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1、本 科 生 毕 业 设 计外 文 资 料 翻 译专 业 土木工程 班 级 08 结构 2 班 姓 名 指导教师 所在学院 城建学院 附 件 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文1.混凝土结构的加固设计摘要:在长期的自然的环境下使用环境下,其功能不可避免地渐渐地减弱,我们的结构工程的责任不只是需要完成建设前期项目工作,而且必须能够科学评价结构的破坏目标法律和程度,并采用有效的方法保证结构的安全使用,结构加固将成为一个重要的工作。什么可以预见将是 21 世纪,人类建筑以混凝土结构、钢结构、砌体式结构等为主。另外,现阶段我会觉得是结构加固,我们这方面的研究也应借此作为主要的突破方向。 关键词:混凝土结

2、构加固砌体式结构钢筋结构加固 1) 混凝土结构加固 混凝土结构的加固分为直接加固,间接加固两种,在设计时可根据实际条件和使用要求选择适宜的方法和必要的技术。 1.1 直接加固的一般方法 1)加大截面加固法 对于受压区混凝土构件发生水平弯曲,可能会采用增加部分有效高度,扩大截面面积,从而提高了构件的右侧部分反弯能力,斜截面抗切割能力,部分构件刚度起到加固的作用。在适当的距离范围,随着钢筋面积和强度的提高增加,混凝土构件弯曲承载能力增加。在原来的截面配筋率、钢筋的比例不太高的情况,增加了主要加固面积有可能提出的高原组件的右侧部分抗弯曲能力,有效地支持。在面积区域,通过增大混凝土截面,提高了有效成分

3、的配套能力,改善正常的使用能力。 加大截面加固法施工工艺简单,兼容,并具有成熟的设计和施工经验,在梁,板,柱,墙、总体结构加固混凝土;但现场施工的湿作业时间长,对生产与生活有一定的影响,并加强建筑间隙后有一定减少。 2)置换混凝土加固法该法与放大优点的部分方法被关闭,并经过加强的,不影响建筑物的间隙,但同样存在施工 湿作业时间长的缺点;适合偏低或有混凝土承运人等严重缺陷梁,柱受压区混凝土强度的钢 筋。 3)粘结外包段加固法 外部包裹加固断面或钢板,外部强化钢筋混凝土梁是普遍做法,即采用环氧树脂等方法,以加强段施工成为一个整体,加固后的组件,因为是压缩钢横截面面积大幅度提高,所以部分承载能力和断

4、面硬度大幅度的提高。 该法还表示,此加固法,应力可靠,施工简便,现场工作量小,但用钢量大,不宜在600以上高温使用;适合不允许在使用明显增加原构件截面尺寸,但要求以增强其承载能力的大型混凝土结构的加固。 4)粘钢加固法 外面的钢筋弯曲混凝土构件粘钢加固是(右边部分被拉到在组件配套能力不足, 扇形的面积,右侧部分受压区或斜截面)表面胶钢板,这样可以提高是增强组件的配套能力,和方便施工。该法施工速度快,现场工作或只有少数抹灰工程等,对生产与生活的影响小,经过加强的,是不显着原有结构的外观和原定清拆影响,但加固效果是决定由胶粘工艺和操作水平很大程度上,是在合适的承受静态函数,而在正常的湿度环境是弯曲

5、或拉构件加固。 5)粘胶纤维增强塑料加固法 外贴纤维加固与胶结材料粘贴在该组件是加强该地区的拉纤维增强复合材料,使其与一节加强联合工作,达到磨练组件承载能力的目的。除了具有类似胶水的钢板的优点,又具有防腐泥泞,耐潮湿,不增加自身结构重量近,耐用,维护费用低等优点,但需要特殊的防火处理,是适合各种应力混凝土结构构件的性质和一般建设。 6)缫丝法 此法的优点和缺点与扩大部分将接近法是适用于钢筋混凝土结构构件的斜截面承载力不足, 或必须施加横向约束力的挤压加固的情况。 7)锚杆锚固法 这法适合的混凝土强度等级为 C20 的混凝土C60 的承重结构加固,它已经不适合上述结构。 1.2 间接加固的一般方

