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1、宝洁经典八大行为面试问题应答范例以下这些题目选自宝洁八大题, 但是它们实际上具有非常普遍的代表性, 基本包含了外企公司所要考核的全部内容。如果读者感兴趣的是一家比较著名的外企公司, 或者是一家相当不错的国内公司, 请务必仔细准备下面这八大题目。 1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion. 描述一个例子, 证明你给自己确立了一个很高的目标, 然后完成了这个目标。问题分析: 考查意图: 制订高目标的勇气 + 完成高目标的执行力。关键

2、词: demanding goal + saw it through. 所以, 在描述的时候要着重描述这个任务为什么这么 demanding, 有些什么具体的困难, 你是怎么样一步一步去克服的。 回答示范: (1) (What)Designed a show to celebrate the Anniversary of Tianjin University, and won 3rd Prize out of 18 teams. (2) (Situation either a role, or making tools or costumes. Second, since at the end

3、 of the term each member was busy with study, the rehearsal schedule should be reasonable and periodic. All team members cooperated well because of the low frequency and short duration of each rehearsal. Third, music and scenery were added into rehearsal in order to get close to the circumstances of

4、 the party. In addition, I emphasized the value of time and ordered every actor to respect other partners. (5) (Result) In the end, our performance was very successful. Not only did I act the “king” wonderfully, but also got good marks on the final exam. 2. Summarize a situation where you took the i

5、nitiative to get others to complete an important task, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. 描述一个例子, 你团结了一群人共同努力, 并为取得成功起到了带头作用。 问题分析: 考查意图: 领导才能, 关键词: took the initiative, get others to complete, leading role。 所以, 你在描述的时候要重点描述自己吸引他人参与、 团结并鼓励他人、 借助他人力量、 带领他人这个过程。 回答示范: (1) (Wh

6、at) I organized a group to sing English choir on Choir Eve, visited all the dormitories in our university and sent Christmas gifts on behalf of our English Association. (2) (Task) To broaden the students understanding of Western culture. 81 (3) (Key words) took the initiative another one was unneces

7、sary. ii. (Key Words: facts) The facts I made use of: * Our dean approved this proposal. * Our partner was willing to provide financial assistance, and our members volunteered to design the details of the plan and implement it. * A poll showed that the current English corners did not meet the studen

8、ts requirements and lacked uniqueness. (5) (Result) Others were convinced and we successfully founded the English Garden. Its run once a week now, each meeting attracts over a hundred students. 5. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important goal. 描述一个例子, 证明你有

9、效地与人合作, 共同完成了一件重要的事情。 点评: 考查意图: 团队合作能力。关键词: worked effectively with people。所以, 你的描述应该很清晰: 我做什么+别人做什么。 回答示范: (1) (What) Our team won the 2nd Prize in the Military Songs Competition held in our university. (2) (Situation) In total 20 teams joined the competition, each team represented a class. (3) (Ta

10、sk) I was in charge of the project. We decided to make our teams performance unique in order to win a prize. (4) (Actions Where Ill be in 3 Years; Be Competitive. All focus on future job hunting and career development, which I believe are attractive topics to most students. ii. I surveyed other stud

11、ents and got the information that Sell Yourself seemed better, because it gave us a chance not only to say something, but possibly to sing and dance in addition to just speak. (5) (Result) My proposal was used in the Speech Contest, which was enjoyed by the students. Over 500 students came to watch

12、the speech contest, double the previous audience size. And the participants said the topic gave them a good opportunity to show off and become more confident. 7. Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities. 描述一个例子, 说明你如何评估

13、形势, 并且把精力放在最重要的事情上, 然后取得了比较好的结果。 问题分析: 这个问题的关键词是 assessed a situation, focused on the priorities, 考查的是你分析事情和找到问题关键点的能力。所以, 你的描述应该是着重于自己的分析过程。 回答示范: (1) (What) I once solved the problem of lack of inventory in our store in an hour. (2) (Situation) Four stores do the promotion at the same time and our

14、 store is one of them, the largest one. The sales assistant on the previous day forgot to report that the inventory wasnt enough and I just realized it when I arrived in the morning. (3) (Key Words: my assessment of the situation) The four promoting stores were not very far from each other, and they

15、 opened at different times. It was possible to fetch some stock from another 大量课件,ppt,培训资料,企业管理资料下载在豆丁网,豆豆精品文库免费下载http:/ 可以订购资料联系前面 QQ 加备注大量课件,ppt,培训资料,企业管理资料下载在豆丁网,豆豆精品文库免费下载http:/ 可以订购资料联系前面 QQ 加备注store and make up for it later. (4) (Key Words: the priorities) To satisfy the stocking demand of the

16、 store which had the largest number of customers. (5) (Actions) I reported to the manager and offered my suggestion. He accepted it. (6) (Result) Everything went all right. The inventory in our store was sufficient, and the other store was restocked later before lunchtime8. Provide an example of how

17、 you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application. 描述一个例子, 说明你如何获得了技能, 并且把这些技能转化成实际应用。问题分析: 这个问题的关键词是 convert technical skills to practical application, 真正的考查意图是你的“学习能力” 。 回答示范: (1) (What) I learnt how to arrange the questionnaire forms in a scientific way and use them in th

18、e survey of a new beer. (2) (Situation) In the investigation of customer opinions about the taste of a new kind of beer, I found that the questionnaire form was out of date and limited the freedom of responses. (3) (Actions) a) I consulted my boss and a good friend who works in a professional market

19、ing research company and learnt a new way of arranging questionnaire forms. b) I designed two new forms, and my boss chose one of them. (4) (The result) With the help of the converted form, our company obtained more objective and useful information.宝洁八大问1. Describe an instance where you set your sig

20、hts on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.举例说明,你如何制定了一个很高的目标,并且最终实现了它。2. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希望的结果。3.

