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1、To study and implement the spirit of the two sessions is the primary political task of the educators in 2018. Through the study of the spirit of the two sessions, I have a profound awareness that the key to the prosperity and development of the country lies in the Party, and the key to the all-round

2、 rejuvenation of the nation lies in education. The two sessions were held on March 3, and the two sessions have attracted much attention. The Congress of democracy, unity, harmony, and pragmatism has determined the work of economic and social development in 2018, which is of great significance for f

3、urther promoting scientific development, promoting social harmony, and continuously opening up a new situation for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. At present, the most important political task before us is to concentrate on the two Will spirit study well, carry out well. Reform

4、is still the focus of this years “two sessions.“ Our party should continue to deepen the reform in an all-round way and unswervingly go on, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance ability, which requires the Party to improve its governing ability and efficiency

5、 and raise its work level. The anti-corruption issue is also the focus of more efforts, because in the past year, our country has made great progress on the road of fighting corruption and promoting integrity, and has cracked down on many corrupt officials. To those who do not wholeheartedly for the

6、 welfare of the people of the government personnel heavy blow and warning. And it is precisely because of the vigorous administration of the party and the state that some public funds eat and drink. Corruption and other phenomena have mostly disappeared, so this years deep reform古诗词默写专题1 近三年中考题练习2 总

7、结规律3 理解性古诗名句归类复习To study and implement the spirit of the two sessions is the primary political task of the educators in 2018. Through the study of the spirit of the two sessions, I have a profound awareness that the key to the prosperity and development of the country lies in the Party, and the key

8、to the all-round rejuvenation of the nation lies in education. The two sessions were held on March 3, and the two sessions have attracted much attention. The Congress of democracy, unity, harmony, and pragmatism has determined the work of economic and social development in 2018, which is of great si

9、gnificance for further promoting scientific development, promoting social harmony, and continuously opening up a new situation for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. At present, the most important political task before us is to concentrate on the two Will spirit study well, carry o

10、ut well. Reform is still the focus of this years “two sessions.“ Our party should continue to deepen the reform in an all-round way and unswervingly go on, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance ability, which requires the Party to improve its governing abilit

11、y and efficiency and raise its work level. The anti-corruption issue is also the focus of more efforts, because in the past year, our country has made great progress on the road of fighting corruption and promoting integrity, and has cracked down on many corrupt officials. To those who do not wholeh

12、eartedly for the welfare of the people of the government personnel heavy blow and warning. And it is precisely because of the vigorous administration of the party and the state that some public funds eat and drink. Corruption and other phenomena have mostly disappeared, so this years deep reform2015

13、年中考( 1) _,长河落日圆。(王维 使至塞上 )( 2)无可奈何花落去, _。(晏殊 浣溪沙 )( 3) _,夜泊秦淮近酒家。(杜牧 泊秦淮 )( 4)安得广厦千万间, _。(杜甫 茅屋为秋风所破歌 )( 5) 论语 中强调学习与思考的辩证关系的句子是:_, _。( 6)请写出连续两句抒写 “友情 ”的古诗文名句:_, _。To study and implement the spirit of the two sessions is the primary political task of the educators in 2018. Through the study of the

14、spirit of the two sessions, I have a profound awareness that the key to the prosperity and development of the country lies in the Party, and the key to the all-round rejuvenation of the nation lies in education. The two sessions were held on March 3, and the two sessions have attracted much attentio

15、n. The Congress of democracy, unity, harmony, and pragmatism has determined the work of economic and social development in 2018, which is of great significance for further promoting scientific development, promoting social harmony, and continuously opening up a new situation for the cause of sociali

16、sm with Chinese characteristics. At present, the most important political task before us is to concentrate on the two Will spirit study well, carry out well. Reform is still the focus of this years “two sessions.“ Our party should continue to deepen the reform in an all-round way and unswervingly go

17、 on, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance ability, which requires the Party to improve its governing ability and efficiency and raise its work level. The anti-corruption issue is also the focus of more efforts, because in the past year, our country has made

18、great progress on the road of fighting corruption and promoting integrity, and has cracked down on many corrupt officials. To those who do not wholeheartedly for the welfare of the people of the government personnel heavy blow and warning. And it is precisely because of the vigorous administration o