6、法 1)预应力加固法 (1)强调加强横向拉杆弯曲混凝土的构件,因为前强调,增加外部装入拉杆的共同作用,有轴向张力,通过杆结束这一部分的人数上的偏心传输锚(当拉杆与梁底部表面紧 密贴合板,拉杆可以寻找调整与组件一起,这股热潮已分压传输组件底部表面直接) ,在组件中的偏心压缩功能,这个功能已经克服弯矩以外的部分负荷生产外荷载效应,从而激化组件的抗弯曲能力。同时,由于拉杆传递给组件的压力的作用,组件裂纹的发展可以缓解,控制,斜截面反减的配套能力也增强与它一起。 作为水平提升干的函数的结果,原来的组件的部分由收到弯曲应力的特点变成了偏心受压, 因此,加固组件的承载能力,主要是决定弯曲条件下的承载能力。

7、 (2)采用钢筋混凝土构件在使用前强调,要支持类型拉杆加固决定,形成一个由组件和加强支持下的复合超静定结构体系的类型拉杆组成,下外荷载和预应力的综合作用,在拉杆具有轴力,并通过与组件的结合的是增强了钢筋构件发送(未来支持和极端锚固点) ,部分的负载反平衡,改变了原有构件截面内生力特性,从而加剧构件的承载能力。 此法可减少是钢筋构件的应力水平, 不仅使加固效果好, 而且还能大范围提高结构的整体配套能力,但经过加固,有一定的影响,对原结构外观,适合在高压力,高紧张状态混凝土构件的加固,在大跨度或重型结构加固,但在非保护的情况下,不能使用在上述环境中的 600的温度,也没有合适的用途不断变化的混凝土

8、收缩大结构。 2)增加配套加固法 此外支点加固法的通过在弯曲有效跨度减少成员,达到减少功能,是在组件上进行效果增强, 提高了结构承载水平的目的。该法简单可靠,但容易损害建筑物的原貌和使用功能,可能并 减少使用空间;是在混凝土结构加固混凝土许可期限合适。 与混凝土结构加固改造配套使用的技术一起使用1) 行业的技术要求 这是托梁(或桁架)打开列(或墙) ,终端的托梁和托梁和柱行业的技术叫一般左右;属于一 种综合技术由相关结构加固,上层建筑违背与上升重新定位以及放弃等部件拆卸组成技术, 适合在有建筑物的加固改造;与传统做法相比,具有施工时间短,费用低,影响和对案情非 10 常轻微对生活和生产,但高到

9、规范,必须完成由熟练的工人,可以确保安全。 2) 植物的肌肉技术 这是一项很简单和直接的混凝土结构,有效连接和锚固技术;可植入普通钢筋,也可植入螺 栓式锚肌肉 ;已广泛应用在了建筑物的加固改造工程,例如:在施工中泄漏埋钢筋或钢筋偏 离设计位恢复的时候,,组件增加了段加固来弥补肌肉,上层建筑扩大交叉,顶升到梁,柱的长期使用,房子叠加终端和层高层建筑剪力墙除了植物的肌肉等。 3)裂缝修补技术 根据混凝土裂缝的原因,性质和规模,使用密封不同的保护方法进行修补,一种技能,会导 致结构,因为打击减少使用功能,和耐久性能恢复;适合于有在建筑物各种裂缝处理,但对应力裂纹修补之外, 还应该使用相应的加固措施。

10、 内部修补法与强制泵压混凝土胶凝材料开裂,呈现年轻或行动和未来一代缝合功能,使得通过其胶结恢复原来的结构的完整性, 这种方法是适合的裂缝开口大,耐用等有影响的结构完整性和安全性, 或有防水防渗修补裂缝要求等。 4)碳化混凝土修复技术 它是指通过恢复到混凝土的碱度(灭活)或增加其阻抗,使钢筋产生腐蚀,碳化技术得到遏 制。 5)混凝土表面处理技术 它是指采用混凝土表面的污渍清理,油痕,残以及其他附件和化学法,机械法,喷砂法,真 空清洗方法,注塑的方法技巧等。 6)混凝土密封技术的核心它是指用灵活的方法和密封剂回填等,聚合物灌浆,漆膜进行的混凝土防水,防潮和防止裂 缝处理技术。像结构,组件技术的转移

