannel forming device includes a plurality of dice for receiving a heated wire spaced along a longitudinal axis. spacedly2

38、.4.3 连接关系“连接”: connect; couple; attach etc.【例 1】该喷嘴管连接在瓶体上。The nozzle tube is connected on the bottle.【例 2】还具有一个连接在容器上的紧固件,该紧固件具有适合于连接到椅子扶手上的突出部分。.and a fastening member coupled to the receptacle and having a protruding portion representatively adapted to be coupled to an armrest of a chair.【例 3】该注射

39、针头系以一插接部与注射筒相接。The needle (1) is attached to the barrel by a plug-connection portion.“接触”: contact with; be in contact with【例】所述底胶层在热成形过程中可与模表面接触。The primer layer can be positioned in contact with a mold surface during a thermoforming process.“连通”: communicate【例】主阀具有与流体管连通的阀体、配置在阀体中的主阀芯以及与主阀芯相联的主阀杆。

40、The main valve comprises a valve body communicating with a fluid pipe, a main valve core provided in the valve body and a main valve stem connected with the main valve core.“铰接”: hinge【例】多自由度组合蹄的制动蹄与其驱动臂相铰接,驱动臂又铰支于制动底板上;Each brake shoe of shoe assembly is hinged to the drive arm which is pivatally s

41、upported on a base plate.“枢接”: pivot【例】驱动臂枢接于制动底板上The driving lever is pivoted on the backplate of the brake.“抵顶/抵靠”: press against; abut against; bear against【例 1】该注射针头系以导移杆穿设于保护套的滑轨中,并以底座及抵顶于保护套的内侧壁面,而以上挡部抵顶于保护套的外侧壁面。The needle pass through the sliding rail of the protective sleeve by the guide-mo

42、ved rod, and is pressed against the interior side wall face of the protective sleeve by the base, and is pressed against the outer side wall face by the upper stop portion.【例 2】当金属遮蔽盖装配至绝缘框架上时,该第二开口是与第一开口对正并抵顶。The second gate is registered with and abuts against the first gate of the dielectric fram

43、e when the 8metal shielding is configured to the dielectric frame.【例 3】一个悬架,抵靠在该支承板上。A hanger bears against the bearing plate.“串联”: be connected in series; be connected serially; be connected in sequence; be coupled sequentially etc.【例 1】压缩机出口、水冷凝器和冷暖换向阀进口串连在一起。The outlet of a compressor, and the in

44、lets of a water condenser and a cool-warm change-over valve are connected in series.【例 2】多个中间管段通过多个挠性联接器依次头尾相接并串连于第一刚性管段A plurality of intermediate pipe sections are mutually coupled end to end, and are coupled sequentially with the first rigid pipe section by means of a plurality of flexible coupli

45、ngs.“并联”: be connected in parallel; be connected parallelly etc.【例】各燃料电池系统可串联和/或并联组合,以产生具有所需输出电压和电流的组合燃料电池系统。Individual fuel cell systems can be connected in series and/or parallel to produce a combined fuel cell system having a desired output voltage and current.“可拆卸地连接到”: be detachably/ removably

46、connected to【例】可拆卸地连接到所述设备的一部分上的夹指器a finger gripper which is removably connected to a part of said device a finger gripper which is detachably connected to a part of said device“与.螺纹连接”: be threadingly/threadedly connected with; be threaded to【例 1】该封闭组件具有带开口的流体供应管,和螺纹连接到供应管的关闭阀。The closure assembly

47、has a fluid supply tube with an opening and a shut-off valve threadedly coupled to the supply tube.【例 2】透镜从浴缸盆体内螺纹连接到壳体的相反一端上,用来将照明装置固定在浴缸上。A lens is threaded onto the opposite end of the housing from within the tub basin to secure the light fixture to the tub.“与.滑动连接”: be slidingly/slidebaly connec

48、ted with【例】该锁紧机构优选包括与其中一个主体连接的锁轴,和与另一个主体滑动连接以便沿一锁键通道滑动的锁键。The lock mechanism preferably comprises a lock shaft coupled to one of bodies and a lock key slidingly coupled to other of bodies such that lock key slides along a lock key path“与.传动连接”: be transmissibly connected with【例】该活塞杆与所述主阀杆传动连接。The pi

49、ston rod is transmissibly connected with the main valve stem.“与.转动连接”: be rotatingly/rotatably connected with“与.固定连接”: be fixed to/be fixedly connected to齿轮固定连接在手柄上并且与头部转动连接A gear is fixedly connected to the handle and rotatingly connected to the head.2.4.4 装配关系“设有”: be provided with; be equipped with【例 1】一种阀系统,其设有壁部分。9A valve system is provided with a wall portion.【例 2】推手的下部设有弹簧销。The lower portion of the push handle is equipped with a spring pin.“安装在”: mount; install; arrange etc.【例 1】一种多集成电路(IC)芯片组件包括基底 IC 芯片与 安装在基底 IC 芯片表面上的次级 IC 芯片。A multiple integrated circuit (IC) d


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