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高血压英文PPT精品课件Preparingfor ICD10CMPCS What does a coder need to do .ppt

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1、Preparing for ICD-10-CM/PCS: What does a coder need to do now?,Presented by: Jennifer McManis, RHIT,ICD-10-CM/PCS,Compliance Timeline Training Timeline Continuing Education Requirements Myth Busters Code Structure Coding Fundamentals Case Studies Resources,Implementation Date,ICD-10-CM/PCS Complianc

2、e Deadline October 1, 2013 Claims for services provided on or after this date must use ICD-10 codes CPT codes will continue to be used for outpatient services,Compliance Timeline,January 1, 2010 Internal testing of Version 5010 for electronic claims December 31, 2010 Internal testing must be complet

3、e January 1, 2011 External Testing of Version 5010 claims CMS begins accepting Version 5010 Version 4010 continue to be accepted January 1, 2012 All claims must use Version 5010 Version 4010 no longer accepted,Outpatient Coder Training,Outpatient Coder Training Approximately 16 hours 2011-2012 Revie

4、w code Structure & Coding Conventions. Learn the fundamentals Analyze & practice applying the ICD-10-CM guidelines Review and refresh knowledge of A & P concepts,Outpatient Coding Training,2012-2013 Become an expert in applying ICD-10-CM codes to outpatient cases in the six to nine months preceding

5、October 1, 2013. Practice using ICD-10-CM codes each week leading into “go live” on October 1, 2013. Network with peers to seek answers to cases and confirm application of ICD-10-CM codes. Take advantage of component MHIMA training opportunities,Inpatient Coder Training,Approximately 50 hours 2011-1

6、2 Review code structure and coding conventions for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS. Learn the fundamentals of the ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS systems. Analyze and practice applying the ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Coding Guidelines. Continue to study ICD-10-PCS definitions (memorize the definitions of approaches

7、and root operations). Continue to review and refresh knowledge of anatomy and physiology concepts,Inpatient Coder Training,2012-13 Become an expert in applying ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS codes to inpatient cases in the 6 to 9 months preceding October 1, 2013 Practice using ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS cod

8、es each week leading into “go live” on October 1, 2013 Network with peers to seek answers to cases and confirm application of ICD-10-CM/PCS codes Take advantage of MHIMA training opportunities,Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Requirements,Required to participate in a predetermined number of mandatory

9、 baseline educational experiences specific to ICD-10-CM/PCS. *Can Begin Earning CEUs January 1, 2011 thru December 31, 2013 2009 or 2010 ICD-10 CM Academy,CEU Requirements,Total number of ICD-10-cm/PCS CEU required, by AHIMA Credential CHPS- 1 CEU CHDA; RHIT;RHIA- 6 CEUs CCS-P- 12 CEUs CCS; CCA- 18

10、CEUs If you hold more than one credential, only report the highest number of CEUs,CEU Requirements,CEU requirements will be included within the total number of CEUs required for a given CEU Cycle. For example, if you hold an RHIA credential, you will obtain 6 CEUs that are in relation to ICD-10-CM/P

11、CS along with the additional 24 CEUs to complete your recertification cycle. Reporting of the CEUs will be made available by Fall of 2011,Myths,October 1, 2013 is considered a flexible date Implementation planning should be undertaken with an assumption that DPHHS will grant an extension Workers com

12、p & auto insurance companies may choose not to implement ICD-10-CM/PCS State Medicaid Programs will not be required to update their systems in order to utilize ICD-10-CM/PCS The increased number of codes will make the new coding system impossible to use Developed without any clinical input There wil

13、l no hard copy of ICD-10-CM/PCS All coding will be done electronically,Myths,Developed a number of years ago, so it is out of date Unnecessarily detailed medical record documentation will be required Implementation can wait until after electronic health records and other health care initiatives have

14、 been established ICD-10-CM based super bills will be too long or too complex The GEMs are intended to facilitate the process of coding medical records Each payer will be required to develop their own mappings, GEM have been developed for CMS use only Medically unnecessary diagnostic tests will need

15、 to be performed in order to assign an ICD-10-CM code CPT will be replaced by ICD-10-CM/PCS,ICD 10-CM Code Structure,ICD 10-CM Contains more than 68,000 codes Compare this to ICD-9-CM which contains 13,000 codes Consists of 3-7 characters First digit is alpha All Letters are used except U 4th,5th,6t

16、h & 7th Digits can be numeric Decimal placed after the 1st three characters,ICD-10-CM Code Structure,ICD-10-CM Code Structure XXX.XXX X 1st 3 Characters- Category 4th 5th 6th Characters-Etiology, Anatomic Site, Severity 7th Character-Extension (Visit Encounter, Sequelae, External Causes) ICD-9-CM Co

17、de Structure XXX.XX 1st 3 Characters-Category 4th 5th Characters- Etiology, Anatomic Site, Manifestation,ICD-10-CM,Structure Index & Tabular List Two Parts of the Index Disease & Injury Table of Drugs & Chemicals Neoplasm Table External Causes Coding Guidelines Some changes from ICD-9 Fractures- Def