11、,调整结构基频技术等。 7)其他技术 像结构,组件技术的转移,调整结构基频技术等。 2 砌体式结构砌体式结构加固方法:砌体式结构的加固补强到时直接和间接地分为两种强化,设计,可根据实际条件和使用要求选择适宜的方法。 2.1 适合于砌体式结构直接加固方法 1)外部钢筋混凝土叠合层加固法 该法属于复合段加固方法的一种。其优点是施工工艺简单,兼容,后砌体式加固,配套能力 已大大提高,并具有成熟的设计和施工经验,在列,带墙壁加固合适,它的缺点是现场施工 湿作业时间长,对生产与生活有一定的影响,并加强建筑清拆后有一定减少。 2)在境外的钢筋混凝土叠合层砂浆加固法 该法属于复合段加固方法的一种。 它的优点

12、和外部的钢筋混凝土叠合层加固法相近, 但提高配套能力不如前者;是在砌体式挡土墙加固合适,有时还使用钢筋混凝土外的加层加固时带从事柱壁在墙上的两个马镫把密封面。 3)除持有从事柱加固法该法扩大了部分属于一种加固方法。 其优点是加层加固法也是密切与钢筋混凝土以外,但配套能力增强局限的,难以满足抗震要求,一般只在 peneseismic 国家申请。 2.2 适合于砌体式结构的间接加固方法 1)非结块外包段加固法 该法属于传统的加固方法,其优点是结构简单,现场的工作负荷和湿工作少,压力是更可靠;适合在不允许增加原构件截面尺寸,其实要求提高部分配套能力的大型砌体式柱的加固,其缺点是费用高的钢筋,而必须使

13、用类似钢结构的防护措施。 2)预应力加固法撑杆跳高 此法可大范围锐化砌体式柱的承载能力,加固效果可靠,适用于处理高压力,高紧张状态砌 体,在钢筋结构加固,其缺点不能使用的温度 600以上的环境中。 2.3 砌体式结构构造性加固和修补 1)除了加强电网 当电网的设立不符合现行设计规范要求,无论是垂直的横墙界面点咬搓有明显的缺陷,还是房子不直,应该另外建立电网进行加固 。2)增设梁垫加固 当在大梁砖壁设置提出了在部分壁球或大梁部分垂直分割,应加建梁垫进行加固。 3)砌体式开启部分基础 当房子部分破损,但经过深入调查时,其断裂的原因尚未影响承重和安全性,可以燎原墙部 分拆除,并根据对提高砂浆强度的第

14、一级,以填补与全尺寸砖基础。 4)砌体行动修补裂缝 前裂缝修补携带, 应根据砌体式组件的受力状态和裂缝等因素的特点, 确定创建砌体式裂纹与裂纹修补目标导向或使用相应的账面目标的原因,加固措施。 3 钢结构 钢结构加固方法:钢结构加固的主要方法包括:减少负荷,改变结构计算图,放大部分和原 结构单元的联合力量,裂隙发育障碍等。当有成熟的经验,也可使用其他加固方法。1)改变了结构计算图这项改变结构计算图形的加固方法是指使用更改负载传播的情况,电力传输方式,节点性质和边界条件,除附件成员和支持,发挥了预应力的考虑,措施等空间联合行动进行了加固,结构的方法 2)加大构件截面的加固 使用时,加大强化了部分

15、钢材木材,断面形式选择要在加强规范的优势,并认为已经有缺陷 和损坏情况。 3)连接加固,加强成员连接 钢结构连接方法,即焊缝,铆钉,普通螺栓和高强度螺栓连接方法的选择, 应该的原因其中,目标,应力状态,结构和执行条件的需要,以加强根据结构,并考虑了结构的原始连接方法 测定。 钢结构加固一般采用焊接接头连接, 高强度螺栓连接摩擦适当的,有基础的时候也可以使用摩擦焊接接头和高强度螺栓的混合连接。当采用焊接接头连接,应使用后评价审批焊接工艺及连接材料。 4)裂纹修复与加固由于结构的负载影响和材料的选择,结构,制造,工作一再不当等生产,并有休息时间延长 或清脆的倾向性裂纹损伤,应尽量修复。在修复之前,

