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1、英语专业本科生开题报告样本摘要:四川农业大学本科生毕业论文(设计) 开题报告毕业论文 (设计)题目 An .题目用 Times New Roman 5 号字,加粗,题目须有中英文,英文在前,中文在后 ,居中.关键词:报告,英文类别:论文报告来源: 牛档搜索(Niudown.COM)本文系 牛档搜索( Niudown.COM) 根据用户的指令自动搜索的结果,文中内涉及到的资料均来自互联网,用于学习交流经验,作品其著作权归原作者所有。不代表 牛档搜索( Niudown.COM) 赞成本文的内容或立场, 牛档搜索( Niudown.COM) 不对其付相应的法律责任!2英语专业本科生开题报告样本四川农

2、业大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告毕业论文(设计)题目An Empirical Study into Lexical Inference and Strategy Use into EFL ReadingEFL 阅读中的词义推测及策略运用实证研究选题类型 XXX 课题来源 XXX学 院 语言学院 专 业 英语指导教师 XXX 职 称 教授姓 名 XXX 年 级 2006 级 学 号 XXXXXXX1. Introduction1.1 Study BackgroundThe present study is stimulated by both practical and theoretica

3、l considerations in the field of second /foreign language learning and teaching. The importance of EFL reading is commonly acknowledged by both teachers and learners in the process of learning and teaching, so the topic of lexical inference strategies is of practical interest to both teachers, who w

4、ould like to employ pedagogical techniques which can reinforce and develop students achievements in EFL reading to better their effects of instruction, and learners themselves, who once master those strategies, are in a better position to infer unknown word meanings in the process of reading. Learne

5、rs can sometimes deliberately apply those strategies to solve problems they encounter in reading in order to conquer the inherently difficult task of learning a foreign language. This indicates that lexical inference ability and inferring strategies are paramount in EFL reading. As to the relationsh

6、ips among gender, majors, foreign language proficiency, lexical inference ability and inferring strategies respectively, they are also of practical interest to both language teachers, who can utilize different methods to instruct students of different gender and majors according to their different f

7、oreign language proficiency so as to facilitate both their teaching effects and students understanding and researchers, who can investigate what factors ascribe to the differentiations and why, so as to make full use of advantages and avoid disadvantages to orient language teaching and learning in t

8、he long run. To understand lexical inference and strategies, we have to refer to the 题目用 Times New Roman 5 号字,加粗,题目须有中英文,英文在前,中文在后,居中对齐。可根据内容选择:基础型、应用基础型、应用型、调研型。居中对齐引言部分。一级标题用Times New Roman 小 2 号,段前 0.5 行,段后 0.5 行研究背景。说明研究的背景。二级标题用 Times New Roman 3 号。段前 0.5 行,段后0.5 行。注意字母大小写正文用Times New Roman 小 4

9、 号字,1.5 倍行距7definitions of inference, lexical inference, LIA and LS first.1.2 Definitions of Inference and Lexical Inference Inference refers to the process, in language learning, of arriving at a hypothesis, idea, or judgment on the basis of other knowledge, ideas, or judgments, that is, the proces

10、s of making inference or inferring (Richards Crow, 1986). For researchers investigating the categorizations of lexical inference strategies, results tend to be in two directions (1) towards a categorization of contextual clues students use or might use (Bramski, D Siebert, 1945, quoted from Barnett,

11、 1990), and (2) towards an explanation of precisely how students discover meanings of unfamiliar words, that is the process of lexical inferring in test-taking. Studies on developing and investigating learners learning and reading strategies conducted by both language teachers and researchers are 该部

12、分根据自己的具体题目需要,可有可无,如论文中有新的、生僻的或者重要的名词,则需要有该部分对这些名词加以解释已有研究及其不足。该部分很重要,它是你的研究存在的前提。因为已有研究有不足之处,才有必要做现在的研究。8abundant in the last two decades (Oxford, 1990; O Malley 程晓堂,郑敏,2002; 文秋芳,1996; 肖建壮,1997), but only few of which focus their attention on lexical inference in reading. Available studies are those

13、 which view this issue from the perspective of reading strategies and concentrate on the process of lexical inferring (Bensoussan, M, Haynes,1984), aiming to explore how learners react when they encounter unknown or unfamiliar words in reading process. Researches into the categorization of lexical i

14、nference strategies are plentiful and abundant in the recent years (Adams,1982; Clarke and Nation,1980; 王瑛, 2006). Some attempt to validate the effectiveness of lexical inference strategy training at tertiary level (王萍,2004), hoping to justify the effectiveness of lexical inference strategies traini

15、ng; some home in on the factors affecting lexical inference and their constraints (Palmberg,1987; 任绍曾, 2003; 赵福利,2002 ). A few studies concerned with relational investigation, for instance, study into the impact of language proficiency on lexical inference ability (刘津开,1999), study into influence of

16、 depth of vocabulary knowledge on lexical inferential success (寻阳, 孙丽,2006). 1.4 Significance of This StudyBased on the previous studies, this study goes a step further and attempts to investigate the influence of gender, major and language proficiency in a narrow sense, i.e. at tertiary level, on t

17、he lexical strategy use and inferential success based on the previous categorization of various lexical inference strategies. Answers to these questions are of great importance to both the pedagogy and language research, which can shed light on and guide the teaching and learning and make the proces

18、ses more fulfilling and easier. These answers can also help practitioners to find some respective methods to combine the two processes together and make them harmonious in the long run. 2. Purpose of This Study and Research QuestionsThe goal of this study is to investigate the influence of Language

19、Proficiency (LP), Gender (G), and Majors (M) on Lexical Inference Ability (LIA) and learners Lexical Inference Strategy Use (LISU), that is to say, whether learners of different majors and gender with different language proficiency perform differentially in test in terms of 研究的意义,必要性重要性等等,该部分很重要。研究目