18、ault Displaced 2 Categories for Acute MI Acute MI is 4 weeks instead of 8 weeks Osteoporosis with current pathological fracture V codes are now Z Codes,ICD-10-CM,New Features Combination codes for conditions & common symptoms Combination codes for poisonings & external causes Added laterality Added

19、extensions for episode of care Expanded codes Inclusion of trimester in obstetric codes and elimination of fifth digits for episode of care External cause codes no longer a supplementary classification,ICD-10-CM,Diabetes Mellitus Codes No Longer Classified as uncontrolled/controlled Includes diabete

20、s & the complication Injuries Grouped by Anatomical site rather than type of injury Code Extension to identify (7th Character) A- Initial encounter D-Subsequent encounter S-Sequelae,ICD-10-CM,Code Examples I10- Hypertension Hypertension Table Removed Combination codes Certain Conditions and Associat

21、ed Symptoms K57.21-Diverticulitis of large intestine with perforation and abscess with bleeding I25.110- Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease of native coronary artery with unstable angina pectoris K571.51- Toxic Liver disease with chronic active hepatitis with ascites E10.610- Type 1 diabetes mellitus wi

22、th diabetic neuropathic arthropathy,ICD-10-CM,Combination codes for poisonings and their external cause T42.3x2S- Poisoning by barbituates, intentional self-harm, sequela Laterality C50.212- Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of left female breast L89.213- Pressure ulcer of right hip, stage

23、III,ICD-10-CM,Codes for clinical concepts that do not exist in ICD-9-CM T45.526D-Underdosing of antithrombotic drugs, subsequent encounter Z67.40- Type O Blood, RH positive Codes for postoperative complications, intraoperative, and post-procedural disorders D78.01- Intraoperative hemorrhage and hema

24、toma of spleen complicating a procedure on the spleen D78.21- Post-procedural hemorrhage and hematoma of spleen following a procedure on the spleen Obstetric codes identify trimester instead of episode of care 026.02- Excessive weight gain in pregnancy, second trimester,ICD-10-CM Coding Guidelines,C

25、hapter 1: Certain Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (A00-B99) d. Sepsis, Severe Sepsis, and Septic Shock Case Study: Patient was taken to the emergency department and admitted to the hospital after being found semi-conscious with markedly abnormal vital signs, a fever of over 39 degrees C, a heart r

26、ate of 110, and a respiratory rate of 22/min. Final diagnoses included sepsis and septic shock with acute respiratory failure Answer: A41.9 Sepsis (generalized) R65.21 Shock, septic (due to severe sepsis) J96.0 Failure, respiration, respiratory, acute,ICD-10-CM Coding Guidelines,Chapter 4: Endocrine

27、, Nutritional, and Metabolic Diseases (E00-E89) a. Diabetes mellitus 6) Secondary Diabetes Mellitus Case Study This 34-year-old patient is being seen for ongoing management of steroid-induced diabetes mellitus which was due to the prolonged use of corticosteroids, which have been discontinued. The p

28、atients diabetes is managed with insulin which he has been taking for the last two years Answer: T38.0x5S Refer to Drug and Chemical Table, Corticosteroid, adverse effect E09.9 Diabetes, diabetic, (mellitus) (sugar), due to drug or chemical Z79.4 Long-term (current) drug therapy (use of), insulin,IC

29、D-10-CM Coding Guidelines,Chapter 9 Diseases of Circulatory System (I00-I99) Case Study Patient is seen for treatment of unstable angina. The patient has a history of atherosclerotic heart disease and underwent a 3-vessel coronary bypass approximately 2 years ago. The patient recently underwent a ca

30、rdiac catheterization of all three coronary bypass grafts which showed them patent Answer: I25.110 Angina (attack) (cardiac) (chest) (heart) (pectoris) (syndrome) (vasomotor), with atherosclerotic heart disease see Arteriosclerosis, coronary (artery), native vessel with angina pectoris, unstable Z95

31、.1 Status (post), aortocoronary bypass,ICD-10-CM Coding Guidelines,Chapter 12: Diseases of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue (L00-L99) a. Pressure ulcer stage codes Case Study This patient has a gangrenous pressure ulcer of the right hip and a pressure ulcer of the sacrum documented by the physician. The

32、 nursing assessment indicates a stage II pressure ulcer of the sacrum with a stage III decubitus ulcer of the right hip. Answer: I96 Ulcer, gangrenous see Gangrene. Gangrene, gangrenous (connective tissue) (dropsical) (dry) (moist) (skin) (ulcer) (see also necrosis), Necrosis, skin or subcutaneous t

33、issue NEC L89.213 Ulcer, ulcerated, ulcerating, ulceration, ulcerative, pressure (pressure area) stage III, (healing) (full thickness skin loss involving damage or necrosis of subcutaneous tissue) L89.152 Ulcer, ulcerated, ulcerating, ulceration, ulcerative, pressure (pressure area) stage II, (heali