16、必须分析了裂缝的原因和影响的严重性,采取切实可行的治理结构的工作目标为导向或进行加固措施,对不适合使用的维修加固 的组成部分,应给予拆除更换。2.Concrete structure reinforcement designAbstract : structure in the long-term natural environment and under the use environments function, its function is weaken inevitably gradually, our structural engineerings duty not just mu

17、st finish the building earlier period the project work, but must be able the science appraisal structure damage objective law and the degree, and adopts the effective method guarantee structure the security use, that the structure reinforcement will become an important work. What may foresee will be

18、 the 21st century, the human building also by the concrete structure, the steel structure, the bricking-up structure and so on primarily, the present stage I will think us in the structure reinforcement this aspect research should also take this as the main breakthrough direction. Key word: Concrete

19、 structure reinforcement bricking-up structure reinforcement steel structure reinforcement 1 Concrete structure reinforcement Concrete structures reinforcement divides into the direct reinforcement and reinforces two kinds indirectly, when the design may act according to the actual condition and the

20、 operation requirements choice being suitable method and the necessary technology. 1.1 the direct reinforcements general method 1)Enlarges the section reinforcement lawAdds the concretes cast-in-place level in the reinforced concrete member in bending compression zone, may increase the section effec

21、tive height, the expansion cross sectional area, thus enhances the component right section anti-curved, the oblique section anti-cuts ability and the section rigidity, plays the reinforcement reinforcement the role.In the suitable muscle scope, the concretes change curved the component right section

22、 supporting capacity increase along with the area of reinforcement and the intensity enhance. In the original component right section ratio of reinforcement not too high situation, increases the main reinforcement area to be possible to propose the plateau component right section anti-curved support

23、ing capacity effectively. Is pulled in the section the area to add the cast-in-place concrete jacket to increase the component section, through new Canada partial and original component joint work, but enhances the component supporting capacity effectively, improvement normal operational performance

24、. Enlarges the section reinforcement law construction craft simply, compatible, and has the mature design and the construction experience; Is suitable in Liang, the board, the column, the wall and the general structure concretes reinforcement; But scene constructions wet operating time is long, to p

25、roduces has certain influence with the life, and after reinforcing the building clearance has certain reduction. 2) Replacement concretes reinforcement law This laws merit with enlarges the method of sections to be close, and after reinforcing, does not affect buildings clearance, but similar existe

26、nce construction wet operating time long shortcoming; Is suitable somewhat low or has concretes carriers and so on serious defect Liang, column in the compression zone concretes intensity reinforcement. 3) the caking outsourcing section reinforcement law Outside the Baotou Steel Factory reinforcemen

27、t is wraps in the section or the steel plate is reinforced components outside, outside the Baotou Steel Factory reinforces reinforced concrete Liang to use the wet outsourcing law generally, namely uses the epoxy resinification to be in the milk and so on methods with to reinforce the section the co

28、nstruction commission to cake a whole, after the reinforcement component, because is pulled with the compressed steel cross sectional area large scale enhancement, therefore right section supporting capacity and section rigidity large scale enhancement. This law also said that the wet outside Baotou

29、 Steel Factory reinforcement law, the stress is reliable, the construction is simple, the scene work load is small, but is big with the steel quantity, and uses in above not suitably 600C in the non-protections situation the high temperature place; Is suitable does not allow in the use obviously to

30、increase the original component section size, but requests to sharpen its bearing capacity large scale the concrete structure reinforcement. 4) Sticks the steel reinforcement law Outside the reinforced concrete member in bending sticks the steel reinforcement is (right section is pulled in the compo

31、nent supporting capacity insufficient sector area, right section compression zone or oblique section) the superficial glue steel plate, like this may enhance is reinforced components supporting capacity, and constructs conveniently. This law construction is fast, the scene not wet work or only has t

32、he plastering and so on few wet works, to produces is small with the life influence, and after reinforcing, is not remarkable to the original structure outward appearance and the original clearance affects, but the reinforcement effect is decided to a great extent by the gummy craft and the operatio