21、Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant informationdefine key issues and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.请详细描述一个情景,在这个情景中你必须搜集相关信息,划定关键点,并且决定依照哪些步骤能够达到所期望的结果。4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to securethe agreement of others.举例说明你是

22、怎样用事实促使他人与你达成一致意见的。5. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.举例证明你可以和他人合作,共同实现一个重要目标。6. Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.举例证明,你的一个创意曾经对一个项目的成功起到至

23、关重要的作用。7. Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.请举例,你是怎样评估一种情况,并将注意力集中在关键问题的解决。8. Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.举例说明你怎样获得一种技能,并将其转化为实践。我根据网上的面经和自己

24、的经验总结出了新版的宝洁八大问1)请举一个你最自豪(最成功)的例子(这个问题会问那些个人经历特别丰富,自我介绍时说了一大堆自己成就的人,因为 HR 记不住所有,所以她会看你自己认为做得最好的事情。这个一般是第一个问题,而且最重要,因为你首先要确保你做的这个事情能打动HR,我认为打动的指标有两个:独一无二性【做一些别人没有做过的事情,当一百个人都说自己在学生会组织一个晚会的时候,你认为 HR 还会有兴趣听下去么?寻找你自己特有的新颖的例子很重要】成就非凡性【既然是你最自豪的,总该体现自己的能力和最后的成果吧,不要拿那种鸡毛蒜皮的小事当作自己的成就,不然会被 HR 鄙视的,成果一定要量化,不要说受

25、到领导的一致好评,用数字说话,满意率达到多少,流失率降低多少,而且最好能拿出实体性的东西增加说服力,比如你当时写的报告或是设计的海报,anyway,最好有证据。 】如果你这个问答得不好,后面就很难有戏了,因为 HR 已经网开一面让你 show yourself,结果你没抓住机会,下面的问题会越来越不顺手,因为她可能会就着你很不想回答的问题深究下去。2)请举一个你带领团队完成一项任务的例子(这个问题是原来八大问中领导力的变形,也是宝洁最喜欢问的问题,命中率几乎100%,宝洁是最强调领导力的公司之一,这个问题也很关键。我想很多人并不了解什么是领导力,所以即使准备了也没有达到宝洁的要求。下面是我对领

26、导力的理解,可能不一定正确,仅供参考。首先我想纠正一个非常错误的观点:领导就是当主席或部长。如果你是这种想法的话,那基本上你和外企的核心价值观就很远了,你可能很优秀,但是你不适合外企。首先领导力不分 title,及时你是一个 member,你也可以非常具备领导力。我喜欢用一个比喻来形容领导力:领导就好比船长,首先你要有明确的方向感,你需要知道团队的 vision 是什么,你要有strong sense 去判断团队前进的方向,并且将这个愿景清晰地表达出来,让你的团队看到将来的 blueprint;其次,你要懂得合理分工,尊重每个人的潜能,给所有人明确的 job description with

27、key learning points and deadline.很多人都认为领导就是分配任务,其实告诉你的队友做什么固然重要,但更重要的是告诉他们为什么要这样做,而且一定要 stress the timeline,外企是强调大量课件,ppt,培训资料,企业管理资料下载在豆丁网,豆豆精品文库免费下载http:/ 可以订购资料联系前面 QQ 加备注大量课件,ppt,培训资料,企业管理资料下载在豆丁网,豆豆精品文库免费下载http:/ 可以订购资料联系前面 QQ 加备注高效的,一个项目拖拖拉拉和没做没有区别,告诉你的队友在什么时间内需要向你 update the progress,需要完成任务,这

28、样你才能保证每个 “船员”都在合理的位置上 perform;再者你需要懂得如何激励你的团队,激励的方式我总结了有 6 种,这里就不详细说了,每个人的性格不同,作为船长的你要激励船员,哪怕遇到再大的风浪也要朝目标前进;然后是对每个人给予绩效考核和反馈,make sure if they are on the right track,及时纠正错误的方向,同时指导你的船员,真正的领导是那种能够培养别人也成为领导的人;最后是危机处理,你的船就要触礁了,作为船长的你如何保持冷静,指挥大家度过困难,如果真的船沉了,你需要对这个事件 final responsible,一个真正的领导是不会推卸责任的,你有这个义务去承担最后的风险。总结来看:目标-分工-激励- 反馈- 指导-负责 围绕这 6 点(注意这是有逻辑顺序的,最好不要颠倒顺序)去挖掘,你就可以向 HR 讲一个生动的关于领导力的故事。3)你遇到最大的困难是什么?你认为困难的来源是什么?你怎么解决的?4)举一个你在大压力下同时完成多项任务的例子(宝洁老八大问中优先性排序例子的变形)5)举一个你解决矛盾冲突的例子6)举一个你团队合作的例子7)举一个你创新的例子8)举一个你说服别人的例子(CBD、CMK 非常喜欢问的问题)


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