20、的与要回答的具体问题。该部分是开题考察的核心部分1LISU and LIA? This study conducted is undertaken in an effort to (1) explore and investigate the differentiations of Lexical Inference Strategy Use (LISU) and Lexical Inference Ability (LIA) of learners with different Language Proficiency (LP), Gender (G) and Majors (M), on

21、one hand, and (2) to increase our knowledge of the interrelationship among Lexical Inference Strategy Use (LISU), Strategy Score (SS), Inferring Score (IS) and Lexical Inference Ability (LIA) of language learners, on the other hand. Thus four research questions are asked:What are the overall pattern

22、s of LISU and LIA possessed by the subjects? Do learners of different LP, Gender (G) and Majors (M) perform differentially in test in terms of LISU and SS? If so, what are the differences, and how different?Do learners of different LP, Gender(G) and Majors (M) perform differentially in test in terms

23、 of LIA and IS? If so, what are the differences, and how different?What are the correlations among LISU, IS, SS, and LIA of learners with different language proficiency, gender and majors? How can LISU predict IS, SS and LIA in reading? Outline Chapter I Introduction1.1 Study Background1.1.1 Definit

24、ions of Inference, Lexical Inference, LIA, and LS1.1.2 Theoretical Basis1.1.3 Significance of Lexical Inference in Reading1.1.4 Previous Studies and Their Deficiencies1.1.5 Significance of This Study1.2 Purpose of This Study and Research Questions1.3 Outline of This ThesisChapter II Categorization o

25、f Lexical Inference Strategies2.1 Paraphrasing Devices2.2 Logical Clues2.3 Background Clues2.4 Morphological Clues2.5 Monitoring DevicesChapter III Methodology3.1 SubjectsTimes New Roman 小 2 号, 段前后各0.5 行所有 outline 部分字体为 Times New Roman,字号小 4 号,1.5 倍行距。章标题加粗,注意各章节之间的层次,节在章的基础上退格三个字母,小节在节的基础上退格三个字母。注意

26、字母的大小写。该部分请列出你的具体的研究大纲。提出本研究具体要回答的研究问题3.2 Instrument3.3 Scoring Criteria3.4 Pilot Study3.4.1 Reliability Analysis3.4.2 Factor Analysis3.5 Data Collection3.6 Data Analysis3.6.1 Descriptive Analysis3.6.2 Differentiation Analysis of LISU and SS3.6.2.1 Differentiations of LISU and SS with Different G3.6

27、.2.2 Differentiations of LISU and SS with Different LP3.6.2.3 Differentiations of LISU and SS with Different M3.6.3 Differentiation Analysis of IS and LIA3.6.3.1 Differentiations of IS and LIA with Different G3.6.3.2 Differentiations of IS and LIA with Different LP3.6.3.3 Differentiations of IS and

28、LIA with Different M3.6.4 Correlations among LISU, SS, IS, and LIAChapter IV Results and Discussion4.1 Accounts of Learners with Different LP4.2 Accounts of Learners with Different Majors4.3 Accounts of Learners with Different GenderChapter V Conclusions and Implications5.1 Summary of Major Findings

29、5.2 Implications for Language Teaching and Learning5.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further ResearchBibliography1Adams,S.J. Scripts and the recognition of vocabulary: Enhancing second language reading skills. Modern Language JournalJ, 1982 (2):155-159.2Bachman.L,F. Fundamantal Consid

30、erations in Language TestingM. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 1999a.3Bachman,Lyle F.,et alLangauge Testing in PracticeM. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 1999b.4Barnett. More than Meet the Eye Foreign Language Reading : Theory and Times New Roman 小 2 号,短前后各

31、0.5 行。1PracticeM. NewYork: Prentice Hall. 1990.5Bensoussan,M.,&Laufer,B. Lexical guessing in context in EFL comprehension. Journal of Research in Reading, 1984(7):15-32.6Brown.G,. et al,. Language and UnderstandingM. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 1999.7Carton,S.A. Inferencing:

32、a process in using and learning language. In P. Pimsleur and T. Quinn(eds) The Psychology of Second Language LearningM. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1971.8Crow,J.T. Receptive vocabulary acquisition for reading comprehension. Modern Language JournalJ. 1986(70): 242-250.9Henning.G A guide to

33、 Language Testing: Development, Evaluation and ResearchM. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2001.10OMalley,J&A.U.Chamot. Learning Strategies In Second Language AcquisitionM. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1990.11程晓堂、郑敏.英语学习策略M. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002.12韩宝成.外语教学科研中的统计方法M.北京:外

34、语教学与研究出版社, 2000.13刘津开.外语学习策略研究猜词能力与外语水平J.外语教学,1999(3):123-138. 14王萍.第二语言阅读中基于上下文的词汇猜测大学生阅读策略训练的实证研究D。北京,首都师范大学,2004。15寻阳、孙丽. L2 读者词汇知识深度与词义推测策略的成功运用 J.外语界,2006(4):23-27.指导教师意见参考文献的字号为小 4 号,英文为 Times New Roman,汉语为宋体,1.5 倍行距。参考文献的排列以字母为序,先英文后中文,具体写作规范请参考四川农业大学英语在线上的英语专业毕业论文撰写规范 。链结方式为:农大主页英语在线英语在线学习下栽中心英语专业毕业论文撰写规范指导教师签名: 年 月 日 开题小组意见负责人及成员签名: 答辩时间: 年 月 日 注:1. 选题类型:基础型、应用基础型、应用型、调研型;2. 课题来源:国家级项目、省部级项目、横向合作项目、校级项目、自选项目;


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