33、nal level; Is suitable in the withstanding static function, and is in the normal humidity environment to bend or the tension member reinforcement. 5) Glue fibre reinforcement plastic reinforcement law Outside pastes the textile fiber reinforcement is pastes with the cementing material the fibre rein

34、forcement compound materials in is reinforced the component to pull the region, causes it with to reinforce the section joint work, achieves sharpens the component bearing capacity the goal. Besides has glues the steel plate similar merit, but also has anticorrosive muddy, bears moistly, does not in

35、crease the self-weight of structure nearly, durably, the maintenance cost low status merit, but needs special fire protection processing, is suitable in each kind of stress nature concrete structure component and the general construction. This laws good and bad points with enlarge the method of sect

36、ions to be close; Is suitable reinforcement which is insufficient in the concrete structure component oblique section supporting capacity, or must exert the crosswise binding force to the compressional member the situation. 6) Reeling law This laws good and bad points with enlarge the method of sect

37、ions to be close; Is suitable reinforcement which is insufficient in the concrete structure component oblique section supporting capacity, or must exert the crosswise binding force to the compressional member the situation. 7) Fang bolt anchor lawThis law is suitable in the concretes intensity rank

38、is the C20C60 concretes load-bearing member transformation, the reinforcement; It is not suitable for already the above structure which and the light quality structure makes decent seriously. 1.2 The indirect reinforcements general method 1) Pre-stressed reinforcement law (1)Thepre-stressed horizont

39、al tension bar reinforces concretes member in bending,because the pre-stressed and increases the exterior load the combined action, in the tension bar has the axial tension, this strength eccentric transmits on the component through the pole end anchor (, when tension bar and Liang board bottom surf

40、ace close fitting, tension bar can look for tune together with component, this fashion has partial pressures to transmit directly for component bottom surface), has the eccentric compression function in the component, this function has overcome the bending moment which outside the part the load prod

41、uces, reduced outside the load effect, thus sharpened components anti-curved ability. At the same time, because the tension bar passes to components pressure function, the component crack development can alleviate, the control, the oblique section anti-to cut the supporting capacity also along with

42、it enhancement. As a result of the horizontal lifting stems function, the original components section stress characteristic by received bends turned the eccentric compression, therefore, after the reinforcement, components supporting capacity was mainly decided in bends under the condition the origi

43、nal components supporting capacity 。 (2) After the reinforced concrete component uses under the pre-stressed to 3 support the type tension bar reinforcement decides, forms one by to reinforce the component and under supports the compound ultra statically determinate structure system which the type t

44、ension bar is composed, under the outside load and the pre-stressed combined action, in the tension bar has the axial force and through (next supports and pole end anchor spot) with components combining site transmits for is reinforced the component, has counter-balanced outside the part the load, c

45、hanged the original component section endogenic force characteristic, thus sharpened components bearing capacity. This law can reduce is reinforced components stress level, not only causes the reinforcement effect to be good, moreover can also the great scope enhance the structure overall supporting

46、 capacity, but after reinforcing, has certain influence to the original structure outward appearance; Is suitable as well as is under the high stress, the high strained condition concretes components reinforcement in the great span or the heavy structure reinforcement, but in the non-protections sit

47、uation, cannot use in the temperature above 600C in the environment, is also not suitable uses in the concrete shrinkage continuous variation big structure.2)Increases the supporting reinforcement law The addition pivot reinforcement law is through the reduced member in bending effective span, achie

48、ves the reduced function, in is reinforced on the component to carry the effect, raises the structure load bearing level the goal. This law simple reliable, but easy to harm buildings original condition and the use function, possibly and reduces uses the space; Is suitable in the concrete term permi

49、ssion concrete structure reinforcement. 1.3Has generally with the concrete structure reinforcement transformation necessary uses technology1) The request trades the technology It is the joist (either truss) opens the column (or wall), the joist terminal and the joist trades technologies and so on column to call generally; Belongs to one kind of comprehensive technology, by the related structure reinforcement, the superstructure goes against rises with to reposition as well as abandons technologies and so on component demolition


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