34、ng) (abrasion, blister, partial thickness skin loss involving epidermis and/or dermis) sacral region (tailbone,ICD-10-CM Coding Guidelines,Chapter 9: Diseases of Circulatory System (I00-I99) a. Hypertension 1) Hypertension with Heart Disease 3) Hypertensive Heart and Chronic Kidney Disease Case Stud

35、y This patient is hospitalized with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure due to hypertensive heart disease. Patient also has Stage 5 chronic kidney failure. The patient has been prescribed Lasix previously but admits he forgets to take his medication every day. This is due to his advanced age.,IC

36、D-10-CM Coding Guidelines,Answer: I13.2 Disease, diseased, heart (organic), hypertensive see Hypertension, heart. Hypertension, hypertensive (accelerated) (benign) (essential) (idiopathic) (malignant) (systemic), heart (disease) with kidney disease (chronic) see Hypertension, cardiorenal (disease),

37、with heart failure, with stage 5 or end stage renal disease I50.9 Failure, heart (acute) (sudden), congestive (compensated) (decompensated). The “use additional code” statement under code I13.2 indicates the use of this code to identify the type of heart failure N18.5 Disease, diseased, kidney (func

38、tional) (pelvis), chronic, stage 5. The “use additional code” statement under code I13.2 indicates the use of this code to identify the stage of the chronic kidney disease T50.1x6A Refer to Table of Drugs and Chemicals, Lasix, underdosing Z91.130 Noncompliance, medication regimen, underdosing, unint

39、entional, due to patients age-related debility,ICD-10-CM Coding Guidelines,Chapter 20: Chapter 20: External Causes of Morbidity (V01-Y99) Case Study An 18 year-old driver of a car that collided with a pickup truck on the interstate highway. The driver confessed to using his cell phone to send a text

40、 message to his girlfriend. Assign the external cause codes only Answer: V43.53xA Index to External Causes. Accident, car see Accident, transport, car occupant, Accident, transport, car occupant, driver, collision (with) pickup truck (traffic) Y92.411 Index to External Causes, Place of occurrence, h

41、ighway (interstate) Y93.c2 Index to External Causes, Activity (involving) (of victim at time of event), cellular, telephone,ICD-9-CM Coding Guidelines,Chapter 21: Factors influencing health status and contact with health services (Z00-Z99) Case Study This patient had a lateral wall STEMI and was bro

42、ught by ambulance to the emergency room. He received tPA and was transferred to a tertiary care center for continued care. The patient was received with tPA infusion continuing, and immediately taken to the cardiac cath lab. Answer: I21.29 Infarct, infarction, myocardium, myocardial (acute) (with st

43、ated duration of 4 weeks or less), ST elevation (STEMI), lateral (apical-lateral) (basal-lateral) (high) Z92.82 Status(post) see also Presence (of), administration of tPA (rtPA) in a different facility within the last 24 hours prior to admission to current facility,ICD-10-PCS,ICD-10-PCS Inpatient Pr

44、ocedures Contains Over 72,000 codes 7 Character-alphanumeric code structure Each character contains up to 34 possible values The letter O is not used No Decimals,ICD-10-PCS,Structure Index Codes found based on type of procedure- No diagnostic information in the description One you know the tables; y

45、ou can go directly to the tables the index does not need to be used first First Three values in the index direct you to the table Tables Each page in the section is composed of rows that specify valid combinations of code values Root Operations Approach,ICD-10-PCS,ICD-10 Structure XXXXXXX 1st- Secti

46、on (Medical Imaging) 2nd- Body System 3rd- Root Operation ( Resection, Transfusion) 4th- Body Part 5th- Approach 6th- Device 7th- Qualifier,ICD-10-PCS,Code Examples 0HTT0ZZ- Right Total Mastectomy 0X6C0ZZ- Amputation at left elbow level 0FT44ZZ- Lap Chole 0HBT0ZX- Right Breast Biopsy 0- Medical Surg

47、ical H- Skin & Breast B-Excision T- body Part 0- Approach Z-Device X-Qualifier,ICD-10-PCS,Root Operations 30 Root Operations Identifies the objective of the procedure In order to determine the appropriate root operation, the full definition of the root operation as contained in the PCS Tables must b

48、e applied. Components of a procedure specified in the root operation definition and explanation are not coded separately. Procedural steps necessary to reach the operative site and close the operative site are also not coded separately. Example: Resection of a joint as part of a joint replacement pr

49、ocedure is included in the root operation definition of Replacement and is not coded separately. Laparotomy performed to reach the site of an open liver biopsy is not coded separately.,ICD-10-PCS: Root Operations,Excision vs. Resection PCS contains specific body parts for anatomical subdivisions of

50、a body part, such as lobes of the lungs or liver and regions of the intestine. Resection of the specific body part is coded whenever all of the body part is cut out or off, rather than coding Excision of a less specific body part. Example: Left upper lung lobectomy is coded to Resection of Upper Lung Lobe, Left rather than Excision of Lung, Left.,


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