19、f the party and the state that some public funds eat and drink. Corruption and other phenomena have mostly disappeared, so this years deep reform2016年中考( 1) _,君子好逑。( 诗经关雎 )( 2)水何澹澹, _。(曹操 观沧海 )( 3) _,自缘身在最高层。(王安石 登飞来峰 )( 4)浊酒一杯家万里, _。(范仲淹 渔家傲 )( 5) 送东阳马生序 中,表明作者面对 “皆被绮绣 ”的同舍生,一心向学,没有丝毫羡慕的句子是: _, _。(

20、宋濂 送东阳马生序 )( 6)请写出连续两句抒写爱国情怀的古诗文名句:_, _。To study and implement the spirit of the two sessions is the primary political task of the educators in 2018. Through the study of the spirit of the two sessions, I have a profound awareness that the key to the prosperity and development of the country lies in

21、 the Party, and the key to the all-round rejuvenation of the nation lies in education. The two sessions were held on March 3, and the two sessions have attracted much attention. The Congress of democracy, unity, harmony, and pragmatism has determined the work of economic and social development in 20

22、18, which is of great significance for further promoting scientific development, promoting social harmony, and continuously opening up a new situation for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. At present, the most important political task before us is to concentrate on the two Will sp

23、irit study well, carry out well. Reform is still the focus of this years “two sessions.“ Our party should continue to deepen the reform in an all-round way and unswervingly go on, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance ability, which requires the Party to impr

24、ove its governing ability and efficiency and raise its work level. The anti-corruption issue is also the focus of more efforts, because in the past year, our country has made great progress on the road of fighting corruption and promoting integrity, and has cracked down on many corrupt officials. To

25、 those who do not wholeheartedly for the welfare of the people of the government personnel heavy blow and warning. And it is precisely because of the vigorous administration of the party and the state that some public funds eat and drink. Corruption and other phenomena have mostly disappeared, so th

26、is years deep reform2017年中考( 1)蒹葭苍苍, 。( 诗经 .蒹葭 )( 2) ,不亦君子乎 ?( 论语 )( 3)马作的卢飞快, 。(辛弃疾 破阵子 为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之 )( 4) ,宫阙万间都做了土。(张养浩 山坡羊 潼关怀古 ) ( 5) 出师表 中,表明诸葛亮临危受命的千古名句是 “ ( 6) 请写出连续两句含 “家 ”字的古诗文名句 , 。2018/9/19To study and implement the spirit of the two sessions is the primary political task of the educators

27、in 2018. Through the study of the spirit of the two sessions, I have a profound awareness that the key to the prosperity and development of the country lies in the Party, and the key to the all-round rejuvenation of the nation lies in education. The two sessions were held on March 3, and the two ses

28、sions have attracted much attention. The Congress of democracy, unity, harmony, and pragmatism has determined the work of economic and social development in 2018, which is of great significance for further promoting scientific development, promoting social harmony, and continuously opening up a new

29、situation for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. At present, the most important political task before us is to concentrate on the two Will spirit study well, carry out well. Reform is still the focus of this years “two sessions.“ Our party should continue to deepen the reform in an

30、 all-round way and unswervingly go on, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance ability, which requires the Party to improve its governing ability and efficiency and raise its work level. The anti-corruption issue is also the focus of more efforts, because in th

31、e past year, our country has made great progress on the road of fighting corruption and promoting integrity, and has cracked down on many corrupt officials. To those who do not wholeheartedly for the welfare of the people of the government personnel heavy blow and warning. And it is precisely becaus

32、e of the vigorous administration of the party and the state that some public funds eat and drink. Corruption and other phenomena have mostly disappeared, so this years deep reform二 、观察总结三年考试规律1 、( 1) ( 4)题的 4分都出自 中考说明 中指定的 34首古诗,都是背诵默写的上下句。2、 ( 5)题的 2分出自 中考说明 中指定的14篇文言文中的名句。3 、( 6)题的 2分理解性归类句子。To st

33、udy and implement the spirit of the two sessions is the primary political task of the educators in 2018. Through the study of the spirit of the two sessions, I have a profound awareness that the key to the prosperity and development of the country lies in the Party, and the key to the all-round reju

34、venation of the nation lies in education. The two sessions were held on March 3, and the two sessions have attracted much attention. The Congress of democracy, unity, harmony, and pragmatism has determined the work of economic and social development in 2018, which is of great significance for furthe

35、r promoting scientific development, promoting social harmony, and continuously opening up a new situation for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. At present, the most important political task before us is to concentrate on the two Will spirit study well, carry out well. Reform is st

36、ill the focus of this years “two sessions.“ Our party should continue to deepen the reform in an all-round way and unswervingly go on, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance ability, which requires the Party to improve its governing ability and efficiency and

37、raise its work level. The anti-corruption issue is also the focus of more efforts, because in the past year, our country has made great progress on the road of fighting corruption and promoting integrity, and has cracked down on many corrupt officials. To those who do not wholeheartedly for the welf

38、are of the people of the government personnel heavy blow and warning. And it is precisely because of the vigorous administration of the party and the state that some public funds eat and drink. Corruption and other phenomena have mostly disappeared, so this years deep reform理解归类优美环境 :客路青山外,行舟绿水前。 王湾

39、 次北固山下 芳草鲜美,落英缤纷。 陶渊明 桃花源记 苔痕上阶绿,草色入帘青。 刘禹锡 陋室铭 抒写友情海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 王勃 送杜少府之任蜀州 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 苏轼 水调歌头 何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时。 李商隐 夜雨寄北 爱国情怀人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。 文天祥 过零丁洋 了却君王天下事,赢得生前身后名 。辛弃疾 破阵子 为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之 报君黄金台上意,提携玉龙为君死。 李贺 雁门太守行 To study and implement the spirit of the two sessions is the primary political task

40、of the educators in 2018. Through the study of the spirit of the two sessions, I have a profound awareness that the key to the prosperity and development of the country lies in the Party, and the key to the all-round rejuvenation of the nation lies in education. The two sessions were held on March 3

41、, and the two sessions have attracted much attention. The Congress of democracy, unity, harmony, and pragmatism has determined the work of economic and social development in 2018, which is of great significance for further promoting scientific development, promoting social harmony, and continuously

42、opening up a new situation for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. At present, the most important political task before us is to concentrate on the two Will spirit study well, carry out well. Reform is still the focus of this years “two sessions.“ Our party should continue to deepen

43、 the reform in an all-round way and unswervingly go on, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance ability, which requires the Party to improve its governing ability and efficiency and raise its work level. The anti-corruption issue is also the focus of more effor

44、ts, because in the past year, our country has made great progress on the road of fighting corruption and promoting integrity, and has cracked down on many corrupt officials. To those who do not wholeheartedly for the welfare of the people of the government personnel heavy blow and warning. And it is

45、 precisely because of the vigorous administration of the party and the state that some public funds eat and drink. Corruption and other phenomena have mostly disappeared, so this years deep reform描写边塞奇景的句子大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。 王维 使至塞上 千嶂里,长烟落日孤城闭。 范仲淹 渔家傲 秋思 蕴含哲理的句子沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。 刘禹锡 酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠 人有悲欢离合,月有阴

46、晴圆缺。 苏轼 水调歌头 无私奉献的诗句春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。 李商隐 无题 落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。 龚自珍 己亥杂诗 送别朋友的诗句海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 王勃 送杜少府之任蜀州 山回路转不见君,雪上空留马行处 。岑参 白雪歌送武判官归京 To study and implement the spirit of the two sessions is the primary political task of the educators in 2018. Through the study of the spirit of the two sessions, I hav

47、e a profound awareness that the key to the prosperity and development of the country lies in the Party, and the key to the all-round rejuvenation of the nation lies in education. The two sessions were held on March 3, and the two sessions have attracted much attention. The Congress of democracy, uni

48、ty, harmony, and pragmatism has determined the work of economic and social development in 2018, which is of great significance for further promoting scientific development, promoting social harmony, and continuously opening up a new situation for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. At present, the most important political task before us is to concentrate on the two Will spirit study well, carry out well. Reform


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